Anonymous 09/13/2023 (Wed) 11:20 No.17020 del
they're not even real children, nor are they children at all... can you stop?
so fucking what if katrina has a short look just like everyone else, i don't give a fuck. she's clearly adult though
I already know the definitions to these, doesn't mean I fucking ASKED.
I was asking *how* it was connotated with "degeneracy". Are you even stuck in 2016?!
You act and do these t6hings on purpose, you aren't pranking anyone.
And you surely never pranked me when you said you had a "crush" on me a while back.
That was still a horrible thing of you to say, joke or not.
Lemonz, wizard, whoever you are you aren't even making sense..
I never once put my social accounts on here, you just found it via some "super secret link". I never forced your board to exist, you did it on your own will because you thought making your own failure version is funny.. whereas mine isn't failed.
>How did you-
Talking about irl events, not "muh arc" bullshit. The internet does not have official days when it comes to "No Nut".

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