Bernd 12/15/2023 (Fri) 19:42 No.51395 del
I'm really wondering tho if they voted on all the countries as one package. I mean they did not vote on the status of Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, and Bosnia separately, but they put together a list and with one vote they could accept all, or veto all. So vetoing Ukraine would have vetoed progression of Bosnia, Georgia, and Moldova too. Just to corner Orbán. Who would want to be the one who tackled the other countries?
Could be but why Orbán not says so then. So I'm probably wrong.

All in all in the morning it felt like the govt./Fidesz media talking heads did not understood what happened, and weren't sure how to narrate the events. Previously they pumped so much this "stop EU to initiate the process" and "Ukraine is inadequate to join" mantra, that it seemed with the veto not happening they suddenly run out of things to say. It also seemed that there is an air of disappointment, which they tried incompetently counter.
I'm sure they'll get over it soon and restart the engine. They have two elections to win next year (the municipal and the EU), so they have to step on the pedal.