Masonic Chaos in Detroit Anonymous 08/07/2022 (Sun) 23:09:41 No.4684 del
This is pretty much a blatant, blogpost, but I a.) am unwilling to squander effort on /b/ and b.) one more thread won't hurt this board in the slightest.

Disclaimer aside, I work as a Head Orderly in an inner-city hospital in Detroit, Michigan. I will attempt to tell all stories to the fullest and truest detail, while omitting identifiable information where applicable.

Many of you may know the facts, realities, and situations herein all to well, but remember that not all have the same information. With that said, all contributions are welcome.

Now some basic vocabulary:

An individual placed under the care of the State, Police, Hospital etc. for any of a variety of reasons, and who the warden has full responsibility and authority over.


A legal act seeking the classification of a person as mentally ill by the State, and for that person to receive treatment by the funding of the same, usually made by Police or family.


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