Anonymous 07/21/2024 (Sun) 21:31 No.1998 del
>am I in the right to be annoyed
The actual question is if you still wanna keep it up.
>But I've known them for nearly half my life, so it kinda sucks
Personally, if it was important to me to still keep up the friendship, since I think you do, I would plan for "maybe" it being a thing.
As in instead of making sure I'm available (both mentally and physically and on time) I would be semi-available just like they are semi-reliable.
Or you straight up tell them that it's bothering you, that's an option too, depends on what kind of friendship this is.
>Maybe they're just a bad friend.
I'll leave that judgment up to you. You will know best. Just know that without taking any side I have known people like that (constantly late and/or forgetful) and it's pretty much a character trait.

Also you don't have to stream if you don't feel like it, I of course will try to pop in but you're not obligated to feel like you have to is what I mean.