Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 12:18 No.94036 del
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not as sweet as that pinkberry yumyumyum
>lewd posts
it makes me horny but my sex drive is really low rn and i dont do it that much anymore and tbh i think its better for me. i want to be loved is the case for all my egirl activities, not superficially. and well, with nudes, most of the guys only like me to jack off which is superficial. so i think i would rather have discussions like what we do rn than post nudes. idk. i never had anyone told me i was sexy except anons so thats what i wanna hear so...
but im glad you guys love me, even though i dont post nudes that much anymore. im glad we get along and im glad youre interested in me. im grateful to you guys to let me talk about whatever i like, even stupid or "girly" things like my haircut or outfits. im really emotional rn.
it may be anonymous but i still check my phone like all the time to hear sth from u guys. i like to dress up like a doll for u guys. a living doll... is what i aspire to be.
of course there is validation involved. getting a (You) is also validation. i dont know... i genuinely care about you guys. i just dont know how to articulate my words
>clothes n stuf
well i didnt dress up today hahaha i look like a prepubescent boy lolol but sometimes for events i do go all out, or to take pics for u if i feel like it :p thank you so much! i used to browse fa a lot, mainly for thinspo as a teenager tho. but i still go on there but theyre full on /fa/gs so its hard not to cringe when im on that board
thank u :D thats my favorite fit as well! i hope winter comes so i can dress epically