Anonymous 08/05/2021 (Thu) 17:06:16 No.1576 del
lol, it took her 3 hours to reply to the shitpost. Pathetic.

"A few lucky fans/friends get a copy as they've supported me throughout the years and have been so kind to me."

AKA sad simps like gmaxx.

"In the meantime, stay mad fuckers, I've been blowing bubbles since you were in diapers, perhaps when you shut up and grow up you might have an opportunity to own some of my legendary content. Your pathetic, entitled, freeloading thievery will only fuel my passion to be a bigger bitch and I love it. How does it make you feel?"

I think it's hilarious you're so butthurt you threw a temper tantrum on C4S. It's no longer 2007, Sandi; there are other women out there who blow big bubbles at reasonable prices (relatively speaking). Holing yourself up on OnlyFans with 5 simps isn't going to cut it.

tl;dr: Stay mad whore