Anonymous 09/30/2023 (Sat) 03:33 No.17550 del
Also you aren't masturbating, klim. That isn't even new mittens.
No the fuck it isn't. It's NOT funny AT ALL, there is NO joke in it. You AREN'T fucking fooling anybody.
how about get a fucking life and stop making threads to waste your own time in this shit board.
don't fucking ask me "why i'm still coming here"
i've answered you already. and it's more rational than you think.
this. board. is. a total. piece of SHIT. it litearlly fucking sucks, and i'm not saying this in the zsoomer way, i'm saying this genuinely. you provide no creativity and ideas, you aren't even the real baaa board.
and the morons like you (no, not "trolls". i dont know how harassing 24/7 for 2 years is defined as trolling) aren't helping nor contributing one bit to your failure of a board. nobody asked to post an entire mega thread of a-logs about me saying stuff that isn't even against shit. i'm not saying anything about bombing a place like daniel fucking larson, or even posting my drawings when i never gave you full permission.
no, fuck your "culture" and "geordie" shit. this is insanity, and stalking.
that's all this board ever does.
there's not even any fucking show or comic created like your little "nothing failed" or stupid "toilet man".
i've told you this for 2 years beyond and you still don't fucking believe me because your only response is "muh geordie".
first of all, my name is jordan, not fucking George. I don't have a fucking G name.