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Please wait while I try to figure out how posting here and whatnot works - t. Alberto Barbosa

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western civilization bread Anonymous 01/10/2016 (Sun) 06:25:50 Id: 38ace9 [Preview] No. 109
lets start at the beginning, shall we?
i knackered the audio completely so i could halve the episodes, instead of cutting them into thirds. woud yall prefer better audio, or less pieces? it takes about as much work on my end to do it either way

Anonymous 01/10/2016 (Sun) 07:50:42 Id: 38ace9 [Preview] No. 110 del
AND THE SECOND HALF OF EPISODE 1. ill name the ones i upload tomorrw correctly i swear

Anonymous 01/11/2016 (Mon) 01:55:02 Id: 38ace9 [Preview] No. 113 del
Part one of Episode 2. again ill mention that you can torrnt this at
just be aware that a couple of episodes are mislabed ( 28-32 are mixed up IIRC) https://kat.cr/the-western-tradition-complete-episodes-1-52-dvdrip-x264-n6-t2019071.html
and it has seeds, the site trackers have been off for a long time.
you can also watch the whole thing on youtube, but the good quality version i originally saw got taken down, so youll have to settle for lower quality with gook subtitles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkZgLhtDeoU&list=PLYbocufkwRFAS80nLFShkXSblfcFTXwRH
that playlist doesnt contain all of them, but im sure you can find the rest by searching.

Anonymous 01/11/2016 (Mon) 04:05:10 Id: ff346f [Preview] No. 117 del
those two a ridiculously long time to upload because they kapt failing. i dont think you can post in more than one place at one time without the first failing.

in case this is a failure of the size being too big, im going to speed up my posting of these in case i can no longer do so tomorrow or at some point down the line

Anonymous 01/11/2016 (Mon) 04:34:57 Id: ff346f [Preview] No. 118 del

Anonymous 01/11/2016 (Mon) 04:55:45 Id: ff346f [Preview] No. 119 del

Anonymous 01/11/2016 (Mon) 05:38:45 Id: 519835 [Preview] No. 120 del
While I'm not presently downloading myself due to shitty capped internets, and we do have the option of just torrenting it, I'd like to throw in one vote for higher quality audio.

That reduction is quite noticeable, and three "mini-episodes" feels more comfortable than two fifteen minute ones.

Your work is very much appreciated, by the way, good anon.

Anonymous 01/11/2016 (Mon) 06:12:43 Id: ff346f [Preview] No. 121 del
glad to hear someone out there enjoys this.
i hear you on the audio thing, and i might as well play around with different versions since i have so much time between uploads, although im sure youll understand if i get some more input on the matter beyond just one person.

and now its just flat out not posting, worrisome. maybe i need to have only the 1 browser page open? i would try uploading with a different browser, but i dont know of any besides pale meme that respect your privacy on windows.

i am going to get at least the first half of the next episode posted though, come hell or high water.

Anonymous 01/11/2016 (Mon) 06:26:23 Id: ff346f [Preview] No. 122 del

Anonymous 01/11/2016 (Mon) 07:38:20 Id: d591e8 [Preview] No. 123 del
(40.19 KB 298x321 1424950682469-1.jpg)
>although im sure youll understand if i get some more input on the matter beyond just one person.

I'd be pretty concerned if you didn't, captain.

Anonymous 01/12/2016 (Tue) 02:41:48 Id: ff346f [Preview] No. 127 del
soi ive been trying to upload the second part ever since i uploaded the first part, and its failed every time. i uploaded at least one piece today so im going to give up for the day.

Anonymous 01/12/2016 (Tue) 22:07:40 Id: 38ace9 [Preview] No. 133 del
so i cut 200 kbps from the video (went from 600 to 400) and was able to get the audio up from ~80 to a whopping 256. i figured the video wasnt as important as the audio in this scenario, and in all honesty the change to the video isnt all that noticeable anyway, where as the audio most definitely is.

Anonymous 01/12/2016 (Tue) 22:37:15 Id: 38ace9 [Preview] No. 134 del
oh and i went back to 10 minutes since there was one vote for 10 and no votes for 15.

Anonymous 01/12/2016 (Tue) 22:59:38 Id: 38ace9 [Preview] No. 135 del

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 18:15:05 Id: 38ace9 [Preview] No. 139 del

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 19:44:31 Id: 38ace9 [Preview] No. 143 del

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 20:07:52 Id: 38ace9 [Preview] No. 145 del
not going to reupload 9- 14, as i have already uploaded them, starting here >>60

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 20:17:54 Id: 38ace9 [Preview] No. 146 del

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 20:29:43 Id: 38ace9 [Preview] No. 147 del
disregard that one, i goofed it. will fix in a bit

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 22:32:09 Id: 38ace9 [Preview] No. 153 del
hey BO if you could delete

as well as this post, i would appreciate it

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 23:43:51 Id: 38ace9 [Preview] No. 157 del
okay i dont know whty its triple posting, but at least its posting

Anonymous 01/14/2016 (Thu) 21:05:24 Id: 38ace9 [Preview] No. 163 del

Anonymous 01/14/2016 (Thu) 21:20:35 Id: 38ace9 [Preview] No. 164 del

Anonymous 01/14/2016 (Thu) 21:31:51 Id: 38ace9 [Preview] No. 165 del

Anonymous 01/15/2016 (Fri) 21:59:54 Id: 82a5e9 [Preview] No. 177 del

Anonymous 01/15/2016 (Fri) 22:00:55 Id: 82a5e9 [Preview] No. 178 del

Anonymous 01/15/2016 (Fri) 22:34:33 Id: 82a5e9 [Preview] No. 179 del
goofed on the filename again, my b

Anonymous 01/15/2016 (Fri) 23:18:01 Id: 82a5e9 [Preview] No. 180 del

Anonymous 01/16/2016 (Sat) 01:51:20 Id: 4d137d [Preview] No. 183 del
Why does she have such a gigantic head in comparison? Is he a tiny little man?

Is "giving her the wheat" a euphemism?

Anonymous 01/16/2016 (Sat) 02:40:13 Id: 82a5e9 [Preview] No. 184 del
because middle ages art is shit?
>Is "giving her the wheat" a euphemism?
now that you mention it, the image is awefully suggestive

Anonymous 01/17/2016 (Sun) 04:37:48 Id: 23bc5a [Preview] No. 192 del
apologies for the delay

Anonymous 01/17/2016 (Sun) 04:48:05 Id: 23bc5a [Preview] No. 193 del

Anonymous 01/17/2016 (Sun) 05:02:07 Id: 23bc5a [Preview] No. 194 del

Anonymous 01/17/2016 (Sun) 05:19:22 Id: 23bc5a [Preview] No. 195 del

Anonymous 01/17/2016 (Sun) 06:26:54 Id: 899a11 [Preview] No. 196 del
(47.65 KB 630x472 1433663276674.jpg)
I figure this is a great place to ask. You must be aware by now that the elements trying to destroy western civilization (namely Caucasian progressivist males and loxist jews) are stating that Europe was a multi-cultural society before "so called" white people created European history in 1800 to enforce institutional racism. What on this earth can possibly be said to them to tell them how wrong they truly are?

I'm furious that we are being destroyed by ourselves and we need to stamp out the lies but how can I send them a powerful message short of ending their life so the cancer does not spread?

Anonymous 01/17/2016 (Sun) 06:57:36 Id: 23bc5a [Preview] No. 197 del
/pol/ shit aside, you would probably achieve better results by making your own thread. to answer your question, the best way would be to pick their argument apart with the Socratic method.

>Europe was a multi-cultural society
europe was multi cultural, but the way you phrased this implies that there was some sort of peaceful relationship between the various European states and that anyone could marry whoever and life was great is laughable if said about any time after the death of the roman empire and outside of the 19 century, and even in the 19th century certainly wasnt peaceful. there were countless bloody and savage wars fought between the various european nation-states that had clearly defined and separate cultures.

though given that the the whites have no culture meme has been somehow sucessful, im assuming by multicultural you mean niggers and whites were living side by side in hamburg for centuries or something like that, which is also laughable, as the impetus for the age of discovery was finding a way to get to china that didnt involve going through sand nigger territory, and pre age of discovery European trade across the Mediterranean wasnt even as much as the romans did.

tl;dr watch this show to understand what actually happened and why it happened the way it did so as to correct them.

Anonymous 01/17/2016 (Sun) 07:17:31 Id: ca5883 [Preview] No. 198 del
Lest you forget, multiculturalism does indeed mean that multiple cultures and Europe indeed had more than one but what is implied in the modern era is that multiculturalism = brown people. Europe was not full of Arabs and Africans in any time period before 1991 which is what they do not believe, but instead are under the impression it was a mixture of all ethnicities before 1800.

Anonymous 01/18/2016 (Mon) 01:43:06 Id: 1f62c2 [Preview] No. 200 del
has anyone sucessfully uploaded 100mb yet? im not going to try simply because it already take sme 10 minutes to upload already

Anonymous 01/19/2016 (Tue) 05:35:41 Id: 82a5e9 [Preview] No. 206 del
i bet you niggers thought i wasnt gonna post one today

Anonymous 01/19/2016 (Tue) 05:51:07 Id: 82a5e9 [Preview] No. 207 del
how odd, i included this webm in that post, but it didnt post.

Anonymous 01/19/2016 (Tue) 06:03:58 Id: 82a5e9 [Preview] No. 208 del
dang it, i was gonna try uploading these last two simultainously for testing purposes, oh well.

Anonymous 01/19/2016 (Tue) 08:49:56 Id: 9b5ee2 [Preview] No. 209 del
(58.03 KB 400x600 sup guys.jpg)
I'm sure it would've worked wonderfully...

Thanks for the effort again, brother.

Anonymous 01/22/2016 (Fri) 05:40:38 Id: 41e920 [Preview] No. 221 del
ill upload more than one at the crack of dawn tomorrow i swear

Anonymous 01/22/2016 (Fri) 07:26:37 Id: b892b3 [Preview] No. 222 del
(123.53 KB 640x360 1434178339268.jpg)
Shouldn't the Renaissance be before the Middle Ages? Also why does this totally skip over Rome?

Anonymous 01/22/2016 (Fri) 07:54:14 Id: 74b5e8 [Preview] No. 223 del
>Shouldn't the Renaissance be before the Middle Ages?
shiet nigga, you stupid, smh tbh.
> the Middle Ages or Medieval period lasted from the 5th to the 15th
> The Renaissance is a period in Europe, from the 14th to the 17th century, considered the bridge between the Middle Ages and modern history.
>why does this totally skip over Rome
see >>145
i uploaded them in a different thread, and at the time it was taking me 20 minutes to upload these and i was only having like a 20% success rate at posting, so i figured it was more important to get more episodes out, rather than waste time reposting stuff because i wasnt sure if that 50MB thing was going to last. im sure it wont and i figure theyve upped the upload size while the site population is low for load testing, so i intended to increase my upload amount tomorrow.

Anonymous 01/22/2016 (Fri) 08:01:51 Id: 74b5e8 [Preview] No. 224 del
(58.55 KB 489x489 smug anime statue.jpg)
nice pic and trips, tho.

Anonymous 01/22/2016 (Fri) 08:58:07 Id: 138666 [Preview] No. 225 del
>Shouldn't the Renaissance be before the Middle Ages?

>dat ever-so-slightly misaligned eye

You're going to trigger a lot of bitches with obsessive-compulsive disorder, anon. Keep it up.

Anonymous 01/22/2016 (Fri) 16:05:50 Id: 47e00f [Preview] No. 226 del
Who says that, haven't seen even the most retarded SJWs say something like that, not saying that is hasn't happened, but i've yet to see such studity.

Anonymous 01/22/2016 (Fri) 23:20:27 Id: d53da2 [Preview] No. 230 del

Anonymous 01/24/2016 (Sun) 04:19:39 Id: 91b76e [Preview] No. 238 del
Id like to take a moment to advertise this website i recently discovered. its called the Great courses and its a company that creates lecture series made by college professors on a wide range of topics. One of those being history, and some even have a similar scope to Mr Weber's program here, but i havent checked those out personally, as i felt this program was a sufficent education of thise type for the time being.
i did however check out a series on the Etruscans ( http://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/the-mysterious-etruscans.html )that i have found highly informative and wish to share this link with you. In the first episode alone i learned a number of surprising things about the relationship between etruscans, greeks, and romans. However, i can not, and will not, upload this particular lecture series in good conscience, as they are currently selling it for 50-80$, depending on your format, but the best choice is only 70 which is only 10$ more than you would spend on a videogame, which i think is a reasonable price considering the amount of knowledge contained within it.
theres also 2 lecture serioes that i would also like to vouch for that are unrelated/semi to history, one is a kind of introduction to philosophy course ( http://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/great-ideas-of-philosophy-2nd-edition.html ) which is inherently a history of philosophy, and does discuss matters of antiquity, its a bit pricier, but i feel that on sale it is at a reasonable price for the sheer amount of lectures alone ( 60 half hour lectures)
the last one is a lecture on how to do mental math ( http://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/secrets-of-mental-math.html ) and s quite helpful if youre shit at mental math, and only 20 dollars.
just keep in mind that none of these professors hold a candle to Mr Webers Gravitas, stage presence, or mastery of diction and public speaking, but just because they arent as perfect doesnt mean they are outright unwatchable, theyre just not as good.

Anonymous 01/24/2016 (Sun) 21:41:18 Id: 34dd1f [Preview] No. 241 del

Anonymous 01/24/2016 (Sun) 22:39:25 Id: 34dd1f [Preview] No. 242 del
oh i should mention ill make you a clip out of any part you see in these webms, just give me the episode and a timestamp relative to the episode, and ill have it made within a day

Anonymous 01/28/2016 (Thu) 16:00:19 Id: 060104 [Preview] No. 252 del
these two might be backwards, i dont remember if it actually stses the episode number in the episode and these are some of the ones that came mislabeled

Anonymous 01/28/2016 (Thu) 16:15:39 Id: 060104 [Preview] No. 253 del

Anonymous 01/28/2016 (Thu) 16:16:07 Id: 060104 [Preview] No. 254 del

Anonymous 02/04/2016 (Thu) 08:24:59 Id: d30961 [Preview] No. 258 del
You do know the file limit has been upped substantially right?

Or are you just going for continuity at this point?

Anonymous 02/04/2016 (Thu) 09:04:49 Id: 5e75f3 [Preview] No. 259 del
obviously i do, how else would i post 3 at a time?

as for why, continuity sounds as good a reason as any, though its probably more because of routine. also no one had said anything about it until now.

apologies for missing the last couple days, i just found divide et imperia for RTW2 and i havent done anything but play that. that and general illness sapping my willpower.

Anonymous 02/04/2016 (Thu) 09:48:23 Id: 0ff992 [Preview] No. 260 del
I meant file size limit. It's 350MB now so you don't have to split stuff if you don't want to.

Anonymous 02/08/2016 (Mon) 22:06:11 Id: c7e04d [Preview] No. 261 del
and im back. got sucked back into RTW2 because i found divide et imperia, but i think i have regained my self control.

Anonymous 02/11/2016 (Thu) 02:40:49 Id: b9d765 [Preview] No. 262 del
yeah fuck it, i might as well just make it one webm.
if you would rather it be in pieces, i will eventually reupload everything in thirds after finishing the series up, but i will also talk you through how to do it if you really want.

Anonymous 02/11/2016 (Thu) 03:23:41 Id: b9d765 [Preview] No. 263 del
forgot webm

Anonymous 02/11/2016 (Thu) 03:44:54 Id: dff5e4 [Preview] No. 264 del
I suspect the jews will throw a DMCA on this because the last thing they want is for us to remember our history as it is to be replaced by utopian multicult progressive nonsense.

Anonymous 02/11/2016 (Thu) 07:24:53 Id: 0d87db [Preview] No. 265 del
(213.90 KB 544x640 1427246213459.jpg)
If you've the time to pass on that knowledge, or at least tell us the tools, go for it.

Anonymous 02/12/2016 (Fri) 06:07:44 Id: 3a7107 [Preview] No. 266 del
well this took a half hour to encode, and im not sure why. thats what i get for not saving my exact setup for this format.

oh yeah its piss easy to do, ill make a webm tomorrow to explain how to do it exactly, but for now ill just tell you that i use xmedia recode, which is really just a GUI shell for ffmpeg, so if you use loonix you might prefer to just use ffmpeg by itself.

Anonymous 02/13/2016 (Sat) 02:16:44 Id: 6788b1 [Preview] No. 267 del

Anonymous 02/13/2016 (Sat) 06:13:41 Id: cf682b [Preview] No. 268 del
oh i didnt explain how to do it tonight because OBS was being weird today, and any extra time i had was put towards Etruscan studies today.

Anonymous 02/14/2016 (Sun) 21:02:17 Id: d53da2 [Preview] No. 273 del

Anonymous 02/15/2016 (Mon) 06:53:42 Id: d53da2 [Preview] No. 276 del

Anonymous 02/27/2016 (Sat) 00:00:36 Id: b13237 [Preview] No. 278 del
(26.67 MB 1920x1080 2016-02-26-1616-49.webm)
heres that tutorial i promised like a month ago.
the problem i was having is that the default bitrate for OBS is obscene. 1000000? really?

also im going to finish the series out as webm's for consistancy's sake, but when i start back at one to upload them as a full file, im changing over to mp4s because there isnt a media player on android that can play webms worth a damn, and mp4 only marginally increases the file size, if at all.

Anonymous 02/27/2016 (Sat) 00:49:42 Id: b13237 [Preview] No. 279 del

Anonymous 02/27/2016 (Sat) 01:44:19 Id: b13237 [Preview] No. 280 del

Anonymous 02/28/2016 (Sun) 04:04:08 Id: bb6589 [Preview] No. 281 del

Anonymous 05/14/2016 (Sat) 22:15:30 Id: 2e857a [Preview] No. 292 del

Anonymous 05/14/2016 (Sat) 22:24:02 [Preview] No. 293 del
United States authorized educational curriculum. At the very least the world war videos are politically bias and full of lies.

Anonymous 05/14/2016 (Sat) 22:56:06 Id: 2e857a [Preview] No. 294 del

Anonymous 05/14/2016 (Sat) 23:51:55 Id: 2e857a [Preview] No. 295 del

Anonymous 05/15/2016 (Sun) 00:48:26 Id: 2e857a [Preview] No. 296 del

Anonymous 05/15/2016 (Sun) 01:30:45 Id: 2e857a [Preview] No. 297 del
aaand done

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