Dutch bernd Bernd 06/19/2022 (Sun) 03:02:08 No.48012 del
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>Supposedly few ways of playing it. Peaceful and full out going postal.
>I find Postal 2 the most enjoyable when trying to do a pacifist run.
Tried that, but then there's a level where you get abducted after peeing in your father's grave and then have to pass over a dozen armed crazies. It's practically impossible if you're playing on normal. Maybe easy **easiest* mode.

No I didn't like it. It wasn't for me. The gun play was boring and slow. I played that game after playing old school classics like Doom, Duke Nukem 3D and Blood, so I was disappointing to say the least. Environment wise, everything looks boring and bland. Mayb that's how America looks like. Idk but I couldn't get into it.

But voice actor for the protagonist was good though. He was actually enjoyable to listen to.