Bernd 06/23/2019 (Sun) 07:02:57 No.27510 del
Erry time I write something to /kc/ I always run into some idiom but now as I have to think of them I have a hard time recalling, and actual sayings are wanting to come up. Maybe those fit too.

itatja az egereket = give a drink to the mice; cries
én is azon járok = I walk on that too; when someone steps on your foot.
elhúzza a nótáját = to play his tune; beat someone up
benne van a pácban = he's in the marinade; he's in the trouble/fix, to be in the pickle
megy a lecsóba/levesbe = goes into the lecho/soup; it's done in the wrong way, failure, goes into the trash, will be thrown out, he/she/it dies

When peeps make an agreement to do something (liek drink a beer or do some kind of a work) but no actual plan is made, just generalities, they leave the decision to future occasion (depending on the level of relationship, it can imply it'll never happen):
- majd meglátjuk = we'll see
- a vak is azt mondta, azt mégse látta meg = said the blind as well, then he didn't

eb ura fakó = dog's master is dog (dog is the father of the dog); this was said by a Hungarian aristocrat, official, military commander after the Diet decided to dethrone the king in 1707, he said "dog's master is dog, Emperor Joseph isn't our king"; rarely this is used now without the actual context but I think I heard it last time when I was a kid
aki másnak vermet ás, maga esik bele = who digs a pit for someone will fall in it himself; I think this is self explanatory
bekanalaz = getting spooned in; in relation to the previous, this idiom means the one who stirs the shit a lot, he himself will be pulled into it by the spoon sooner or later
addig jár a korsó a kútra, míg el nem törik = the jug goes to the well until it breaks; someone does something regularly until he dun goofs