NEET 07/28/2024 (Sun) 04:54 No.879611 del
(262.06 KB 2048x924 Tracks.jpg)
(473.59 KB 1440x1440 88 Norwoods.jpg)
(401.87 KB 1440x1440 Webber.jpg)
Thank you, NOOT. Will do.
The guy at the shop was friendly, and other than the car ($65) and specific pair of rear tyres I needed ($5), is going to loan me a controller until I decide whether I want to continue with it or not.
The race series is limited to unmodified out-of-the-box Carrera cars, with the same rear tyres, so it should be a little fairer to noobs.
The Webber and 88 flags are a good omen.