Anonymous 12/02/2023 (Sat) 17:10 No.19838 del
(703.59 KB 532x570 v1YVnIg.mp4)
(299.66 KB 1080x1393 hqgqGrr.jpeg)
I posted the channel link with the video, but here it is again.

>I'm talking to klim, he needs to answer where he found that video and why
It came up with a search for starruko. The video was made by Kay's Entertainment, like it says on the video. Why do you blame everything on Klim? Totally obsessed and hypnotized, you are. Do you now understand why you have to get out of here and go get a job? Take a break little buddy, get out in the real (world) lunatic asylum and do something different for a change. I'm not mad at you okay?
I use a search engine that is not filtered by google, take care 💜