Bernd 07/21/2022 (Thu) 19:40:07 No.48345 del
(144.33 KB 800x626 teru-vs-daieisho.jpg)

Kaisho is out too. Hilarious. Noone will appear on the last day, they'll run out of Rikishis.
Enho went down. Aww shit. 5-7. He needs to win all the rest.
Hokuseiho was on the offense throughout. 9-3.
Easy win for Asanowaka against Kaisei. I don't think he really has the will anymore. He is old (not the oldest but still), maybe having health issues, I dunno.
Akua just run out with Mitoryu, was kinda funny.
Ryuden won. Hiradoumi tried, wasn't enough. So now Ryuden leads with 10-2. Hokuseiho is still a threat, but he is a newfag, Ryuden has the routine. 3 days left, it is unlikely that Ryuden will lose all, and an 8-4 will win all.

Onosho, the locomotive. He decided to climb back in the rankings.
Tochinoshin channeled Nishikifuji's momentum and pushed him out quick. Nicely done.
Wow. Terutsuyosh got into trouble right at the behinning. Sadanoumi prevented the signature move leg grab, forces him down, then turned him back. Terutsuyoshi recovered from this, and had another chance. But Sadanoumi was just better.
Tobizaru vs Ichinojo - one important bout of the day. The size differene is striking. Tobizaru had one chance, for a moment Ichinojo showed his side. Otherwise not much. 10-2 Ichonojo.
Kiribayama handled Ura well.
Hoshoryu vs Hokutofuji - A quick hurling around, and Hokutofuji was ready to be pushed out. Nice win Hoshoryu. This technique should have a name. Probably it has an official one.

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