Bernd 07/05/2024 (Fri) 16:50 No.52158 del
The British economy and also government institutions are facing a lot of issues right now. The British government gross debt is at 104% of GDP, due to this and rising interest rates the British government spends more servicing it's debts than it does on defence. The Conservatives tried to cut back spending but that has not worked and it's also damaged government institutions like healthcare. This has been made much worse by Covid and the war in Ukraine as well.

The public really isn't happy with the Conservatives but I don't think it's their fault and I don't think Labour is going to change the situation much. They will probably spend more on welfare and healthcare which will help the people in some ways but will further increase the debt issue. They also want to lower the voting age to 16 which is stupid but that might just be talk.

Housing is an issue and it's tied to immigration. We have the same issue in Australia. But a labour government is less likely to do anything about that and so housing is likely to remain an issue.

Ohh an another thing that labour wants to do is to spend money subsidising green energy and Electric car productions. Again that's more money that Britain can ill afford but also government subsidies just create industries dependent on the government for support, the simple truth of the matter is that if it was financially viable to make solar panels or EVs in the UK than the market would be doing it. Though their are strategic issues at play here too, the west is unhappy about China's domination fo the Solar panel market, but really, let the US deal with that, let them subsidise solar panels and we and Britain can buy those cheap solar panels from them. Making solar panels ourself is just a waste of money(though we can afford it, Britain cannot).