09/09/2024 (Mon) 04:10
No.94902 [X]

Hi, hello, yes, It's me. The villain of the story.
We talked, and let me just clarify some things for those of you invested in this little saga.
No, we weren't dating. I'd rather not go into too much detail but we did form a pretty deep friendship pretty quickly, I think we were both uncomfortable with some things and like I said in the thread, I didn't like the way we were treating each other and left.
I spoke somewhat out of turn on the matter of her having a boyfriend, she didn't want us to be too public because she didn't want you wonderful "people" to get the wrong impression that just because we were close that it meant we were particularly romantic or that she'd bail on you. For whatever reason she seems to care about you idiots. I don't get it but that's really none of my business. She said she is the internets practice girlfriend and well, that's her choice and I respect it enough. I'm really not trying to get in the way of what she wants to do.
I can't say with the utmost certainty she has BPD, some of her behavior is incredibly BPD adjacent, it's very obvious that she's been in a bad headspace as of late, likely not helped by me. I do have BPD, though it's perhaps surprisingly well managed. I'm not particularly qualified to make such claims, I just calls it like I sees it.
I did throw some shade her way as she deliberately took me out of context and accused me of something she knew I didn't do. I don't feel the need to clarify any more than that. If you chose to simp for a woman on the internet it is my opinion that you are a lesser man, and if you choose to simp for Cewl, than you are still a lesser man in my eyes. I think she has her issues, but is a fairly worthwhile person. What you chose to believe was me exaggerating or lying to make her look bad, or what was me genuinely trying to explain where I was coming from is up to you.
I will leave things at, we did talk in private, we made up, and perhaps we chose to remain friends with an attempt at better respecting each others boundaries, perhaps we chose to end things on the bitter-sweet note that we are just in two very different places in life and despite our similarities and compassion for one another we understood that a continued friendship would be detrimental. If you guys care about Cewl as much as you claim than idk, maybe respect her choices and quit prying into her business like she's your property, if she's your practice gf than let me just say this: You do that shit to a real gf and she'll leave your ass in fucking heartbeat. There's a real dating lesson for ya.
I never meant any harm, and I'm sorry for any confusion our little tiff may have caused. Cewl, when you see this, I'd just like to say thanks again, You stressed me the fuck out, but I guess it was nice to have someone to talk to about some of the shit I've just been holding inside, I really didn't want to open up about it to you, but I feel weirdly better now that I did.