Anonymous 08/28/2022 (Sun) 15:22 No.5842 del
>Imagine how painful that would be.
I do. To reword my point a bit, in my way, I don't think it's fair to devalue the suffering of a plant because it doesn't have all of the faculties of an animal. Which isn't to say that's what you're doing. From where I'm sitting, we are in a situation where suffering is the normalcy and the powers that be sit on a throne of misery, blood, and poison. Not paying for the immediately noticeable aspect of that misery, in the forms of the meat industry, is a road to take. What I meant by "nobody does anything" isn't that nobody literally does anything, it's that, as I said with lining the kikes up, what needs to be done is a lot more severe and radical. It goes back to "should and reality". Animals, plants, and we who consume them and suffer under the slavery of the powers-that-be have our rights that need to be enforced through, let's face it, violence. In the ideal world, the proper handling of life, and in particular animal life, would be given all the respect it deserves. I get the ideal and I get the boycotting. I get that stuff and I support it in principle. What this overlooks, though, is the earlier point that humans are omnivores. We have the options and we need to partake in those options. In excusing ourselves from those options, which is one's fair prerogative, it doesn't change certain other aspects of the whole shebang. Our food, in whatever way we are currently getting it that isn't homegrown or locally farmed by consciencous farmers aware of these considerations, is still poisoned. Plant, animal, human, it's still all an interconnected system of poisons and miseries in a system run by psychopaths. In this system, where we are in that loop of suffering, while I see the points of excusing one's self from what parts of it that one can, the machine works just fine with all the other parts in play. We are no less victims or participants. And in that vein, I do not see why I shouldn't indulge if every aspect of the reality of the situation is just a differently shaded pair of nightmare goggles.