Anonymous 01/03/2016 (Sun) 20:07:40 No. 34 del

You didn't state that, though.

>Is Asatru for people of non-European ancestry?
>No. Asatru is a specifically European faith.
Simplifies to: You can't be fully of another race, you must have european ancestry. Mutts still allowed by the letter of this.

>It is connected to the broader Proto-Indo-European culture, so it is possible to find cognate gods and related myths in other traditions descended from the PIE culture, but Asatru is not a universal faith.
A continuation of the previous statement, encouraging full blooded nonwhites to look elsewhere. Nothing precluding hapas.

>Just as a person of non-Native American ancestry should not expect to be accepted into a Native American faith, or a person of non-Indian ancestry should not expect to be accepted into a Hindu group, persons of non-European ancestry should not expect to be accepted by Asatru.

And that's it. This is all shit you can find on the Asatru Folk Assembly website, it is not new, and it is no protection from the mongrel trolling which is the issue I have been attacking from the start.