Bernd 08/02/2020 (Sun) 01:46:27 No.38917 del

If you want to read more about omnicidism and similar ideas, I will post some links. this has stuff on antinatalism which is like omnicidism but only deals with stopping human procreation. I wouldn't recommend reading through the subreddit though, it's very off-putting and reads like the ramblings of a depressed teenager. If you want actual discussion about it, try r/trueantinatalists; but still keep in mind it is reddit. this is for philosophical pessimism which supports the idea that life sucks, and therefore fits in with omnicidism this is a book over 1,000 pages long that supports these ideas, however it has a 1 page tl;dr and a 40 page summary.

I am open for arguing these ideas and can be convinced against it. I hope this thread has given you some things to think about.