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Vidya thread Bernd 02/08/2021 (Mon) 15:37:41 [Preview] No. 42507
Because the previous >>28357 is autosäging.
From the last posts:
>>42501 Crusader Kings 3 first impressions by Rusbernd
>>42504 unkown vidya making fun of Australia due to the lack of certain biome by Ausbernd

Last year I found out there's native Linux version of the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Editions. They are working well but I don't think I'll ever finish a playthrough again. Back then I finished original BG, and BG2, but not the Throne of Bhaal expansion. Damn long games.
Enhanced Edition makes it possible to play this classic DnD based crpg on modern steel, fixes bugs, changes some rules, adds new NPCs with quests, new items, two new expansions (The Black Pits - arena fight generator?, and Siege of Dragonspear - which is a module for the original story, taking part between BG1 and BG2). It seems okay all in all.

Bernd 02/09/2021 (Tue) 15:33:17 [Preview] No.42519 del
There is a new Total War game coming out but it's another Warhammer expansion.... I kind of expected this, they always said it was going to be a trilogy. At least now we will go back to normal once this is done.

So far this next game looks like it will have a pseudo Russian/Polish faction and some weird demon faction. Apparently it will have a Pseudo Chinese faction as well. I'll pirate it when it comes out but I don't expect much, it's just more of the same.

Bernd 02/09/2021 (Tue) 19:50:21 [Preview] No.42520 del
So is it a new game or an expansion?

Bernd 02/10/2021 (Wed) 15:13:10 [Preview] No.42525 del
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Bernd 02/10/2021 (Wed) 15:25:25 [Preview] No.42526 del

Bernd 02/10/2021 (Wed) 15:30:55 [Preview] No.42527 del
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Bernd 02/10/2021 (Wed) 16:58:34 [Preview] No.42529 del
How can it be partially standalone. It either can be run by itself, or need to be installed on top of an already installed program. How can be both? Or is there a third option which doesn't excludes the others, or at least the first one?

Bernd 02/10/2021 (Wed) 19:00:38 [Preview] No.42532 del
You mean Warhammer III?
The pseudo russians and pseudo chinese were part of the lore btw.

They made first and second warhammer to work as standalone games but if you own both of them you can play on a big campaing map and have all the factions from both games. I guess their plan is to do the same with the third one.

Bernd 02/10/2021 (Wed) 19:08:00 [Preview] No.42533 del
> At least now we will go back to normal once this is done.
Well they did Three Kingdoms in the meantime.

Bernd 02/11/2021 (Thu) 00:49:22 [Preview] No.42545 del

I don't care about the lore, Warhammer is stupid and for nerds. But anyway, apparently the Pseudo Chinese faction is going to be largely original to this game, because apparently whilst they did exist in the lore they did not actually have an army in the warhammer table top thingy so most of their units are going to be made for Warhammer Total War(but by the Warhammer design team).

Bernd 02/11/2021 (Thu) 23:36:02 [Preview] No.42557 del
Adding back to this

>I actually liked it more than Teken because of how fluid the combat is.
I noticed that too. I like playing DOA a lot more for that

>Isn't there a 6 now? I don't really keep up with it.
Yes, but it is really bad compared to 5.

>Well, it's the 5th iteration. After skinning that many fur from one fox it bound to be lesser quality

5th DOA was the last good one. Koei/Tecmo got really greedy with the DLC in DOA 6 and charge 1000s of dollars for DLC that should have been included on the game disc itself.

Bernd 02/11/2021 (Thu) 23:49:21 [Preview] No.42558 del
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Another thing about the game is how realistic it is compared to other fightan games. If you're fighting in the snow, the person you're playing as gets covered in snow in different parts of their body. If it's wet around a stage, their clothes get wet. Same for places that are dirty, muddy or dusty. I don't think other fighting games have that level of detail.

There's also a few guest characters from King of Fighters and Virtua Fighter included in the full game. It's between this game and DOA 3 that are the best one in the series imo.

Bernd 02/20/2021 (Sat) 13:57:34 [Preview] No.42683 del
I'm playing Imperator Rome again. There was a new update that changed a lot.

The biggest change is the removal of standing armies as standard, now you start with levies which are based on the integrated population of a governor's province. To get a standing army you have to unlock the legion law which I have not done yet(as barbarian you have to reform first and that is what I am playing as right now). There are still mercenaries though. They also made it so when you capture a province capital the rest of the province auto captures itself like with forts.

So now Mercenaries are overpowered. Also you have to have the population of a province integrated which can cause some issues. Though it has not bothered me as I use mercenaries mainly, but as a Spanish tribe I defeated Carthage simply because they couldn't raise much against me in Spain. Partly due to that but also due to my mercenaries and the new province capture system I am rapidly expanding with not much difficulty.

They have also changed how senates work, instead of the old system where the senate would approve an action based on what the action was and what the party was and how your relation is with them now it's just a senate approval percentage and if you are below 60% then they dislike any action you take, this is annoying on it's own but added to that it is to impossible to have every faction like you. The non ruling party approval will decay and there is very little you can do about it, even what you can do will not actually stop it. It's ruined senate based governments now. Oh apart from governments with a co consul as in that case two parties can have a ruler so the approval only decays in one party.

There was a huge rework to the UI which makes everything weird and annoying to get used to again, I wish they would not have done that.

Bernd 02/20/2021 (Sat) 14:17:13 [Preview] No.42685 del
I forgot to mention.

The other part of why I am doing so well is because they now limited forts per province so most nations only have one or maybe two. Sure I don't like not being able to fortify my borders but the wars don't take long to win now and all they can do is sack the border regions which don't matter because the border populations often are not integrated and thus don't contribute much to the levy anyway.

Bernd 02/20/2021 (Sat) 16:11:40 [Preview] No.42688 del
I think this was one Parajew game that did not run on Wine. Maybe with new updates both in game and in Wine fixed this.

Bernd 02/20/2021 (Sat) 16:38:46 [Preview] No.42689 del
Tell us about your plans. Post screenshots with jungle of arrows showing your strategy to take over the antique world.

Bernd 02/21/2021 (Sun) 11:25:11 [Preview] No.42692 del
This update has been said to be a great leap or a watershed moment in turning Imperator into a serious game. What a shame, yet not too surprising.

Bernd 02/21/2021 (Sun) 14:28:25 [Preview] No.42696 del
Use windows like a normal person, weirdo.

If this is the best they can do I don't have much hope for them...

Bernd 02/21/2021 (Sun) 18:22:08 [Preview] No.42697 del
Normal persons use Linux (Android).
Where's your After Action Report, Bernd?

Bernd 03/21/2021 (Sun) 02:32:09 [Preview] No.43046 del
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Now I am playing Space Engineers, I have not got to space yet and much of the game can be frustrating like the fact that I can't get pirate drones to attack me no matter what I do, they just never spawn, it feels like it lacks content(but then it is still being added to), the world is too large and empty and the speed limit is capped at 100 metres per second so exploring can be a huge pain and also that it can be incredibly grindy. Overall it is a good game I think though.

Also I played Stronghold Warlords, it was bad. The End.

Bernd 03/21/2021 (Sun) 18:53:49 [Preview] No.43053 del
>Space Engineers
I wanted to check that out when I was fiddling with Kerbal Spass Program.
>Stronghold Warlords
What's that about?

Bernd 03/22/2021 (Mon) 03:46:41 [Preview] No.43058 del
I have not tried than game yet, I'm kind of curious and want to but at the same time it feels like a huge investment and the premise revolving simply around building a rocket to fly to space might not be enough to warrant such investment in all the mechanics that I would have to learn to play the game.

I mentioned Warlords in the last thread and you responded... Anyway it was kind of like I thought it would be but worse. The Graphics and engine are really bad, it feels like they are just building on a 20 year old engine and not trying to innovate at all. In many ways it is a step back from Stronghold 2 even with what is probably the same engine.

Bernd 03/22/2021 (Mon) 06:46:27 [Preview] No.43059 del
>I mentioned Warlords in the last thread and you responded
Really? Didn't leave me with a great impression then.
Duckduckwent and found endless screenshots of pagodas. Is the game East Asia centric?

Bernd 03/26/2021 (Fri) 04:57:44 [Preview] No.43100 del
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Rome Total War Remastered is coming out next month. Finally a good Total war.

Bernd Board volunteer 03/26/2021 (Fri) 07:25:01 [Preview] No.43101 del
more liek retexed, amirite
What else to "remaster" anyway? Will it include the barbarian invasion dlc?
Heh I know one aspect. The control is kinda awkward in the base game, but the dlc added a new way and made it convenient. They should implement that controls.

Bernd 03/26/2021 (Fri) 07:41:23 [Preview] No.43102 del
Yes, the DLC is included as well as some new factions(new as in able to play, they were locked before). As for the controls they are being fixed too. There isn't much else out about it, it was sudden and came out of nowhere. Oh, it will also have mod support on steam.

Bernd 03/27/2021 (Sat) 00:14:27 [Preview] No.43122 del
Started playing the 1st animal crossing. It good. Game has a really cozy feel to it. If you played the newer games, you'll find this one a little hollow though

sage Bernd 03/27/2021 (Sat) 00:15:12 [Preview] No.43123 del
ya left your power levels on bernd

Bernd 03/27/2021 (Sat) 01:13:56 [Preview] No.43124 del

Bernd 03/27/2021 (Sat) 01:27:52 [Preview] No.43125 del

sage Bernd 03/28/2021 (Sun) 22:19:48 [Preview] No.43147 del

Bernd 03/28/2021 (Sun) 23:17:04 [Preview] No.43150 del
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Animal crossing reminds me a lot of Chulip for some reason. It has many of the same sounds and effects for some reason. Maybe the developers of each game were friends with each other. Who knows?

Bernd 04/01/2021 (Thu) 14:16:35 [Preview] No.43191 del
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There are two Warthunder April fools events this year, they are not that great and were not really worth updating the game for.

Also, on the 8th of April Enlisted is coming out of Closed Beta and into Open Beta. Enlisted is a game by the same company but instead of vehicle warfare it features infantry though you can use vehicles but only in first person I think which I like the idea of. It's going to be section based, soldiers within he section have roles which can be upgraded as can their equipment and in some game modes the whole section is part of the game as AI.

I'm not sure about it, one of the things that worries me is the monetisation and progression system that it will have. It will apparently be tied to a battle pass system which is quite bad for that kind of thing, I guess I will just have to see how tied to that it is. It doesn't seem to have nations in the way that Warthunder does either, rather it has factions in campaigns, so to begin with there is a Moscow and Normandy campaign and they have listed a Tunis and Berlin campaign to come. So how will that work? Is it going to be a whole new tree for each faction in each campaign? That could be a huge pain particularly if that is on top of a battle pass based system of progression.

Bernd 04/10/2021 (Sat) 08:45:26 [Preview] No.43267 del
I tried Enlisted. It's okay but not great. I don't think I will play it much and I don't see it having much longevity, the progression system is fairly bad and linked to campaigns(they Have Moscow and Normandy right now). This means that you are locked into one region and even if you get max level as Germany in that campaign it does not carry over to any other campaign, I'm not grinding Germany 4 damn times(they have 4 campaigns set and all 4 feature Germany). This limits re-playability, if I finish the one campaign I am not going to want to start all over again whenever they release a new one.

Bernd 04/15/2021 (Thu) 14:22:34 [Preview] No.43312 del
Bleh.... This looks terrible.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=9_8WP9PuOtc [Embed]

Bernd 05/18/2021 (Tue) 05:07:01 [Preview] No.43657 del
More on Enlisted.

Whilst it is published by Gaijin and uses their engine it does not seem to have the same design philosophy as Warthunder which is a shame, it is not Warthunder with Infantry.

Warthunder focuses as much on realism as is possible for the kind of game it is whilst at the same time not pretending too. The maps are wide and open and the equipment is largely modelled as true to life as possible but it does not pretend to be simulating actual battles and campaigns. Enlisted kind of does the opposite, the game is far more CoD/Battlefield like with small compact maps and fast gameplay, the equipment is not modelled realistically but modelled for balance, weapons have firerates changed, recoil is arbitrary and makes no sense with guns that should have less recoil having more and wepaons are handed to forces willy nilly regardless of whether that army actually used them in that campaign or at all. The US storm the beaches of Normandy with Piats, Stens and Bolt actions. Why? For balance and to add content to unlock. Where Warthunder never pretends to have every tank look authentic as to it's paint scheme and markings Enlisted does whilst at the same time it removes emblems on German uniforms like the eagle over the left breast and the deaths head on panzer uniforms thus defeating the point of saying that they are portraying them as they were as they clearly are not. Whilst it claims to be presenting realistic campaigns and battles they are far from it.

The map rotations are quite annoying too. All campaigns are split of course so the pool of maps is limited and they are always of a similar theme rather than warthunder where you could play all maps in many parts of the world(though they are slow in making new ones) so combined with the small nature of them it can get very tiresome and it's only going to get worse.

Campaign progression is pretty bad, it's grindy for little reward and due to the campaign nature it's finite. There are 25 levels in each campaign and there is a limit to what they can add to them, pretty much everything they can add has been and where it has not it is due to balancing such as having no KVs in Moscow but even were they to add them there is still a limit to it so people are going to finish these campaigns and not come back. The only viable long term system for the developers is to release new campaigns over and over again and have people grind for the same equipment over and over again.

Bernd 05/18/2021 (Tue) 07:50:48 [Preview] No.43658 del
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Multiplayers are shit. Shit! Generally.
>Whilst it claims to be presenting realistic campaigns and battles they are far from it.
Both developers and modders tend to exploit this "immersion" thing too, then cherry pick the details they want to enhance - most of the time pointlessly.

My problem with age of empires is that it is age of empires. And that one is just 3d AoE, instead of pseudo-3d or whatever it was back then.
I think my problem with AoE is that making a C&C clone in that setting is unappealing.

Btw clones.
All the WWII talks made me look up how various Panzer General clone/remake projects are going. Open General looks very promising. Runs fine on Wine. However the amount of campaigns, maps, units are confusing, with little to no explanation of stuff.
There are even other historical campaigns and conflicts. Hueg selection really.

Bernd 05/18/2021 (Tue) 08:58:26 [Preview] No.43659 del
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>All the WWII talks made me look up how various Panzer General clone/remake projects are going. Open General looks very promising. Runs fine on Wine. However the amount of campaigns, maps, units are confusing, with little to no explanation of stuff.

OpenPanzer/PanzerMarshal looks interesting. It has art from Open General but runs from web browser. Yes, web browsers are shit, but at least it runs fine and fast.


>I think my problem with AoE is that making a C&C clone in that setting is unappealing.

It looks too strange and unrealistic. Even first C&C was more realistically looking. Considering open source clones, there is 0 A.D. - https://play0ad.com/

Pretty good game from first look for those who like AoE.

>Enlisted kind of does the opposite, the game is far more CoD/Battlefield like with small compact maps and fast gameplay

In some kind of games realism is direct counterpart of playability. Especially in FPS for infantry. You sit 20 minutes in some trench, then one artillery shell comes from unknown place and you are dead. Who would play this except few autists? Another reason is established genre and style - people already expect some specific balanced competitive gameplay, and some really different would be commercial fail.

For those who want realism there is Flashpoint series and Arma. Hardcore players have communities where they play modded Arma (with realistic maps where you mark points by yourself, no HUDs etc, realistic voice/radio ranges and frequences), but it is pretty time consuming task, and may be not entertaining. You need sophisticated team training before.

Good example of such gameplay from commander perspective: https://youtube.com/watch?v=jse3cFnJS28 [Embed] (in Russian, sorry).

Bernd 05/18/2021 (Tue) 10:24:20 [Preview] No.43660 del

I would not say it's a clone, it's the nature of the genre. I was never that keen on AOE though, it's alright but only alright. However, AOE III took some interesting steps and was quite more advanced than the others so I had hoped the franchise would head in that direction but instead it looks like they are turning the game into a cartoon.

I understand that and it's why I don't like Squad much. Too much doing nothing, too much communication required, too much larping, people either take the game far too seriously or mess about while they wait in a trench and there is no progression.

However, Enlisted was in a position where it could have bridged the gap between the two as it was meant to have more realism and the squad system would have actually worked really well on huge maps, you would have the AT, Sniper, engineer etc all under the command of the player, matches could have far more soldier in them and if you die you can just play as another soldier in the squad, it doesn't have the frustration squad has of waiting for medics if there are any or respawning all the way back at base and walking back again. But instead it went for the COD route.

Bernd 05/18/2021 (Tue) 15:11:11 [Preview] No.43662 del
That one I also checked, and was my first choice being cross platform. For some reason it didn't run. Which is weird because when we talked about this earlier, it played.
Sometimes I take a look how the thing goes. It developed a lot.

That would be RTS, but it has different "strains". And AoE is clearly from the line C&C started. Well maybe Dune II. It was long time ago. But they are from the same tree:
Produce workers in main building.
Gather resources with workers.
Build the rest of the buildings with workers.
Build Barrack Type 1 for basic soldier.
Build Support More Units building.
Build Barrack Type 2 for stronger soldier.
Build Research Tech building.
Upgrade soldiers.
Upgrade resource gathering.
Send soldiers to enemy.
Soldiers march in a snaking line to enemy.
Get rekt by enemy one by one.
Gather more resources with workers.
Other type would be Settlers for example. Although it's the same concept of resource gathering, house building, unit producing, upgrading, it really feels different, it's just so lively, and the little dudes do their thing by themselves.
I think Dungeon Keeper would also be different. But maybe for the evil twist, and the distinctive units.
And I kinda remember stuff like Seven Kingdoms(?), it had a weird network system between buildings and such.

Bernd 05/18/2021 (Tue) 18:41:28 [Preview] No.43663 del
Oh. From this part:
I was replying to him ofc: >>43660

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 02:37:37 [Preview] No.43667 del
Yes it's RTs but the kind you describe is just RTS in it's most basic form. Other games tend to build on that like the ones you have mentioned, AOE has not much, really they add ages and that is it(though they now will have manable walls like Stronghold).

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 05:24:01 [Preview] No.43668 del
Age of Mythology brought some interesting unit abilities and Age of empires III had cannons that could do penetrating damage and units such as Zweihanders that have sweep attacks. Age of Empires IV looks like it will have weapon reach enabling pike blocks. So that is good but then this is 2021 and I don't think it will make up for the hideous appearance of the game...

I think Cossacks III had things like this in it too.

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 10:49:46 [Preview] No.43671 del
>you describe is just RTS in it's most basic form.
Nö. The list of the steps is specific for games liek Dune II (this was first), Warcraft, C&C and all iterations, Starcraft, Dune 2000, I think Total Annihilation too (I've never played this so not sure), and god knows how many other clones.
And AoE is the sames just worse because it gives the illusion that now you're gonna build liek ancient and medieval cities then you realize your buildings are lifeless, and the interactive ones just serve to give units on clicks (or keyboard shortcut for moar efficiency). The other ones will stand there empty shoved in into a corner, or had some shit in it to click on (research), but by the end they'll stand empty too. No reason to build roads (leave gaps), or take a good care of the placement or anything like that.
Stronghold kinda sames.
For example Settlers is different because while there is resource gathering, and upgrading units (with gold), the player has to take care of building placement, build the roads, the production line of the goods have to be set up, and you don't gather the units together with the mouse and send them wherever.
Knights and Merchants a step beyond that with needs of the serfs and soldiers, little faggots go stuff themselves with sausage and wine in the Inn, also soldiers are in units, and move as units, and attack as units. Although 90% of the game is tedium, these are pretty neat details, the Dune II clones don't have.

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 10:57:53 [Preview] No.43672 del
It may be that it starts with Dune II but it does not change the fact that this is just the genre in the most basic form. Yes Total Annihilation does it too.

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 12:17:02 [Preview] No.43673 del
No. RTS is way more varied.

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 12:24:09 [Preview] No.43674 del
The Dune II/C&C style has that very specific look and gameplay. AoE is just the same. It was cut from the same template only a historical setting was slapped on it.

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 12:28:05 [Preview] No.43675 del
Yes maybe. But the Dune/AOE kind of RTS is the most basic form of that. Get resources, build buildings, build troops, attack. Even these basics of that are still basic, as you say, buildings don't do anything and building placement does not matter a whole lot.

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 12:29:48 [Preview] No.43676 del
Because that formula is basically as simple as an RTS can even get. Dune II just did it first.

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 12:35:17 [Preview] No.43677 del
>Dune/AOE kind of RTS is the most basic form of that
No. They are a variation built on the basic formulas of RTS.
In comparison check Knights of Honor. There is the "get resources, build buildings, build units, attack" recipe (the resource gathering is even more simplistic, and the building tree isn't that complicated), but it is realized in an entirely different way, the gameplay is entirely different.
All the above listed are looks the same, feels the same, plays the same. They are just clones.

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 12:35:32 [Preview] No.43678 del
There were RTSs way before Dune II.

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 12:40:13 [Preview] No.43679 del

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 12:42:47 [Preview] No.43680 del

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 12:44:34 [Preview] No.43681 del
Ofc Popoulus, never played but I know about it, how could I forget?

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 12:45:43 [Preview] No.43682 del
KoH I mentioned, and there are these Paradox Grand strategies, which are also RTS games.

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 13:03:18 [Preview] No.43683 del
I would not really say they are a variation of the formula, that is the formula.

What knights of honour does is irrelevant, if it moves beyond the basic formula then good for it. This doesn't change the fact that the formula is the formula.

Those are not RTS games in the way that one would recognise or refer to an RTS game today. But fine. Dune II is just the first of the basic RTS formula of the Genre of RTS that dune II is, whatever one actually calls that.

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 13:11:27 [Preview] No.43684 del
>What knights of honour does is irrelevant
It is not. It is an example how not to make a clone of DuneII/C&C
>Those are not RTS games in the way that one would recognise or refer to an RTS game today.
Yes they are. They are real time and strategy. Stop cherrypicking that only the Dune II and clones are RTSs.

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 13:17:16 [Preview] No.43685 del
It's an example of how to break from a basic formula, as I said, good for them. Doesn't change the fact that there is a basic formula.

>Yes they are. They are real time and strategy. Stop cherrypicking that only the Dune II and clones are RTSs.
As I already said 'But fine. Dune II is just the first of the basic RTS formula of the Genre of RTS that dune II is, whatever one actually calls that.'

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 14:22:22 [Preview] No.43686 del
>It's an example of how to break from a basic formula,
You still deny that the Dune II clones has very specific elements common all of them, from the map, through the buildings, through the production of units, through the issuing commands, to the sequence the maps follow each other, and more which aren't the genre defining elements. They have a specific gameplay which isn't the genre defining gameplay. There were other avenues and instances. KoH is one other instance.
Besides strategy can mean just resource allocation in the most basic sense (political simulators also can be strategy, I think they also have some type of resource allocation), and the Dune and CnC realized this in a specific way, that was copied over into their clones.

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 14:45:39 [Preview] No.43687 del
I don't deny that they have those common elements but I think that is part of the genre in it's basic form.

The way Dune approached it actually isn't very specific and is fairly basic. The idea is incredibly simple, have two players build armies to fight each other in real time. There has to be some way to make that army so add buildings, that way they can have something to protect and attack too. They can't just make armies of infinite soldiers that would be ridiculous, so they have to cost something, add resources. There, you have your Dune/AoE style RTS.

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 18:55:05 [Preview] No.43696 del
you are a denialist and probably a mongposter as well. settlers and popoulus, not Warcraft and Starcraft, ok, praise koh

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 21:20:05 [Preview] No.43705 del

RTS is too broad term to use it so freely for discussing about games. There were plenty of realtime strategic games before Dune 2, like Megalomania or even text-based games from 80s.

Dune 2 gave birth to specific subgenre, that resulted in C&C series and many clones (Dark Reign etc). Other subgenre born and evolved from Warcraft, where units and even squad sizes are limited and some units are "heroes" (especially from WC3, although this trend was seen in SC). RTS with unit design (Earth 2140/2150/*, Warzone) may also be separated to some different tree, although it is more Dune/C&C like than Warcraft like.

Bernd Board volunteer 05/20/2021 (Thu) 06:53:18 [Preview] No.43711 del
I think Warcraft (and successors) was cut from the same template. C&C also did changes, I remember units gaining XP in Tiberian Sun. Or I think Red Alert also introduced heroes, liek Tanya.

Bernd 05/20/2021 (Thu) 06:59:55 [Preview] No.43712 del
Fugg I thought I was logged in on a different domain. Sorry.

Bernd 05/20/2021 (Thu) 09:40:09 [Preview] No.43714 del
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It's convergent evolution.

Bernd 05/22/2021 (Sat) 00:31:10 [Preview] No.43736 del
It's happening

Bernd 05/22/2021 (Sat) 04:10:24 [Preview] No.43737 del
I have not actually played Victoria before so I am looking forward to that.

HOI IV is getting a new DLC which might be interesting too, they are adding railways.

Bernd 05/22/2021 (Sat) 06:16:20 [Preview] No.43738 del
>Petite Bourgeoisie
Did not know English calls the small burghers like that. Good to know.

Bernd 05/22/2021 (Sat) 13:15:49 [Preview] No.43740 del
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Bernd 05/24/2021 (Mon) 10:27:49 [Preview] No.43772 del
streets of rogue
iratus lord of the dead
Kill All Weebs
Black lives splatter

my reccomendations for this season

Bernd 06/05/2021 (Sat) 17:39:55 [Preview] No.43866 del
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Installed Railroad Tycoon 2, got a bit of hankering. Decided to make screenshots, showing the features.
Picked a map and edited it so I could play it without AI companies. Removed the restriction that only connected rails can be built. I still will only lay tracks that I'm able to join to the existing network right away, it's just makes it easier to place things (like I can build a station first at the right place, then connect it to the tracks).
Set the settings.
I'll ignore the scenario's default goals. I'll just lay tracks as I wish, my goal is trying to make the connected settlements prosper as much as I can.
After I started the scenario I founded Krautchan Railways. Depending on the money the player has, he can invest as he wishes, and can change how much outside investors will add to the starting capital of the company. This also decides the ratio the shares are divided - now this does not matter much, since no AI players to buy up my company's share before I could do. Maybe I won't even do it, only for demonstration.

Bernd 06/05/2021 (Sat) 17:57:40 [Preview] No.43867 del
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Never played this map, so wasn't sure where to lay the first line. It's worth take a look anyway, since the available industry - productive buildings, businesses - is randomized somewhat (the maps are divided into regions, where certain buildings can spawn, also settlements are also set in similar way).
I wanted to start out on a flat area, where no bridge is necessary. It's more expensive to build in mountainous regions, also trains are slower and the landscape is hard on the engines. Bridges are costly too.
I separated a couple of suitable areas.
First site is the basin at Beijing along the Huang He. Problem is the economy is too simple, only cotton is available as a raw material, so only Textile Mills could prosper. Ofc with time new industry pops up (especially with towns supplied), but I sought something more diverse.
Second site is between the two rivers. Here besides the textile, food can be produced from the available cattle.
Third is the south of Yangtze, inland. Even better: wool -> textile, cattle -> food, iron -> goods. With time maybe even a bakery would spawn and the sugar nearby could supply that. However on the rim, the hilly terrain could make things a bit more complex.

Bernd 06/05/2021 (Sat) 18:03:41 [Preview] No.43868 del
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A plateau in the mountains looks good, but again with a bit simpler base economy. And it would be harder to get out to the eastern plains, and connect stuff there.
Then there are the coastal cities with a bit of reach inland, near Shanghai, and at Hong Kong down in the south. Terrain isn't that simple.
I decided to lay the first pair of tracks between the rivers, connecting Huainan and Xuzhou, with middle sized stations to spare some moneyz. That cattle ranch was in the way, but it will come in handy - as we're gonna see - so I did not bulldoze it.

Bernd 06/06/2021 (Sun) 06:53:49 [Preview] No.43870 del
So I designated Huainan as the center of my railroad empire - being the larger one and more in central position -, so I built the maintenance buildings there, since for now all the trains I wanted to run would go through there. Roundhouse, water and sanding towers. Every engine needs water, sand, and oil (which represents maintenance), and these three buildings provide that. Even if a train doesn't stop just passes a station with these will receive these stuff. I also built a post office both here and at Xuzhou.
Almost perfectly level tracks, from 0,0 to 0,5 grades. A bit more turns what I would prefer, but they ain't sharp at least so little slowdowns for the trains.
My first train became a passenger one, the settlements on this map provides customers abundantly.
The second engine will haul mail. That 4-4-0 American-C is breddy gud engine. It will be main workforce for a while for all lines.
Couple of things to consider when buying a new engine. It's price the least important stat I think, coughing up that one time fee is dwarfed by everything else. Even the maintenance and fuel costs are something just needs to be swallowed for a good engine. What really is important is how frequently the engine will break down, and how quick it can reach it's destination - here comes the acceleration and top speed comes in the picture.
Speed is influenced by the grade of the track, how fast it can run on uneven terrain, up on slopes - tugging how much weight. Some trains might be quick, but given enough load, they might struggle uphill, while a slower engine could easily pass it by. I guess it's torque or sumtin. This little chart allows the player to check the top speed on different grades, while pulling 1 to 6 cars, with a load weight that can be set (incrementing/decrementing by 5 tons). Passengers and mail weighs 15 tons.

Bernd 06/06/2021 (Sun) 07:05:31 [Preview] No.43871 del
Here are my first two trains running on the first line. From the starting 1,1 million, I spent ~850 K to this setup. That little green arrow/spade at the engines in the train list shows the priority of the train, it has three levels - besides the "stop" - this is the highest. Trains with lower priority will allow these to pass if met on the same track. Priorities should be set accordingly to the cargo, which has expiration dates. Quicker expiring cargo should wait less, because losing its value quicker - obviously. The value is shown by that row of pale beads, maybe they represent gold coins I dunno.
First train set a speed record on the first run. I left the engine's name on the default.
Since I made a bit of money with the passengers and the mail, it was time to set up some industrial circulation. There's two cattle ranches between Huainan and Xuzhou, and two meat processing plants in each cities, so I placed two stations at each ranch (I connected the one to the east to my existing tracks), bought two engines for hauling the cattle to the plants. These types of cargo worth less, but will help cities to grow.

Bernd 06/06/2021 (Sun) 07:14:45 [Preview] No.43872 del
After I secured the raw resources, and had two towns producing food, I bought another engine to swap the produced food in the two towns. For some reason residents aren't local patriotic and only consume stuff which is produced elsewhere. No problem it's good for my company that hauls shit all over.
So now I transport two cattle into a factory, which does a 1:1 conversion, 1 cattle to 1 food. This I do twice, so I can attach two food cars in one town and return two food cars back. While generating bit of money. Genius.
Here's the annual report. I'm doing so good they raised my salary. Nice. Main earning however is done by stock. Will return to that later.
Time to times a request pops up to connect a city to my existing lines. Wenzhou is just too far away, and pays very little considering. If my line was in the next city, for 300 K sure, it could work, at least partially covering the cost, always better than nothing.

Bernd 06/06/2021 (Sun) 15:09:13 [Preview] No.43874 del
Let's exploit another opportunity: connect that sheep farm to Huainan, and transport wool for the Textile Mill.
Now they producing goods too, let's move that to Hefei which I also connected to my network.
Ofc all those passengers waiting at the station can be moved to Huainan, which still has a surplus in passengers. It's nice they can be taken to anywhere and they won't complain.
I must doing good because our stock split 3 for 1!!!! Nice.
Also that whopping 700K growth in cash from September to December.

Bernd 06/06/2021 (Sun) 15:21:14 [Preview] No.43875 del
Raised my salary again.
What to do with all those cash? Let's invest in business. Bought the Meat Packing Plants and the cattle yards. They will replenish the money spent on them in about a decade or so (the profitability changes, at the latest save the Meat Packing Plant produces $57K yearly). After that it's all profit, no maintenance n shit.
It was time to develop Huinan's station: restaurant, saloon, hotel - to increase passenger revenue -, and telegraph poles to cut down turnaround (I think this influences how much time is spent at the station by the trains, but not sure.)

Bernd 06/06/2021 (Sun) 15:30:45 [Preview] No.43876 del
Stock split 2 for 1!
Again a salary increase, by whopping 9K. Also Bonus. Nice. But let's check out some other features.
Mao trading on the stock market in 1850s? This is not normal. But on Railroad Tycoon 2 it is! Well I'm playing as Mao nao. I can change that, maybe to Bismarck, but I enjoy the wackiness of the situation for now. Net Worth climbing steadily, started at 100K.
Stock market where I can trade the stocks... of my company. Normally there are other railroad companies here, but now I'm playing alone with my trains. Which is also perfectly normal ofc.
I have a bit short on cash, but luckily stocks can be bought on margin.

Bernd 06/06/2021 (Sun) 15:48:43 [Preview] No.43877 del
Here be all the investors. It seems I own 1/6th of the company's stocks.
A major way of the player earning is the dividends. How much cash they distribute per stock. If I understand this correctly. It can be set in a wide range, it was on $0,08. Maybe I'll raise it more depending how much cash reserve the company has yearly. The dividends cannot be raised over a certain number, the game says the board of execs are complaining.
Regulating how many shares the player has can be helped out by the option to buy back shares from the company's money!
All this shit means little in this scenario. If there were competing AI players, then fuck with these would be mandatory, to maximize earning, reach 51% ownership in shares of the company, then buying up the shares of the competition, then later merge their companies with yours. Otherwise they will be in the way of expansion.
Now that I'm thinking at the beginning I could have get by with 900K starting money instead of 1,1 mil, which would meant 200K less from investors, which would meant starting out with larger share in shares.
This book is very useful. We can inspect the balance sheet, total and yearly.
Comparing 1851 with 1852: some rise in passengers, but considerable rise in freight. Investing in the stations (I think I developed somewhat the others too) was also bears its fruit.
Not sure about the Miscellaneous - not in the Revenues, neither at the Expenses.

Btw if you click on the whistle... it whistles.

Bernd 06/06/2021 (Sun) 16:04:38 [Preview] No.43878 del
Fugg. Just setting up the screenshots (to show what I want it to show) and naming the files took more time than the actual playing (with thinking through where to lay the first tracks). And typing this up took even more.
Not sure how to proceed, reporting every change would take up lot of time. But that would give a coherent story. Even at this point the situation evolved.
Connected that cotton plantation to supply that textile mill, which is now generating 4 goods for 2 wool and 2 cotton. The surplus goods needs to be moved somewhere.
And food. Now from Hefei I supply the meat plant, with cattle. Now I send 3 cars of food to Xuzhou and Hefei, because it takes longer for those to arrive than that one train do its round to that ranch on the east.
And there's the coal. I think cities accept coal, peeps heating their homes with that.
Congestion starts to build up in Huainan. Maybe I'm gonna build another station behind the factories, and ship resources there, and move the end products from wherever - I'm not sure they will placed into the same station where the resources arrive, or just randomly. Have to experiment with this.
Not sure about the further plans. With the large station there now I could ship the produce too, and need to find buyers for the goods of the Textile Mill. Maybe gonna connect another town, perhaps Wuhan further south west.

Bernd 06/06/2021 (Sun) 17:02:36 [Preview] No.43880 del
I started playing it but man is this thing dated and hard to understand.
I'm playing the campaign scenarios and Im a bit pissed off right now. First one was fairly easy, connect few cities on west coast US and haul some cargo, but it counted as done even without hauling the cargo. Now I'm on the 2nd scenario where I have to connect New York and Chicago and haul some cargo between them. I've done that and even more, I have a super wealthy company carrying passengers from Washington to NY, then through the great lakes all the way to Chicago, but when the timer run out it said I didnt do the objective, wtf. Idk if it meant to had a train that starts at NY and ends at Chicago but then the 1st scenario didnt really care about that so was it a bug or what.

Bernd 06/06/2021 (Sun) 18:10:32 [Preview] No.43881 del
>hard to understand.
Clues can be gathered all about. Read through the tips it gives when a scenario starts (you can enable those in the settings), also try right click on shit, that also can give infos. Liek pick that globe icon which brings up the cars, you can right click on them for details. Also infos appear in the bar below too, I think on hover.
Try a scenario, change the settings, the economy and such, that changes the complexity of things. Then just connect two cities run trains and watch stuff. Also you can bring up detailed infos about stations, how much and what cargo they offer, and how many they demand.
Umm, and stuff.
About the campaign. Read the description of the goals carefully. What you wrote is that "Breadbasket" scenario.
Bronze: connect NY and CHI, by the end of 1870 and haul 8 loads of cargo. I think the hauling also needs to be done by 1870.
Silver: beside the previous raise the company's book value over 4 million.
Gold: do both by the end of 1858.
The caveat might be that the hauling needs to be done without stopping, dumping the cargo, and picking up new one anywhere else. Do not add more stations just NY and CHI. The engines will still be serviced with sand, water, and oil as they pass other stations down the line.

Bernd 06/06/2021 (Sun) 18:13:04 [Preview] No.43882 del
Let's say, you run a train between NY and CHI hauling passengers. But your train stops at Albany, it sells the cargo and picks up new one. Then go further to Buffalo, does the same. Then down to South Bend ditto. In the end the cargo that arrives to Chicago comes from South Bend, and not New York.

Bernd 06/06/2021 (Sun) 18:20:56 [Preview] No.43883 del
Unfortuantely I'll have to start the scenario from the beginning cause I didnt save at all.

Bernd 06/06/2021 (Sun) 18:24:52 [Preview] No.43884 del
That's a good map tho. I like it.

Bernd 06/06/2021 (Sun) 19:20:19 [Preview] No.43885 del
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Okay, I came up with a plan.
First gonna join Nanjing in, but that needs a bridge, gonna be expensive. Also that place needs the large station. Beside passengers, gonna haul the wool there, and goods exchange can be done with Huainan.
Then connect Changzhou ASAP and further Shanghai for the ports. Those ports supply logs, and Changzhou has a lumber mill. Also a textile mill there and wool nearby, so can send goods right back to Shanghai.
Then there's Hangzhou to the south, with another lumber mill two ports maybe can supply two lumber mills, I'm not sure.
Finally I could also join in those resources NE from Changzhou, the farms, the cattle and sheep ranches.
But needs to act quick, industry tends to disappear if not supplied and the shit ain't transported away.

Bernd 06/06/2021 (Sun) 20:05:24 [Preview] No.43887 del
I just skipped the scenario and went for the next one, the bridging of west and east, and after few years of play the game crashed and I didnt save as well.
This is really testing my patience.

Bernd 06/06/2021 (Sun) 20:13:50 [Preview] No.43888 del
You can set autosave. Let's say, yearly.

Bernd 06/08/2021 (Tue) 08:20:29 [Preview] No.43893 del
Sunk another half an hour into the game yesterday. Did quite a bit of development quick. With little understanding exponential expansion can be achieved (which makes the game boring after a while, as noted on the previous occasion when I wrote about the game).
I rebuilt the tracks around Huainan because congestion started to block the traffic. I added another station just for to dump industrial cargo (cattle and cotton), directing three trains there instead. This was a little experiment as well. The processed goods (goods and food) are available in both of the stations, and can be picked up from any of the stations. Ofc the main station is preferred, since the incoming goods are consumed by the residents in the houses, and these are only in the vicinity of the main one, so trains which will leave with cargo, will arrive here with cargo first. Essentially, I can supply the industry via another station, but products have to be moved where the passengers (and mail).
Problem is two of the supply trains have to cross the main line running toward other cities, and they have to stop all the time to wait until trains with higher priority pass. This cannot be resolved without building tracks with long detour. Still tried to alleviate the problem by changing that sharp turn of that track which came out of Huainan to a couple of gentler ones so trains can pass faster. Maybe gonna try come up with something else.
I think I have to make "rationalizations" in the lines, which train to run where and with what. And plan the next steps of the expansion.
Speaking of which. As the central hub of the trade, Huainan started to grow due to all the supplies coming in (raw material for the industry; food, goods, lumber, passengers, and mail for the residents). A cannery and two steel mills popped up - and one steel mill in Nanjing as well. Problem is, iron can be found only far away (coal is nearby) towards the south west. So probably next move will be connecting Wuhan, and cities further down that way.

Bernd 06/09/2021 (Wed) 17:12:01 [Preview] No.43904 del
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Im not having fun with this game. Its just very confusing and boring. The story makes no sense and i dont even know what im doing. I can play it for max 30mins at a time.

Bernd 06/09/2021 (Wed) 17:27:38 [Preview] No.43905 del
What is it about? I know what confusing means, still.
The title reminds me of that bald guy assassin. game
But the pic itself feels like a crossover between a capeshit movie and Vice City.
What type of game is it? FPS?

Bernd 06/09/2021 (Wed) 19:00:50 [Preview] No.43906 del
Its hard to describe.
You are playing as a assassination group. You can turn into different people/personas. A first person shooter? Only when you are aiming down your sights. You have different "personas" that you can switch between that have different abilities and different weapons. You go around solving puzzles and killing monsters called Heaven Smile.

Bernd 06/10/2021 (Thu) 06:47:16 [Preview] No.43910 del
Kind of a team management, tactical game?

Bernd 06/10/2021 (Thu) 06:52:51 [Preview] No.43911 del
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Huh, it's from 2005.
Looks intriguing, unique style, like a cartoon.

Bernd 06/10/2021 (Thu) 07:59:01 [Preview] No.43912 del
You roam around and kill monsters while you solve puzzles. Not really what i would descvribe as team management or tactical. I dont know. Just a puzzle game with some shooting and hallways?
Yeah, its a pretty old game. I think originally on gamecube

Bernd 06/10/2021 (Thu) 16:46:42 [Preview] No.43918 del
Do you play the PC version?

Bernd 06/10/2021 (Thu) 16:58:58 [Preview] No.43919 del
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Bernd 06/10/2021 (Thu) 17:00:17 [Preview] No.43920 del
i play it with a ps4 controller.

Bernd 06/10/2021 (Thu) 17:09:05 [Preview] No.43921 del
What was the last thing you played and enjoyed?

Bernd 06/10/2021 (Thu) 17:17:59 [Preview] No.43922 del
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Disgaea PC

Bernd 06/10/2021 (Thu) 17:19:54 [Preview] No.43923 del
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Also Sayonara Umihara Kawase. And G-senjou no maou is my favorite game.

Bernd 06/10/2021 (Thu) 17:21:14 [Preview] No.43924 del
What about you? What game was did you last play and enjoy?

Bernd 06/10/2021 (Thu) 17:49:32 [Preview] No.43925 del
Okay. You like anime, I see.

Well, it's Railroad Tycoon 2, you can read a series of posts starting from here >>43866
And before that Open General >>43658
I generally lack of time and got bored by all quick. But what I pick and play that little, I enjoy. Since I pick games I like.
It's hard to into games I've no previous experience with, because of the previously mentioned reasons. So for example Jagged Alliance, while I'm sure I would have liked back then, and I see it as a good game, now it just did not grab my attention much.

Bernd 06/10/2021 (Thu) 17:55:46 [Preview] No.43926 del
Alright. I'll read your other posts later tonight.

Bernd 06/10/2021 (Thu) 19:06:30 [Preview] No.43927 del
I encourage you to reply to other Bernds freely, the Australian (with USball mostly), Brazil, Dutch, Russia, and even Poland, will all reply, even if within a couple of days. In other threads too. It might help to bring a bit of life back to /kc/.

Bernd 06/12/2021 (Sat) 08:13:47 [Preview] No.43940 del
(45.63 MB 1920x1080 2021.06.12.mp4)

Bernd 06/12/2021 (Sat) 09:36:04 [Preview] No.43941 del
Unusual gameplay. And fast paced.
So you have to collect blood with killing enemies? Then blood is used to change characters? But essentially changing characters is like changing guns in regular FPSs?

Bernd 06/12/2021 (Sat) 09:42:12 [Preview] No.43942 del
You get blood from killing enemies and you can then use that blood to upgrade abilities.

Bernd 06/12/2021 (Sat) 09:43:59 [Preview] No.43943 del
You can change characters through a tv room or by doing what i did.
>But essentially changing characters is like changing guns in regular FPSs?
Yeah pretty much. They have different weapons and different abilities. You have to switch between them to complete some puzzles.

Bernd 06/12/2021 (Sat) 10:06:11 [Preview] No.43944 del
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You can find a save room or a tv room on the map. They are essentially the same except a save room you can save in. Other than that they are the same. You use the tv to switch personalities and create blood vials. And there library in the same room if you are having any trouble aswell. So you can read about new enemies for example. And how to defeat those new enemies or just about anything in the game.
You use the blood you get from killing heaven smiles to create blood vials. Then you use those vials to upgrade the abilities for a personality.
You can upgrade power,speed,waver or criticals.
Upgrading power gives higher attack power, same with speed.
Upgrading waver makes target locking better.
Upgrading criticals im not sure what it does but it says instant kill.
The highest level of upgrade is level 5.
All personalities have those upgradable abilites. Except for 1 personality which is a personality you use when you die. You get switched to him to go pick up your dead body and then resurrect it.
Also every personality has a unique weapon and ability. You sometimes use those abilities to complete puzzles. As for the fast gameplay in the first video, it was because i was using a personality that runs fast. His special ability is also running super fast but he runs pretty fast even without it.

Bernd 06/12/2021 (Sat) 10:08:59 [Preview] No.43945 del
The running fast ability

Bernd 06/12/2021 (Sat) 10:33:24 [Preview] No.43946 del
>You have to switch between them to complete some puzzles.
Reminding me of Resident Evil. Well Japanese game that too.

Bernd 06/12/2021 (Sat) 12:03:08 [Preview] No.43947 del
>library in the same room if you are having any trouble aswell
I can imagine it is used frequently.
Generally a random chance for higher than normal damage, or some other effect. Maybe in that case a higher frequency for criticals to happen?
Yeah, it definitely reminds me of Resident Evil.

Bernd 06/12/2021 (Sat) 15:52:24 [Preview] No.43949 del
This game looked really good. They just showed it on the e3 stream.

Bernd 06/12/2021 (Sat) 16:45:30 [Preview] No.43950 del
Last time I played such game it was the Saboteur. I think the first one.

Bernd 06/12/2021 (Sat) 16:51:33 [Preview] No.43951 del
I cant find information about the game.

Bernd 06/12/2021 (Sat) 16:53:19 [Preview] No.43952 del
Nevermind. Found it. Its a pretty old game.

Bernd 06/12/2021 (Sat) 16:57:15 [Preview] No.43953 del
Yes. I played it on ZX Spectrum. Although some years later than the publication.
Essentially you have to infiltrate with a ninja into a facility, plant a bomb, and escape. You can fight enemies in melee, and maybe shurikens also can be used. And now I'm really not sure but perhaps the player could hide from patrols.

Bernd 06/14/2021 (Mon) 15:30:34 [Preview] No.43970 del
I'm not sure if you people care or not(I myself don't really) but there were a few games that were announced recently.

A new Battlefield set in 2042. It looks boring and dumb, they even added dumb memes into the trailer. It's based on the idea that the world is collapsing and creating natural disasters creating 'NonPat' who are used as proxies in a war between Russia and the US over resources(because clearly it's Russia that is the biggest threat to the west in the world). As I said it's dumb.

A new Stalker as well, it looks like a Stalker made in 2021, nothing to say about it. Sure it looks good but there is nothing that makes it stand out from any other Stalker game, it looks the same but with newer graphics.

Bernd 06/14/2021 (Mon) 15:40:12 [Preview] No.43971 del
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I saw the battlefield trailer. Looks too much like call of duty warzone. It just looks like they're trying too hard. Making the game relatable by taking features out of other current popular games. Especially with that jet rpg clip in the trailer. From that viral youtube clip years back.
Overall this e3 is pretty shit.

Bernd 06/14/2021 (Mon) 15:41:57 [Preview] No.43972 del
trigger witch and unmetal are the only games i thought looked interesting this e3.

Bernd 06/14/2021 (Mon) 16:30:32 [Preview] No.43973 del
Oh and I forgot, the New Battlefield has not Single player campaign either, it's still the same price though. Funny considering Halo is making a single player story but at the same time releasing the multiplayer for free. Well I never got Battlefield V and Battlefield I's campaign was average but at least it still had one and the War Story Idea was interesting. I guess we will never get a single player like Bad Company again.

Yes I agree, it's like they are making the Multiplayer 'Cinematic' in lieu of the fact they can't do that to the single player anymore. I can only imagine the absolute mess this is going to be when you have 128 players all gimmicking across the map and spawning tanks on themselves. I won't bother with this one either.

I didn't actually expect much from this E 3, I think it was mainly an Xbox/Activation event but I am not sure it has finished yet or not. I'll check to see in the morning if there is anything interesting. I don't think any of the games I would care about would be announced on E 3 though.

Bernd 06/14/2021 (Mon) 16:48:40 [Preview] No.43974 del
Heard about Stalker. I've no opinion.
Besides the lack of time and little patience for games, my potato just can't handle newer installments, so I don't really looking out for new games. I'd try Witcher III, which is still a newer game for me.
What I'm waiting is the OpenMW engine supporting the other TESs and the Fallouts.

Bernd 06/14/2021 (Mon) 16:57:44 [Preview] No.43976 del
I didn't like Witcher III, it was very long, in a very repetitive open world map and the game play was very simple and repetitive too. But that's just me, it seems to be quite popular.

I don't really care for elder Scrolls or Fall Out, I thought they would talk about the next ES that was supposed to be on the way but instead they talked about some new Space game. I would probably buy a new ES, it's not great but it's something to do. I don't know about this space game though.

Bernd 06/14/2021 (Mon) 17:01:39 [Preview] No.43977 del
>game play was very simple and repetitive
Then it's liek Witcher I. Except with open world.
>they talked about some new Space game
How could they make a walking simulator in space? Is it a moonwalking simulator?

Bernd 06/15/2021 (Tue) 02:50:56 [Preview] No.43989 del
Nope, nothing.

I never played the first but I played the second. Yes, but the pacing was much better, the story was more interesting and you travelled to more interesting locations. In the third one you spend 99% of your time doing fetch quests or other mundane things for peasants living in swamps and even the overarching story itself is boring.

It did not show any game play(the game comes out next year) but it just showed a space ship on a planet and a mech that walked into it and then it was about to take off. So you probably have to fly in a space ship to a planet before you can do the walking.

stea Bernd 06/16/2021 (Wed) 19:17:45 [Preview] No.44024 del
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There is a bunch of demos available right now. Are you playing any?
I thought these two looked pretty good. Will try them later.

Bernd 06/16/2021 (Wed) 19:30:45 [Preview] No.44026 del
>Idol Manager
I played Huney Cam Studio some years ago, I think I wrote about it in short on /kc/. It's fun for liek 10 mins. A challenge game mode could helped it to not go stale quick.
Other management game, I remember Game Dev Studio. Was enlightening to master it.

Bernd 06/16/2021 (Wed) 19:48:11 [Preview] No.44027 del
>Huney Cam Studio
>It's fun for liek 10 mins
>A challenge game mode could helped it to not go stale quick
I always hear bad things about that game. But this game does not have the same developer so im hopeful that its atleast a decent game.

Bernd 06/17/2021 (Thu) 06:53:00 [Preview] No.44034 del
I was thinking about various flashgames, if they still run in some form, now that flash got retired.

The entertainment value lies in that hint of lewdness. It isn't an erotic game, just naughty enough, and the novelty of running a camming business with hot chicks that gives that 10 minutes of entertainment.

Bernd 06/18/2021 (Fri) 12:18:40 [Preview] No.44047 del
Thats pretty complicated. The game looks like aoe. But you build train stations? Whats the endgame? What are you moving up towards? What are you hoping to achieve?
So what do you do with the money? Do you just build and expand with it?
>Let's invest in business. Bought the Meat Packing Plants and the cattle yards
>They will replenish the money spent on them in about a decade or so
But for what purpose? What do you do with all that money you will get?
So you use the money to build new railtracks? What are you working towards?
So the goal seems to be raising your company stock price? Or is it just making as much money as possible? Or maybe something else?
So is the game normally about competing with other railway companies?

Bernd 06/18/2021 (Fri) 13:45:37 [Preview] No.44048 del
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The objective is to have some railroady fun without building expensive landscape tables and buying expensive model trains.
The game itself has two modes, campaign and scenarios. Campaigns are chain of scenarios. Each scenario has a map (usually some real landscape, from all over the globe) where rail networks have to be built. The goal of each scenario is different. It can be connecting two cities and move X cargo between them, or get a personal net worth of Y amount, or build a railroad empire of Z amount of stock worth. There are some "exotic" objectives as well, liek "you are Bismarck, you have to unify the German states, by connecting all with railroads", and such.
It's a management game where you do something to get money to invest it into doin more of that something more. Liek Simcity where you build a city run it successfully to build it further up.
There are several levels of complexity. If you just wanna lay tracks and watch trains running about turn on "Sandbox" mode, and do whatever doesn't matter. No income, no demands, no supplies.
But it is more fun to satisfy the demands of settlements, and watch them grow. You transport passengers between them and mail. Then you look for building that produces food, you bring in suitable raw material, then transport the food produced from that to cities. Then do that with goods. Then whatever they need, like as time goes they need automobiles, those are produced in factories which need steel and tires. Steel is made in steel mill, from iron and coal, so you look for mines and bring resources there. Rubber is produced on rubber farms, and used in tire factories. This way supply chains are built. In sandbox this is ignored.
In the game you make money so all this can be done, the transportation network could be built. That stuff with the stocks and shit is just another layer of complexity which can be turned on or off. It can be fun to pretend to be some fat industrialist buying up the stock of the competing companies, then merge them with your company, and use their railroads (to make more money).

Bernd 06/18/2021 (Fri) 14:07:26 [Preview] No.44049 del
Alright. Sounds pretty fun. Will check it out later.

Bernd 06/18/2021 (Fri) 14:11:44 [Preview] No.44050 del
>In the game you make money so all this can be done, the transportation network could be built. That stuff with the stocks and shit is just another layer of complexity which can be turned on or off. It can be fun to pretend to be some fat industrialist buying up the stock of the competing companies, then merge them with your company, and use their railroads (to make more money).
So its like different levels. You say that the stocks is just another layer of complexity. So its a matter of experience or maybe like the difference between easy,medium and hard difficulty?

Bernd 06/18/2021 (Fri) 14:17:32 [Preview] No.44053 del
In scenarios it can be turned on/off in the options, 2nd pic here: >>43866
>Financial model
>basic, advanced, expert
If you hover the mouse over the options you should get a description at the bottom of the pic.

Bernd 06/18/2021 (Fri) 14:21:59 [Preview] No.44054 del
oh, okay i get it know

Bernd 06/19/2021 (Sat) 09:38:25 [Preview] No.44062 del
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Wow. Cuphead is quite the game. I was told it was supposed to be difficult but the first couple of bosses were actually easy. But it gets harder and harder every boss you defeat. Beppi the clown took me like 40 attempts. And wally warbles made me uninstall the game and then reinstall it. I finally beat him yesterday.

Dutch bernd Bernd 08/06/2021 (Fri) 23:20:39 [Preview] No.44687 del
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Finished playing Tactics Ogre: Knights of Lodis, made by Atlus. Really high polished game with lots of Medieval and mythological references inside of it. Lots of details inside of it and enormous game length for a GBA game. I'll write a longer review about the game later because it's that good. 10/10 GBA game IMHO. The other Tactics Ogre game for PSP is also good. Really which every Ogre game was released for PC tbh. Along with all Kingdom Hearts games

Also started playing the original DOOM for GBA. Another masterpiece that handles really well. It's more or less a direct port of the PC one

And also playing GTA: Vice City Stories. Music's superb, characters are great, atmosphere is perfect. Just started playing it and liked it so far. Main protagonist is one of the few likable protagonists that the GTA series has tbh

Bernd 08/07/2021 (Sat) 08:25:11 [Preview] No.44688 del
>GTA: Vice City Stories.
Since I heard about the *Stories I wanted to play them, but well, no PC version.
I'm fine with the protags. But frankly, the player have to commit so much dirty acts... he can't be really likeable fellow.

Dutch bernd Bernd 08/17/2021 (Tue) 04:52:33 [Preview] No.44768 del
>Since I heard about the *Stories I wanted to play them, but well, no PC version.

...just emulate them instead. Get the PS2 edition. It's better

>I'm fine with the protags. But frankly, the player have to commit so much dirty acts... he can't be really likeable fellow.

Only good protags are CJ, Vince and Nico Bellic tbh

Dutch Bernd Bernd 09/01/2021 (Wed) 22:33:12 [Preview] No.44884 del
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Now starting a play-through of Dead Rising 2 and Dark Souls 1. Both games are bretty gud and really fun. Oldies but goodies.

Bernd 09/05/2021 (Sun) 16:09:43 [Preview] No.44922 del
How long are those?

Bernd 09/05/2021 (Sun) 16:41:01 [Preview] No.44925 del
Dark souls is good but I really hated dead rising, I could not even finish it. It's just so boring, I really don't understand the appeal of zombies as an enemy, they are pretty much the worst enemy you can put in a game for every reason.

Bernd 09/05/2021 (Sun) 16:45:39 [Preview] No.44926 del
Was flash games Rebuild and Rebuild 2 I enjoyed. They were turn based strategy games a city had to be reclaimed, square by square. The player had no interaction directly with the zombies, he had to designate tasks for his "settlers" and they could fight with the zombies.
>for every reason
What are those reasons?

Bernd 09/06/2021 (Mon) 02:09:06 [Preview] No.44930 del
From a gameplay perspective they are boring and simple and there is very little that you can actually do with them. They just run at you like an idiot. From a character design perspective they are quite bland as well, they are all the same and they are also the same as any other zombie really, there is also not much room for variation or characters within them whereas if you picked say bandits or looters instead you could have leaders, uniforms and such that would make them not just stand out form each other but form the bandits of other games as well which zombies do not. And finally from a writing perspective they are also bad, they are ludicrous to begin with but the zombies of course also don't have characters, dialogue, plots, motivations, hierarchies etc.

Bernd 09/06/2021 (Mon) 06:50:59 [Preview] No.44931 del
It can be spiced up. Other takes on zombies are the Resident Evil and Dead Space for example. They add a variety, they order them a kind of hierarchy, and origin. Ok, they aren't in the classic Romero style environment.

Bernd 09/10/2021 (Fri) 23:35:05 [Preview] No.44970 del
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>How long?

Raly long bernd. I just made it into Undead Burg. Dark Souls is a mega immersive and gud game. It's also really long.

Mix godhand, Oblivion, Morrowind and Metro 2033 into a blender and you get more or less Dark Souls from it. It's hard to describe unless you play it yourself.

>I really don't understand the appeal of zombies as an enemy,
Major focus on the cathartic gameplay, not so much on the story. Like left 4 dead 2 for examples

Bernd 09/11/2021 (Sat) 17:30:20 [Preview] No.44976 del
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I was playing Planescape Torment rpg recently and the devs did something completely different in the game: they made zombies into NPCs, and they did a good job. They're still zombies so you won't have extensive conversations with them, but there's a lot of interactions you can have with them. In the first area, the Mortuary, they act as a menial workers for the Dustmen faction. They're all branded with a number and you can find some notes saying who that person was while he was alive etc. All of them got a rather extensive description of how he looks and smells and whatnot, what wounds he have that probably led to his current state etc. Really gives them a lot of character. You can retrieve some items from them, for example you can learn that one item is sewn inside a mouth of certain zombie so you have to find the guy and do a small operation on him. Or in other case you can do a little trolling and push one zombie who has a bit of a problem maintaining a balance but also a really bad case of rot and after he splashes to the ground and turns into a puddle you discover that his arm actually became as hard as stone and can be used as a weapon. Then after leaving the initial area you can quickly learn how do these zombies come to be: the dustmen faction offers a contract to any living person, offering money in exchange for a permission to raise the body as a zombie when the person dies.
Somewhere in the middle game you can meet another group of zombies that actualyl have some conciousness still in them and their leader is the most kind hearted zombie I met in any game. Once I was done with the quests in the area and gained their trust, I complained to the said leader that my companion got kidnapped by an evil warlock and I can only get him back if I give him a skull of an unique creature, and the zombie lady was ready to pluck out her own head and give it to me to save my friend.
Really unique approach to those creatures, I dont think I saw anything like that in any other game. Also I dont think there's a single moment in the game that you have to fight a zombie unless you specifically choose to do so.

Bernd 09/11/2021 (Sat) 17:35:31 [Preview] No.44977 del
The hero himself is kind of a "zombie" - from what I remember. I couldn't play the game through due to some game breaking glitch. Maybe some day.

Bernd 09/11/2021 (Sat) 17:41:23 [Preview] No.44978 del
I guess you could say that. Death doesn't want him and whenever your main character hit points drop to zero you just wake up somewhere (usually back in the mortuary). IIRC sometimes it can even help progress the plot. Another interesting twist the devs did.
You should definitely try to play it as it's a really interesting game. There was enhanced edition released some time ago so perhaps the problem you had no longer persists.

Bernd 09/11/2021 (Sat) 17:44:37 [Preview] No.44979 del
Four versions are parked on a hdd, one supposedly is linux one.

Bernd 09/13/2021 (Mon) 04:16:38 [Preview] No.44985 del
I played Escape From Tarkov(I found a pirate version with a single player mod/Server thing).

I don't know, for how long it has been in development there isn't much in it, I had been wanting to play it for years now. Basically you just load out a character with the equipment you have and then you pick an area to go to(and loading into it takes a while too) and then explore that area for loot and enemies to shoot and loot. It's not really that interesting, I think the setting is not that great and even the weapons and equipment are lacking, there is a myriad of AK variants but outside of that not much, not even common weapons like a SCAR, G3 or FAL. AND YOU CAN'T PLAY A S A GIRL!!!

I guess the idea was to create a battle royal type thing but where you can keep the equipment you get and use it in the next game(you also lose the equipment you have on you if you die) but it doesn't work that great for that and it does not take long to find the best weapons and equipment and then what? You don't have much of a reason to play anymore at all.

You can do a lot of weapon customization but that is about it. Modern weapons are annoying like that, they all look the same know, they are covered in picatiny rails, often use the same kind of systems and they mount the same third party optics and accessories. They lack soul and individuality.

Bernd 09/13/2021 (Mon) 15:28:22 [Preview] No.44986 del
I know very little about Tarkov but judging a game that focuses on multiplayer experience by playing only modded single player version doesnt sound very fair tbh.


Bernd 09/13/2021 (Mon) 15:31:54 [Preview] No.44987 del
>you pick an area to go to [...] and then explore that area for loot and enemies to shoot and loot
Sound like Diablo, or that Whatever London (which is diablo with guns, except it plays in post-apocalyptic london).
>no FAL
Uhh... The only game where pick the chick is VtMB, and only when Malk.
>They lack soul and individuality.
Ain't that the truth.

Bernd 10/10/2021 (Sun) 20:04:21 [Preview] No.45253 del
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I find this calm game by accident. Cultist Simulator. It is a time-management card game, and a life simulator of some kind.
You play the role of a cultist. But first you aren't cultist, just some bloke who gradually gets into the occult business, since those are the only activities in this game.
Beside work.

Bernd 10/10/2021 (Sun) 20:07:09 [Preview] No.45254 del
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On some pictures my bg shows on top. Luckily nothing important there.
So beside work, you can sleep and dream. That's a way of earning other stuff, process life events, and whatever.

Bernd 10/10/2021 (Sun) 20:11:31 [Preview] No.45255 del
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No pic 008, wasn't deleted, just mislabeled it as 009. And won't correct it.
Soon, after Work, Dream, and Study, a new node appears: Time. This eats your money, represents well, time passing and gives a constraint.
Btw this is how the game works: you pull cards into the nodes (except those which just take cards bye themselves, like Time), the node processes the card for a certain amount of time, and gives the card back, or some other card instead, or more cards. Depends.
There's a variety of combinations that can be done.

Bernd 10/10/2021 (Sun) 20:20:03 [Preview] No.45256 del
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The player has four attributes, which also resources, and can use them in all kinds of nodes since they are also represented as cards (not just that four shit at the bottom of the screen).
Health - can be used for working, can gain Vitality, then strength which gives more Health, to use them simultaneously and such. Also you can get ill, or harmed, that reserves one of your Health, until you seek a doctor (for Funds) or cancel it with Vitality, via the Dream node (sleep = rest).
Passion - emotional aspect of the player, this also can be multiplied, can be used to do work, or dream, whatever.
Reason - the mental capacity or something, usually for studying, can be gained skills and used them to I dunno what, not sure yet, I'm just experimenting, haven't read any manual or help.
Funds - money, used to pay for all kinds of things, like keep the Time going, get help from doctor when ill, or purchase items, or hire people to do stuff.

Items are source of other cards, after Study or Explore, and probably can do other stuff with them, eg for rituals.

Bernd 10/10/2021 (Sun) 20:23:55 [Preview] No.45257 del
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#017 is just a duplicate of #016
After discovering Morland's shop, the player can buy books there for research. Some needs language skill, like Latin or Sanskrit, not sure how to gain that. The books then give other stuff, like reason, or skill, or some occult knowledge or ritual or something.

Bernd 10/10/2021 (Sun) 20:25:49 [Preview] No.45258 del
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Sometimes I just throw the cards into nodes, to see the results. But that can be varying.

Bernd 10/10/2021 (Sun) 20:33:38 [Preview] No.45259 del
I managed to found a new cult. Then recruited two cultists, one was just a pawn. Oh well. Those guys can do stuff instead of the player, like recruit people in the city (Explore node), or discover new places.
Also the avatar of the player can die (not only in one way), and it seems he can reincarnate(?), a profession can be chosen (the very first life starts unskilled). I could choose from Medium, Detective, and Dancer background. Each came with different setups.

Basically that's it. I played about an hour. The speed of the game can be set to normal and fast paced, and ofc can be paused. Which is frequently needed for now.
Some reading, but texts are short. The game is kinda cryptic and not straightforward all the time, but this gives some joy of discovery. I dunno when it becomes too repetitive.
Also the theme is 1920's like.

Bernd 10/12/2021 (Tue) 21:18:19 [Preview] No.45275 del
This is a really recent game right? Remember seeing it online once. How do ya rate it compared to other other SIM games bernd?

Bernd 10/12/2021 (Tue) 21:28:36 [Preview] No.45281 del
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Gave these two games a try. Duke Nukem Forever(the demo) bored me in less than 10 minutes. Shittiest game I've ever played. It should have stayed dead and never been released tbh

Then I gave Duke Nukem 3D a try, and raly liked it. It may be a Doom clone, but it does a lot to diferenciate itself. It feels like I'm playing in an actual human environment and there are lots of interactive objects around. It feels more well paced and better structured that Doom and most Doom clones IMHO. Overall, it's good. But at its time, it must have been groundbreaking stuff.

Duke 3D was also the game that popularized FPS games from what I read

Bernd 10/13/2021 (Wed) 03:01:00 [Preview] No.45292 del
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Bernd 10/13/2021 (Wed) 08:10:51 [Preview] No.45298 del
>This is a really recent game right?
I assume so. The artwork suggests that.
I'm not sure about the ratings. I've little idea in general what to do. Yesterday played the detective, a fugitive (or how it was called), and a medium. They died relatively quickly all achieving little. I know how to generate certain cards surely, but not others, and some bad shit accumulates that kills the characters in the end (Dread or something, it needs to be countered with Contentment). The fugitive is also special I should have made screenshot of that.
I'm sure when I figure it out it will lose mystique and will turn too repetitive.

I wasted many many hours on Duke Nukem 3D. It's really fun. Don't forget to search out the secret places.
Also you can use both legs for kicking simultaneously. 0 is left kick which can always be used, and one weapon is kick which can be triggered with the fire button, when the leg is selected.
Also. Tip the strippers.
>This is not Doom, Spacemareeen

Bernd 10/17/2021 (Sun) 22:56:19 [Preview] No.45319 del

It good game tbh. Really ahead of it's time. Shame 3D realms and gearbox fugged the franchise up

>Also. Tip the strippers.
Did that and then shot and kicked them. More aliens spawned out. And they always do that after you hit a female in the game
GG Duke. GG

I'm trying to play some expansion packs. Currently in the Critical Mass level. Want to try "Life's a beach" later on

Bernd 10/18/2021 (Mon) 06:24:04 [Preview] No.45324 del
>expansion packs
Those I played less. There was some nuke themed and a santa themed maybe?
>"Life's a beach" I don't remember that one.

Dutch bernd Bernd 10/23/2021 (Sat) 23:05:55 [Preview] No.45363 del
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>Those I played less. There was some nuke themed and a santa themed maybe?

There's a ton of them + a lot of community maps. But I don't liek most of them

>"Life's a beach" I don't remember that one.

It's part of Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach

>Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach was generally met with praise from players. It is often hailed for its fun and thoughtful level design, and many consider it the best of the authorized expansion packs released for Duke Nukem 3D.

Bernd 10/23/2021 (Sat) 23:08:34 [Preview] No.45364 del
A lil link to the map and levels


And here's a link to Eduke bernds are interested in playing Duke Nukem. It's a free version that runs on practically any PC


>EDuke32 is an awesome, free homebrew game engine and source port of the classic PC first person shooter Duke Nukem 3D— Duke3D for short—to Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, several handhelds, your family toaster, and to your girlfriend's vibrator. We've added thousands of cool and useful features and upgrades for regular players and additional editing capabilities and scripting extensions for homebrew developers and mod creators. EDuke32 is open source software that is completely free to use for all non-commercial purposes.

Bernd 10/23/2021 (Sat) 23:16:43 [Preview] No.45366 del
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GTA 3, vice city and san andreas are getting a remaster soon.




>To prepare for launch, we will begin removing existing versions of the classic titles from digital retailers next week. For more information, please visit Rockstar Games Support. In addition, Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition will be coming to iOS and Android in the first half of 2022.

Bernds onions on this?

Mine? Looks kinda ugly. Getting rid of the old GTA games is a big no no

Bernd 10/24/2021 (Sun) 15:00:28 [Preview] No.45382 del

That I might try.

Btw have you played Duke Nukem, the original sidescroller?
Furthermore I recommend Blood and Blood 2.

>removing existing versions
>Bernds onions on this?
Time to stuff a copy of each old versions, which works on wine, and which are run on my machine. The new ones probably will have unreasonable sys reqs.
I wonder what they'll add and change beyond the the looks.

Bernd 11/02/2021 (Tue) 03:35:25 [Preview] No.45428 del
(30.71 KB 640x405 glom.png)
this tbh

>That I might try.
You probably gon like it

>Btw have you played Duke Nukem, the original sidescroller?
>Furthermore I recommend Blood and Blood 2.
No. Haven't tried them yet

>Time to stuff a copy of each old versions, which works on wine, and which are run on my machine.
That's what everyone else is doing right now tbh



Bernd 11/08/2021 (Mon) 16:07:28 [Preview] No.45486 del
Don't they know greed is a sin?

Dutch bernd Bernd 11/09/2021 (Tue) 22:04:52 [Preview] No.45492 del
>Don't they know greed is a sin?

>amerigans though

Bernd 11/09/2021 (Tue) 22:06:04 [Preview] No.45493 del
>Dutch bernd
I do not believe you.

Bernd 11/09/2021 (Tue) 22:11:23 [Preview] No.45494 del
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Still playing Dark Souls >>44970

tbh late in the game it feels like a mix of Lord of the rings with the best elements of Morrowwind and Oblivion.

I just got the magical McGuffin(Lordvessel) that advances the story. So now I have to go to 4 different caves to make the McGuffin more special, or sumthing.

Crystal Cave is a bitch though. That part is complete baloney

Bernd 11/09/2021 (Tue) 22:12:49 [Preview] No.45495 del
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>I do not believe you.

Ok I'm actuallies Igor Gutman. Finally found this board so I have to make the absolute worsts posts posibble Nod really though, it me tbh

Dutch bernd Bernd 11/28/2021 (Sun) 23:29:00 [Preview] No.45715 del
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Just finished playing Duke Nukem 3D and took a shittenings on the final boss srs. Now I'm playing Blood. Literally the most craziest FPS game I've ever played. Even more insane and fun than Duke Nukem.

After this, I only have to play Shadow Warrior and Serious Sam to really call myself a true boomercore shooter appreciator and maybe Ion Fury if I have the time

Bernd 11/29/2021 (Mon) 09:00:30 [Preview] No.45718 del
>Ok I'm actuallies Igor Gutman.

>shittenings on the final boss
Isn't that just the first level, LA Meltdown?
>Fresh Supply
Is that a remastered version?
>Literally the most craziest FPS game I've ever played
>I hate mimes

There is also Redneck Rampage. I think it was released after Duke Nukem 3D.

Bernd 12/01/2021 (Wed) 21:01:23 [Preview] No.45741 del
>to really call myself a true boomercore shooter appreciator

You also may play Rise of the Triad or Hexen/Heretic if you like that. Dark Forces (original one) is also pretty good classic 3d shooter. Or go slightly deeper in past and try Blake Stone or other wolf3d games. Strife is worth to try because it is somewhat unique rpg-like game for doom engine, although it is very long. There were also some now-forgotten games like Cybermage or Cyclones. And much more.

And this for being true oldschool 3d connoisseur: https://www.mobygames.com/game/dos/dungeons-of-kremlin (joke, don't even try, this game doesn't worth it)

Bernd 12/02/2021 (Thu) 20:28:11 [Preview] No.45752 del
I think both has sequels.

Also maybe SiN?

Bernd 12/04/2021 (Sat) 20:33:16 [Preview] No.45763 del
>I think both has sequels.

Yes, Hexen II and Heretic II. It is funny, because Hexen is actually Heretic II, and there must be single next game.

It is also worth to try both System Shocks too, and maybe look at Terminator FPS games of that era.

Bernd 12/05/2021 (Sun) 07:20:30 [Preview] No.45764 del
>Terminator FPS games
Oh dog. I did not hear good things about them. Did you have the luck to play 'em?

Bernd 12/05/2021 (Sun) 13:59:51 [Preview] No.45767 del
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>Oh dog. I did not hear good things about them. Did you have the luck to play 'em?

I've played those ones:

Terminator 2029 - not that FPS that everyone expect because interface is more like classic hack-n-slash rpg (Eye of Beholder etc). Cell-based movement (i.e. only four direction and fixed steps), mouse aim. Much less "quick action" than wolfenstein, for example. Can't say that it was good game, and it is also pretty hard.

Terminator: Rampage - this is first "real" FPS in modern terms in that series, something between Wolfenstein 3d and Doom. It has some sluggish feel, but playable. Also can't say that it is something very interesting compared to similar games.

Terminator: Future Shock - maybe best of these three (and most modern). Typical Doom-like with some engine differences. There were sequel (Skynet) that I didn't play, but internet says that it was ok.

Didn't finish any of these games though, just played few levels of each. I can't recommend them as something unique and classic like Doom or Duke. Games like Dark Forces also more interesting than them.

Bernd 12/05/2021 (Sun) 16:01:04 [Preview] No.45769 del
I've been paying Myth of Empires. It looked like a Chinese Mount and Blade Open world kind of game but really it's just a survival game with some Mount and blade like features that don't work well. Like combat, it's fairly strange with blocking hardly working, you can only command one soldier at the start and I think 3 or 5 maximum later on.

You start on a PvE world but then you can go to a PvP one so I did. I don't know... I thought to join a guild, they give you their discord and everybody communicates through that, I talked to some guy on it who had me do an interview, he said I was supposed to do a mic chat interview but I said I did not have one, I got in but the next day he was gone. I messaged his discord and asked him why he was gone and he said he just could not deal with the drama anymore, okay, I didn't know what to make of it. Very few people use the in game chat, occasionally they contact other clans but that is it, they rarely use or respond to guild chat. I think Discord kind of ruined that, people have their own networks they use instead of the central game network. But even then, they don't actually use the Discord text much, I thought that the whole guild was dead because almost nobody said anything in guild chat but one guy and people did not message in discord much. But then I had to use the voice chat function of Discord to get permission to delete my own structures and that is where I found them all, they were there and talking they just don't message in game and rarely on Discord. I kind of ignored the guild and did my own thing building my own house and not using the base but they were fine with that, though I still ended up helping them a lot by clearing iron mines of mobs and helping mine for them too, even if I would take a quarter or so for myself. We got raided a few times, they smashed outlying buildings and attacked farmers and players that were leaving bases and stuff, so I went to raid myself in turn. I'm not that high a level compared to this guild, I killed one of their NPCs but then got ganged up on by high level players and killed, I joked about it being unfair, they replied about it being war, I said I didn't care if I died I would be back muwhaha they said it was content, it was all fairly jovial. Then a few hours later they raid again using my raid as an excuse even though I had done next to nothing and they do much worse all the time and the whole guild(and server) goes spastic and says I didn't have permission to do that , I didn't ask to do that, they tell the other guild they are going to make it right and they kick me.

I don't know. It probably isn't really for me. It seems that 99% of the time you are in a PvP world you are not allowed to PvP, you may as well be in a PvE world at least you would not have to be a part of a guild that way. I'm not even sure about PvP in these kinds of game anyway, because it's all equipment and level dependent, not skill dependent plus they don't fight fair anyway. These higher level players would one shot me but even though they could do that they never fought one on one anyway. I mean I could do what they do and just find a lower level player and kill him but where is the fun in that? It's like killing slimes, they can't actually fight back, even if they did hit me they don't do anything, what's the point? It's not skill at all and all I am doing is being a tyrant. I think that sums up these kinds of games in general, it's just higher level players and bigger guilds being tyrants and stomping on lower level players and smaller guilds. There is no sportsmanship in this.

So I gave up on that and I am playing Hearts of Iron IV, there is a new DLC out focusing on the Balkans and it added railways and tanks designing too.

Bernd 12/05/2021 (Sun) 18:21:14 [Preview] No.45770 del
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Their main selling point is the franchise. Who wouldn't want to be the hero of the resistance.
How many film franchises expanded into the territory of video games?
Reverse example: Bloodrayne. Video games turned into movies. Shitty movies, I've seen them (they are hilarious on their own way.) Mario

I concur it does remind me of M&B.
Well, that's MMOs I guess. I'd expect them to be underage b& and normies by large.
I can't say much else about the topic. You tried and was disappointed.
What would your ideal MMO would look like?

Bernd 12/10/2021 (Fri) 03:34:14 [Preview] No.45803 del
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>There is also Redneck Rampage. I think it was released after Duke Nukem 3D.

Didn't like that one so much

>You also may play Rise of the Triad or Hexen/Heretic if you like that. Dark Forces (original one) is also pretty good classic 3d shooter

Those are the next ones on my list tbh

sage Bernd 12/10/2021 (Fri) 03:35:16 [Preview] No.45804 del
>Those are the next ones on my list tbh

Meant to reply to this post

Bernd 12/18/2021 (Sat) 18:57:32 [Preview] No.45876 del
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Following Victoria 3 dev diaries. The social, economic and even diplomatic simulation seems reasonable, maybe the implementation will be underwhelming but the design direction hasn't been to dumb them down and there are several promising changes, such as:
- The political struggle is between Interest Groups such as industrialists, trade unions, the clergy, the Armed Forces, etc.
- The diplomatic crisis system has been remade into the centerpiece of diplomacy
- Wages according to a labor market
- Flexible building and production system allowing industries to change their ownership, workforce composition and inputs; this isn't exclusively for production but also for services, bureaucracy and anything modders will think of
- Rigid and nongranular National Focus system replaced by bureaucracy and authority resources
- Bilateral trade with supply routes instead of an unified global market without any transport involved
- A country with an illiterate population can have a significant number of scholars and catch up with the rest of the world in technology, but won't be a technological innovator
Some bad decisions, too, such as the cookie-cutter UI.

The big draw, however, is the military system. They've gutted on-map armies and tactical movement and replaced it with what looks like the dullest AI controlled frontlines I've ever seen, with very little player input. And despite stating their goal is to make war more strategic, their mobilization system brings only modest improvement compared to Victoria 2's and still isn't a realistic simulation of conscription. The naval system is better than Victoria 2's but that's no achievement, the predecessor was barebones. The new war system doesn't even feel like dumbing down the game to a broader audience, it's too dry to appeal to anyone; it's a certainty that they'll introduce some deeper combat with a DLC. The least they could've done was to implement some version of HoI 4's frontlines.

Bernd 12/18/2021 (Sat) 20:33:09 [Preview] No.45877 del
So essentially those battles are just reports about how it is going.
I think in their other games, it's the same, only the player could maneuver the units from province to province (which was sometimes frustrating).

Bernd 12/18/2021 (Sat) 22:43:35 [Preview] No.45879 del
It's completely different, now all you can do is assign battalions to a very large front and tell he general to attack or defend.

Bernd 12/19/2021 (Sun) 01:26:02 [Preview] No.45880 del
It looks like they are trying to make warfare less important and maybe they are trying to stop people map painting(but that's the whole point of these games). Also maybe they are making it so that everything is more passive, making it more about watching your country progress while you change laws or change production to try and sway it to do what you want.

I don't like it. But the game is not out and with enough backlash maybe they will change it. Or they might rework it a year after release like they did with a few things in Imperator.

Bernd 12/19/2021 (Sun) 10:25:33 [Preview] No.45881 del
In CK2 the player could assign "battalions" to flanks. And then watch how the battle plays out along the skills and abilities of the generals and dice rolls.
The only control was the amount of battalions assigned, and the "maneuver" to the province where the battle played out.

Bernd 12/19/2021 (Sun) 14:48:38 [Preview] No.45884 del
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>Also maybe they are making it so that everything is more passive, making it more about watching your country progress while you change laws or change production to try and sway it to do what you want.
That's what Victoria 2 did for almost anything and it's a splendid design choice for simulation. But it had exceptions, allowing (but not demandeding) micromanagement of factories and demanding a traditional military micromanagement. Victoria isn't a war-focused franchise in the Europa Universalis or Hearts of Iron sense, but it still is one of the main mechanics and late-game world wars cripple empires. It isn't about map-painting, at least within Europe, as direct annexation there is too costly, though European powers certainly have to map paint in Africa.
Victoria 2's war system is basically the same as EU's but with mechanics for rising personnel counts and military spending and the transition from Napoleonic to trench warfare. Its problem is that it works fine early on but by World War I there's too much micromanagement because you're still moving around corps like you're a Renaissance-era monarch. Most importantly, the EU system of armies doing battle within provinces is maintained, rather than the HoI system of battles taking place across province boundaries (move = attack).
So a proper overhaul of the combat system would have to implement a transition from inside-province to across-province-border combat within the game's timeframe, it'd be challenging but I don't think it's impossible. Or they'd figure out how to use the HoI system for 1830s warfare. In addition, the micromanagement issue would have to be solved. Maybe with players defining standardized divisions for their armies instead of having to piece together dozens of regiments and/or with a HoI 4-style frontline system, though I'd rather have the end result look like Darkest Hour.

In CK2 and in any other Paradox game there are on-map armies and you decide which provinces they invade and where they get to fight. Victoria 3 gutted this, the player has no input on the geography of war.

Bernd 12/19/2021 (Sun) 15:49:58 [Preview] No.45885 del
>In CK2 and in any other Paradox game there are on-map armies and you decide which provinces they invade and where they get to fight.
This is what I wrote. They have this system with figurines on the map and the player has to awkwardly maneuver them around. It's an awful system (e.g. Army1 needs 30 days to march from one province to another, enemy Army2 enters the province on day 29, they'll engage in battle as if Army1 has marched 29 days just around the battlefield and isn't just one day away from the arrival to the other province's battlefield, this doesn't make any sense).
In CK2 the player can manage armies by sorting battalions between the flank: the two wings and the center; all flanks can have their own general influencing the events on the front of that particular flank, and one general has an overall influence on the performance of the army. From the picture here >>45876 I can deduce something similar. When they engage the enemy the player only gets updates on what's going on, but no way of intervening, this is how it went in CK2 too.
Just because now the deployment of the battalions/units is done via some different interface, and not via that token figurines on the map, it doesn't mean things changed much. From the sound of it, scrapping that system seems to be an improvement.

I remember spending much time on checking an enemy unit by baiting it to attack an empty province, then initiating an attack on them with nearby army in next province so they have to stop the invasion, but baiting them again attacking that same province, so the AI won't march them somewhere else instead where they could cause problems. While I was waiting for another army to arrive so I could actually conduct warfare against them.
Such a shitty strategy game.

Bernd 12/19/2021 (Sun) 22:01:06 [Preview] No.45888 del
>When they engage the enemy the player only gets updates on what's going on, but no way of intervening, this is how it went in CK2 too.
The difference is in "when they engage", that used to be determined by player input.
>Just because now the deployment of the battalions/units is done via some different interface, and not via that token figurines on the map, it doesn't mean things changed much.
It changed from a wargame to a resource management game. There's seemingly such thing as concentrating forces on a stretch of the frontline, forming a defense behind a river or conducting an encirclement operation. Now you just give Lee 100 battalions and tell him to go fight off the Union. It's not much more advanced than simply having a progress bar you throw casualties and military spending at until you enforce your war goals.
>I remember spending much time on checking an enemy unit by baiting it to attack an empty province, then initiating an attack on them with nearby army in next province so they have to stop the invasion, but baiting them again attacking that same province, so the AI won't march them somewhere else instead where they could cause problems. While I was waiting for another army to arrive so I could actually conduct warfare against them.
Same, but they should've improved the wargame, not removed it.

Bernd 12/19/2021 (Sun) 23:00:44 [Preview] No.45889 del
Any idea what's the purpose behind changing the army mechanics in Vic3? I've been speculating that perhaps, they decided that instead of having to fix a shitty AI, they will force the player to also have to shout at that same AI to move armies, thus levelling the field by forcing you to dumb down to AI's level.

Bernd 12/19/2021 (Sun) 23:44:12 [Preview] No.45893 del
Reducing development effort and increasing DLC sales, maybe. But they might be hoping to deal with AI stupidity by making the system more abstract, which will be easier to handle but also dull and predictable.

Bernd 12/20/2021 (Mon) 12:28:13 [Preview] No.45894 del
>should've improved the wargame, not removed
I don't think it could work out in that system and map level.
Two games that are kinda similar, the Total War, and Knights of Honor - and now I'm talking only about the strategic level.
TW is turn based, and works well. KoH however is similarly real time, but one can zoom in, the actual position of a unit is its actual position and two armies can only engage in battle if they really met. Same in TW.
But Tardadox implemented a Risk type of map in real time environment, where the actual position of a unit only matters if it's on a separate tile/province, and units don't really move inside a province like in TW or KoH. This is a very inconvenient choice. How could this be improved?

Bernd 12/20/2021 (Mon) 20:54:39 [Preview] No.45905 del
>but they should've improved the wargame, not removed it.

It is pretty hard to make proper good wargame, from rules to balance, and considering that Paradox games already relatively complex for common gamer, it may be meaningless task.

Bernd 12/20/2021 (Mon) 21:45:19 [Preview] No.45908 del
>How could this be improved?
With move = attack.

Bernd 12/21/2021 (Tue) 02:42:41 [Preview] No.45910 del
I actually don't have a problem with the EUIV system and I think it's meant to be that way, they certainly could have done things to modify it like making it so that an army halfway out of a province cannot be attacked by one entering the province but instead not only do they not do that but the only amplify it by making it so that an army halfway into a province is locked and has to keep going no matter what. In a way it adds a kind of pseudo turn based nature to it and if you removed it you would end up micro managing armies much more as it would be much harder to get into combat with another army, they would just run to the next province then come back and then run off again when you get close and they would keep doing that forever You would never be able to fight a weaker army.

Bernd 12/21/2021 (Tue) 09:51:12 [Preview] No.45913 del
Well, that depends on army speed and not army size. But ofc a larger army has more clunky shit, less cohesion, which slows them down. Maybe certain general skills could counter this.
But there are unit types which are faster, light infantry, various cavalry types, which can chase, or cut off escape routes, which ofc also demands terrain to be implemented better, valleys, river crossings, choke points, or wide fields that suitable for battle. Which in return would allow more tactics, and more strategical options, like smaller corps could delay larger ones. Etc etc.
Very exciting possibilities.
But I've no idea how to implement this in a Risk-liek strategic map.

Bernd 12/21/2021 (Tue) 14:13:21 [Preview] No.45914 del
It's army size because the smaller army will always try to run away from a larger one and changing the system away from what it is now will allow them to always succeed in running away, you would have to be much faster than another army to have any hope of catching them.

There is cavalry so you could break it off and send it to hold the fleeing army but it would just get wiped out before you could arrive with the rest. And even if it did work that would still be needless micro managing for something the current system manages fine. I think you are thinking in operational terms when it is not an operational game but a strategic one.

Terrain would not help but also Imperator has better terrain in it.

Bernd 12/21/2021 (Tue) 21:30:29 [Preview] No.45915 del
The player in Paradox games still have to play on "operational" level when his armies arrive to the front his country has with the enemy. From there it's all operational. Every maneuver and every decision about engagements. It's shitty and not detailed at all, but still.
What makes the game strategic is that the player has to bother with production, groupings, troop distribution, etc. Just because the wars would allow better control on the events of the fronts it wouldn't make it an operational game overall.

Dutch bernd Bernd 12/25/2021 (Sat) 05:04:43 [Preview] No.45943 del
Oh dog. I just finished playing Blood. The last chapter of the game has got to be the most insane FPS gameplay I've ever experienced. I cannot think of another FPS that will ever top what I just experienced. Pls gives the game a try at least one bernds.
The protagonist Caleb is especially good. Liek, he's even more of a badass than Duke even. srs. A yter called Civvie11 gives a really good breakdown of the game. He also reviews a ton of other boomer FPS games if lors is interested in it. Also, Blood 2 is very bad. Don't try that game out

https://youtube.com/watch?v=EkG29e-nE-A [Embed]


whoops forgot to answer that

>Isn't that just the first level, LA Meltdown?

No, I think it's the Lunar Apocalypse level. I beat the OverLord instead of the BattleLord while on a spaceship hovering planet earth.

Bernd 12/25/2021 (Sat) 05:12:53 [Preview] No.45945 del
Another thing I wanted to mentioned.

The final boss of the game, Tchernobog, is actually based of an actual Slav Pagan myth.

>Chernobog[a] (Latin: Zcerneboch, lit. "Black God", reconstructed as Proto-Slavic *Čьrnobogъ, from *čьrnъ ("black") + *bogъ ("god")[1]) is the god of bad fate worshipped by the Polabian Slavs.
>He is first mentioned by Helmold in the Chronica Slavorum. The authenticity of the cult of the Chernobog, as well as of the Belebog reproduced by analogy to him, is controversial among scholars.
>Nevertheless, Chernobog is one of the most popular Slavic gods in the world


Pretty ebin minor but very important detail inside the game. Do people on this board even know of him though?

Bernd 12/26/2021 (Sun) 17:57:23 [Preview] No.45966 del
>Do people on this board even know of him though?

It is relatively known in slavic neopaganism and things related to it (local fantasy books, some computer games). But authenticity is surely very debatable (as with Belobog too).

Bernd 12/27/2021 (Mon) 19:48:03 [Preview] No.45969 del
I really have to play em (again) then.

>Do people on this board even know of him though?
Yes, I heard of him. Besides I played Blood.

Bernd 01/01/2022 (Sat) 06:18:24 [Preview] No.46004 del
>I really have to play em (again) then.

Literally a 10/10 boomercore gaem tbh. A remake that plays like the original would be ebin

Civvie good. There's a surprising amount of good yt around, but most are unknown.

Dutch bernd Bernd 01/06/2022 (Thu) 00:19:36 [Preview] No.46049 del
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Playing a Natsume game called "Adventures to go". It's surprisingly addictive and witty. All of the dialogue is funny and sounds more like a parody of regular JRPGs tropes.

tbh PSP had a lot of good and obscure games in it. Like the DS.

I don't like the way the protagonists looks though. A lil too effeminate

Bernd 01/30/2022 (Sun) 19:57:45 [Preview] No.46269 del
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Youtube thread reminded me about Dendy (NES) that I didn't use for decades. I've lost all cartridges (gave them to some relatives long ago), but at this New Year I've got multi cartridge with 200 games as joke gift. Decided to try it today.

Surprisingly, device worked after years of storage. Although I need to buy RCA cable now because using TV-in isn't fun (need to retune TV after). Photos show widened image, I swapped it to 4:3 ratio after and image became better. Some noticeable games that I remember also missing, but at least there is something.

Bernd 01/30/2022 (Sun) 20:44:39 [Preview] No.46271 del
>Double Dragon
Classic how I heard. How does the control feels? At many console games they fucked up the controls (like lag, or nonsense button configs), is the Dendy suffers more on this field, or as good as any or even better?

Got some pack, Megaton Edition, has the Hawaii thingy too.
It's weird to see that enemies and bunch of objects are just a flat piece of "cardboards" when looking at them from an angle. In original duke back then with no mouse (perhaps we were idiots to figure out how to activate/configure the mouse), you could only see them in level, or not at all if they were below/above you. No way of looking up (unless you fiddled with the keyboard), so auto-aim helping thingy was on so one could shoot up if the target was above the crosshair. Also nice curve in rpg projectile flight when one left a shot go while jumping. I'm not sure I'm making sense now, but doesn't matter.

Bernd 01/31/2022 (Mon) 10:04:36 [Preview] No.46274 del
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>Classic how I heard. How does the control feels? At many console games they fucked up the controls (like lag, or nonsense button configs), is the Dendy suffers more on this field, or as good as any or even better?

There is no noticeable lag, and controls are ok, although they are unusual for me (I've used gamepad last time in middle of 2000s), so it requires adaptation. I've tried Super Mario and beat first level only after four tries. Some games feel sluggish though, but maybe it is me who don't know how to play properly.

Bernd 01/31/2022 (Mon) 20:36:20 [Preview] No.46275 del
What other great titles are among the mix?

Bernd 02/01/2022 (Tue) 17:17:39 [Preview] No.46284 del
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>What other great titles are among the mix?

Depending on what you think is "great". I mostly driven by nostalgia so interesting game for me is what I've played as kid, because otherwise all games are mostly same. Actually most games there are mario-like side-scrollers that differ only in graphics and small controls difference. Other games also are very similar and may be boring for new player. Maybe it is because I'm not a big arcade enthusiast.

So noticeable games for me are Mario (there are 10 or such variations on that cartridge, including Super Mario), Contra, tanks (it is called Tank 90 here but it is just modded Battle City), Ice Climber, Lode Runner, Pacman, Macross, Top Gun, Sky Destroyer, Donkey Kong and Excite Bike. There is also Street Fighter that is famous and one version of Mortal Combat, although not that one that I remember.

Bernd 02/03/2022 (Thu) 18:14:15 [Preview] No.46318 del
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I'm getting into the Metal Gear franchise. Picked up Revengeance some time ago, pretty cool slasher game and Im loving the character cast. Then yesterday I got MGS 5. I know fans were upset about the game for a reason Im not entirely aware of, but as a action/stealth game it feels breddy good. I actualy finished MGS5 Ground Zero which is more liek a demo and am downloading Phantom Pain rn which is the game proper.
Never really got myself into those games before even though they were very popular in internet, probably because most of the titles are console only. I know they have the first MGS as a PC version, I'm planning on getting that later. Not sure what I'll do about all the other games in the series.

Bernd 02/05/2022 (Sat) 02:37:26 [Preview] No.46332 del
I never played any MGS games either, until I got a PS4. I never got the point of Ground Zero and I think it was pretty bad of them to release a game like that when it's really just a demo. Phantom Pain is good though.

Dutch bernd Bernd 02/05/2022 (Sat) 03:15:43 [Preview] No.46335 del
What's going on in this picture?

>t. unknower

Bernd 02/05/2022 (Sat) 03:54:05 [Preview] No.46339 del
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Metal Gear Solid shenanigans, she is using the box as cover.

Bernd 02/05/2022 (Sat) 23:21:18 [Preview] No.46346 del
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I just checked the steam page on Ground Zero, the price is unreasonably high. I bought it when it was on sale, it was dirty cheap together with the main game.

I've been also playing Endless Space 2 a lot recently. I think its the best space 4x game hands down. Stellaris can't hold a candle to this game. I played ES1 as well as Endless Legend by the same studio and it seems they are constantly learning their lessons with every released game and perfecting their creation. There's only couple of playable factions, but every time I pick a new one it's almost like I'm playing a new game since there's something unique to their gameplay. If Bernd wanted to play a cool turn based strategy I hearthily recommend this one.

Bernd 02/06/2022 (Sun) 19:41:42 [Preview] No.46351 del
Now that is legendary.
I think I played that as Tank Trax. Two tanks shooting at each other on some terrain, wind direction and strength changes, gun angle and velocity can be adjusted. Good one.
>Top Gun
The one where impossible to land on an aircraft carrier?

Bernd 02/06/2022 (Sun) 19:50:58 [Preview] No.46352 del
Hmmmm, reminded me of a game I can't name right now. I did not play it but looked interesting. The protag is some bloke in black diving suit and night vision goggles, and he has to use stealth to achieve the goals. Kinda like Hitman mixed with Thief. Eh.

Bernd 02/06/2022 (Sun) 23:42:00 [Preview] No.46357 del
You probably mean Splinter Cell. It was very popular back in the day.

Bernd 02/07/2022 (Mon) 00:43:53 [Preview] No.46358 del
Okay I gotta comment on few things about MGS V.

For those who doesn't know it's kind of like GTA Afghanistan. Take's place during the soviet invasion in the 80s. You have this big area you can travel around freely and you start missions by accessing certain points. All soviets assume you're enemy and will shoot on sight. And apart from occasional prisoners you won't meet anyone else here. However, you're not with mujahideens fighters or CIA or anything, you're there for your own goals. You can complete missions by doing it stealth way or just blasting everyone with supreme firepower. The game provides lots of tools for both playstyles, although in most cases it seems to reward stealth approach more. On rare occasions making a quick strike with big gun and escaping as soon as your objective is complete is the best sulution. In my case it's mostly attempted stealth and then somewhere in the middle I screw up and have to resort to violence.

The enemy's AI is rather good. It managed to surprise me on couple occasions. I was redoing one of the missions to complete some challenges that it included. I was to assasinate spetsnaz commander stationed at one of the outpost. I picked up sniper rifle, waited until night and deployed on a cliff from which I had excellent view of enemy base. I quickly found the commander and dispatched him while he was going for a walk, ofc alerting every other soldier in the camp. I called a helicopter strike on enemy base and I immidiately heard enemy on the radio calling to focus on the chopper instead of me. Didn't really need to do that, just wanted to see how does it do in action. They manned the anti air gun I forgot about and heli didn't last long, but at least it distracted enemies from me for a moment. After couple dead soviet soldiers later one of them shouted through the radio "It's a sniper, everyone dig in" and they all hid in places I couldn't reach them. Since I was low on sniper ammo anyway I decided to finish rest of them up close and so I began running towards the base, and good thing I did that cause in that very moment they started firing mortars at me, first a flare and then normal explosive rounds. I saw a lot of those stationary equipment in their bases but never saw them use it, this was the first time.

I looked it up and apparently it has been a meme since the very first game. And useful equipment for infiltration as well. Ofc the enemy soldiers will immidiately find it suspicious if they notice you walking in it or even just standing in the open. You can slide through the side while they come investigate and use it as a distraction, or even just stay inside until they come close to make a surprise attack. Although I saw them fire at the box when they were on highened alert level. You can even put posters of half naked women on the cardbox to distract enemy combatants for a little longer.

Just in case someone got interested but don't really know about the game, it doesn't take itself 100% serious (see the cardboard box). Also there's some kind of supernatural elements to the story since basically mission 1. Not much of that so far in my gameplay but be aware of that if it's not your thing.

Bernd 02/07/2022 (Mon) 20:09:27 [Preview] No.46367 del
>GTA Afghanistan
Is there a radio station to listen nasheeds all day?
But what you wrote sounds very good. I would try it with all honesty.

Bernd 02/08/2022 (Tue) 00:55:56 [Preview] No.46368 del
No, but you can find casette tapes with american 80s music and play them whenever to sort of recreate this video https://youtube.com/watch?v=nKBIZcdvOSc [Embed]

Bernd 04/14/2022 (Thu) 21:48:37 [Preview] No.47237 del
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I finished Metal Gear Rising recently. Easily in top 10 best games I ever played. Had a great deal of fun with this title, definitely recommending it to everyone.
Since I was literally memed into playing it through youtube videos (probably wouldnt have played it otherwise) I was afraid a lot of the stuff has been spoiled for me, but the game still managed to surprise me with content.
Wasn't too hard, once I learned how to parry I haven't had real problems until the final boss really, although the game will shame you by giving you a low rank if you do a level poorly.
It's quite short. The story mode took me like 6 or 8 hours in total I think. But it's non stop action (or cool cutscenes). And I don't feel like im finished with it either. Definitely going to play it again on higher difficulty later. Also finishing it unlocked some extra content where I can play as other characters from the game.

Bernd 04/15/2022 (Fri) 12:45:54 [Preview] No.47241 del
>memed into playing it through youtube videos
I don't think I could watch gameplay videos unless it is to make a specific point or make fun of faults and bugs and nonsense.
Beck then when pals gathered it was fun to watch each other blunder around in games, trying to beat the computer in Need For Speed for example, or going rampage in GTA, taking turns.

Bernd 04/20/2022 (Wed) 03:06:32 [Preview] No.47282 del
>Since I was literally memed into playing it through youtube videos

You mean this one?


Bernd 04/20/2022 (Wed) 11:16:25 [Preview] No.47295 del
Idk it won't play for me. Also there's tons of those on the net, made in the few last months.

Dutch bernd Bernd 04/25/2022 (Mon) 22:40:21 [Preview] No.47345 del
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>Idk it won't play for me. Also there's tons of those on the net, made in the few last months.

Really? it works for me. Picrel. Maybe try it again since invidious doesn't work sometimes. Just search "Raiden Vs. Armstrong" and you'll see what I posted

Dutch bernd Bernd 05/05/2022 (Thu) 02:57:39 [Preview] No.47432 del
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Tried to go back and play GTA San Andreas again, but my saves are gone. I was too far into the game and I really don't want to put in the effort and hassle into that game again.

I was stuck in the early missions for Catalina. I always hated those missions along with the airplane and that stupid mini helicopter mission. And I just don't like Catalina in general. Too bossy

But I like the Truth, because WEED LMAO XDDD

Dutch bernd Bernd 05/05/2022 (Thu) 03:02:01 [Preview] No.47433 del
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Also saw the new trailer for GTA 6.


I liekd it. It looks like Rockstar is putting a lot of effort into that game. Really like that they're putting in 7 cities inside one game and over 500 cars. The in game graphics look like real life at this point.

**pls don't read this until you watch the full trailer

What I don't like is what one of the main GTA characters is going to be killed off.. And that character is It's a fake video. It's a fan tribute and not real at all

Bernd 05/05/2022 (Thu) 12:00:54 [Preview] No.47436 del
>Tried to go back and play GTA San Andreas again
Sounds good.
>but my saves are gone
Sounds bad.
It's a long game but really short when one finishes it.
The trucking missions frustrate me, police can dislodge the trailer so easily. In the end I always succeed, but still.
I like flying both with planes and helicopters. I even like that infamous VC mission with the RC helicopter.

>one hundred animal species
I did not know what's missing.
I can tell, too many different graphics.

Bernd 05/20/2022 (Fri) 03:25:34 [Preview] No.47612 del
A new ARMA is coming out(already in early access). They are saying it's a step towards ARMA 4.

I have mixed feelings on ARMA, the premise is good but the execution is lacking in many ways. The gameplay itself just seems lacking, the gunplay for example is fairly average and I'm not sure why because I am pretty sure Operation Flashpoint Red River is made using the same engine and it has far better gunplay. Other games on the market are better in this way as well, such as Insurgency and particularly Squad. Squad has amazing gunplay but it's multiplayer only and dealing with multiplayer is a pain and it only gets worse as people are only getting worse(they are just walking meme spewers now).

The gunplay in this trailer does not look great, but with luck the rest of the game will make up for it. I'll try it when it actually releases properly.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=AIervYhiEZ8 [Embed]

Bernd 05/20/2022 (Fri) 17:01:22 [Preview] No.47620 del
Never played ARMA. I'm not a fan of these for some reason. I liked CoD and CoD2. Also the first Medal of Honors I think.
I even played CoD multiplayer (or maybe CoD2???), only rifles enabled, no camping allowed (those players who camped appeared on the minimap). Was fun.

Bernd 05/20/2022 (Fri) 17:11:51 [Preview] No.47622 del
Hmm. I thought you would have. I would not really compare them with CoD though.
Did you ever play Battlefield 1942?

Bernd 05/20/2022 (Fri) 20:10:59 [Preview] No.47623 del
No. But I played Battlefield 2. That's after the 1942. USAians vs Arabs.

Bernd 05/20/2022 (Fri) 20:27:06 [Preview] No.47624 del
What I played and kinda sorta was similar, is a SWAT game, where as part of such police unit buildings had to be cleared fro criminals basically. I can't recall the title. I can look it up probably.
I think it had multiplayer, but I played it with pals at one pc taking turns at single player. The coppers in the game had special equipment like the scope which can be put under the door through the crack and look around what's in the room. And I remember a pal of mine used that scope, then opened the door without switching back to a weapon, then raised the scope at the criminal... to take a good look at him I guess. That mission was a failure. Laffed a lot.

Bernd 05/21/2022 (Sat) 01:57:32 [Preview] No.47625 del
They are more like that, Squad actually was made from people that made a mod for Battlefield 2 or 3(I don't know which) called Project Reality and Squad itself is basically Project Reality but made on it's own engine. It's like battlefield but the maps are much bigger and you don't respawn at captured points, instead you have to build spawn points and to do that you need supply and to get that you need logi trucks. You also have to join a squad in that game, it's heavily team work based. ARMA shares a lot of those features but it has a single player campaign and the multiplayer isn't as rigid or Battlefieldesque.

Insurgency is more like a swat game though. I did not play it much because I don't like Swat games, but the shooting was good.

Bernd 05/21/2022 (Sat) 07:22:37 [Preview] No.47628 del
I see. I figured it's some cooperative stuff. Which in itself is good play style.

Bernd 05/22/2022 (Sun) 14:53:41 [Preview] No.47643 del
I don't really like it. I don't like dealing with people, you can get a good quad sometimes but even then I still don't like having to talk to them and use headsets and be constricted in all of those ways.

Bernd 05/24/2022 (Tue) 03:10:47 [Preview] No.47653 del
Currently playing these 2 endless racing games

Vecter - a futuristic racing game with cool visuals

And Retrowave. A racing game with Synthwave music, cool visuals and lots of cars. Also comes with a Lada car I got the game when it was free though

Bernd 05/24/2022 (Tue) 03:15:44 [Preview] No.47654 del
Also found this weird game called Fuck putin


Good if you don't like the guy. But no you can't actually fuck putin in the game

Bernd 05/26/2022 (Thu) 13:43:34 [Preview] No.47697 del
Reminds me of old Star Wars game, where the last "map" was that valley on the Death Star and had to fly through it avoiding and shooting obstacles (and in the end shoot the proton torpedo into the Achilles-heel/hole of the DS).

I can't decide if that's the "tasteless" or "I want more abuse your politician vidya" category. Probably getting too old for this shit. I understand the appeal but it feels kinda childish. If I really wanted I could come up with the list of "what politicians should be hanged" but even in their case this kind of petty humiliation (which the real person doesn't suffer from either way, so it's just mental jerkoff category) is too low. I'm also more of a pragmatist and don't make the thing personal. The hypothetical would be hangers, I don't hate them, I just think we would be better off of them.
I don't even understand my compatriots when they see some politician's face on telly or somewhere and start to fume and sputter. As if it would make things better if he is angry at the telly. If it bother them so much, why not just to something about it. Protip: they won't. They just like feeling miserable.

Bernd 06/03/2022 (Fri) 03:28:13 [Preview] No.47751 del
>I can't decide if that's the "tasteless" or "I want more abuse your politician vidya" category.

It kinda shitty. Only reposted it because it was free

>Reminds me of old Star Wars game,
I know right? But now there's like a dozen copies after that game got released

Dutch bernd Bernd 06/03/2022 (Fri) 03:30:52 [Preview] No.47753 del
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New Duke nukem game leak is out. It's the source code to the 2001 E3 Demo for the original Duke Nukem Forever before it got ruined. Some of the sections are playable, and some modders are already doing some work on it to make it better. There may be a new Duke nukem game based on this in the future I hope so. Cuz I need more Duke gaems


Civvie 11 made a video about it. It's p good

Dutch bernd Bernd 06/04/2022 (Sat) 20:58:19 [Preview] No.47785 del
Also trying out Postal 2 now. First reaction is kinda meh for me. But I'll keep playing before saying anything else

Bernd 06/04/2022 (Sat) 22:16:21 [Preview] No.47786 del
Supposedly few ways of playing it. Peaceful and full out going postal.

Bernd 06/13/2022 (Mon) 04:01:45 [Preview] No.47892 del
Some gameplay was released of the Space Skyrim game.

It doesn't look that great, it might be all right but not that good. One issue I have with it and an issue I have with most sci-fi are the ascetics of it. They don't look realistic at all, the guns look silly and are painted white for some reason and the animals look ridiculous as well. It would be nice if sci-fi was made with the idea of what things would actually look like in the future and what would alien fauna might actually look like. But then I should expect that from this studio, Fallout suffers from similar issues.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=zmb2FJGvnAw [Embed]

Bernd 06/13/2022 (Mon) 12:58:06 [Preview] No.47898 del
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It looks like a game which has the potential to be a huge disappointment for many fans.
- They wisely kept the conversation structure a secret (4 choices: positive, neutral, negative, good bye - all cosmetic ofc).
- That huge world will be empty as fuck - mods will fix it.
- Stucking in objects.
- Move one item on a surface everything will slide all over (shitty collision boxes).
- Picrel.
Etc. etc.
It looks like all their other games with the gamebryo/creation engine. Maybe it'll be playable via OpenMW one day.

Bernd 06/13/2022 (Mon) 13:47:40 [Preview] No.47905 del
I find Postal 2 the most enjoyable when trying to do a pacifist run. The juxtaposicion of a world going mad, the MC being a snarky bernd, and the player doing nothing to make him sound cocky is something I find very endearing.

Bernd 06/14/2022 (Tue) 04:44:36 [Preview] No.47930 del
It looks like No Man's Sky. I never played No Man's Sky, it had a bad launch and while people say it got better I still don't know bout it. It still doesn't look quite good enough to me.

But anyway, I did actually like the idea behind No Man's Sky to a degree, I like the idea of travelling to huge empty worlds and exploring them, 1000 seems like it will be a bit much though. It seems like it will have hundreds of ice worlds and then hundreds of desert worlds when it could easily get away with three or even one Ice world and Desert world. 1000 is just far too overwhelming.

It's the lore and Ascetics that bother me. I mentioned my problems with the Ascetics but the plot seems silly as well and the factions look bland from that trailer, it's just the government and pirates.

Bernd 06/14/2022 (Tue) 08:05:57 [Preview] No.47931 del
>No Man's Sky
Had to look that up. Now that has a gay graphics.

Bernd 06/14/2022 (Tue) 21:34:38 [Preview] No.47952 del
Been playing a lot of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on my 3DS.
Very fun stuff, but it took time for me to get the game.
I played with a hammer first, but it took way too long to hit anything with it, and monsters would interrupt my attack animations constantly. So I decided to use a ranged weapon instead.
I sucked at it for the first 20 hours and played with a Bowgun. Thought it was fairly boring.
Some dudes rec'd me to try out Dual Blades or Long Sword. The game clicked instantly. It was fun to shred enemies with the dual blades, but eventually I decided to try out the Long Sword.
It has an odd system where if you attack enemies you fill a power gauge, and making a full combo using that gauge your sword starts glowing in different colours. I don't know what it really does, but I decided to think that it just raises ATK and makes more damage.
Fun times, although I wish I could play coop, I have no idea how it would work on a 3ds since idk if online is still working and even then I know close to no one to work with.

Bernd 06/15/2022 (Wed) 07:08:36 [Preview] No.47960 del
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Bernd 06/15/2022 (Wed) 13:32:09 [Preview] No.47964 del
I never played Turok
But mite b cool

Dutch bernd Bernd 06/19/2022 (Sun) 03:02:08 [Preview] No.48012 del
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>Supposedly few ways of playing it. Peaceful and full out going postal.
>I find Postal 2 the most enjoyable when trying to do a pacifist run.
Tried that, but then there's a level where you get abducted after peeing in your father's grave and then have to pass over a dozen armed crazies. It's practically impossible if you're playing on normal. Maybe easy **easiest* mode.

No I didn't like it. It wasn't for me. The gun play was boring and slow. I played that game after playing old school classics like Doom, Duke Nukem 3D and Blood, so I was disappointing to say the least. Environment wise, everything looks boring and bland. Mayb that's how America looks like. Idk but I couldn't get into it.

But voice actor for the protagonist was good though. He was actually enjoyable to listen to.

Bernd 06/19/2022 (Sun) 03:10:47 [Preview] No.48015 del
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Another game I played I raly liked was F.E.A.R. Now this game is actually good. The enemy A.I is great they move around you, coordinate assaults, act like actual people etc, environments have really good effects after gun battlesbut are kinda samey. The story is pretty dark and engaging. I liked it better than postal 2 tbh

Also since it's summer, some online game stores are having massive sales for gaems. Has bernd gotten anything? Mayb used GOG? It's a Polish company btw

Bernd 07/03/2022 (Sun) 10:58:00 [Preview] No.48130 del
I got few games recently. Normally I only write about games here if I liked them and either finished them or played for a longer while and I have this rather bad habit of getting a game and then shortly after switching to a different title. Ofc I get back to the previous titles eventually but then it takes time to have the titles finished.
That said I have some games I can talk about today.
First one is Selaco. Its not actually done yet but a demo version is avaiable on steam. It's a FPS made in gzdoom engine. In fact some people compared it to FEAR, you know during the fight the glass shards go flying, fire extinguishers exploding and covering the area with fog, lots of destructible objects, this kind of thing. It's not a horror game though, its some kind of sci fi boomer shooter. In the demo your opponents are some kind of cyborgs on a space station. Really fun game, can reccomend.
Finishing the demo takes about 30 minutes and the game filesize is around 200MB so just go check it out.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ozxnmQyzll4 [Embed]

Next one I have is Cultic. Thats another boomer shooter but this one is directly inspired by the old Blood game. Again this one is not finished yet, but demo is avaiable. And again I can recommend this as a fun way to spend your 30 minutes of free time. Im defeinitely buying both of them once they come out.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=jRq8iGVixiA [Embed]

To include more variety I will finish this post with yet another boomer shooter, but this one is actually finished: Ion Fury. Developed on Build Engine (Duke Nukem, Shadow warrior etc.). You play as a policeman lady who was getting wasted in a local club but was interupted by an attack of some kind of cyber cultist mafia, so now you're on a quest to violently remove them from the city. The level design in this game differs from other shooters, instead of having those corridors you go through and shoot enemies, here you have one big area you go around unlocking access to new rooms etc. and sometimes loop around, while enemies pour almost constantly but from different directions. Once you are done with the area you proceed to another. Also has very fun weapons, everyone with their own quirk. The submachine gun fires incendiary bullets so its sets things on fire, shotgun doubles as a grenade launcher, the revolver has an alternate fire mode where you can lock on three different targets and it will perform an auto head shot, this sort of things. And your melee weapon is a stun baton, as the name suggest you use it to kill enemies but also its used to kick start some electrical devices around the map. It's currently on sale on steam, I grabbed it on GOG some time ago though.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ncC9jrCqgG8 [Embed]

Bernd 07/04/2022 (Mon) 11:45:45 [Preview] No.48145 del
>boomer shooter
Boomer as the opposite of zoomer? Old style FPS?
Besides the destructible environment it doesn't look too special, although looks original.
>Cultic [...] directly inspire by the old Blood game
Very much noticable.
>Ion Fury
The name rings familiar. From 3d Realms I see.
>Hail to the Queen, Baby

Bernd 07/08/2022 (Fri) 03:25:03 [Preview] No.48200 del
>The name rings familiar. From 3d Realms I see.

I believe it was one of their last games. It was really high tech at the time

>Finishing the demo takes about 30 minutes and the game filesize is around 200MB so just go check it out.

>Next one I have is Cultic. Thats another boomer shooter but this one is directly inspired by the old Blood game. Again this one is not finished yet, but demo is avaiable.
Gonna try it out later

>To include more variety I will finish this post with yet another boomer shooter
take your time fam

>To include more variety I will finish this post with yet another boomer shooter

GOG also gives out some free games sometimes too in exchange for your data. I got Witcher 1 from there for free.

Bernd 07/13/2022 (Wed) 04:26:00 [Preview] No.48269 del
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Has bernd ever played any Gran Turismo games? It's pretty different from NFS, Burnout or Flatout games or Twisted metal.

Bernd 07/13/2022 (Wed) 06:45:20 [Preview] No.48275 del
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No, I had an X Box 360 as a teen so I played Forza and Need for Speed.

I heard that GT is meant to be realistic like Forza is. Forza is pretty good actually, but I kind of feel that unless you actually like racing and like cars, then once you played one Forza you have played them all so their is not much point going back to it, to that or any other racing game really.

Bernd 07/13/2022 (Wed) 12:01:36 [Preview] No.48280 del
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I think I played a demo long time ago. What is your experience? Or you asking if you should try it?
Has anyone Terep 2?

Dutch bernd Bernd 07/18/2022 (Mon) 17:58:39 [Preview] No.48318 del
>I think I played a demo long time ago. What is your experience? Or you asking if you should try it?

Never played it so I wanna try it out

>Has anyone Terep 2?
No. I can imagine it was pretty big in Hungary right?

>I heard that GT is meant to be realistic like Forza is. Forza is pretty good actually, but I kind of feel that unless you actually like racing and like cars, then once you played one Forza you have played them all so their is not much point going back to it, to that or any other racing game really.

I played Forza 1 once. I liked it, but prefered playing it with friends than alone.

Dutch bernd Bernd 08/06/2022 (Sat) 19:21:23 [Preview] No.48452 del
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Decided to replay Vice City for nostalgia. Still a good game to play to this date. Will give my comparison from this game to the other GTA games

Bernd 08/06/2022 (Sat) 19:29:09 [Preview] No.48454 del
Vercetti can't swim.

Bernd 08/08/2022 (Mon) 15:35:02 [Preview] No.48459 del
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I'm playing Escape from Tarkov again but this time I actually brought the game so I am playing it online.

It's much more different online as expected, each engagement seems more meaningful and that is good.
But, conversely part of the reason for that is it's much harder and that means that you die all the time and lose your stuff.
If one was just looking at things by K/D then sure I am doing fine, but you have to extract as well, I have not played that many games but I would say 2 kills is my average but the gun fight or fights will draw more players who will kill you and this is not made easier by the more realistic damage system in this game, you can win a fight but then be severely wounded and easy prey to whoever comes after the sounds of gun shots.

Now, I don't mind it being hard, but the issue with hat is that it detracts from the games other aspect which are the guns, you lose them if you die so actually getting the gun you want and customize it how you want like the game wants you do seems like it's next to impossible, no matter how good you are you are going to die and lose it. The game has a insurance system but it takes a while and also if your gun is taken form your body you cannot get it back, and of course the cooler your gun the more likely that is to happen.

Oh, the game has a FAL now as well, or at least a US made version of it. But I did not buy it because if I do I will just die and lose it, sigh....

Bernd 08/08/2022 (Mon) 16:24:50 [Preview] No.48460 del
How can one be successful in that?
Can cooperate with others or is it a free-for-all?
Can one hide?
Do hit-n-runs?

Bernd 08/08/2022 (Mon) 17:03:04 [Preview] No.48461 del
Good equipment will help a lot, like armour, I have to shoot people a lot before they die and also optics would be very good.
Knowledge of the maps would help, there are no maps that tell you where the extraction is, just names like lighthouse, broken fence by the house, old road gate etc. I don't have a clue where these are, I just wonder around mindlessly.

You can work with other people, but I don't like people so I don't. The first match I played, I got killed by one guy who shot me in the head when I walked through a door, but the second time I walked into two players at dawn, I saw one, shot him a few times until he died then walked towards him but saw that he had a friend with him and we started shooting at each other at the same time, I won but was badly damaged and could barely walk but that did not matter because another player found me and shot me out of nowhere, then the third game I had an SMG and thought to use it full auto recoil is a pig in this game but it's an SMG it should be fine I thought and so I saw a guy running and shot at him but recoil was still bad and I sprayed shots everywhere and he had a shot gun, I did get him but he maimed me so again I could barely move. Then I turned the gun back to semi, limped off and saw two guys walking towards where the fight was, they looked like they had good armour on. I shot the first one a few times in the head and killed him, then the second one got me. So if I was working with others it would probably help.

You can hide but there is a time limit so that would not help forever.

You can shoot them and run, but then you can't loot them which is a big part of the game, plus you can get hit at the same time like I did so are left unable to run. If I had a sniper and a scope, I would snipe people and wait for people to run to the fight and then shoot them.

Ohh, also a suppressor would be useful.

Bernd 08/11/2022 (Thu) 05:17 [Preview] No.48471 del
Bleh... I think that's just probably actually an important part of the game, there are people that like the kind of risk involved in it.

Anyway, more on this game. Bullets seem to do next to nothing so I have to shoot people many times to kill them, one time I shot somebody 10 times with an AK-103 and it did not kill him and so I died.
I mentioned before that I fired a SMG in full auto and sprayed shots everywhere and so only maimed the person I shot at until I shot him more in semi auto mode. Most of the shots I fired in full auto probably actually hit, in the after battle report it tells you how many shots you fired and how many of those hit. I had assumed that the reason it took so long to kill people was because I was missing all the time, that's wrong, after checking these reports I noticed that I actually hit most of the time.

What this also means is that even though recoil is bad(probably too overdone than it is in real life really) people still use auto all the time because it's the only way to actually kill people in a reasonable time frame, people just spray and pray all the time.

The shops sell most of the equipment you need to run what you want but it unlocks by level, I am at tier I of IV and next tier unlocks at level 14-15 depending on the trader, so right now the best gun I can buy is a AK-74U and I can get a few attachments for it but not very good ones.
Anyway, the way to get money to buy these guns seems to revolve around the Scav gameplay, basically you can play as your PMC or you can play as a Scav with random equipment and whatever equipment that Scav brings back can be put into your stockpile so you can use it yourself or sell it. There are player Scavs and AI Scavs, Scavs spawn in a match while the match is going, usually about halfway through it seems(for most player Scavs anyway). If you shoot another Scav as a Scav you lose opinion with one of the vendors which also effects how good the equipment is that you get as a Scav is apparently. So then what often seems to happen is that you spawn into a match where most PMCs are dead or have left alread so it's just a bunch of player Scavs running around looting stuff. But from a distance it can be hard to tell who is a Scav or not and you are not going to risk shooting a another Scav because of the penalty so it seems if any PMC is still alive it would be easy for them to get the drop on player Scavs. That has happened to me, but he did not kill me so I managed to get him, but there is also another aspect to this Scav system where if you kill a Scav that killed a Scav you get more opinion so another player must have thought I had killed a Scav not a PMC so he killed me just after I killed the PMC. Another time I was shot by another Scav out of nowhere and another time I walked through a door and got shot by one, you are dealing with other players so it can be frustrating, you have no way of knowing if they are going to team kill you or not.

The maps are smaller than I thought and there are fewer of them(there were maps listed there with padlocks so I assumed I would unlock them at some point but apparently that's because they have not been made yet), PMCs and Scavs have set spawn locations as well. So learning the map is basically key to being good at this game.

Overall, it's not that good and I am not sure how much more I will play of it.

Bernd 08/31/2022 (Wed) 03:38 [Preview] No.48610 del
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Immortal empires and the blood pack came out for Total War Warhammer III so I got the game to try it out.

... I did not expect much and I did not get much. It's just Warhammer II which itself is just Warhammer I. They added a Liyue faction and a Snezhnaya faction, plus some stupid blob factions.

The Liyue faction is very average and not that interesting, it's very cliche but then all of Warhammer is. If somebody that does not know anything about Liyue thinks of Liyue what do they think of? Yin and Yang, harmony balance, terracotta soldiers and dragons. So that is all they put in. It's very boring. Visually, it's okay, it's one of the better factions in this regard but it's not up against much and it could still be a lot better.

The Snezhnaya faction is even worse, it's also full of cliches but many of them are not even from Sneznaya, like winged hussars. It's not that good looking either.

I'm not going to play the blob factions. I'll just wait for DLC.

The music is not very good either, it has not been for a while though, Genshin impact has FAR FAR FAR better Liyue and Sneznaya music and Sneznaya is barely in the game yet. The Liyue music here barely even sounds like it's from Liyue.

Bernd 09/01/2022 (Thu) 20:52 [Preview] No.48632 del
>Snezhnaya faction

Why foreigners can't use Russian language better? At least for naming.

Bernd 09/02/2022 (Fri) 01:41 [Preview] No.48633 del
But there is a real river in Russia called Sneznaya so then it's a real Sneznayan name in the Sneznayan langauge.

Bernd 09/02/2022 (Fri) 06:55 [Preview] No.48637 del
>Why foreigners can't use X language better?

Bernd 09/02/2022 (Fri) 09:56 [Preview] No.48639 del
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It is adjective. Technically it is valid word and even can be toponym, but it looks unrealistic that someone would use it as serious region name. You can name river, village or mountain like this, but not region or state. Phrase "snezhnaya oblast" (snowy region) feels like description (from weather forecast or geographical book), not place name. You can even use it as "снежная страна" (snowy country), but it also feels like place description, poetic phrase or fairy tale naming for small kids. Additional problem is declension: Snezhnaya is feminine adjective, and must be used in different form for masculine or neutral words. So when it used without changes it looks somewhat funny.

So, while it is valid word (much better than average foreigner attempt to name something in Russian), it still feels too unrealistic. I don't know anything about that Genshin thing though, maybe they made all names in that way.

Bernd 09/02/2022 (Fri) 11:05 [Preview] No.48640 del
The first nation in the game is called Mondstadt which is moon city in German.
In Japanese place names and even personal and family names have literal meanings, though I guess that used to be true for all languages but our language evolved over time until the name was distinct and had no literal meaning any more.

So for example, Sakura is a common girls name and it's also Japanese for Cherry tree, Hana is flower and is also a common girls name. Tokyo means eastern capital, Shikoku means 4th province and the Japanese name for the planet Neptune is Kaiousei, meaning Sea King Planet.
This carries on to fiction as well, Konohagakure the main village in Naruto means Village hidden by tree leaves. Often they apply this same logic to foreign names by using foreign words as well.
Anyway, Genshin Impact is actually Chinese but China does this too only in China it seems to be even worse, Genshin impact is actually unusual because usually in an English release they just translate the name of any area to English, so they would just translate Mondstadt as Moon City. But they did not this time. Though they do name areas in the game like that as well like Starfell Valley and Bright Crown Mountains but that is not so rare and English games could do that as well.

Bernd 09/02/2022 (Fri) 17:14 [Preview] No.48641 del
I assume you done with this >>48471
I read what you wrote earlier, just not had anything to say.
I tried Metro 2033 at a pal for a bit uh, some years ago, for me the whole thing felt scripted and wasn't clear that my weapons how much damage do to the monsters/mutants. I did not know how much the weapon upgrades helped either. Was weird.

>Total War Warhammer
Oh it's the fantasy one, not the sci-fi/fantasy 40K

Bernd 09/03/2022 (Sat) 06:26 [Preview] No.48644 del
I got a single player mod for it and played it offline. It's still not great and lacks content so it gets dull. The weapon handling and gun play is good, even if the recoil is overdone, but everything else is lacking. I never played Metro 2033.

Yes, they don't have a 40k Total War yet but they probably will make one eventually once they milk this one dry, that or a LOTR or Game of Thrones one.

Bernd 09/03/2022 (Sat) 07:42 [Preview] No.48645 del
>that or a LOTR or Game of Thrones one.
Fans already made a mod for that infa 100%

Bernd 09/03/2022 (Sat) 15:41 [Preview] No.48648 del
I checked Warthunder to see what was new, found this.

If only they put as much effort into the game as they did these update teasers...

https://youtube.com/watch?v=tg33uA1Jj7c [Embed]

Bernd 09/03/2022 (Sat) 17:05 [Preview] No.48649 del
Fat aircraft.
I assume the game isn't like that.

Bernd 09/07/2022 (Wed) 13:10 [Preview] No.48688 del
I tried to return to Warthunder. The thing that made me think of that is that they introduced post WW2/cold era vehicles. I was just tired of WW2.
BUt no, they're on the highest tiers ofc, and it requires so much grinding or paying for premium I gave up on day 2 or something. Played just enough to own some dudes and remind myself that Im still good.

Bernd 09/07/2022 (Wed) 13:38 [Preview] No.48689 del
I come back to it every now and then to see what is new, play for a day or two, get bored and then don't play it for a another several months or a year.

Grinding Modern vehicles is a pain, they cost too much, the highest level vehicles I have are the Leopard 1 and the Marder. Not much even changes with the game either, just some cosmetic effects.

Bernd 09/07/2022 (Wed) 13:43 [Preview] No.48690 del
I see. Well Im more of a plane guy myself. I think the highest I unlocked is F6F Hellcat, Kingcobra, P38, which is tier 2 or 3, dont remember. If I wanted to go back to this kind of MMO I'd rather go back to Mechwarrior Online. It has its own problems, but at least no need to grind for new stuff. Playing for a week or something was generally enough to buy whatever mech you wanted, and they were giving some for free every month or so in an event. No bs research trees.

Bernd 09/07/2022 (Wed) 16:36 [Preview] No.48692 del
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I feel like I should get into fighting games.

Im very good at pretty much every game genre there is with the exception of this one. I dont really have experience in it and I dont think experience from other games translates much to being good at it. I want to master it so I'll be able to say Im good at everything.

If memes on internet are to be trusted the current hot thing is Guilty Gear Strive. I checked it out, despite it being anime looking thing I kind of like the looks of it. And the music has some really good bangers. I heard anime fighting games have some crazy command inputs and it scares me a little but im not feeling discouraged. It's bit pricy so I'll wait for discount or look for a different title for entry.

I think my first challenge is going to be learning to play on a gamepad. All my life I've been mouse and keyboard guy, and from my limited experience playing those games on keyboard is a no, and I have problem with some moves on a gamepad. I heard pros play on arcade sticks but that means extra money investments so I'll pass for now.

Bernd 09/07/2022 (Wed) 21:19 [Preview] No.48693 del
I think those are about combos to call special moves.

Bernd 10/04/2022 (Tue) 12:34 [Preview] No.48898 del

Arc System Works which is the creators of this gaem has announced a free cross platform beta test, from 13 to 17 of October. Full game with all the dlcs and whatnot from what I read, but a separate application and your progress wont be saved to the main one.
I guess it will be a good moment to test the game properly. If Bernd will be interested we could set up some matches.
Still wont buy the game unless it'll come on sale for less than 100 zł or something because rn this is not for my budget.

Bernd 10/25/2022 (Tue) 15:32 [Preview] No.49091 del
Victoria 3 comes out today. I'll see if I can find a pirate version of it and then see if it's good at all.

Bernd 10/26/2022 (Wed) 01:47 [Preview] No.49093 del
Official reviewers will probably be positive, but their content is by and for normies. I'm eager to see what Victoria II veterans think, and to what extent the issues are systemic or just from a lack of polish and content.

Bernd 10/27/2022 (Thu) 05:49 [Preview] No.49096 del
I have mixed feelings about it. The economic system is okay but requires a lot of micro managing and I don't feel like it's enough to entice me to play the game alone, I don't really care about playing a game solely to see GDP go up, I also feel like their are not many interesting nations to play as. It has the typical new Paradox feel where everything is the same and nations don't stand out form each other much if at all as well.

I never played Victoria II.

Bernd 10/27/2022 (Thu) 07:46 [Preview] No.49097 del
I don't even know how CK3 goes. I played 2.

Using GDP sounds anachronistic. It would be better in HoI, but there we get industrial capacity and whatnot. And even in there would be anachronistic. I played briefly with Victoria 2 and I did not like the graphs. To be honest I couldn't got into the whole game, probably for the butthurt of no Hungary (tho I play other folks then Hungarian, I think I play mostly other folks).

Bernd 10/27/2022 (Thu) 08:59 [Preview] No.49098 del
You can play as South Australia though. But I don't think it would be fun at all.

Bernd 10/27/2022 (Thu) 10:48 [Preview] No.49100 del
I can't play paradox games anymore. All those grand strategies feel like they've been designed to suck as much time from you as possible. I look back at me playing CK2, Stellaris and EUIV and I think most of this was just waste of time. Can't really say the same of things like Baldurs Gate 2 or Endless Space 2. Sometimes I encounter people who have thousands hours spend on playing those gsgs and it just feels me with... im not even sure how to call it, nothing positive though. Do those people even play other games?

Bernd 10/27/2022 (Thu) 14:12 [Preview] No.49101 del
I can see what you mean, Hearts of Iron IV is my most played game on Steam at 351 hours, the next game down is Mount and Blade II:Bannerlord at 254 hours.

But then you have people spending thousands of hours on all kinds of games like AoE and Counter Strike. I like to think that it's more of a comfort thing, they go and play other games and do other things but they regularly go back to these games because it comforts them and overtime that adds up and they get thousand of hours. HoI IV has been out for 6 years now, so then if they played 9.6 hours a week since release then that's 3000 hours. I guess that is still alot though.

Bernd 10/27/2022 (Thu) 14:15 [Preview] No.49102 del
I can't bring myself to play more HoI IV though, I'm done with it and whatever DLC they bring out doesn't change the core of the game, I'm doing them same things I have done for 351 hours but with a different flag.
This kind of applies to newer Paradox games as well like Crusader Kings 3, it's just an updated CK 2.

Bernd 10/27/2022 (Thu) 16:37 [Preview] No.49103 del
I have lot of hours in NHL99

Bernd 10/27/2022 (Thu) 16:42 [Preview] No.49104 del
And I mean a serious stack lot.

Bernd 10/30/2022 (Sun) 03:37 [Preview] No.49120 del
(6.38 MB 3520x1435 Untitled 15.png)
I have not played much more Victoria 3 since I last talked about it, I just don't find it to be that interesting probably because of how bad the warfare and strategy part of the game is.

To build armies up in this game what you do is build barracks, each barrack will create one Battalion. Barracks in this game function similarly to how factories or farms or any other building does, how these work is that you set a production method, that will require certain inputs and in return produce a certain amount of output, you can also tell some buildings what outputs to priorities. An example is on the far right here.
So improving your army follows the same method that you would use to improve a factory. You research a method of production(type of soldier) and set the barracks to that, so here you see I have the menu for infantry open.
The inputs are the same, small arms are always small arms, you don't ever make better small arms, artillery is the same, you don't ever make better artillery. In fact if you research better artillery(such as breech-loaders) all that does is change the ratio of small arms to artillery that an arms factory produces.
Each nation gets the same soldiers and artillery and everything, there is no way to buff or modify any of this other than to produce a a more advance soldier which every nation has access to. It's not very engaging at all, what I like about HoI IV is the interplay between technology, raw materials and industry that then impacts the army and the the choices that the player has to use this and change this to suit his goals. You don;t get any of this in Victoria 3, you don't even get the ability to control your army.

War and strategy are also bad. When you start a war in this game what happens is that everybody in the area or who has put an interest in the area(and these areas are quite large) will be given the option of taking part in the war and you as a player as well as the AI will be able to choose to sway a country to your cause to join you. This makes wars quite random, I'll play as an African state and start a war with another African state only to have Denmark and some other random African states intervene, I'll load an old save to start the war again and see what happens and this time it's a bunch of other random states intervening, do it again and this time no states intervene at all. There is no reasoning behind any of this so starting any war is a gamble and there is no way to really plan for it, you have no idea who is going to get involved.

Not only that but they will send their entire army to fight in that war, Denmark send their entire army to fight in a war defending some random African state form another random African state. You cannot stop them sending those troops either, it happens during the build up to the war.

The wars themselves are pretty boring, you have no control over it. Each region has a HQ, each barracks you build in that region gives a battalion to the pool of that region and then you set a general to control it. Once in a war you then tell that general what front to fight on and whether he should attack or defend. That's it.

I think I know what they are trying to do with this game, they don't want you fighting many wars, they want you growing GDP and enacting social reforms(most of the loading screens involve protests or revolutions with an unrealistic number of blacks for some reason, there is woman suffrage march and half the women are black) but I just don't find that to be engaging unless I have some ability to do something with it, again, like in HoI IV.

Bernd 10/31/2022 (Mon) 14:22 [Preview] No.49130 del
It was clear war would suck ever since the dev diaries. How well does the economy work?

Bernd 10/31/2022 (Mon) 16:23 [Preview] No.49131 del
I never played Vic 2 so keep that in mind.
But. The economy is okay, I guess. It does what it's meant to do. But it's not great and it's not very rewarding. I don't really feel that it actually matters much what materials I have available to exploit nor that I get that much from the micromanaging that it wants you to do.

Bernd 10/31/2022 (Mon) 19:19 [Preview] No.49132 del
Things will change with DLCs. They'll add mechanics to various nations, for certain events happened in that era.
>they don't want you fighting many wars, they want you growing GDP and enacting social reforms...
Then maybe they should have made it something similar to Democracy 3 with additional warfare capabilities.

Dutch bernd Bernd 11/09/2022 (Wed) 05:40 [Preview] No.49190 del
>I can't play paradox games anymore. All those grand strategies feel like they've been designed to suck as much time from you as possible.

They've been perfecting that gaming strategy for years so they know what they're doing

Bernd 11/16/2022 (Wed) 08:44 [Preview] No.49212 del
I think their process is to make a basic mechanic for all in the base game. Which makes the game works, but interesting only enough to make players see potential. Otherwise it's bland, and nonsensical to some nations or cultures, etc.
Then create DLCs to add more flavour gradually. They not just serve as new source of income, but they make the product marketable for the long run, extending the lifecycle and the hype by years.

Dutch bernd Bernd 11/16/2022 (Wed) 17:54 [Preview] No.49219 del
I mean I like it

Dutch bernd Bernd 11/16/2022 (Wed) 18:12 [Preview] No.49220 del
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>Vercetti can't swim.

Neither could Claude though. And some people still love GTA 3 over the other games.

I guess preferences are made if you grew up playing the games. ytber Gmanlives gives an explanation over it.


Personally, GTA's game scale is a little too much sometimes. The game's too long. Whereas in Vice city, everything's "just right" in terms of everything. Except swimming. But vice city stories fixes every issue VC had

Bernd 11/19/2022 (Sat) 07:49 [Preview] No.49226 del
Was the first one CJ? Or some of the X City Stories implemented swimming?
Now this really made me think, if the NPCs in GTA SA could swim. I think if one fell into the water somehow they just dropped dead. But I can't really recall occasions (there was the mission where you had to speed along the pier then jump out of the car before it run into the water, but that's scripted).
>Whereas in Vice city, everything's "just right" in terms of everything.
Yeah, it's breddy gud in terms of scaling (too).

Dutch bernd Bernd 11/24/2022 (Thu) 18:29 [Preview] No.49313 del
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>Yeah, it's breddy gud in terms of scaling (too).


If you watch his Vice city video, he comments on water and blood splashing on you screen depending on your actions. GTA 3 and Vice city weren't the first video game to do that. Conker's bad fur day did it before them. Gud violent video game budy but tragic ending

Bernd 12/25/2022 (Sun) 13:02 [Preview] No.49537 del
(161.81 KB 1280x720 dark-quest.jpg)
Yesterday I found this thing.
It's kinda dungeon crawler without dungeon. Game of chance by a lot. The events are based on cards, these needs to be drawn. Cards can signal battles (turn based tactic), random events which can be decided by d10 rolls, can help or hinder.
Not sure what the quest is about, but 4 characters has to be picked from 5 choices (barbarian, dwarf, archer, wizard, and The Lady - she's badass) for it to start.
I played coupe of games until one of my chars threw up the boots, then restarted (can go on tho I just chose not to). For now, as i learn the game, what to do and what not, it is still interesting.

Bernd 12/26/2022 (Mon) 13:08 [Preview] No.49538 del
Apparently, you aren't supposed to go through it on one go. You collect stuff (crystals?) and use them to unlock stuff after all your characters ded, and have to restart from the beginning.

Bernd 12/27/2022 (Tue) 19:20 [Preview] No.49544 del
The heroes can attack each other.
The "Savager" is a beast.
It is really useful to check opponents what they can do.
Also it seems the damage rolls (how much damage will be done by each character after attack) are decided at the start of every turn. So can calculate before the first attack of the turn.

Bernd 12/27/2022 (Tue) 20:23 [Preview] No.49545 del
I watched the video again. I got some feels now. I would call it nostalgia, but nostalgia done alone is just feeling sorry for ourselves. And to add to it, this feels came when...

Bernd 12/30/2022 (Fri) 18:49 [Preview] No.49566 del
One of the starting, the Barbarian is also quite good damage dealer. Not as powerful as the Savager, but I don't have much time to play, and still learning.
I guess I'll write some impressions about the characters sometimes.

Bernd 01/28/2023 (Sat) 15:05 [Preview] No.49719 del
(1.61 MB 1920x1080 battle-brothers.jpg)
Installed Battle Brothers. Started as Lone Wolf. Ragequitted at second battle. To be honest would have been the last. Really have to refresh my memory how things work in this game. And maybe start with the first campaign option.

Dutch bernd Bernd 01/31/2023 (Tue) 05:45 [Preview] No.49729 del
(596.99 KB 3840x2160 apu_writing.png)
Inorite? GTA always has the best mission passed music. Except in GTAV

Gonna do a little write up on GTA in general soons. Could bring some srs discussions soon

Eggsplain this game artstyle pls

Dutch bernd Bernd 01/31/2023 (Tue) 06:10 [Preview] No.49731 del
Attention Duke Nukem fans

New mod/game rip for Duke Nukem is out. This one based out of the E3 2001 demo. They patched and fixed a lot of things wrong with the original gamerip release. Still being worked and improved one btw


Gmanlives made a video walkthrough for the new mod. It's an ok-ish video

Also, someone leaked around an 1 hour of GTA6. Unlike this meme video, >>47433 this one is literal demo content from Rockstar's servers


There were some more videos on yt, but I think they got deleted

Also, here's a mod for Duke Nukem Forever. To make it suck a little less


Bernd 01/31/2023 (Tue) 08:59 [Preview] No.49736 del
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>Gonna do a little write up on GTA in general soons.
I'm looking forward to it.

>Eggsplain this game artstyle pls
I think it looks quite good. The Brothers and their enemies don't have legs because they were intended to look like chess pieces, I think. It's gory due to the nature of the game, it's a battle tactics. I like how injuries reflects on the participants, it makes it quite dramatic.
There are some nice details to them, scars, tattoos, the armor they wear, the weapons they use.
The battlefields I think they are drawn nice, it's a hexa-net, so the elevation is done blocky, has to reflect that fact, but it's all right, the rest of the scenery is fine.
The strategic map where the merc company travels also done fine, with clouds floating.
Visiting the towns reminds me Heroes Of Might and Magic. With clickable buildings. Drawn well for the purpose I think.

Bernd 01/31/2023 (Tue) 09:00 [Preview] No.49737 del
Here's the whole book.

Bernd 02/07/2023 (Tue) 17:18 [Preview] No.49766 del
Calling our local Tropico expert. Which one is best? Was thinking about getting 6.

Bernd 02/07/2023 (Tue) 17:19 [Preview] No.49767 del
>1st pic
Im so glad they decided to not stick with that artstyle.

Bernd 02/07/2023 (Tue) 17:24 [Preview] No.49768 del
I play 4.
1 is classic but too old.
2 is pirate themed, and now that I mentioned, I kinda want to install it.
There was a reason why I did not went with 3, but I don't remember.
5 seemed like an improvement, but after a couple of scenarios, it turned out, you had less possibilities in ways to start out, and managing the island took always the same route.
6 has one feature, which also can't recall, which sounds good, but otherwise it's the same as 5 I think.

Bernd 02/09/2023 (Thu) 10:47 [Preview] No.49769 del
(1.01 MB 1920x1080 gay.jpg)
Yeah, when I first saw T6 the archipelago gameplay looked interesting, but I think the gameplay is the same with one island, just the map looks different. Building bridges and tunnels or whatever if it can be done not just to connect islands, but to direct traffic, that would be cool. Especially roundabouts. I saw other things were added via DLCs.
The chief minus is how gay all the related art looks like. Like Sims. Okay, they were at there level by 4.
Tried to look up what each DLC adds. Found on that obnoxious "fandom" site this:
>Players can express themselves by customizing their avatar,
>express themselves
Literally what the fuck. How is this expressing, communicating anything? Fucking hipster gibberish.
Anyway DLCs are lackluster and add features - like bribes - which should be in the base game.
Frankly the most disappointing thing in all Tropico games is that they don't build on enough on the evil dictator (be it left or right leaning) theme. "Enough", they are nowhere to bare minimum. The game should reward for do those things, but they are inconvenient, and actually penalizing. By the 6th installment, but I think even the 4 was like that, they reached total family friendliness levels, where these dictatorial tools are basically endearing quirks.

Srsly. Bernd should make a 3rd world shithole banana rape-ublic dictator similator, in the footsteps of Dungeon Keeper, where actually you are the "bad guy". It still could be funny and caricature-istic, but nothing of this fucking "drone-delivery company" bullshit. Unless it delivers drone strikes to political opponents.

Bernd 02/14/2023 (Tue) 18:27 [Preview] No.49801 del
What about this hogwarts thing? I'm aware of the Soviet game controversy thanks to NFKRZ.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=3OV4VaNW4FU [Embed]

Dutch bernd Bernd 02/15/2023 (Wed) 03:56 [Preview] No.49804 del
>Literally what the fuck. How is this expressing, communicating anything? Fucking hipster gibberish.

You could customize your avatar all the way back in Tropico 3. And that was almost 10 years ago.


Not sure about the other games in the series, but it's not a new feature. Maybe the developers ran out of new things to add to the game.

>t. owns a copy of Tropico 3

>Srsly. Bernd should make a 3rd world shithole banana rape-ublic dictator similator, in the footsteps of Dungeon Keeper

Making games that are fun and that people like is actually raly raly hard. Lots of work needs to be put into making a game. Sometimes months, even years

>t. smol video games developer

>Here's the whole book.

Bernd 02/15/2023 (Wed) 04:01 [Preview] No.49805 del
I think the video is good at highlighting how absurd this all is, I actually don't mind that guy he is probably the only good video game Youtuber.

I don't know of the controversy behind the Soviet game but it's a soviet game so the controversy probably surrounds the fact that they are probably Russian. But that game doesn't really interest me anyway, it's too weird.

I actually agree with Rowling on what the internet seems to hate her about, but she isn't even making the game anyway. I like the world of Harry Potter, I have not actually seen all the movies or read all the books but it has a nice feel. But the combat system of this game looks pretty bland and puts me off.

Dutch bernd Bernd 02/15/2023 (Wed) 04:04 [Preview] No.49807 del
>What about this hogwarts thing?
The game doesn't have as much spells as you'd expect for a game centered around magic to have. The old PS2 Harry Potter games had more spell making that the new game. Even Elden Ring has a more comprehensive spell casting system than it. Srs

>I'm aware of the Soviet game controversy thanks to NFKRZ.
Which one? Only one game that has controversy is the Atomic heart game


Dutch bernd Bernd 02/15/2023 (Wed) 04:10 [Preview] No.49808 del
(97.57 KB 643x858 PapersPlease.jpeg)
Just bought Papers Please. Bernds opinion on this game before I play it?

Bernd 02/15/2023 (Wed) 08:37 [Preview] No.49811 del
I made the refusal stamp (a png) which I shopped onto couple of Bernd's passports photos when they posted those.
I can't find any of it now. Will try.
The concept is entertaining. A bit repetitive and gets lot harder then one would think. I did not play it for a long time and never returned. It's kind of a gem on its own, but I dunno... you can decide yourself if you enjoy it or not.

Bernd 02/15/2023 (Wed) 08:50 [Preview] No.49812 del
I'm not criticizing avatar customization, but how it is phrased:
>players can express themselves
As it was some kind of a statement how the avatar looks, about themselves or their political stance or whatever. It's kinda pretentious.
>Making games that are fun and that people like is actually raly raly hard
Yeah, I hear you.

Oh so it's basically about Rowling telling that troons should hang themselves?
The Soviet thing is partially because it is financed by Moscow and oligarchs, and some claim it's a glorification of the SU and Russia. If this war weren't it would be hailed as best thing ever. It plays in a technologically advanced Soviet Union which won the Cold War, and the player is a KGB agent.

>Atomic heart
That's the one.

Bernd 02/15/2023 (Wed) 09:16 [Preview] No.49814 del
I don't think she went quite that far. But that is what seems to be it, people don't want to fund something related to her.
There was also some controversy with a game dev, that he had conservative views and had a youtube channel where he talks about them, but he was also let go at some point.

Cult of the Lamb is Victorian propaganda too for that reason.
>Cult of the Lamb is developed by Massive Monster, an Australian independent game development studio that has also created The Adventure Pals,[10] Never Give Up, and Unicycle Giraffe. Additional funding for development was provided through VicScreen's Victorian Production Fund

You are right though, if not for the war nobody would even bat an eyelid.

Bernd 02/15/2023 (Wed) 09:19 [Preview] No.49815 del
And while I mention Cult of the Lamb.
The reason I know it was Victorian propaganda was because I saw it in the title screen when I played the game.

I didn't like it, I got bored of it quite quickly and the homebase music is incredibly annoying hardbass.
I don't understand the hype but then I never do.

Bernd 02/15/2023 (Wed) 11:24 [Preview] No.49816 del
Yeah I think she said troons shouldn't try to be woman or something the like. Besides the point because doesn't matter what one says, it could be something sensible, reasonable or it can be something actually offensive, degrading, they'll behave the same.
>controversy with a game dev, that he had conservative views
Conservative views are now controversial. Well we all knew we are at this point.
>Victorian propaganda
They conspire to restore Melbourne as federal capital. V best A.

Well that Victorian propaganda still has to go a long way to captivate the masses.

Bernd 02/16/2023 (Thu) 09:59 [Preview] No.49821 del
Here's the "problem" with Hogwarts Legacy. Posting it so I won't forget to read it. Hopefully.

Bernd 02/16/2023 (Thu) 20:32 [Preview] No.49831 del
Heh. Bunch of nice quotables in that essay/article >>49821
It really doesn't belong to this thread, so copypaste only one thing.
>Littman mentioned Tumblr, Reddit, Instagram and YouTube as contributing factors to Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, where she believes that in the realm of transgender identification ‘youth have created particularly insular echo chambers.’
Eh. Two.
>‘TERF’ is an acronym coined by trans activists, which stands for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist

Bernd 03/03/2023 (Fri) 01:43 [Preview] No.49890 del
The new Harry Potter game is selling well.

A Vtuber with 600k subs that was playing it got harassed by trans activists to such a degree that she is deleting here channel and retiring.
I don't know how to feel about this, on one hand it's another Vtuber killed which is good, but on the other hand the circumstances around it are frustrating.

Bernd 03/03/2023 (Fri) 09:46 [Preview] No.49891 del
I bet the drama did good to the numbers.

Bernd 03/03/2023 (Fri) 18:49 [Preview] No.49897 del
(7.67 KB 232x217 pobrane.jpg)
Oh absolutely. I think JK Rowling said this herself that this is the only thing this outrage achieved. In the past various companies tried to make their product appear controversial except usually they were doing it directly. I wouldnt be surprised if the company who produced the game had actually worked to encourage those protests behind the scenes.

Dutch bernd Bernd 03/08/2023 (Wed) 05:49 [Preview] No.49923 del
>I bet the drama did good to the numbers.
>Oh absolutely.

That sounds liek so toxic for a marketing tactic

Bernd 03/08/2023 (Wed) 19:43 [Preview] No.49937 del
I don't think it was intentional on behalf of the devs and the publishing company. Moar liek a happy coincidence.

Bernd 03/25/2023 (Sat) 14:54 [Preview] No.50017 del
The most played games on Steam really surprise me.
They are really simple and old, like counter Strike and TF 2, I don't understand how people played them when they came out, let alone now and let alone this many of them. 1.3 Million are playing Counter Strike right now.
People are weird.

Bernd 03/26/2023 (Sun) 06:27 [Preview] No.50019 del
Ask Russians.

Bernd 03/26/2023 (Sun) 07:51 [Preview] No.50021 del
But all of the gopniks playing CS should have been conscripted... There should be less people playing it not more.

Bernd 03/27/2023 (Mon) 08:37 [Preview] No.50022 del
As a note: Baldur's Gate 3 is under development, it is available as early access game.
I highly doubt I'll ever play it. I read the synopsis of the plot, it's ridiculous. It's about alien abduction, mind control parasites, and spaceships.

Bernd 03/27/2023 (Mon) 16:30 [Preview] No.50029 del
But all those elements were present in older D&D games.
I feel BG3 is going to be dissapointment anyway because Larian Studios is not a company capable of producing a game that is comparable in quality to BG2.

Bernd 03/27/2023 (Mon) 16:48 [Preview] No.50030 del
(330.78 KB 517x501 the-year-of-ufo.png)
Well, previous BGs were about the heritage of a god and it's power to change the fate of nations, about people who try to take it and/or exploit it for their own gains.
Now it's about anal probing for trannies.

Bernd 03/27/2023 (Mon) 17:49 [Preview] No.50035 del
(116.42 KB 640x480 cs_rio.jpg)
The original Counter Strike was a favela LAN house classic. How similar is Global Offensive?

Dutch bernd Bernd 05/17/2023 (Wed) 03:48 [Preview] No.50243 del
>The original Counter Strike was a favela LAN house classic. How similar is Global Offensive?

Full of hackers and aimbot users. Practically unplayable.

Dutch bernd Bernd 05/17/2023 (Wed) 03:51 [Preview] No.50244 del
(110.45 KB 512x512 manage pro.jpg)
Just played FortNite. Hated playing it. Pretty unfun and unbalanced game just buy lightsabers to win every match XDD

And it was full of ads in every single place. Feels like I walked into those old webpages where a dozen pop ups would show up as soon as you visited them

Dutch bernd. Bernd 05/17/2023 (Wed) 03:52 [Preview] No.50245 del
It's also impossible to tell who's who when playing. Every character is too U-nique and is barely distinguishable from one another. You can't even tell who's on your team. Not playing that game again

Bernd 05/21/2023 (Sun) 16:33 [Preview] No.50272 del
I bought Guilty Gear Xrd on steam. So far i've been playing only with computer opponent but I still got a lot of fun. I've been playing GG Strive a bit before but now I can say I prefer Xrd more. The character roster is mostly similar but in Xrd there are few guys who are cooler or have cooler abilities. I guess Strive is better as a rock music album heh.
I tried to get some of my friends to buy it too so I'd have people with similar skill level to play with but they weren't interested. I guess fighting games are too niche. I'll play with random folks online eventually but I have to fix my internet connection first. For some reason I have a feeling online lobbies are full of people who will destroy you for pressing one wrong button once.

Bernd 05/21/2023 (Sun) 16:39 [Preview] No.50274 del
Also I noticed that after dozen or so rounds my thumb fails to input even the simplest special move motions on the analog stick. I wonder if it ever gets better or is it just one of those games that you can't play more then 1 hour.

Bernd 05/21/2023 (Sun) 16:56 [Preview] No.50277 del
I started playing Fortnight not long ago as well.

I agree it's not that great, there is a lot less content than I thought there would be too, just one map which gets a few new toys every now and then like the lightsabres for the event that is on. Gameplay is not great either.

I checked back every now and then just to see what had changed because I want to see what makes it so popular but really I have not found anything good about it and so I'll wait and see what the next season looks like and then uninstall it.

The only thing I can thing of that would make people play it is the sunk cost fallacy.

I never played on the team game mode. But yes, the characters look stupid.

Bernd 05/21/2023 (Sun) 18:52 [Preview] No.50279 del
(98.31 KB 640x434 barbarian.jpg)
As I stated a few times, I'm not fond of multiplayers. Fortnite looks like a zoomer game anyway.

As for fighting games...
There was the Barbarian on Zx Spectrum.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=bGDmDzI4d4w [Embed]
Looks like Conan. You could decapitate the enemy.
High chop, mid chop, low chop, roll, kick, headbutt, jump, couple of defense moves. Maybe something else.
Played some MK and it was fun, but not Streetfighter. I grew up not liking these.

It looks like in Guilty Gear some of the chars use musical instruments? How?

Bernd 05/21/2023 (Sun) 23:01 [Preview] No.50280 del
>It looks like in Guilty Gear some of the chars use musical instruments? How?

By smashing it on the opponent's head I believe. And some kind of magic idk. I think it's just one character, I-No. The rest of the cast uses some kind of weapons, or hands. Or a giant anchor. The tone of the game is quite wacky so I try to not overthink it.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=M9iudq6s8Us [Embed]

Bernd 05/22/2023 (Mon) 10:48 [Preview] No.50281 del
I don't even know what's going on, just frantic movement and flashing lights. The music is badass.

Bernd 05/22/2023 (Mon) 17:04 [Preview] No.50284 del
>The music is badass.
Yeah I love it. The guy making the game is some kind of Japanese Westerboo and has a band. As I said earlier the game doubles as a rock album. If you like it check out music from Strive. Xrd has some bangers too but Strive has much more vocal tracks.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=yYhYueboxuM [Embed]
This one is my favourite.

>I don't even know what's going on
I think thats more or less the speed of all fighting games nowadays. Although that character playstyle is getting into your face and throwing a lot of attacks.
There are slower characters, like Slayer, but who punches much harder instead.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=gawthYUyF7M [Embed]
I counted average 1 attack per second. After getting some basic skill in the game I find thats a lot of time for a player to think what to do next.

The only modern fighting game that I can think of that is slower is Hellish Quart. But its also very different. Instead of having to go through enemy's healthbar with your (un)sophisticated combos, all you need to do is score one solid hit with your sword.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=wxtngXpI7MM [Embed]

Bernd 05/22/2023 (Mon) 17:39 [Preview] No.50286 del
I think I'm just not used to it. I can only follow that damn train.
Gonna give a listen

Bernd 05/24/2023 (Wed) 09:44 [Preview] No.50288 del
A new Total War was announced.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=lLlD650ZBFQ [Embed]

Bernd 05/24/2023 (Wed) 09:48 [Preview] No.50289 del
I want to play Shogun II for a while now. Couldn't make it work.

Bernd 05/24/2023 (Wed) 11:58 [Preview] No.50290 del
One of these should fix the problem, either turn the computer off and on again, uninstall Linux or call your grandson.

Bernd 05/24/2023 (Wed) 12:09 [Preview] No.50291 del
I have never uninstalled an operating system. How does that work?

Bernd 06/07/2023 (Wed) 19:35 [Preview] No.50347 del
(25.68 KB 500x500 apuClosedEyes.png)
>The only thing I can thing of that would make people play it is the sunk cost fallacy.

Like World of Warcraft then?

>I never played on the team game mode. But yes, the characters look stupid.
It's liek Team Fortress 2, except bad. Same cel shaded models and similar lootbox/cosmetics system.

>As I stated a few times, I'm not fond of multiplayers.
I can liek understand where you're coming from bernd

>Fortnite looks like a zoomer game anyway.
That + among us are THE zoomer games. But among us has a really lengthy backstory to how it got so popular

>There was the Barbarian on Zx Spectrum.
Gonna try this out soon bernd

>Played some MK and it was fun,
I liek mortal kombat, but the lore is pretty bad

>but not Streetfighter. I grew up not liking these.
And those games specifically SF2 where specifically designed to take as much money from people as arcades as possible. I liek them but I get it.

Bernd 06/07/2023 (Wed) 19:36 [Preview] No.50348 del
(88.70 KB 854x841 1681909555.png)
>I have never uninstalled an operating system. How does that work?

Buy a new computer
Throw out old computer out through the window

>t. tech lead pro

Bernd 06/10/2023 (Sat) 11:21 [Preview] No.50382 del
This DnD game makes me wanna install BG again and start a Bard character.
Tho I think Bard is kinda useless. Just stands around and signs, can't really fight well, has limited casting abilities (tho I think in BG that doesn't matter due to low level), and as a thief he only gets the least useful thief ability: picking pockets.
If I remember correctly what BG misses is a solid thief character that can hide, disable traps, and open locks. All the supporting character thieves are gimped in this question in both games. But I think even BG1 doesn't need a character to be dedicated thief, a multi or dual class can do fine with proper skill point distribution.
While bard is kinda like a multi-class thief, it can't replaces it due to the useless pickpocket. Woe.

Bernd 06/10/2023 (Sat) 11:38 [Preview] No.50383 del
>This DnD game
I mean movie.

Bernd 06/22/2023 (Thu) 07:33 [Preview] No.50484 del
A bit late but they released a 40 minute video about Starfeild.

In my opinion Bethseda games are pretty average but they fill a niche with little or no competition, that being first person open word fantasy.
As for this game, the setting looks interesting but the plot, the world building, the dialogue, the character models and animations and many other things look quiet bad. I hate the health bars being over opponents like that as well but maybe there will be an option to turn it off. I think it will be playable and there won't really be anything else like it, but I don't expect it to be very good.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=389Ce7Nr4x0 [Embed]

Bernd 06/22/2023 (Thu) 11:15 [Preview] No.50485 del
Just the sound in the intro is typical Bethesda.
>Todd Howard lying again
Did they buy Scam Citizen?
Big empty planets and moons.
Dinosaurs and laser.
>low-grav Oblivion with guns
>walking simulator in space
And many more imblicatations.
>Istvan Pely
Oh no, a Hungarian.
>turquoises haired fat chick
>fat cow
This game's gonna be great.
Oh this is a long video, have to stop commenting on every line and scene.
How big this game will be? 120-140 gigs? More?
>Eclectic Cast of Characters
I came a little.

Bernd 06/22/2023 (Thu) 11:22 [Preview] No.50486 del
Fuck me.

Bernd 06/22/2023 (Thu) 11:30 [Preview] No.50487 del
I bet these boomers talking about a vidya is really appealing for the zoomers. They really can reach them.
**Yes I'm still talking about this >>50484""
Also: kek the fat whore is "into" stealth gameplay more like they just made her tell those lines, she never played anything with but chicken tendies and chocolate cake in her whole life. I imagined she's trying to drop off from that ceiling air vent but stuck.

Bernd 06/22/2023 (Thu) 12:30 [Preview] No.50488 del
So finished the video. If I had the machine for that, and it would run on linux (Bethesda games tend to suck on wine), I might gave it a try. But since I haven't tried even Fallout 4, most likely I wouldn't bother even then.

You know, Bernd, what would be cool? To be able to mod Baldur's Gate on Linux.

Bernd 06/22/2023 (Thu) 12:57 [Preview] No.50489 del
An SSD is listed as a minimum requirements on Steam. Not sure how big it will be.

The game devs certainly look very American. And yeah, the stuff they say is pretty silly. Also when they say stuff talking about how great the faces look or the melee combat or something and it still looks the same as it was in Oblivion.

I'll probably get it on PS5, when I get a PS5.

Dutch bernd Bernd 06/23/2023 (Fri) 02:19 [Preview] No.50493 del
>Also when they say stuff talking about how great the faces look or the melee combat or something
They look kinda weird sometimes. Still better

>and it still looks the same as it was in Oblivion.

Actually they added an oblivion character now that you mention it.


It's the adoring fan from Oblivion. He's back

>I hate the health bars being over opponents like that as well but maybe there
I don't like it either. And the XP bars pop out a bunch of times in the front of the screen every time you do something.

Bernd 06/23/2023 (Fri) 09:00 [Preview] No.50500 del
Another thing to note: smartwatches, smartwatches everywhere. I imagine when they came into fashion they were all piping voice::
>oh my god I bought this smartwatch
>oh my god so cool
Todd has their own tho, not just some generic crap. First I thought it's a normal watch - as it should be on such rich moneybag - but I think that is a smartwatch too.

Bernd 08/03/2023 (Thu) 16:32 [Preview] No.50798 del
(901.60 KB 1920x1080 Field-of-Glory-II.jpg)
Found this one. Fields of Glory II. It seems this has an Imperium and an Medieval editions. I have the first. It's about the battles and campaigns of the antiquity and early medieval times. Greeks, Romans, Persians, Germanics, Huns, Arabs, Vikings, I think Babylonians too perhaps. And some. Has a handful of DLCs that added more content.
It's a turn based tactics game, adapted from a tabletop boardgame, so the rules are tested by time. It has a great variety of units and all should conform to historical time and place. I played only 2 tutorial battles (successful) and started the Roman campaign against their early neighbours, Etruscans, Samnis, etc. Got my ass handed to me. Although I did not gave the thought it deserved, and I'm not familiar with all the rules. For example before each battle the user gets X points he can buy units with. I dunno if the remaining points are transferable to the next battle of the campaign, or one should spend it all (I did not do that, so I was in numerical disadvantage, like 24K vs 14K or something).
Additional information: the map is square based not hex, probably better for simulating phalanxes meeting with each other and forming lines and such.
The graphics are fine for me.
I give a very good rating for this. Like 8 pilum out of 10. It perhaps 10/10 perhaps 6/10, but I have not played enough.

Bernd 08/05/2023 (Sat) 14:19 [Preview] No.50801 del
Am kinda suck at this to be honest. The cavalry is way less maneuverable than in Total War. They can also be distracted by a unit of javelinmen and run around in circles with them instead of charging in the flank of the enemy.
The main aim at every battle is to rout the enemy, rarely can massacre a formation just like that, and when they rout the unit that fought with them doesn't really become available at that moment, and even next turn, the possibilities are slim, usually just to charge into the next enemy another unit of yours is fighting.
Everything is far, there is no reinforcements from the other side of the battlefield.
The thought that you are gonna do some grand maneuvers... best to forget.
Really have to take care where to fight the enemy. Each tile ofc has it's own type of terrain and a good unit can be disorganized by a patch of woods or rough ground or whatever and then some shovelheads can stop them. Also you think you have a great defensive position right at the starting area, like a big hill. Well AI isn't stupid you attacking there, and you have finite amount of turns to finish the battle. One thing I have to really figure out: countering charges, sometimes they can be really lethal to my units. Even great units can get demoralized just like that, and doing the battle from that disadvantage sucks.
Switched campaign to Pyrrhus, that is one of the campaigns of the base game, thought would be easiest. Not really.
There is little storytelling in the game, it offers "strategic" decisions between battles, but it really is all about the battles themselves.

Also shouldn't mistake it with Field of Glory Empires - like how picrel is named, it is wrong. That is a different game.

Bernd 08/07/2023 (Mon) 14:30 [Preview] No.50804 del
(851.31 KB 1920x1080 FoG-Empires-01.jpg)
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(70.71 KB 533x594 lolwut.jpg)
The most curious thing.
Here's this game, Field of Glory Empires, the one I mentioned just above... this is a grand strategy game and involves only that, the battles are resolved by the engine.
If the player wishes, can export the battle, then import it into Field of Glory 2, do the battle there, and import the result back to the game.
The two games were developed and published by the same group of companies so yeah. But what a weird solution.
Sure the two games have enough details on their own to deserve their own titles, but there is more.
They released Field of Glory II, the tactical combat game in 2017.
Then Field of Glory Empires in 2019 and made it possible to play the battles in FoGII.
And then, instead of creating the game that unifying the two aspects and have something like Total War, they released Field of Glory II Medieval in 2021, and this year they should release Field of Glory Kingdoms, which will be similar to Empires except it plays in the Middle Ages, and I expect FoGII Medieval to be able to resolve the battles of that.

Bernd 08/08/2023 (Tue) 18:06 [Preview] No.50810 del
this gave me flashbacks to paradox titles (not a good feeling)

Bernd 08/08/2023 (Tue) 18:28 [Preview] No.50811 del
Baldurs Gate 3 from Larian Studios was released couple days ago, and from what Im hearing people are loving it. It also made developers from other companies a little jealous and worried. Some time before the release there were voices on various news platforms and social media from those people that they really are looking forward to playing but the quality of it should be considered an anomaly and not set as a standard for future games. They gave various reasons for their thinking, like Larian having a lot of employees, having a big budget, them working on a estabilished popular franchise etc. Lots of AAA game developers were repeating this as well which makes it very funny. But tbh the indie devs that were involved should shut up as well imo, Larian was pretty much a literally who in this business until they got their divinity original sin games rolling. They worked hard for I think a decade or perhaps more to be where they are right now.

All being said I remain sceptic about the game and will not buy it for now. I belive people who say its fun and well made but I fear it might be poisoned by some cringe takes on moder politics somewhere or similar stuff and im really tired of this in my games. I'll see in a year or so when they start selling it with a discounted price.

Bernd 08/08/2023 (Tue) 18:47 [Preview] No.50812 del
(219.23 KB 1280x720 20120824004544.jpg)
Now here's a game im really looking forward to. Saw the trailer and gameplay preview and immediately fell in love. Never played the older armored core titles since I never owned a console, this would be the first one to come to PC. I think its supposed to be released in few weeks but sadly I'll have to wait a little longer since their full price is not something I can afford right now.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Vs2piSWfofQ [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=DcDjyestr4Y [Embed]

Also all the talk about this game that was among my peers made me go back to other From Software game which is Dark Souls. I own the old Prepare to Die edition that was released like 10 years ago and not the new remastered version. Its bit janky and dated but im still loving it and willing to complete it 100%. Also I'll be buying other games in the series + Elden Ring maybe, that is as long as they put them on discount too since right now they are bit pricy.

Bernd 08/08/2023 (Tue) 19:02 [Preview] No.50813 del
Now that is Total War, minus playing the battles. Turn based strategy, not realtime.

Have you played Gamedev Tycoon? It's really enlightening.
In there you research new "tech" of making games (new genre, new perspective, whatever) and you could create a really good game, and you do, and you fail. Because after you make an awesome game, the expectations for the next will be higher and you have to up it, otherwise the sales will plummet.
What has to be done then? Just make a bearable game which don't need much effort to overshadow... To sell the most retarded thing as good, and then even the mildly retarded will look like genius next to it.
It is really hard work to make anything good, and if it's done, people will take it as granted, and baseline.
Yeah, I won't pirate it either. It's like 70 Gigs. Wtf. I don't need flashy graphics, and great storied can be told on way less.
Again I just wish I could mod BG1-2 on Linux.

Bernd 08/08/2023 (Tue) 19:25 [Preview] No.50814 del
Heh, no, I havent played it but I heard about it. I guess from a corporate point of view making mid AAA titles is necessary then and I can understand their frustration when someone like Larian barges into the market.
Me personally I view games as a pieces of art sort of. Big AAA companies don't seem to be interested in producing that, so I dont care about their fate. I think their products will be forgotten pretty quickly, meanwhile classics will remain forever. If it takes for a corporation to go bankrupt to produce a masterpiece, then its a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

Bernd 08/08/2023 (Tue) 19:37 [Preview] No.50815 del
I had some half mind trying Dark Souls, but I'm not sure. Too many games, and too little time. Also I'm not sure I would enjoy it anyway.
I'll check the videos later, tomorrow perhaps.

>its a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
I bet they don't would say you shouldn't make this sacrifice.

Bernd 08/08/2023 (Tue) 19:37 [Preview] No.50816 del
>I bet they would say you shouldn't make this sacrifice.

Bernd 08/09/2023 (Wed) 02:51 [Preview] No.50818 del
I actually side with the AAAs on this one.
The amount of dialogue they advertised this game as having is ridiculous and that's what AAA and Indie devs were pushing back on and I agree.
The amount of dialogue a game has does not correlate to how good it is, adding more dialogue to Darksouls or Elden Ring won't improve it in fact it would change the nature of the game.

That's related to the reason I am not getting this game, I just don't like the dialogue or stories or settings in western games that much.
And this is based on DnD so that's makes my issues with these things all the more worse.
I also don't like the way combat looks and I don't like the look of the characters.

But having said that, I'm not saying the game will be bad, just that it's not to my tastes.

Bernd 08/09/2023 (Wed) 08:23 [Preview] No.50819 del
There is a difference between dialogue and dialogue. If you actually have choices and they are meaningful (eg. they help to solve a situation outside fighting - rpgs aren't just battle tactics, or shouldn't be) that's great. But just producing dialogs that are barely interactive animation sequences, where the player has nothing to do just read/listen - and especially where he would pick different replies or questions - then that's bad.

I have problems with the DnD system they pick for the newer games.
>you dip into this and add 3 level of that, so your basic Sundancer gets +25BAB and Spiderfist ability you get a killingmachine
Everything beyond BG2s complexity is superfluous and it doesn't make the game more enjoyable. Sometimes the different abilities of the classes just mean the same thing with different coating. The original basic classes and those couple of prestige ones meant more than enough variety. Meaningless details for zoomer brained millenials to enjoy, with their special snowflake character, combination of prestige classes.
Not to mention all the races... What's wrong with the basic human, half-elf, elf, dwarf, gnome, halfling, half-orc categories? Why add some retarded Miitzwoul race with +4 to STR and CHR and -5 to CON?
In fact I would huegely prefer M.A.G.U.S. in this question where:
>you are human
>you want something else? the rulebook says you can? FUCK OFF
(Well, kinda.)
Sad no video games came out with MAGUS ruleset and setting.

Bernd 08/09/2023 (Wed) 11:58 [Preview] No.50823 del
Not everything is about Role-playing. I quite like the dialogue in games like the Tales of Series and Atelier series even though it does not offer choices or anything like that. I like it because I like the characters so I like hearing them talk about things and interact with each other.
Western games tend not to have characters that I find very likeable though, so I don't particularly want to hear what they have to say and the world and story they are in is not that interesting either so I don't care about that as well.

One western game that I did like was Witcher 2 though, but I really hated Witcher 3 and I think a large part of that was because turning it into an open world game like that caused so much bloat and it's an example of more dialogue and choices not being better.

I never played DnD because I am cool.

Bernd 08/09/2023 (Wed) 12:48 [Preview] No.50824 del
That depends on definition of genre, and the mix of them too.
Rpg, adventure, action are frequently mixed, but each has own characteristics. RPG also used quite loosely, technically anything can be role-playing, like I can play the role of Duke Nukem... They also call something rpg because characters are assigned stats, which personally I think is stupid, and a bastardization of the pen and paper role playing games; but that's what computers do, counting numbers.
I think interaction with NPCs is a huge part of RPGs, large part of the role how you do it. Ofc there can be settings and stories where the player or players are very isolated and the interaction with the world will miss the element of dealing with people in other way than killing them, or dealing with them at all.
I can't judge Witcher 2 for I have not played it.

Bernd 08/09/2023 (Wed) 16:38 [Preview] No.50826 del
What is Dark Souls really about? You can write spoilers.

Bernd 08/10/2023 (Thu) 11:52 [Preview] No.50830 del
It starts with this story about the ancient age, which was "motionless" so to speak, as in apparently it was a mass of grey land, without life or death, heat or cold etc. This age was ruled by immortal dragons. Until a thing called the First Fire appeared. Certain creatures discovered it and obtained Souls of Lords from it which turned them into living gods essentially. The Lords challenged the dragons and defeated them, starting a new Age of Fire. Those events are also implied to be when humans came into existence. Intro explains it well I think, also its super cool.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=e0l73vAlEBQ [Embed]

Then we fastforward to the events of actual game and it seems like the world is ending. Some people appear to be cursed and turning into undead. Our hero is one of them. We start in an undead asylum in some remote location, where we were sent to separate us from normal people, imprisoned until the end of the world. Becoming undead doesnt mean you turn into zombie like creature instantly. Initially, you just appear to not be able to die, but eventually you become a thing called a Hollow, your body deteriorates, loose your mind and become aggresive towards anyone that is not Hollow too. Most enemies in the game especially at the beginning are Hollows.

At the start of the game we become rescued from the asylum by another undead (the normal one) who informs us that we are a chosen one destined to travel to the ancient realm of the Lords called Lordran and discover the fate of the undead. So we do just that. Eventually we meet a primordial serpent Frampt, who claims to be a friend and companion of Lord Gwyn, and urges that we succeed Gwyn and prolong the age of fire. This is basically the point in the story I reached in my game. The rest what I write is from spoilers I accidentaly found somewhere.

It becomes revealed taht when the First Flame became fading, one of the Lords, the Witch of Izalith, attempted to create a new fire, which went horribly wrong, turned her into some kind of abomination and spawned demons that plague the land (also present in the game). Lord Gwyn attempted a different solution. He traveled to the Kiln of the First Fire (where they found it initially) and sacrificed himself in order to rekindle it. It worked but its only a temporary solution.

In the game we meet another primordial serpent who offers a different solution. He says the chosen undead should go and defeat Gwyn (or rather whats rest of him) but instead of rekindling the fire he should destroy it. This would start a new Age of Darkness with the player as the new lord, where humanity would truly shine. At the end of the game the player decides which solution he thinks is right.

I think in the sequels it becomes apparent that no matter the ending the player chooses, there will be eventually someone who will rekindle the fire and start the cycle all over again. Never played them so I can't tell much more.

Hopefully I didn't misremember anything.

Bernd 08/10/2023 (Thu) 12:09 [Preview] No.50831 del
I don't think it has anything to do with the amount of dialogue. I think it's just corporates being afraid. The indie dev that started the discussion was stupid too I think. No one expects a company with singular digit workers to produce a game in similar scale to BG3.

Bernd 08/10/2023 (Thu) 13:02 [Preview] No.50834 del
Well that's what it looked like to me anyway.
I don't think they are afraid, Baldur's Gate does not occupy a niche that any Triple A studio does aside from the studio that makes Dragon Age, if they are triple A anyway(I'm not sure on these things).

If it's just dialogue they are referring to then a small indie studio probably could do that if it was made too.

Bernd 08/10/2023 (Thu) 17:57 [Preview] No.50836 del
That's not half bad, not at all. Almost makes me wanna try it. The remastered version is 6,5 gig. Huh. Nah, too much to do.

Bernd 08/12/2023 (Sat) 17:37 [Preview] No.50845 del
(963.60 KB 1920x1080 fog2.jpg)
Beat the campaign of Pyrrhus, consisting 6 battles. Learnt a lot, still feel novice, lots of details to keep in mind.
Essentially the rough template of tactics looks like this: hope to break the enemy it one place and hope enough of your troops will hold until you clear the battlefield from the breaking point. Lotsa hoping there, but that's that.
Can fuck up if you start maneuver, the AI is smart and it's easy to expose the flank and rear. A good strong winning unit can be crushed if moves into the depth of the enemy.
A Cannae style envelopment sounds cool but in these 6 battles, it was impossible.
Funny phenomenon when two units from the two opposing forces stands and stare at each other for I did not want to attack, not liking the odds, and the computer either. Or because attacking would expose that aforementioned flank. This is a type of engagement to be honest.
The victory message is a bit anti-climactic at the end of the campaign, but the game is solid.

Bernd 08/13/2023 (Sun) 07:12 [Preview] No.50846 del
So on the battlefield the army can be divided to center and flanks/wings. In Medieval times they did divide the armies into three, vanguard, middle, and rear, marching in this three detachments, then on the battlefield the van got the left, the middle was the center, and the rear positioned on the right. The three columns were about the same size. But in ancient times, wasn't like this, especially not in Greece/Macedonia and Rome, they played more with the balance of the line.
In theory three - or four I guess - deployment is viable: heavy left, balanced, and heavy right. The fourth would be heavy center, but it sounds like a balanced (because the two wings has the same weight), so perhaps it's a subcategory. I think two tactics works well: overload either of the wing s and create an outflanking situation.
In theory again, overloading the center could work, punch a hole there and roll up the line towards the wings. But it's hard to imagine how to squeeze the units in if there is a continuous line there. Only the units engaged can be hoped they finish the opposing units quick so they can move against the enemy their neighbour fighting with.
What I noticed is that the AI often "destroys" its own formation if something unexpected is happening, I mean it moves the center units towards the sides (for example notices a weakness on one of the wings and diverts units there, or want to counter a larger force on the win, or something) and creates a gap in the middle. Perhaps it's a temporary gap since its formation has couple of ranks (2-3) and the next units marching behind can fill, but it is an opportunity.
I also noticed that the AI tends to place weekest units in the center. Or perhaps not just me reading things the wrong way.

cont. Bernd 08/13/2023 (Sun) 10:47 [Preview] No.50848 del
So the course of the battle depends a lot on the opponent, how its formation looks like. Where he places the weaker units? What units will we face and where?
I think one part of the game is to survey the battlefield from the eyes of the opponent. On some maps. On others the features are so even, it is a gamble anyway.
The bad thing is it's hard to guess what the opposing force will be like. Well probably for those who play a lot, it's easy. Ofc a folk, culture has certain type of units, but there can be allies or mercs.
And also would be nice to do smaller scale battles, with only a handful of units involved. Perhaps can be done with custom battles have to check that.

Bernd 08/13/2023 (Sun) 11:07 [Preview] No.50849 del
(546.91 KB 1600x900 FoG-smallest-preset.jpg)
This is the smallest size in custom battles with the smallest preset. Manual tweaking is possible I think, not sure the minimums that can be set.

Bernd 08/13/2023 (Sun) 11:10 [Preview] No.50850 del
(558.54 KB 1600x900 FoG2-2nd-round.jpg)
Heh, fugging faggets waiting me, did not move in their turns. AI doesn't like that hill behind me, I could crawl back and use it as an advantage.

Bernd 08/13/2023 (Sun) 11:28 [Preview] No.50851 del
(568.92 KB 1600x928 FoG2-losing.jpg)
Shit. Am losing this. Their foot is better, got my main general killed (one can have 1 commander in chief, and 3 sub generals on the field), and still got uncommitted units.
He got his left flank exposed but my cavalry is too light.

Bernd 08/13/2023 (Sun) 11:43 [Preview] No.50852 del
(547.52 KB 1600x900 FoG2-last-stand.jpg)
Yeah. Gonna try some last stand on that hill.
Problem is that infantry unit, on the left I tried to withdraw, and got fragmented. It might could have hold it against that unit with general for a while.

Bernd 08/13/2023 (Sun) 11:50 [Preview] No.50853 del
(380.90 KB 1600x900 FoG2-defeated.jpg)
Oh well.
Definitely made some bad choices. Starting with troop selection, more heavy foot, or reliable was needed.
That's that. Back in the mud.

Bernd 08/13/2023 (Sun) 11:55 [Preview] No.50854 del
Here's the losses report after the battle. I was with the Numidians.
The high Captured/Deserted is the result of the units broken and dispersed. I think they have to actually disperse and not just flee (these are still on the map) by the end of the battle.
Lost over half my army. Sad state of things. Luckily this was just a standalone battle for testing the size of the clashes.

Bernd 08/16/2023 (Wed) 13:12 [Preview] No.50855 del
Playing this war of mine, I only recently started. I suck at the game but I like it, it's easy to be captivated by the game.

Bernd 08/16/2023 (Wed) 13:16 [Preview] No.50856 del
Within half a decade AI will greatly improve, imagine what will happen.

Paradox will either bankrupt or release proper games and DLCs

AI will vary a lot, countries ruled by intelligent dudes will meta game just like the players.

Overall proper historical simulation and hard challenge without AI cheating.

Bernd 08/16/2023 (Wed) 21:54 [Preview] No.50862 del
>Within half a decade AI will greatly improve, imagine what will happen.
I'm hoping today's advanced machine learning technology is applied to strategy game AI. Paradox could train such a model with, say, a sample of a thousand high-level multiplayer matches, then have it play against itself.

Bernd 08/16/2023 (Wed) 22:43 [Preview] No.50863 del
Yeah but it doesn't even needs to reach full limit. Because it'd be too good and beat us always like in chess.

But imagine in Crusader Kings, one-in-a-millenia tier geniuses actually using super intelligent AI instead of stacking huge bonus stats, modifiers and traits. That's be pretty epic.

Bernd 08/16/2023 (Wed) 22:50 [Preview] No.50864 del
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Dutch bernd Bernd 08/18/2023 (Fri) 04:13 [Preview] No.50870 del
(110.45 KB 512x512 manage pro.jpg)
>Paradox will either bankrupt or release proper games and DLCs

I doubt they'll ever release good DLCs. Liek, I played EU4 and I was shocked at how awful they where when it comes to DLC.

Sounds ebin!

>Have you played Gamedev Tycoon? It's really enlightening.
I own that game. It's pretty fun. Lots of nice easter eggs

Bernd 08/18/2023 (Fri) 12:59 [Preview] No.50874 del
>I doubt they'll ever release good DLCs. Liek, I played EU4 and I was shocked at how awful they where when it comes to DLC.
bankrupcy then, sounds good.

Bernd 08/19/2023 (Sat) 06:50 [Preview] No.50883 del
I wanted to play that but did not run on Wine for me.

>Within half a decade AI will greatly improve, imagine what will happen.
I fear game devs will use it to create games and all will be mediocre, bland, and unoriginal.
But how you and Brbernd >>50862 puts it, the AI opponents in single player games could improve greatly, and yes the devs won't need to stack the deck with giving extra resources or different mechanic to it.

It is kinda ebin.

I won't cry.

You vanvan.

Bernd 09/05/2023 (Tue) 02:14 [Preview] No.50959 del
(258.79 KB 671x720 meme bundle.png)
>bankrupcy then, sounds good.

I'd like that but see pic rel. DLC packs being priced for bout 274,32€ and 407,37€ (It's on sale now btw. I could by dozens of gaems with that money)

As long as the normies keep spending a gorillion dollars on superfluous shit inside Paradox interactive games, they'll keep doing the same DLC meme sales strategy. You could just maek ur own cosmetics on the game via mods though

Bernd 09/05/2023 (Tue) 02:18 [Preview] No.50960 del
(363.65 KB 765x813 meme bundle part 2.png)
>endchan killed my screenshot to death

gr8 site. Here's the Steam page if it ends up eating my screenshot againts


Bernd 09/05/2023 (Tue) 02:45 [Preview] No.50968 del
(2.25 MB 2894x4093 ZZC 0626.jpg)
I'm playing Starfeild now, my uncle works at Nintendo so I got it for free or at least that's the story I am sticking with for legal reasons.

Anyway. It's basically what you would expect, if a little bit worse but still in that range.

It's not true open world instead everything is broken up into zones which means that traversing the game world is annoying as you are constantly going through menus to travel from one spot to another. Well I guess that was going to happen anyway given it's a space game but even some of the cities are spit into multiple zones.

Plane exploration is, again what you expect. You have set points of interest like cities and research bases or outposts that you can travel too or you can click on a random part of the planet and travel there and it will create a procedurally generated area which is just wilderness with points of interests spread through it like mines or abandoned research stations, these stations and such are the same and you will find them on multiple planets if you explore them in this way.
The vistas are not that impressive, I liked the environments in Space Engineers much more, they felt much realer and looked better.

These planets have dumb alien life that looks stupid as well.

The gunplay is fine, I did not like it in the beginning but as my weapons got better and I was able to kill enemies faster it became more bearable, it's nothing special though.

Art style is hit or miss, mostly miss. Some of the weapons are rendered quite well with a lot of detail at least but they look generic and not that interesting as do all of the clothes and armour in the game.

The story is terrible, the characters are bland, the factions are boring and the writing is incredibly corny and generic.

The skill tree is usable but I prefer the old style. In Starfeild you earn a point every level which you can spend on a perk tree, once you unlock a perk you then have a challenge to complete to unlock the higher level of that perk(you still need to spend a point to unlock that level though). So it's quite specialised, you don't really work towards multiple skills at one time and instead you fixate on one or two.

Ohh yeah, and also the game has some real weapons, so far I have found an M1911, an AK, some Shotgun and a VSS Vintorez, they call the VSS Vintorez an 'Old earth hunting rifle' for some reason. That's probably the least accurate description of a rifle ever. It's not a hunting rifle and Russia isn't part of Earth.

Ohh and one more thing, speaking of Russia, there is a black Russian in this game, it's funny(not intentionally though, nothing they do intentionally is funny).

Bernd 09/06/2023 (Wed) 11:35 [Preview] No.50991 del
>274,32€ and 407,37€
Jesus fucking Christ.

First screenshot works for me.

Watched couple of Sarfield reviews. Conclusions: empty, bland, and dated.
>I am sticking with for legal reasons.
Such is life in the declining West.
>It's not true open world...
As I can some up what some faggot said: bunch of loading screens between fishbowls.
Imagine open world space game where you can fly between planets and land on them by freehand. Definitely not it.
>these stations and such are the same and you will find them on multiple planets
To be honest this whole space concept is retarded. IRL one would find the same thing everywhere. Empty, dead planets, with man made cubes where they can exists, mines where they extract minerals, labs where they do experiments. That's it. The only variation would be the material they mine. No reason to explore because there is nothing to be explored. There is nothing in space just empty space and dead planets.
Is it tied to skill? Like you miss if you have low rifle skill (they deliberately make projectiles move different direction then you point your cursor)?
>characters are bland, the factions are boring and the writing is incredibly corny and generic.
I wonder if they made them with the power of ML? That would make some bland crap.
>Russia isn't part of Earth.

Bernd 09/06/2023 (Wed) 11:36 [Preview] No.50992 del
>some up
*sum up

Bernd 09/06/2023 (Wed) 15:42 [Preview] No.50995 del
Yep, that's basically right.

I think Space has potential if it's done well. Not all the planets are dead, plenty of them have life on them in this game. But the life in these planets are boring generic aliens that don't make any sense.

>Is it tied to skill?
Damage is to a degree but not accuracy, though guns are still inaccurate in that way but that depends on the accuracy and range values of the gun in question.

>I wonder if they made them with the power of ML?
I've been wondering that too. The quest lines I have just done are terrible.
Often a plot will be so obvious that you assume that surely they can't do what you think they are going to do because every man and his dog can see that coming a mile away and then the writing is bad enough that the set up they are going for has holes in it and makes little sense and so you assume that actually it's a red hearing and that's why it's so obvious and the writing is flawed but then no. Actually what you thought was going to be the case is the case and it's just written badly.

Bernd 09/10/2023 (Sun) 07:11 [Preview] No.51009 del
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(1.06 MB 1920x1080 fog2-britons.jpg)
I did not advance at all in BG in the past few weeks, but played three more small scale (liek a dozen units on each side) "quick" battles in Field of Glory 2.
Really have to know the strength and weaknesses of each unit type to use them effectively. For example I failed to use my elephant in any meaningful degree and did jack all in one of the battles.
A Macedonian phalanx can be very strong in the melee, but a charge of an "impact foot" (think of legionaries, or Germanic barbarian foot) can break there morale. And if the particular phalanx are targeted by two or three charges of three impact foot (from the front, diagonal right, and diagonal left), they can be crushed easily.
But then - one would think - instead of waiting to get charged, how about charging first? Charging with phalanx, against impact foot doesn't work out that well, and chances are will suffer heavily and the morale also will falter - like if my unit was charged. And there is no way of approaching slow and ease into the melee. And if having the higher ground on top of the hill or hillside giving it up to charge first is unwise in this situation.
And in general charging with other type of units against impact foot sucks balls. So to preventing the three-to-one charge against my phalanx by engaging the two neighbouring opponents has it's own drawbacks, it means now that three of my units could suffer such a negative morale change that could break them right at the start.
Weird because when I use impact foot they seem to suck ass. Have to figure this one out, but with the rate of me playing probably will do this never.

Bernd 10/10/2023 (Tue) 17:57 [Preview] No.51126 del
(113.43 KB 665x1024 armed apu.jpeg)

>I'm fine with the protags. But frankly, the player have to commit so much dirty acts... he can't be really likeable fellow.

Lemme see. I believes every GTA character represents a different thing / era / character type. Which in turn helps make each game memorable and likeable with users

GTA 1 and GTA 2: haven't played em yet
GTA III: First 3d game. Claude is a stoic quiet type. A blank canvas for users basically
Vice city: A real manly man and go getter. Doesn't take shittenings from anybody. But also with an engrossing backstory full of ups and downs
San Andreas: A lil depressed but a little cocky sometimes. He's basically the The Hero with a Thousand Faces in regards to storytelling. And he follows that format really well. It's no wonder why he's a franchise favorite
Liberty City stories: A return to basics. More tough guy mobster character
Vice City Stories: A Greek tragedy esque character. Destined to perish no matter what he does
GTA IV: Also tragic sometime
Lost and the Damned: Tough biker type. But wasn't as fleshed out character wise compared to other characters in the franchise
Ballad of Gay Tony: Mehhh. Kinda generic. A prototype GTA V character looking back at him

GTA V: As plain and generic as characters can get. An one raly unlikelable 2edgy4me one added to it. It's no wonder keins bought that one en masse at such a large scale

GTA VI: Unfortunately I feel that it'll be a rehash / repaint from all GTA V in terms of character development. It made Rockstar loads e money so that's pretty much how most future main characters in the franchise would look like

Bernd 10/10/2023 (Tue) 17:59 [Preview] No.51127 del
Also played Shin megami tensei: Nocturne, Pokemon Crystal clear (it's a mod), A wizardry game from the Game boy color era, and Elevator Music. All gud games

And played Tingle ruppee wonderland. Kinda odd but still has it's own charm

Bernd 10/11/2023 (Wed) 11:19 [Preview] No.51134 del
>GTA 1 and GTA 2: haven't played em yet
>GTA III: First 3d game. Claude is a stoic quiet type. A blank canvas for users basically
I played both 1 and 2. 2 only a little but 1 extensively. They even more blank than Claude. I don't think they even have a name. The backstory and motivation is also sparse. It seems they are some criminals who reached rock bottom and have to climb up. That's it.

Bernd 10/11/2023 (Wed) 11:26 [Preview] No.51136 del
(311.65 KB 1100x962 311.jpg)

Dutch bernd Bernd 11/02/2023 (Thu) 02:06 [Preview] No.51226 del
I think that was because it was their first attempts at character development. So that's probably it

>GTA IV: Also tragic sometime
Forgot to add
But also has that cheeky Eastern European / Slav / Ex-Commie bloc charm that makes him raly likeable. He's kinda liek Slovborg.

Forgot the main characters from Chinatown wars, GTA Advance and the GTA London expansion pack, but I never played those games tbh

Bernd 11/05/2023 (Sun) 19:04 [Preview] No.51232 del
>I think that was because it was their first attempts at character development.
Back then and even backer then it did not matter much I think.
What's Mario's personality, motivation, and arc?

>But also has that cheeky Eastern European / Slav / Ex-Commie bloc charm that makes him raly likeable. He's kinda liek Slovborg.
Really have to play this game sometimes.

Dutch bernd Bernd 11/17/2023 (Fri) 17:10 [Preview] No.51265 del
>But also has that cheeky Eastern European / Slav / Ex-Commie bloc charm that makes him raly likeable. He's kinda liek Slovborg.

>Really have to play this game sometimes.


GTA4 is liek the most pro Russian / Slav game Rockstar ever made. Lots of bants and small tidbits of Eastern European culture all over that game. Watch the Nico scenes with Brucie to get a feel of the fun and funny that game has

Bernd 11/18/2023 (Sat) 11:23 [Preview] No.51270 del
All right. Gonna make some space somehow and get it from somewhere.

Bernd 11/21/2023 (Tue) 13:08 [Preview] No.51287 del
steam got dollarized here now.
meaning no one can buy anything now, it's a new age for piracy.

Bernd 11/21/2023 (Tue) 13:11 [Preview] No.51288 del
Aye. It's time to fly the Jolly Roger, arr.

Bernd 11/22/2023 (Wed) 12:42 [Preview] No.51297 del
I'm not particularly fond of that, but at the very least I am a bit proud knowing I bought Sonic Frontiers 12 times cheaper than what it is nowadays

Bernd 11/25/2023 (Sat) 13:27 [Preview] No.51316 del
Where is "here" exactly?

Bernd 11/25/2023 (Sat) 17:21 [Preview] No.51317 del

Bernd 11/26/2023 (Sun) 08:40 [Preview] No.51318 del
Tried Offworld Trading Company. Umm, played most of the tutorial.
I got the feeling it's a fast paced game, have to react to the AI players quick, or rather act quick and take the "fight" to them. Situation changes fast.
Perhaps frequent longish pauses with planning and short game "runtime" alternates.
Yet to try actual game.

Bernd 12/02/2023 (Sat) 09:33 [Preview] No.51338 del
It turned out to be a bust for me.

Bernd 12/04/2023 (Mon) 19:36 [Preview] No.51345 del
Oh I have this one. I like it a lot actually. I think its one of those games where AI is extremely good, took me a long time to actually stop getting frustrated and doing the right thing. Unfortunately the GOG version I got does not have multiplayer support so Im forever stuck with playing against computer. Not that Steam version is any better cause I heard multiplayer is essentially dead at this point.
And yeah its very fast paced and you must react quickly to the market situation which I guess computer is perfectly fit for. Also can't get any attachment to your base buildings etc, since we have so much limited land claims. If something is unprofitable then you just have to bulldoze it and build something else there.

Bernd 12/05/2023 (Tue) 07:43 [Preview] No.51346 del
(69.63 KB 1568x2048 smm0wscellm81.jpg)
Moved this thread here.

Bernd 12/05/2023 (Tue) 07:54 [Preview] No.51347 del
I think my problem was that I expected a laid back colony business sim/bilder with stock exchange manipulation and cargo delivery system (like railroad tycoon, just with spaceships or whatnot). And its not at all.

Bernd 12/05/2023 (Tue) 18:07 [Preview] No.51352 del
gee tea ay seeks trailer released.
normies clamour worldwide

Bernd 12/05/2023 (Tue) 18:40 [Preview] No.51354 del
Have not played anything after SA. Although Dutchbernd talked me into trying IV. Which I will.

Bernd 12/06/2023 (Wed) 01:21 [Preview] No.51357 del
I saw it, I don't think I will play it though. I was disappointed by 5 and I don't really think the format has much room for growth unless they are clever about it which 5 showed they aren't.

Bernd 12/07/2023 (Thu) 07:08 [Preview] No.51358 del
The trailer footage looked mostly similar to #5 anyway.

Bernd 12/07/2023 (Thu) 16:52 [Preview] No.51359 del
Found a promising vidya: Colony Ship - A Post-Earth Role Playing Game.
Very much Fallout 1-2 like. It's a fresh release, according to Steam it came out this November, while was available as early access since 2021 April. It's still buggy. Hopefully they'll fix these. They'll probably add DLCs as so fashionable.
It plays on a colony ship heading for Proxima Centaury. Or perhaps it isn't heading there anymore. I'm too early in the game to be privy such secrets, if the player will get any info about that at all. But they were heading for it when they launched the space ship, with the goal of colonizing the habitable planet. The ship had seen a mutiny, which threw its society into turmoil. So now the people are divided into smaller groups, and noone tending the ship but some mutated dudes and gals because there was some accident and high radiation and whatnot.
The hero seems to be a nobody, from The Pit, from the bowel of the spacecraft, where there is a relative freedom. People live there from scavenging the old tech, some of it noone knows how to use anymore.
Not sure what the goal is, just doing errands for others it seems, which makes the player discover other regions of the ship, other people.

Bernd 12/07/2023 (Thu) 17:05 [Preview] No.51360 del
All the usual things are there, stats, and skills, feats and char creation, and weapons, and armor, and decisions to make. There is some philosophical and political undertone, the game tracks the character's disposition in these as well.
They made a stealth aspect to the game, offering alternatives to solve some situations differently. I think more often than not the player can chose to be diplomatic, using reason or fast talk; or go ahead gung ho and just kill everyone to reach his goals. Some situations - like battling with monsters, there is little choice.
The companions has some background stories, they only join if one resolves certain quests in a way that allow them to join. Sometimes picking a side is needed to chose between two followers (I read about this, haven't had to make the decision yet). They have opinions on things sometimes contrary to each other, and their performance is affected by how much they like your choices and fit in the group.
On leveling up the player gets to pick a feat. Skills are leveling up automatically, by use. If you open locks, your lockpick will grow. If you get hit in combat, your armor skill will grow.
The attributes which they call stats, are fixed at character creation, some of them can be raised by cyberware implants - which can be upgraded further to buff derivative stats.
The combat seems a bit complicated compared to Fallout. Several kind of attacks are offered with each weapon, can aim bodyparts, quick attack, normal attack, long burst, short burst, there is "reaction" attacks, grazes, penetration level, and whatnot.
Head, arms, torso, legs are needed to be protected by armor. Against bullets, melee weapons, and energy ones. But they eyes also need protection, and have to be resistant against poison and psionic attacks.
I think this pretty much sums it up.

Bernd 12/07/2023 (Thu) 17:46 [Preview] No.51361 del
What I don't get is why to take on later companions when you have developed the first three.

Bernd 12/07/2023 (Thu) 21:14 [Preview] No.51362 del
Tips and tricks.
Well, as much as I can give at this level.
If Bernd tries it, one thing I can suggest for sure: it's better to kill the enemy faster then slowing them down to kill your party. So prioritize offensive feats and skills over defensive.
This also means try to be first in combat, high initiative is great, you shoot first, so you might be able to take out one enemy right in the first turn even before he would fire a shot.
This also means take First Draw feat ASAP. Besides the Initiative it also gives AP!
And then it might be better to have high Evasion skill than high Armor, better to dodge and got no damage than get hit and get some.
It matters who scores the killing shot. Also if you score critical, your Critical Strike skill goes up and with that the critical chance too. Perhaps on killing the enemy, even if with normal strike, it might add to critical. Have to check the messages in the textbox.
Also when it comes to Faythe's quest, after the fight she'll ask something. Depending on your reply she'll get a feat, either Assassin or Thief. The first makes her better suited to fight, while the latter allows her to be a skill monkey. Have to take care because with the second route she can "die" in the fights all the time (unless high evasion).
Oh, something else, when you choose difficulty at the start of a new game, Underdog can really teach you how to conduct a fight. You might get stuck at one point because you pick feats stupidly or for bad stat distribution or whatnot tho.

Dutch bernd Bernd 12/12/2023 (Tue) 17:50 [Preview] No.51379 del
>Although Dutchbernd talked me into trying IV. Which I will.

You'll raly like playing it. Here's some mods you can try installing to get an even better experience

https://youtube.com/watch?v=8aahBio9Xqs [Embed]

https://youtube.com/watch?v=5jShBbFzqR4 [Embed]

https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ibb7RttrqEA [Embed]

https://youtube.com/watch?v=0sUz5lFDpEw [Embed]

Dutch bernd Bernd 12/12/2023 (Tue) 18:04 [Preview] No.51380 del
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So here's the kein friendly trailer for kein approved GTA 6
https://youtube.com/watch?v=QdBZY2fkU-0 [Embed]

What I imagine will show up when the game gets released

>even more shark cards for keins to spend money inside GTA online
>even more cancerous GTA online community. Now in Florida!
>even longer loading time to get from the single player game to the awful multiplayer
>Boring, uninspired characters all over
>Characters from GTA Vice City, San Andreas, GTA4 and GTA5 show up in the game, for some reason. And you get to be an edgy kinder and killings them all. Because 3edgy5me.

The same thing they did with the Lost and the Damned and a lot of characters from GTA 4. Srs, there's no explanation why most of the characters from GTA 4 moved from Liberty City to Los Santos, seeing as there's ALOT of different places they can move into in ameriga.

It's going to suck. It will sell Billions

Dutch bernd Bernd 12/12/2023 (Tue) 18:21 [Preview] No.51381 del
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I'm being raly raly srs about GTA 4 characters showing up 5 for no reason. You legit get to see most of them killed in one way or another.

Why emotionally invest urself into some video game character if they end up getting killed in the worst or most humiliationg way possible ffs?


GTA6 will probably just run on a downgraded version of the game engine used in GTA 4. It's the same thing they did with GTA5. You can see a comparison video here for future references and serious discussions.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=GWVtZJo-HqI [Embed]

And Lazlow will show up in the GTA 6. This time in a more humiliating situation and living condition than the last GTA game. Because kein humor


Bernd 12/14/2023 (Thu) 11:31 [Preview] No.51390 del
I installed it and tried a bit.
I like it but.
On foot control sucks. Trying to steer Nico while running the camera jitters. He has too much momentum and hard to correct direction. Run right past the stairs when chased some dude, then was hard to maneuver back in front of it and go up. VC and SA is way better in this. I blame consoles.
Voice acting sucks. They sound Italian, just with forced Slav accent. Their intonation, and blabber, temperament, everything. Every conversation is repulsive. I can't take it as a satire or comedy.
The graphics is kinda bland, hard to see the surroundings, the contours. Tho probably can used to it.
The behind car camera angle is too low, and too many elevation changes on the roads so often can't see if there's an obstacle there. So constantly have to look around with the mouse. (Which means no comfy control the gas and break with left while steering with the right.)
And I have other minor problems with the camera and control.

Some other notes.
The city seems huge, very impressive.
Car controls feel more realistic. Have to take care when driving, brake in time, whatnot.
Music selection for the radio stations seems cool.
Not sure about the money situation. Budget seems tight and no just shooting people for a handful of quick cash to buy a burger.
I assume have to advance with the story a bit to open up more facilities around.
Nico always looks exhausted while running around.
He always looks dirty, and that fucking peasant stache he sports... Goddamn.

Dutch bernd Bernd 01/04/2024 (Thu) 00:48 [Preview] No.51475 del
Ack bernd. I recommended it thinking you'd raly like it. Oh well.

>He always looks dirty, and that fucking peasant stache he sports... Goddamn.

You get better clothes as the story progresses. Since you're basically fresh off the boat in liberty city, you'll look like that in the beginning.

>Nico always looks exhausted while running around.

Just keep tapping the run button wherever you have it mapped in your PC he's not supposed to be exhausted tbh

GTA4 is a gud game IMHO but it's not for everyone. And the changes are a more jarring if you're coming from playing San Andreas

Dutch bernd Bernd 01/04/2024 (Thu) 00:54 [Preview] No.51476 del
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A few more games that are similar from GTA SA / 4 that I can recommend. for you and other bernds

>Scarface: The World is yours

Basically if Vice City ever had a sequel. Has a lot more music playing options and the graphics look really good. It even has a dedicated BENIS button when you're shooting rivals for extra 1980s insanity :DDDDD

>Yakuza game series (start with 0)

A mix of Shenmue + Mortal Kombat + random Japanese culture and humor. Lots of fun and very engaging story

>The Godfather games

Like GTA but much more realistic and more manager owning a bunch of businesses focused

Bernd 01/04/2024 (Thu) 09:46 [Preview] No.51483 del
Perhaps I don't "raly like" it, but I like it enough.
There are many things to keep playing for. It feels as a solid GTA game for starters. I'm fine with the driving especially with the music on radio. The neighbourhoods are diverse many sights to see. The streets are more living than in previous games, people do stuff like fixing a car with opened hood, and other tiny things, the don't just walking around. Some cops are fat, there are trash trucks with workers riding at the back. Stuff liek that.
And at least Michelle approves Nico's outfits.

Are those for pc or console?

Bernd 01/18/2024 (Thu) 00:27 [Preview] No.51527 del
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And all of the Yakuza games got ported to PC. They're always on sale in Steam and GOG and it's worth everything spent on them (I'd pay full price because they're that good)

It's fun. It's sad. It's funny. It's a good Japan simulator. It's a kareoke game. It's practically 100 games in one. (You can also play old Sega games inside different arcades that are in the city. Like Outrun and Virtua Fighter)

Try Yakuza 0 whenever u can bernds

https://youtube.com/watch?v=wE3yknJxuHo [Embed]

https://youtube.com/watch?v=tnZzK067wHA [Embed]

https://youtube.com/watch?v=FBtgI8lJ9r4 [Embed]

Bernd 01/20/2024 (Sat) 09:04 [Preview] No.51552 del
Ah. Sad state of things.
Thanks for the links.

I found Yakuza 3 for PC. I'm not sure it'll run.

Now that we are at Japanese games. Came across Nobunaga's Ambition Awakening (Nobunaga no Yabō: Shinsei). NA seems to be a long series of games by Koei. I don't know any previous ones, this is the freshest. I know however the Romance of the Three Kingdoms series, played one of the early ones and XI. I appreciate them, they are enjoyable games I think.
NAA is the same as those, just Japan instead of China. Bunch of same mechanics, some different ones, real time instead of turn based. I'm bothered a bit that portraits are the same style, but I'm more bothered by the bad English translation (which was done in 2023 summer or something) which makes the game harder to get. The controls are not intuitive, finding the commands inside all those menus and windows that can be opened. I don't know (yet) how to control battles for example. I found that at sieges I can pick if storm the walls or blockade the castle.
I found it while looking for games set in feudal Japan. And Total War Shogun 2 just doesn't want to run. There is some components in there which fails on Wine no matter what, unfixable. So I gave a try to NA. There is Sengoku too, but it's not good.
I'm not sure what to think about the game yet. It scratches the itch for the type of game I was looking for, so for that it's good enough.

Bernd 01/26/2024 (Fri) 01:32 [Preview] No.51569 del
>Thanks for the links.
My pleasure

>I found Yakuza 3 for PC. I'm not sure it'll run.
it's an old game so probably.

>Came across Nobunaga's Ambition Awakening (Nobunaga no Yabō: Shinsei).

Good taste bernd. It's a game series so there's a lot of games in a lot of consoles for the Nobunaga games. I have a PS2 rom that I wanna play with but it takes a lot of memory card space thoough (1020+ k IIRC)

Bernd 01/26/2024 (Fri) 15:47 [Preview] No.51578 del
I played some since, and having played Romance of the Three Kangdoms before really helps understanding how things work.
I think I finally grasp most of the game features.
I'm not sure I get the "hime system". In RTK XI the player could marry the officers freely I think. But here if there is a free hime, can't arrange marriage with any officer. The daimyo can, or take her as concubine. I think if the hime is from the clan you control, then can use her in diplomacy creating alliances via marriage. But otherwise? I've no idea.
I enjoy the game for now. Switched to Japanese voices, really helps with immersion.
One major inconvenience is the menu system, the lack of filtering officers (there is a filter option, it just lacks possibilities), and that if I view an officers info, there is no option there to to appoint him. Have to go way back, then click on castle, pick domain, then chose the county I want to give away then look for the fucking officer in the list. It's crazy.
I think this is the only drawback.
Ah, had the first siege where I could control the battle. It's pain. The opponent can hold with so smaller force like how they did IRL - can't really complain about that! and have to race with the timer too.

Bernd 01/31/2024 (Wed) 15:48 [Preview] No.51590 del
I just finished Portal. It's one of the most positively rated games on Steam which is why I played it.
I think the ending is fun because of the dialuge but the rest of the game was not great, it was easier than I thought it would be but that's probably not a good thing for a puzzle game, if this even was a puzzle game.
Anyway, I'll play the next one tomorrow.

Bernd 02/01/2024 (Thu) 08:09 [Preview] No.51591 del
How was 2?

Bernd 02/01/2024 (Thu) 15:52 [Preview] No.51594 del
I finished Portal 2.

It kind of had the opposite problem to the first. In Portal 2 the dialogue in the beginning is good but then plot things happen and Glados becomes a completely different character, they destroy what was good about her.

Gameplay wise it's more of the same but for longer.

As for the story and setting, the first one barely had one which I think was preferable, I feel like they tried to do too much here.

I feel like much of the reason Portal has such popular appeal is due to it being old(relativity) and made by a well known company, I think that if it came out today people would not find much of interest about it as there are so many indie games that do things like what they do only better.

Bernd 02/06/2024 (Tue) 07:52 [Preview] No.51621 del
Still mucking around with Nobunaga's Ambition.
I think the game has three stages:
1. micromanaging the castles and domains, who gets what, what to build where
2. waiting the castles to fill up with food and soldiers
Rinse and repeat.

I think back in the day it was a novel idea.

Bernd 04/12/2024 (Fri) 17:24 [Preview] No.51887 del
After watching the new Dune movies (2021 and 2024 ones) I checked out the vidya scene what they have.
I found some dudes are developing an open source cross platform engine for the old Dune 2, the Dune Legacy. The player needs the original game files to play. It's liek OpenMW basically.
Here's a link to the project: https://dunelegacy.sourceforge.net/website/
Have not tried it yet.
Two more finds are:
Dune Spice Whores Wars (released in 2023 Sept.), and
Dune Imperium (2024 March, very recent), which is board game adaptation, uses cards and tokens as far as I can tell from screenshots, have not tried.

Dune Spice Wars is an RTS, and has the classic elements that reminds me of Dune 2. It has that map where you select the next mission, and then you mine spice, build buildings, and produce units and you send your units to fight the rival factions who do the same.
The game goes beyond this however. The battle map consist of smaller segments, villages, you occupy with the resource in that specific region. The buildings are built around the villages.
There is an abundance of various points and resources to generate and track, which is used to do whatever needs doing, from building, recruiting, voting in the Landsraad, doing spy missions and whatever. Spice, money, plascrete manpower, batteries, water, authority, influence, knowledge, intel, hegemony, landsraad standing, guild favor, scraps. What the fuck. Percentage hell. You research stuff to earn bonuses, unlock buildings, units, whatever. You buy CHOAM shares. Generate agents to do intelligence missions and counterintel. Trade with sietches, to make them friendly and ally and send agent to them to get some other bonus. Recon with ornitopters (they can set to auto) to discover villages and resources, and researchable sites with also provide resources and whatnot. Uhh, stuff. Can do without battles fine.
Did three missions from the campaign with the House Atredies. I failed the first for I got assassinated. Won the next two with hegemony. Different missions have different goals, only in skirmishes can win however you want.
It's really an okay game. It already is repetitive despite all the details, but as far as RTS games go, it doesn't lack in anything. I think it is still unpolished, and perhaps imbalanced.

Bernd 04/15/2024 (Mon) 10:56 [Preview] No.51894 del
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Dune Imperium (and I think the board game too) uses drawings of the actors from the recent movies. I do not like that.
I finished the first tutorial from the three available. It's cards and tokens. Meh.

Bernd 05/01/2024 (Wed) 13:59 [Preview] No.51941 del
Is there Israeli civilization in the Civilization series?

Bernd 05/02/2024 (Thu) 08:28 [Preview] No.51942 del
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Civ 1:
Rome, Russia, Babylon, Zulu, Japan, Germany, France, Egypt, Aztecs, USA, China, Greek, England, India, Mongolia

Civ 2:
As above + Celts, Vikings, Spaniards, Persians, Carthage, Sioux

Civ 3:
America, Arab, Austria, Aztec, Babylon, Byzantium, Carthage, Celts, China, Netherland, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Greek, Hittites, Inca, Indian, Iroquois, Japan, Korea, Mayans, Mongolia, Ottomans, Persia, Portugal, Rome, Russia, Spain, Sumer, Vikings, Zulus

Civ 4:
As above + Ethiopia, HRE, Khmer, Mali, "Native American" (no Iroquois)

Civ 5:
Same as Civ 3 + Assyria, Brazil, Denmark, Ethiopia, Huns, Indonesia, Morocco, Polan, Polynesia, Shoshone, Siam, Songhai, Sweden, Venice

Civ 6:
Same as Civ 3 + Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cree, Ethiopia, Georgia, Gran Columbian, Hungary, Indonesia, Khmer, Kongolese, Macedonia, Mali, Maori, Mapuche, Norway, Nubia, Scotlan, Scythia, Sweden, Vietnam
No: Austria, Viking
Celt -> Gaul
Carthage -> Phoenicia

No Civ 7. Yet.
I might have missed something, but no Israel, or Jews.
Did they want to avoid "anti-semitic" stereotypes? Like special unit "merchant" or stuff liek that? Everyone can be stereotyped but Jews? Imagine a caricature like Caesar on picrel.
I think there is a city-state in Civ 5 Jerusalem.

Bernd 05/04/2024 (Sat) 05:57 [Preview] No.51944 del
That's odd. It would not be hard to make a non-racists bonus for them, they play pretty loosely with history and game is full of things that don't make sense anyway so they can really do whatever they want.

Bernd 05/04/2024 (Sat) 06:42 [Preview] No.51945 del
I concur. They could have got stuff like "Solomon's temple" unique building or some type of light infantry, slingers for example. And considering from all these "civilizations" they are the only one around for about 2500 years, surprising absence from the lists. I'm curious how the discussion of the devs went, for I'm sure the topic came up.
Did anyone made a mod? I know a couple of Hungarian ones, I think someone even made one for Civ 1! (Was just a question of editing some txt files.)

Bernd 05/05/2024 (Sun) 14:26 [Preview] No.51960 del
Yes there's Jerusalem as city state in Civ 6 and also Judaism as a religion in many of the games (I think in every one that has religion as a mechanic). Tbh I can undestand if they conciously decided to not include Jews as civilization in the game. Of course they would make them look normal and whatnot but with how touchy some people are there's still risk of it exploding for some stupid reason and the damage control for that would be more expensive than if it was some other civ.

Bernd 05/05/2024 (Sun) 15:24 [Preview] No.51961 del
I have it and I wish it was better, I dont think I can recommend. Single player is very poor. It's just a series of skirmishes that mostly play the same (they try to include some variations but I dont think they were succesful at it). AI is very dumb and not challenging at all. After a scenario you get to pick up an upgrade for your faction and we get this weird inverted difficulty situation where the game is the hardest at the beginning and the easiest at the end (I feel kind of the same with total war games). I feel like this game has been made with multiplayer skirmish in mind first, and the campaign and AI opponents were slapped on top of it just to be there.
Another thing is I feel like developers dont exactly know how their game is supposed to work like. They were reworking quite drastically certain mechanics, and it was acceptable when they had their game was in early access, but it has been released as 1.0 full game and yet they're still applying changes and I dont mean slight balance adjustments. Maybe some of those changes are for the better, but again, it strikes me as they dont exactly know what they are doing and its not filling me with confidence.
If you're interested in getting it anyway I'd like to warn you that they like to include more factions as DLC. Their previous game, Northgaard, has like 16 factions and only 6 are in base game. The rest you have to pay for separately. If not owning everything is something that bothers you (it is for me) then be warned about this fact. They already released House Ix for dune as paid DLC.

Bernd 05/05/2024 (Sun) 15:30 [Preview] No.51962 del
Now this game I like. Played the tabletop version first, its very cool euro game with worker placement mechanic and deck building. The digital version include some extra challenges which is the normal game but with a twist to the mechanic, for example first challenge is you have infinite agents to place on the map but every one placed now costs you money.
My only problem with this game is the pricing. The regular price for the board game here is 250 PLN and they're asking for 100 on steam, its a bit too much imo. If it was 60 i'd recommend grabbing it if you're into this kind of games.

Oh right and both games do this one gay thing where they base their aesthetics on the recent movie, and it includes changing doctor Kynes to a black, young woman.

Bernd 05/05/2024 (Sun) 16:40 [Preview] No.51963 del
>Judaism as a religion
I don't remember that. In Civ 5 I know there were these empty religions, and one could pick various belief systems, which were essentially bonuses. I just picked Tengri and that's that.

I got a copy form a backup copy sharing site and played some. It is repetitive, but sometimes there are goals I don't think possible to achieve. I did not see any point in the factions, their pros and cons were just so bland, even after I got to know the mechanics, I just picked Atreides.
>they're still applying changes and I dont mean slight balance adjustments.
There was something I did not understand and tried to look for it, and they described something that wasn't in the game at all. Was weird.

It felt too dry for me. And that movie thing just don't do it for me at all.
>doctor Kynes to a black, young woman.
Oh yeah. I was liek what the fuck it's clear he's a dude in the book.

Bernd 05/11/2024 (Sat) 19:31 [Preview] No.51975 del
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Found this gem: All Quiet in the Trenches
It's kinda turn based squad management game.
The player is a leader - like a corporal - of a small group of soldiers - let's call it a rifle team - in WWI. All the soldiers you responsible of has their personality, background, and various stats.

Bernd 05/11/2024 (Sat) 19:37 [Preview] No.51976 del
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The player has to make decisions in various situations. The outcomes have some randomness to them. Whatever you chose it will have a consequence, it impacts the game. Have to balance between the well being of the team, the lieutenant's approval, various other actors satisfactions (like nurse, villagers, various officials, etc.) and their "institutions" (like hospital, village, warehouse, etc.) performance.
There are fighting scenes, where has to move to various firing positions or covers, and do some stuff, like do suppressing fire or search for ammo.
I'm still figuring out some mechanics.

This is a very unusual game for me, I've never seen similar. I'm enjoying it all in all. The control of the camera is a bit awkward perhaps.

Bernd 05/18/2024 (Sat) 16:23 [Preview] No.51987 del
There are rumours that Creative Assembly is creating three new Total War games.
One will be set during the first world war, the second will be set in the world of Warhammer 40k and the Third will be set in the world of Star Wars.

It seems plausible, I didn't think 40k was likely without a huge amount of work on their engine but it makes sense that if they are going to put that much work into the engine then they may as well make the most of it and create a WW1 game and a Starwars game as well, as mechanically they would be very similar.

I think this is not such a bad situation, I don't like the way their engine handles close combat and particularly not how it handles formations in close combat, I also don't think they are going to build a new one, so this or a Victorian era Total war would probably be the best they could make from the engine they have.

Bernd 05/18/2024 (Sat) 16:35 [Preview] No.51988 del
I'll just add a bit more as another thought occurred to me.

Part of this rumour included a rumour that the WW1 game was having trouble in development and may be delayed indefinitely and the reason given was the difficulty in creating a new engine. I initially did not think much of this given that 40k and Starwars would need the new(they say that it's new but I would assume it's actually just updated) engine as well, so either they would all be having issues or none of them would.
But then it occurred to me that while yes, that's true form a tactical battle sense, the strategic maps would probably be quite different as WW1 revolve around front lines and not traditional armies like in Total war games, that's probably where they are having the difficulty. That could be a bother.

Bernd 05/18/2024 (Sat) 16:40 [Preview] No.51989 del
That sounds cool.
I refuse to play with their bloated crap.

Yes WWI is quite different than managing Rome for example.

I finished this. It's an early access so it's not long.
It has quite the mood, if you are capable to imagine yourself as a squad leader, empathize with your soldiers, and care about them. Then you can feel the dilemma behind every decision you make, and the struggle to do what's necessary.

Bernd 05/25/2024 (Sat) 06:41 [Preview] No.51998 del
I put Order of Battle WWII by Slitherine Software back. Previously I tried the tutorial, now I started the Africa Corps campaign.
The game looks like a carbon copy of Panzer General, and it feels kind of a remake, I'm sure the inspiration was there very much. It implements things differently, like arty units range is many more hexes (like in People's General), and has additional features (like can buy kinda talents for your campaign for the battle group you command which effects every unit), which are okay.
As for the campaign, haven't finished with the first scenario yet. Botched the first try (nothing bad, I just fucked up unit composition), the second went well until I lost attention and it turned out just moving units forward ad hoc without a plan, and now it's kind of a mess (although I'm winning at towards at the end - playing on second easiest level however...). I might restart it again. I get to know the features and how things are done. I've no idea where it shows how much ammo and fuel a unit has for example.
I might try some other campaign too.

Bernd 05/29/2024 (Wed) 01:36 [Preview] No.52013 del
Has this ever happened to you bernds? You wanna play GTA San Andreas with another bernd, but you can't? You play a long mission and you don't have any checkpoint options.

Well now you can, with Project Kaizo. A GTA San Andreas mod that has a lot of quality of life improvements to the game



- All of the clothes are available from the start of the game
- Storyline with 2 players
- Accessible interiors like in The Warriors (pressing △/Y and only those necessary for missions)
- Compatibility with autosave and previously saved games (on PS2 only with 1.03 versions of NTSC and PAL).
- Restored Hot Coffee for PS3 and X360
- Available for all version in english, spanish and portuguese (only for PS2)
- Creation of respawn at any time (you can create a Imagem, it's a solution for not respawning in the center of the map)
- Second player has a skin selector, and you will appear with him for the rest of the game until you reset
- The health and armor of the second player are constant (if he despawn and spawn he will have his health and armor as before)
- A reworked cheat menu based on PTMG with options compatible with the second player.
- Both players can drive vehicles at the same time
- Mods from PC and Android adapted to console.
- Some mods from PC are compatible with the second player.

Bernd 05/29/2024 (Wed) 01:38 [Preview] No.52014 del
Oh and here's a modernized mod for playing Morrowind


I liek Morrowind, but it feels really outdated compared to most recent elder scrolls games. It needs a lot of improvements IMHO.

Bernd 05/29/2024 (Wed) 07:18 [Preview] No.52018 del
>Has this ever happened to you bernds?
No. I rarely play multiplayer. And wouldn't consider playing GTA multiplayer.
I also don't play on consoles.
>All of the clothes are available from the start of the game
That would be nice feature.
>Storyline with 2 players
Interesting. Now I would consider MP.
>Accessible interiors
Cool. Sometimes I wished I could enter some buildings.
>Second player has a skin selector
Second player should be Cesar
>Both players can drive vehicles at the same time
Very cool.

Oh we talked about OpenMW some time ago, I installed and tried it, with mods too.
The main thing with that engine is that it's cross platform, so can run Morrow natively on Linux!
I think they made many improvements since I played, although I'm not sure what, and if it gives that much in the feel of the game.
I dunno if outdated. Perhaps the models of the "actors" (NPCs and monsters), the level of detail of the faces, this is graphical issue mainly I think. Models, skins, animation.
Another thing would be the activity of settlements, people standing still, the settlements aren't alive. Tho I think there are mods that offer solution to that.
What it needs is these. NPCs with schedules, all with their jobs, past times and beds. This also means more houses - both residential and workplaces.
Another thing, that NPCs don't talk, but make 'em talk would need voice actors. Perhaps with generative AI this could be resolved, not satisfactory, but passably at least.

Bernd 05/29/2024 (Wed) 07:23 [Preview] No.52019 del
So. After a couple of maps (and restarts) later. It's a good game.
There are features to get used to for sure. Like artillery don't defend units around them (but AT do help). Or the exit points - and enter points that can serve as exit.
Lot depends on the designer, editor of a map, if events are planned for it, sidegoals defined - and rewards for them -, and if its clear what is expected and should be done.
One thing that bugs me: can't tell which are the main goals, the hexes that needs to be occupied. As far as I can see there is nothing that indicates a hex with elevated importance.

Bernd 06/21/2024 (Fri) 16:26 [Preview] No.52080 del
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I bought Resident Evil 1 (a 2015 remaster of a 2005 remaster of the original). Very fun and cool game. Never had console so I never played any RE games until 5 came out, and then when newer titles were coming out I never played them cause fans of the originals werent very happy about them. Anyway this one from what I learned plays exactly like the original, they just refreshed the looks and souns, so its now quite pretty. The "tank" controls are there (there's a more modern control too), there's viewing your character from those fixed angles in the room, you have to stop to shoot, etc. Might sound a bit annoying at first but I see they balanced the encounters around it, especially with zombies who are extremely slow.
There are basically 3 things to do in the game: combat, exploration and puzzles. The real difficulty with combat is that you have to realise that you dont have enough ammo to kill every monster you meet. I actually had to restart the game early on because I got stuck with a basic knife. On higher difficulty levels theres less ammo to find in the game and more monsters so its even more neccessary to avoid enemies. Exploration is quite self explanatory. Puzzles are necessary to progress in the game. They're not super difficult or anything but interesting enough that I might steal their ideas and include them in my tabletop rpg sessions.
The story is about a squad of special forces policemen who are investigating what happened to their missing comrades, who were investigating weird murders where victims were eaten. RE is also one of those games where there isnt much story happening on the screen as we play, but there are notes, diaries etc hidden around the maps that we can gather and piece togher the bigger picture of whats going on.
We can play as either Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine. There are slight story differences depending on which character we pick, but also they differ mechanically a little. Chris is faster, deals more damage, has more hit points and is basically focused on fighting more. Jill has more inventory slots, gets access to lockpick so she can get into certain areas faster, is pretties, and generally makes exploration easier.

Once im done with the game I'll be picking the other remasters (RE 2,3 and 4) cause I heard people are generally very happy about them. Although they made 2 and 3 into 3rd person shooters from what I've seen. Maybe I'll get classic 2 and 3 too if its avaiable on PC.

Bernd 06/22/2024 (Sat) 09:41 [Preview] No.52084 del
Original was on PC too. And some others.
I have a pal who played 'em, and found it great. I did not have the patience, for the controls sucks. And perhaps for solving puzzles, I think I lacked the English to pick up the clues and had to resort to trial and error.
>you dont have enough ammo to kill every monster you meet
That's for sure. It is a great tool to create the tension they aimed for.
>might steal their ideas and include them in my tabletop rpg sessions.
Keks. Careful perhaps your players played these games as well!
>there are notes, diaries etc hidden around the maps that we can gather and piece togher the bigger picture of whats going on.
One of the Fallout 3 modder used the same technique. He made several stories, with locations, but without much living NPCs. Had to follow clues of events of old, from the time of the bombs, and later years, which lead to interesting stories and stash of rewards. Breddy gud.
>We can play as either Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine.
I remember had to play alternately to solve certain situations due to the different skillset and access to resources.

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