Bernd 03/29/2022 (Tue) 17:01:44 No.47094 del
>paramilitaries and militia including groups like Azov Battalion

Azov isn't paramilitary, it is regiment of National Guard now. It was paramilitary volunteer force only in first years after Crimea. Now they even have tanks.


Social media warriors, mostly. As always.
One LDNR officer said this openly, and they forced him to apologize as always:
Chechen-Russian relations never change even on frontline.

>In worst case scenario they could even grow sugar beet on the long term.

It isn't that good. In 2019 only 0.6% of sugar beet seeds were Russian-made. Now import is very restricted, and there will be problems, although it doesn't mean that there will be no sugar beet of course, but maybe less in current year.

Actually problems are everywhere. As example - modern bearings were made only at few factories, and all of them used western tools extensively (and were partially owned):

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