NEET 04/15/2024 (Mon) 06:47 No.840693 del
>abused by my own parents
>abused by fellow students at school
>abused by teachers at school
>abused by Centrelink and JSP workers
>abused by two psychologists and a psychiatrist and a GP
No wonder I have low self-esteem and mental illness lol.
If I hadn't lived through it I would accuse myself of having a persecution complex and just thinking everyone was out to get me. But they really were. It really happened.
Something about me just invites abuse.

What a faggot I am bringing all this stuff up. I bet Monk isn't impressed.
Yes, I have fallen into fridge meme victimhood culture and that isn't good for me. I know that.
But it did really happen.
I won't bring it up again.