Anonymous 08/28/2022 (Sun) 21:41 No.5881 del
Here we go with this mother fucker again. I owned the original /ashleyj/ board for years and you guys never saw me deleting all the post you made then, I even kept up the dox talk. It does no good censoring (unless its trannies), dox talk would just move elsewhere anyways. I might as well just keep it up because, because especially at this point, who cares? I wouldn't even be engaging if I saw this as some scary place. I've reached a point in my life where I don't care. I'm a grown bad bitch with pubes and frankly, don't really give a shit.

Also, if the board owner wants proof such as a picture or whatever, I'll be happy to do that too. But it doesn't really concern you now, does it? This is a transaction between the board owner and I. He has been a faithful steward all these years and shall be rewarded accordingly. You, on the other hand, are some newfag pot stirrer and shall be banished along with the trannies.