Bernd 05/30/2021 (Sun) 02:59:26 No.43821 del
I think that is a part of democracy in general, it seems to always happen that the opposition party will claim to not do x thing that the ruling party is doing then they get voted in and still do it anyway.

It also often seems that it's not so much that a party stands for something and so takes a stance based on that but that a party is supported by certain interests and so takes a stance based on that. A good example would be here in Australia, you have the liberals that are supported by mining companies and other such interests so take actions based on that and the labour party that is supported by labour unions and so takes action based on that, even when it goes against what they actually want and it's actually causing factionalism in both parties with some in both parties wanting to focus on climate change but being prevented by the respective factions(labour unions don't want mines to close because it will get rid of many high paying low skilled jobs and of course mining companies don't want them to close for the obvious reason).