Medoi 08/06/2024 (Tue) 13:00 No.88611 del
"Nobody is reading all that" but you managed to reply to my "14k instagram" comment that is pretty much at the very end of my big sexy text. Listen now little bitch, if I was as irrelevant as you wish I was my pictures wouldn't be all over the internet and you wouldn't be waiting desperately about being able to sweat those fat cheese crusty smelly fingers of yours typing ugly words every time I make an appearance (and even when I dont haha). Hate isn't a form of demonstrating that you dont care about someones existence dumbass, in fact, it has the total opposite effect... you care too much hehe!!!

And if you're a lesbian I want you to know now that I'm not interested in your big herpes leaking vagina, please seek treatment.