Anonymous 01/17/2016 (Sun) 06:57:36 Id: 23bc5a No. 197 del
/pol/ shit aside, you would probably achieve better results by making your own thread. to answer your question, the best way would be to pick their argument apart with the Socratic method.

>Europe was a multi-cultural society
europe was multi cultural, but the way you phrased this implies that there was some sort of peaceful relationship between the various European states and that anyone could marry whoever and life was great is laughable if said about any time after the death of the roman empire and outside of the 19 century, and even in the 19th century certainly wasnt peaceful. there were countless bloody and savage wars fought between the various european nation-states that had clearly defined and separate cultures.

though given that the the whites have no culture meme has been somehow sucessful, im assuming by multicultural you mean niggers and whites were living side by side in hamburg for centuries or something like that, which is also laughable, as the impetus for the age of discovery was finding a way to get to china that didnt involve going through sand nigger territory, and pre age of discovery European trade across the Mediterranean wasnt even as much as the romans did.

tl;dr watch this show to understand what actually happened and why it happened the way it did so as to correct them.