Bernd 12/22/2023 (Fri) 10:20 No.51416 del
(1.92 MB 3072x2065 shoigu-putin.jpg)
Now this is coming from the Kremlin (literally can be found on, I won't link it, search "shoigu expanded meeting of defence ministry board"), but this is what they say about Ukrainian losses:
During the summer campaign (since June 4th) Ukraine lost:
- 159,000 killed and wounded
- 121 aircraft
- 23 helicopters
- 766 tanks (including 37 Leopards I guess they were talking about Leo 2s)
- 2348 various armored vehicles (including 50 Bradleys)
Since the beginning of the war, Ukraine lost:
- 383,000 killed and wounded
- 14000 armored vehicles (including tanks)
- 553 aircrafts
- 259 helicopters
- 7500 artillery pieces
>Ukraine has had nine mobilisation waves, with the tenth wave currently underway where even individuals only partially fit for service are being called up.
Foreign volunteers/mercenaries:
- 5800 were "neutralized" (including 1427 Polish, 466 American, 344 British)

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