NEET 06/30/2023 (Fri) 06:15 No.720710 del
not us
we are less than 100 people scattered around the globe
if tomorrow we would organize, our actions would amount to jack shit
whether we bomb the government buildings or we block the traffic with giant boards saying "government bad, raise pays, make love" everyone would think we are mentally insane
we are simply not enough people
the "progress" evolves at a steady pace the guarantees the people will get used to everything without noticing any of the constraints "advancement" is imposing on them
let's say each of us can radicalize 3 people (given the fact we shitpost here, that's highly unrealistic)
now we have 300 new people
these people are not knowledgeable enough to be able to convince more than 1 person what's happening, and what is the best course of action
so 500 people scattered across the globe
even in a small country, that wouldn't be enough to create tension, let alone a revolution
for christ's sake, we are useless