Anonymous 10/16/2022 (Sun) 21:07 No.42738 del
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It's actually not that bad. If you had video games it wouldn't be bad at all. I've already thought about this. I've been in prison and it's not really that bad except you can't see your family as often as you want, but if it's my grandmother, you might not want to see your grandmother that often. The food in prison is not that bad, it's tolerable, sometimes something like school pizza, some rice and beans, good breakfast like pancakes. The only thing missing as I said were video games. There were no video games, which can make things feel really boring, and books are not a good substitute when you've read everything you're interested in.

But overall not that bad. It's just boring as sin because you can't exert your will over anything and can't make a difference at all. House arrest is a better alternative to prison systems.