Anonymous 10/15/2023 (Sun) 06:23 No.17938 del
evidence? for a drug that does not exist?
you're fucking wild, stop putting delusions in other words
i am not affected by a retard larping for attention nor have i did any oral bacteria. i dont have an inflammed brain nor any damage
stop comparing myself to other weird fetishes you have. please. actually stop.
i predict you WILL get bored of this
1. STOP calling yourself innocent. No you are NOT.
You literally been interacting with me AND being creepy when I was a literal minor. Leave me and my art the fuck alone.
2. No one is "blaming others", i have *clear* evidence of you being a genuine PoS over the years. Now you're gaslighting by mixing up words with what actually happened.
No I don't have PDD, I have never prevented any development.
"What I have done" is only been truthful, aka rightfully exposing and a-logging anything you say. Even if this board were to slowly rot soon.
3. Stop the "we" excuse. No one agrees with you, and if otherwise it's only the guy who actually has no time or effort to do anything of worth rather than make memes of FUCKING BOOGERS. Or blinded people who don't see you as off-putting, aka enablers.
It's only yourself that states this, especially if it reeks of copypaste shit.
4. I actually do know, because I can tell not everyone is going to agree with a elderly senile pedophile (that is you) stealing a person's artwork and typing up the same word salad.
5. You don't even learn to actually read what is said there. I said I don't desire real people because I don't LIKE them. I DON'T like a celebrity, and I don't like anyone that is even worth of attracting over... and i especially don't like real children unlike yourself.

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