Bernd 09/09/2020 (Wed) 20:02:18 No.39906 del
In central Mali, not far from Timbuktu to the south west, in Niafunké administrative district on 17th March, a candidate of the governing party, the main rival of Soumalainen Cisse in that district was kidnapped by an armed group and held captive for 48 hours.
Central Mali is a place where neither side has decisive control over the region, and the kidnapping of his rival warned Cisse to be careful. He negotiated safe travel with local armed bands, hired local bodyguards instead of relying the government's security forces, and checked in with the local authorities. Such authority was the mayor of Koumaira, who assured him about the safty of his settlement.
On 25th of March however when visiting Koumaira, his delegation was intercepted and kidnapped by another armed group. Only one of his bodyguard lost his life and shortly everyone from his entourage was released. Cisse himself was delivered to Amadou Kouffa, the leader of the JNIM most likely. The last news says he was chained to a tree.
Koumaira’s Mayor, Amadou Kalossi, felt remorse and stepped forward to negotiate of his release, just to find himself kidnapped as well. He was released in early May.
The government wasn't lazy, formed a committee on 31 March, but it took a month to staff fully the board, and they did little in practice.
Roughly 20 other "unofficial" effort was made in parallel to free the leading politician of the oppostion. All failed. They say his family was willing to pay a large sum to an individual who claimed he can deliver, but the guy disappeared with the money.