Chef 01/02/2023 (Mon) 21:25 Id: 2735cf No.50 del
> 4chan
>still decent
Tbh the only reason i'm here was because some trannyjanny b& me for taking a screenshot of the 8kun /x/ board months ago, which fucking sucks ass and is totally bullshit but whatever...
I mean, check this shit out.
The words in the background behind the guy
>can a LoA
>do you believe in coincidences
Law of Attraction fags will understand: [Embed]
But srsly tho
Why not just catch the octopus, chop off a few of its tentacles for food, and then release it into a scallop and seaweed farm for future harvest? [Embed]
Whoops, I meant this vid: [Embed]

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