Anonymous 08/31/2023 (Thu) 15:56 No.16610 del
(2.69 KB 74x102 lol (3).png)
>public profile
>Nobody "networked" with anyone.
>you never interacted with anyone in your life.
what is happening now bro
>Also stop wasting your time with Bongo
smells like geordie a little jealous lol
its not his fault you and your mother want him for a 3 way
>there's none in my likes.
opposite talk picrel lol 3
>so you dont really know shit about mexico, neither do you need to bring it up without hesitance.
you know that mexicans can come to the usa right
like how your family got here
what makes you think i never met one of those
>you don't travel around the world.

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