10/26/2023 (Thu) 21:10
No.36207 [X]

>>36189Those are nice gel nails.
Good shape, length and color, but that you let them run this
>>36182 long is really offputting.
I would let you grab my butt with them, digging them into my buttcheeks, while you suck me off.
If I were your man, I'd get you to either do them more often or tell you to grow your normal nails out and just repaint those. From my experience, women are more likely to do the second.
>>36196>The hand fetishist who posts here would be disgusted by your hands.I mean they are a mildly sausage-y, but it's not that bad.
The most sausagey is the thumb, which can be seen here
>>30418, but the other fingers are alright. The thumb is kinda short.
Proper care is much more important than the shape however, as long as her nails aren't deformed in some really weird way. Have you ever seen Megan Fox' thumb? Now that's a real fucking hammer. Google it, if you wanna be disgusted for the rest of the day.
Since people mentioned her earlier, vore is a good example of having really fucking weird nails. Pic related. The fuck is this shit!??
Anyway, enough of my hand autism.