Anonymous 12/01/2023 (Fri) 11:31 No.19727 del
It's "Who the fuck asked", you retard. If you knew any lore about companies and their acronyms you would know this already
it's not about asses
my drawings and other stuff exist ONLINE of course, yes the fuck i am the holder of all copyrighted stuff i work on. because no one else is going to come up with a light yellow cat with a blue shirt and cute design.
that's me, the one who came up with a cat wearing a shirt only design.
and ofc, starruko DOES exist - again, online. doesnt have to be a mega irl corporation thing. it was a project i wanted to start until i got demotivated for 2 years (until december 2022)
>t-the correct definition, is... uh..
You're the definition of the nerd emoji. No the fuck it isn't a "childish scribble" nor has it ever been such thing.
I don't fucking care if you don't like people doing cartoons for fun, you're not to feel okay insulting or harassing them just because you want to.
>Where do you think we all here ge-
I don't even post there anymore.
>f-fig sends her-
Fuck off.
No one mentioned this bitch that is irrelevant.
>o-online sta-
Oh that's rich coming from you, who constantly posts every 4 hours each day. Leave me the fuck alone. I'm not the one stalking unlike you. So YOU enjoy YOUR time in FUCKING HELL. there's plenty chamber cells there too, hehe :)