Bernd 10/27/2022 (Thu) 09:22 No.49099 del
>but there's a chance he'll lose.
I don't think he will.
>house arrest for threats/disinformation
>"fake news" question
This disinformation bs comes from the US too. Except there it remains on the level of media wankery. The legal frame of defamation (libel and such) already exists, this fake news fad really is just about censorship.
>instructions to stay off social media
>Cármen Lúcia, a whore and a prostitute, and "Carmen Lúcifer"
>apologized to prostitutes for comparing them with Carmen Lúcia
Good banter.
>he opened fire and threw grenades
>wounding two of them.
>Some hours after they retreated
He is a serious operator, forcing federales to flee.