Anonymous 12/01/2023 (Fri) 00:12 No.19684 del
every single of my work is protected by the WTFA corporation + starruko inc
unlike you i don't put sage in my username. So no, I'm NOT you. for the love of god stop thinking i'm you, i am not an elderly creep like your pathetic life is
>you don't even draw
Yes I fucking do draw, the problem is that you steal it. You need to stop stealing arts and impersonating me with them. I don't care how many hours you do it, it needs to stop. Go fucking sit alone at christmas you fucking geezer. My god, not even my own grandpa was weird
Saging is not pdd, it means the thread is bumped down because again - it doesn't deserve to be up + or even cyclical. It's fucking childish to have a thread screencapping someone's doings even if it's 1 or 2 day a week. It's boring, lame, and unneccessary.
I'm surprised no one even posted ANYTHING about an inkbunny or baraag account here though. :)
Or even know where I'm at on Twitter ;) Hehehe.
jesus christ you're not my boyfriend, you are a LEGIT CREEP.
you fucking know what you did. you talked to me weird when I was a MINOR.
this is not a classical pdd response of anything, this is a person feeling genuinely uncomfortable with you and wants you to stop interacting/talking/stealing art from them. it's not that hard nor is it too much to ask. jesus you're so dense