NEET 08/29/2024 (Thu) 08:32 No.891715 del
I pre-booked and when I arrived I ordered a beer and asked what table I was on. I was told 35. I finished my beer at the bar and then ordered the steak and a large wine. Imagine my surprise when I do a lap of the room and there is no 35. So I get back in the line of people ordering and eventually get back in front of her and say there is no 35. She looks under the counter and pulls out handful of table numbers, including 35. She then shouts “sorry for the holdup everyone” and comes out from behind the bar and starts slamming these metal number things down on each table that had been missed, doing mine last. Stupid fucking eczema face dwarf midget bitch. Ordered the steak well done and it came bloody. Basically spent over $60 on a meal for one and get treated like shit.