NEET 11/10/2023 (Fri) 02:10 No.768816 del
The quest to keep your car looking pristine is always going to be a futile one.
You just have to accept it will deteriorate over time and not sweat it.
A car is a functional thing, not an ornament.
My car got very serious paint peel because I left it ungaraged for years because I couldn't be bothered getting out and opening the heavy old garage door all the time, so I left it parked in full sun in the driveway. But it drives fine so I don't care.
I got scrapes all down the side from bushes on the side of my driveway too. And I backed into a trolley collection bay rail at Drakes once, huge scuff. These things happen.
If some cunt keyed my car on purpose I would use violence on them but that is more from affront that they think they can fuck with me than actual upset over damage to the car.