Penultimate day of Haru Basho. Exciting tournament so far, not without surprises. The fate of all the lower division championships are decided already, but makuuchi will keep us suspense till the last day. In juryo another new Isegahama lad, Kusano cut through the ranks for the title. He seems to be also from amateur sumo, so he started in makushita, but his results at this point weren't too impressive: 6-1, 5-2, 5-2, 4-3, 4-3. Now he is making a splash. Up till yesterday he had only one losses. We'll see if he can bag the last to points.
In makuuchi good, old, hairy Takayas' is leading the list, with 11-2. Onosato follows by one less point. Then half a dozen 9-4s, their ranks will be cut in half today, odds favour Takerufuji and Daieisho. If Takayasu fails on both days of the weekend, a 9-4 also could grab the yusho. In theory, since Onosato will have a major say in this. Takayasu had been runner up for 8 times for the yusho already. He was an ozeki too, he'd really deserve to hold that cup finally.
Kotozakura saved his ozeki title, getting a kachi-koshi. However from a holder of that title everyone expects better performances. Sadly yokozuna Hoshoryu had to go kyujo due to an arm injury. Hopefully he can recover. Terunofuji had to retire due to the massive amount of injuries his body suffered, hopefully Hoshoryu won't forced to follow and leave so early in his career. Well actually I'm quite positive he won't.