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Masonic Chaos in Detroit Anonymous 08/07/2022 (Sun) 23:09:41 [Preview] No. 4684
This is pretty much a blatant, blogpost, but I a.) am unwilling to squander effort on /b/ and b.) one more thread won't hurt this board in the slightest.

Disclaimer aside, I work as a Head Orderly in an inner-city hospital in Detroit, Michigan. I will attempt to tell all stories to the fullest and truest detail, while omitting identifiable information where applicable.

Many of you may know the facts, realities, and situations herein all to well, but remember that not all have the same information. With that said, all contributions are welcome.

Now some basic vocabulary:

An individual placed under the care of the State, Police, Hospital etc. for any of a variety of reasons, and who the warden has full responsibility and authority over.


A legal act seeking the classification of a person as mentally ill by the State, and for that person to receive treatment by the funding of the same, usually made by Police or family.


Intravenous Infusion of a Solution


The act of completely supplanting the respiratory system by forcing oxygen into the lungs via machine, rendering the patient unable to speak, eat via mouth, etc.


Nothing by mouth, a term used to order that a patient be denied all food and drink pending a procedure or test.


Emergency Medical Services, it is important to note that in the United States, nearly all ambulance firms are private with no State involvement, unlike fire or police departments.

That's enough for now, time for some accounts.

Anonymous 08/07/2022 (Sun) 23:18:35 [Preview] No.4685 del
I suppose it is best to start by explaining the general layout of the facility and the different places within it both to save time in future and to add to understanding.

The hospital is organized into three main sections, each added over time as the needs of the city increased and as corporate acquired more wealth. The first is the original component (East, West, and East II). This is still the primary residence portion for the poor, Negro, and more needy patients. The next is the North Tower, the newest addition that is primarily used as a separate space for the rich and favored, as well as outpatient services. The last is the Critical Care Building, which houses the Emergency Department (ED), the Intensive Care Units (ICUs), the OR, and most children's services.

There are other structures, locations, and sections of the hospital, but I will cover those as they appear and as they become relevant to the exploitation of the masses.

Anonymous 08/07/2022 (Sun) 23:52:09 [Preview] No.4686 del
At last we come to a portion of this introduction with some substance, a brief description of the units and the shit that goes down there.

The 'Floors'

>1 North

Incorrectly named, this is simply the ground floor of the tower, and hosts most imaging services and test sites, as well as Nuclear Medicine. Despite (or in fact in light of) the fact that no patients stay here, it is one of the best places for them to be at any given time.


The Clinical Decision Unit (CDU) is a grey area, technically being part of the ED but located in the main hospital. It mainly serves as a way to placate lying niggers into staying one or two nights, then pissing off once the hospital can prove they're fine.

(Note: Nigger does not refer to a black necessarily, rather an ill behaved one (white or black). I will refer to civil blacks as Negros or by nothing at all.)

>1 East

A newly renovated and converted floor, it serves as the primary stroke unit (although de jure general neurology). It also has the concerning addition of built in monitoring cameras in every room, staring at you from the ceiling (yes, more on that later).

>1 East II

The psych ward, the looney bin, the Outlast Simulator. A private contractor, not part of the main hospital, that is in only minor disrepair, and seems to do a shitty job of rehabilitating. The fuckers are so stupid they make (useless) security lock up their firearms before entering. Who would need a gun there?

>2 West

Many things in many times, once an actual care floor, then shitty storage and offices, then Preoperative Care, and now under renovation to be Private TM offices for corporate to shoot the shit and jack off to insurance checks in.

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