NEET 07/11/2023 (Tue) 02:50 No.725883 del
Why would you buy one of you weren't doing that? It's the IT equivilent of a money printer.
You run two drives as dupes, and two as airgap backup, normies are paying to avoid data loss not for your services, if they have no IT skills they think ransomware attacks are like lightning strikes, and a two million dollar company will pay you 2k a year to back up their files.

As the clients have no concept of file size you can basically sell the same backup space to ten different businesses and if for whatever reason they actually upload a significant amount of data you just buy an identical setup from mc'computer.

Ten businesses is 20k, 15k profit a year under the tax threshold, you bludge cenno and do a few cash callouts to reset modems and you are making 60k a year doing 25 hours work a week