Bernd 05/25/2024 (Sat) 06:41 No.51998 del
I put Order of Battle WWII by Slitherine Software back. Previously I tried the tutorial, now I started the Africa Corps campaign.
The game looks like a carbon copy of Panzer General, and it feels kind of a remake, I'm sure the inspiration was there very much. It implements things differently, like arty units range is many more hexes (like in People's General), and has additional features (like can buy kinda talents for your campaign for the battle group you command which effects every unit), which are okay.
As for the campaign, haven't finished with the first scenario yet. Botched the first try (nothing bad, I just fucked up unit composition), the second went well until I lost attention and it turned out just moving units forward ad hoc without a plan, and now it's kind of a mess (although I'm winning at towards at the end - playing on second easiest level however...). I might restart it again. I get to know the features and how things are done. I've no idea where it shows how much ammo and fuel a unit has for example.
I might try some other campaign too.