Anonymous 12/15/2019 (Sun) 17:09:34 No.141 del
Yo, sorry. I wrote out a massive reply but endchan must have ate it, I was pretty tired when I did it, may have been me.

My training mostly fits around being fighting fit. I stopped actually lifting weights years ago, haven't even looked at a bench since and don't have a bar. My rotation is high cardio/calisthenics with cutting in the summer, use of weights in autumn with weight increase as comfortable through to use of isomentric and slow isokinetics in the winter with weight increase and feeding to bulk. I find this generally fits well as I go out more in summer. Spring loses isometrics and I try to up reps.

As for my routine I would have to describe a lot but I can say, pistol squats, plyometric pressups and bent over row.