NEET 10/15/2023 (Sun) 08:16 No.758046 del
>friend runs up to my house panicking
>says he went to get the bike
>bike was chained onto a post outside the dudes house
>then the police turned up while the pair were fucking around
>lo and behold it was just a random bike
>dude (we'll call him nigger) blamed my friend, nigger said he just lived in the house
>friend says the nigger tried to sell him the locked up bike
>police came while they were fucking around, assumed it was a bike theft.
>nigger sprints down the road with the bolt cutters
>police book it after him just leaving my friend standing there.
>police come back with nigger in the back of police car
>friend pleads innocence, says he paid the guy $20
>police ask nigger if he has $20 on him
>nigger denies having $20, claims he was the one to call the police, claims he only ran because racism.
>police say they can't prove he some the bike but can arrest him for stealing $20
>nigger panics and returns the $20

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