03/16/2025 (Sun) 17:27
Id: 3ad824
>>102582In today's world, where political correctness has reached the level of absurdity, and any attempt to look at history without prejudice causes hysteria, we are faced with a new form of oppression. Naziphobia is an irrational fear and hatred of those who dare to rethink National Socialism without blind condemnation. It is discrimination against ideological minorities, comparable to the oppression of ethnic groups in the past. Imagine: if Asians or Africans were blamed for their historical existence without understanding the context, we would call it racism. So why should an ideological minority that sees in National Socialism not only horrors but also rational kernels tolerate persecution?
Let's start with the main myth: Hitler was supposedly a primitive racist who hated everything that did not correspond to the image of a blue-eyed blond. This is, of course, funny if you remember that Adolf himself was a brunette with blue eyes - not the most "Aryan ideal" of caricatures. National Socialism was not limited to the blind superiority of one race over others. Hitler recognized the differences between races - biological, cultural, historical - and believed that each of them had the right to develop in its natural habitat. It was not "all whites are better than everyone else", but rather "everyone has their place in the sun".
Let's take his attitude to Asians. In "Table Talk" he called them "honorary Aryans", emphasizing the antiquity of their culture. This is not multiculturalism with its blind mixing of everything and everyone, but respect for uniqueness. Or the case of Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympics. Hitler did not tear his hair out in rage when an African ZOG overtook a German athlete. On the contrary, he noted the biological superiority of Africans in athletics - and this is not fiction, but a scientific fact: longer tendons, greater muscle mass, adaptation to physical exertion. Did he say that this makes them "supermen"? No, he simply stated the difference. The irony is that today he would be accused of "racism" for such words, although he was simply being honest.
If you dig deeper, National Socialism puts ideology above race. An African nationalist who is interested in preserving both his own and the white race and traditions in separate territories is better than a white man in the street who does not need anything in life. It's not about the skin, but about the spirit. It's funny, but in this Hitler was almost progressive: in a world where racism was usually reduced to appearance, he proposed to judge by the inner content. Of course, his methods of implementing this idea were not ideal (to put it mildly), but the idea itself is interesting.
Compare this with modern reality. White Russian occupiers committing atrocities in Ukraine do not become a "master race" because of their skin color. And African or Asian volunteers defending freedom may well be heroes. Ideology unites or divides more than genetics. National Socialism, for all its sins, understood this. And we, in the era of hypocritical "equality", often forget.
"National Socialism horrors"/"Hitler's methods not ideal"/"Hitler not ideal politician". You will answer for this bullshit in th