Bernd 08/09/2023 (Wed) 11:58 No.50823 del
Not everything is about Role-playing. I quite like the dialogue in games like the Tales of Series and Atelier series even though it does not offer choices or anything like that. I like it because I like the characters so I like hearing them talk about things and interact with each other.
Western games tend not to have characters that I find very likeable though, so I don't particularly want to hear what they have to say and the world and story they are in is not that interesting either so I don't care about that as well.

One western game that I did like was Witcher 2 though, but I really hated Witcher 3 and I think a large part of that was because turning it into an open world game like that caused so much bloat and it's an example of more dialogue and choices not being better.

I never played DnD because I am cool.