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Where are the damn plots against the (((plotting race)))? Anonymous 06/25/2024 (Tue) 10:52 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No. 93991 [Hide User] [X] >>94005>>94229>>94231>>94232>>95131>>95376>>95466
Official plotting against international jewry thread

I've been on this board since 2017 and I'm sick and tired of the same old shit.
The spam.
The kikes and commies.
The faggots.
The panderers pretending to be National Socialists to shill some bullshit.
I used to study history, rejecting obvious frauds and seeing clear truths. But I'm even tired of the history lessons.

All I want now is the end of fucking ZOG. Israel is doing a great job turning the world against them.
Bravo, dumbfuck jews. But now we need more coals on that fire.


Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 22:59 Id: 3be5dc (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.93995 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
God calls on me to know when the signal is, but there are so many shillwhistles it's hard for me to know when the spark flies.
Surely we are all waiting to be part of that finalizing inferno to rebuild the Aryan Utopia anew.
This time, the world, FRENS

Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 23:00 Id: 3be5dc (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.93996 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Also, thread definitely deserves a bump

Anonymous 06/30/2024 (Sun) 19:43 Id: 28ec49 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.94005 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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Altrough i tought of this call for advice a lot i cannot think of anything more but piling guns and butter and maybe having someone as same as yourself with you when either power vaccum if happening or basically a yugoslavia tier chaos will emerge to fuck off to innawoods and leaving it to fate who will catch a bullet or not
>Why not simmilar someone asks
I dont believe in any of alliances of 14 words and 88 percepts with anything else as it always failed because second side wanted to compromise ideas for optics cucking

Maybe zzzchan has something with /fascist/ but i csnnot tell how it progressed since it had a dispute with frenschan immigrants because someone just cannot understand someone finds it annoying that spic feuntes is called like that for a reason

Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 22:24 Id: 00801b (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.94219 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94222>>94223>>94228
your attacks are meaningless, the world is not going to change by one strike and the keys of power setup will still maintain

when you use fear tactics you create a temporary void, but you must have something to replace it, or the same invasive species will return and dominate

fear tactics are not sustainable but do in work the short term

in the american revolution, we had george washington, in italy mussolini

any place with a revolution had political leaders take charge after the requirements of fear tactics

if you want to hurt ((them)) then you have to organize networks and communities of your own, because now there is no organizations to replace the jewish organizations

in your networks you will have to make plans on how to bring in money/power into the right side of history

for my network, i have a rule that only people 120+ iq can join

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 03:23 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94222 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>your attacks are meaningless, the world is not going to change by one strike
>when you use fear tactics
I wasn't aware anyone here was attacking or using fear tactics. It'd be great if we were. But all we're doing is sharing information.
>if you want to hurt ((them)) then you have to organize networks and communities of your own
That's definitely the right solution. The problem is the strategy behind it. How it's achieved. I have tried in person and as I've said here before; instead of joining me because I know vaguely how the NSDAP grew their numbers, the bastards flee, thinking the grass is greener on the other side. Those who would listen fled NW into the same degenerate shit because they always find out about the Northwest American Republic. Those who wouldn't listen settled right back into local degenerate society. The deaf to reason and logic tended to be women that got knocked up by beaners or niggers or men who went off to fuck beaners and niggers. Or became dykes, faggots or trans freaks.

A lot seemed to exhibit a low percentage of jew blood, which corrupts the mind. What you think is a white person could very well be one of the parasites. It depends on how they react. A jew always shrieks against Hitler. I've learned to use him to hone jewdar.

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 03:34 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94223 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94228
>for my network, i have a rule that only people 120+ iq can join
By the way, if that's your only stipulation, your network's going to fill up with kikes fast. They love obsessing about their make believe "high IQs".

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 14:40 Id: 2363e4 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.94228 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94229>>94242
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You are maybe assuming this place to be genuine, I'm not trusting 100% over that, but I'm still going to use this in spite of any honeypotting or datamining done here (first picrel)
Always assume your enemy is following and stalking you, that way you'll be able to mock them and make them trip.

Even if, what >>94219 says isn't wrong, it's not enough to destroy an enemy, it's very important to fill the power gap created by the dissolution of the enemy, and to fill that power gap you need a structure ready to jump in.
So you need both a plan to attack your enemy, and a structure ready to step in. The two parts must be ready and active at the same time, to have success in kicking out an enemy for good.

A plan with no organized structure ready to take charge after the plan has been successful, is going to be a wasted success, because after the enemy regroups it's going to take power again, or maybe even some other different scum is going to step in, resulting in no real improvement.
An organized structure with no action plan is just going to sit in dust until all members are too old and out of touch with reality to even step in once by pure chance someone else will have set things into motion by their own action plans. This is by the way what this board really looks like, structure(of 2 people) with no action plan.

This need of both plan and structure, also explains some of the actions of the jews, in attacking any newlyforming structure, they fear an organized competitor which may replace and kick them aside once they are bleeding on the ground in pain after a successful attack.
This part may be an interesting thing to think over as core of one of many plans, how to target the jewish subversion of newly forming groups which hostile to them? Or how to unburden the forming of new groups hostile to the jews?
Anytime you know something about the jews, think about how to use that against them. That's how the best plans are born.

I'm also adding more examples of plans which showed efficacy, as good trials to emulate

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 14:47 Id: 2363e4 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.94229 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94242
This is maybe the only really useful thread in this whole board. A shame it took so much to get this up.

That said, there are few things which should be clarified:
1) Is this thread only for finalized plans, or also for discussing the plans into more detail or about the general setup of said plans?
2) What can be done about the jews lurking here, who will use this thread as a warning sample to test their next poisoning attacks and to prepare counter plans against any plan even remotely suggested here?
As in, is it really wise to discuss plans in the open if the tactic used is one of surprise attack?

About the matter of discussing plans in the open, I've a suggestion about how to proceed on that, any plan discussed openly should be devised to be effective even if it's known by the enemy, maybe even the main trait or quality of open plans should be precisely that immunity to counters, the core of the plan comes second.

The effectiveness of a plan when it's known by the enemy, as far as I know, can run over 3 schemes or models:
1) the enemy is unable to do anything about the plan even if they know about it, as in the plan is out of reach for the enemy
2) the enemy knowing about the plan is going to further play into the plan effectiveness, as in, the counter-reaction to the plan should be incorporated into the plan itself to have a reiforcing effect for the plan. The aim is for the plan to grow stronger the more the enemy knows about it.
3) play the enemy over a dilemma, if they react to he plan the plan gains more power, if they don't react to it the plan continues its course. Meaning the plan will have become immune to the reactions of the enemy because the enemy is now scared to react to it fearing they may worsen their position if the do react to it

In most cases a plan devised to be resistant to the enemy reactions, and so the only plans worth discussiong openly, such plans must often be compopsed of two or more parts.
An active part, the "punch which hurts" of the plan.
A counter-reactive part, giving all the plan and all its parts resistance to counter-plans by the enemy. The "agility" or "spiked coat" of the plan.

To have a plan to be immune or reactive to the enemy knowing it, it's also important to know the enemy, to have the best reaction or difficulty for the enemy to counter it.
On that side, it's important to know that the jews have been using for some centuries now that tactic of "fabianism", as it's evident in the fabian society activities, that is the tactic of slow and indirect erosion of the opposition while avoiding any direct confrontation.
Knowing this can be a guide to better devide effective plans:
1) the jews fear direct confrontations, because anything they stand on is based on lies and fraud, meaning any plan must also include a direct attack, and that direct attack must be devised to be highly perforative against the jewish "defences" and with high success chances to connect with the target
2) the jews currently have hold of the majority of the tools usually used for indirect attacks, that is the mass medias and any form of communication tool. Same goes for the other tipical tools of indirect attacks, that is sabotaging, infiltration, spreading confusion, basically the usualy glownigger actions, which are also mainly controlled by jews. This should suggest that playing their same game of indirect attack and of slow erosion has low chances to be effective, because by sheer volume the jews are in advantage on that front, unless something new and more effective is devised to overplay that jews on their own home field.
That said, even if the jews are the ones playing the erosion game, they have grown up over time to be so encroached on their own stolen power and wealth that now the erosion tactic is very effective against them too.

(see the last 4 images of >>94228 as good examples of reactive plans as explained in this second post)

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:01 Id: 2363e4 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.94230 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94280
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I'm going to summarize

A reaction to the jewish enemy needs:
1) an attack plan
to make the jews lose their position of power
the attack plan also further needs to be composed of 2 or more parts
1.a) the direct attack
the part actually doing damage
1.b) the plan resistance
immunizing the entire plan, most importantly protecting the (1.a)direct attack, against the jews reactions and counter-plans
the plan resistance ensures the effectivity and success of the whole plan, a plan without resistance is easily deflected or countered, making it ineffective
a plan having a resistance to counters also allows for the plan to be openly discussed even under the nose (lol) of the enemy
2) an organized structure
to fill the power gap left open by the weakened jews

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:26 Id: 2363e4 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.94231 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94243>>94244>>94247
some general ideas to maybe develop more on into actual action plans:
1) weaken the mindwashing hold the jew have over the whole population
this may not be a final hit kind of plan, but it may help to reinforce the structures against the jews, both already existing structures and also newly formed ones, by making it easier for new members to wake up, search for, and join said structures
2) weaken the hold the jews have over the economy, mainly hitting their organized crime banking system, possibly make it all crash and burn
3) accelerate the bullshit of the jews until it reached breaking point where it's too ridiculous to ever digest even for the most retarded of npcs, leading to a mass waking up from the kike spell
4) increase the enemies of the jews, have more groups or fronts join the struggle against the jews, to overwhelm them, but don't stop there, once the jews are overwhelmed it's the time to hit them directly, once they are too distracted to dodge the hit
5) prepare an armory of direct hits, to be ready to toss them all at once in rapid succession once the jews are unable to use their usual indirect attack tactic from afar
when the jews can be hid by a direct attack, waste no ammos
6) shorten the distance between the jews and the targets of their indirect attacks, making it possible to any further instance of an indirect attack of the jews to turn into a lynching of jews by the ones who were wronged
7) take one of the many bullshit plots the jews have spewed out in the last decades and centuries, and redirect those against the jews, cases are the jews will be harmed by their own tools, or the jews out of annoyance will be forced to shut down their own tools
8) take advantage of the deceptive nature of the jews by tailoring an attack plan around their deceptive nature by poiting attention to their deceptiveness, any of their attempts to react to the attack will result in their deceptiveness to further be exposed until enough people will know they are false and nothing they say is worth listening too, to the point said awareness becomes selfsufficient and no longer needs a plan to keep that awareness alive, as no one will ever forget about it for the foreseeable future
9) similar to (8) point attention to the scapegoating or blame-shifting nature of the jews, and how most of the attacks of the jews are based on things the jews actually do and then fault others
10) train the general population to instinctively detect a jew trying to hide in a crowd, or by hiding behind false names and surnames
make all the typical rotten traits of a jew to be know and to be usable as markers to easily detect a jew by their way to act rather than their false appearance

Just the first things coming to mind, knowing more about hos those scums act really helps a lot to come up with ideas on how to destroy them.
Maybe that also something which could become a plan

11) educate the general population about how the rotten mind of a jew works, what are the tactic most often used by the jews, what are the historical precedents of jewish attacks and subversions of society, and what are the historical examples of people fighting against jews and which of them were the most effective in their action

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:28 Id: 2363e4 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.94232 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Do you have any plans of your own btw, or are you only fishing from others here?

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 21:03 Id: 00801b (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.94235 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94250
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goys are in the state of even if they got independence, it wouldn't last because there are no structures to replace jewish structures

currently, the national socialist must form organizations, gain power/money

in your networks you must make replacements for jewish bussinesses and structures and only use those

the reason jews have been so successful is because they stick together as a group when dispersed, causing them to be inclined to make small sacrifices in business. like a jew would pick a worse jewish company rather than a white company. this causes whites to completely lose power once even one jew gets into power because the jews will never favor the gentiles in any interaction.

to fight this, national socialists must form their own networks, and do the same to people that are outside of their group

remember, the people that do not join us, are virtual jews, because the jews will make self sacrifice to keep that person there instead of a national socialist. the person with the more power they will be virtually.

this is why forming occult networks is so important, it's best if the jews don't know about your group because they will accidentally put you into keys of power.

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 21:12 Id: 00801b (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.94237 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94250
thats why jews try to push anything individuality related so hard, because it destroys all other networks, causing jews to get more power and control

judaism is immune to that

Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 21:26 Id: 00801b (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.94238 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94250
forgot to mention people are inherently productive, so if you are able to keep all your money in one network without any leaving your inward or closed loop, the network will always get stronger no matter what

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 05:55 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94242 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94261
>You are maybe assuming this place to be genuine, I'm not trusting 100% over that
So that's your take. I'm the BO, board owner, so yes I assume this board to be genuine. I wrote the rules and was handed the reigns in 2017.
>This is by the way what this board really looks like, structure(of 2 people) with no action plan.
Three people. Plus a couple random anons every now and then. Yes. Zero action plan.
>An organized structure with no action plan is just going to sit in dust until all members are too old and out of touch with reality to even step in once by pure chance someone else will have set things into motion by their own action plans.
I can agree on almost all of that as well. I am getting a bit old, dusty, out of touch with society. Just not reality. It's those absorbed with modern society who are out of touch with reality.
Dipshits calling people with penises she/her and people with vaginas he/him. Those retards are delusional.
>also explains some of the actions of the jews, in attacking any newlyforming structure, they fear an organized competitor which may replace and kick them aside once they are bleeding on the ground in pain after a successful attack
Despite having not shit for any substantial action plan, yes, we are frequently attacked by jews. I have no idea why it would be out of fear. Irrational on their part.
We pose very little threat, as backwards and low traffic as this board is.
>Anytime you know something about the jews, think about how to use that against them.
We don't tend to do that, or even know how. It's mostly just in the knowing. I admit it's not the best counter to ZOG's overwhelming control.

>1) Is this thread only for finalized plans, or also for discussing the plans into more detail or about the general setup of said plans?
Either. Anything. Everything anyone can think of to stop them.
>2) What can be done about the jews lurking here, who will use this thread as a warning sample to test their next poisoning attacks and to prepare counter plans against any plan even remotely suggested here?
The best I can do is ban their individual posting IP, but then they'll simply come back with yet another. IPs are frequently dynamic. Banning is an almost pointless deterrent.
Moderating is entirely useless, aside from daily cleanup to keep jew propaganda from flooding the board.
>As in, is it really wise to discuss plans in the open if the tactic used is one of surprise attack?
Presuming the BBC spamming jew has any friends, tells his friends, they tell theirs and the information spreads: No it wouldn't be wise to explain a surprise attack.
I have read the rest of what you've said. The best course now is another reply before much is lost in this one.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 06:26 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94243 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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>Do you have any plans of your own btw, or are you only fishing from others here?
I'll post mine in image form (Method.jpg). As you can tell, it's not entirely my own. Hitler did most of this first. It's old. Dusty. Not fit for a modern solution. Feel free to pick it apart.
Excuse me as I do the same. I'm not attempting to tear your solutions down. I have an extreme desire to reach a resolution on these matters.
To take them out of the hypothetical by reaching a solidifying conclusion. Many tend to get upset when I do this.
I'll explain later what bullshit plans we've been presented with in the past.
>1) weaken the mindwashing hold the jew have over the whole population
This I have known we must accomplish. The question is: How? The only solution I have had to that question has been to hijack a satellite.
Which - I don't know how to do that, or know of anyone with the skills. So my solution became irrelevant.
>2) weaken the hold the jews have over the economy, mainly hitting their organized crime banking system, possibly make it all crash and burn
The FDIC lists 4,577 banks in the United States. Their records, as I'm sure you know, are almost entirely digital. Even the majority of money in circulation is now digital.
Numbers in the system. The question again arises: How?
>3) accelerate the bullshit of the jews until it reached breaking point where it's too ridiculous to ever digest even for the most retarded of npcs, leading to a mass waking up from the kike spell
Yes, the acceleration meme. Something which requires numbers. 4chan with their high traffic have been known to accomplish these levels of influence.
If they weren't so compromised.
>4) increase the enemies of the jews, have more groups or fronts join the struggle against the jews, to overwhelm them, but don't stop there, once the jews are overwhelmed it's the time to hit them directly, once they are too distracted to dodge the hit
The problem there is that the publicly known enemies of organizations of jews tend to have been controlled opposition pandering to kikes all along.
The Northwest Front. Atomwaffen. The Proud Boys. That's all I can remember at the moment.
>5) prepare an armory of direct hits, to be ready to toss them all at once in rapid succession once the jews are unable to use their usual indirect attack tactic from afar.
>when the jews can be hid by a direct attack, waste no ammos
This needs no further explanation.
>6) shorten the distance between the jews and the targets of their indirect attacks, making it possible to any further instance of an indirect attack of the jews to turn into a lynching of jews by the ones who were wronged
That's my favorite among your strategies. Now we need to brainstorm on how to get it done.
>7) take one of the many bullshit plots the jews have spewed out in the last decades and centuries, and redirect those against the jews, cases are the jews will be harmed by their own tools, or the jews out of annoyance will be forced to shut down their own tools
Exactly. They're not immune to their own plots. Of the jew coworkers I've had in the past: One was a single father with a nigger daughter and a black woman left him. He was left disillusioned with seeking another mate. It was years since he was married. Another is a "trans male" with female genitalia, an uncle who molested them, and again disillusioned with seeking a mate. We DO need to find a way to weaponize their very own plots against far more jews.
>8) take advantage of the deceptive nature of the jews
Flyers with the simplicity that all jews lie could be effective. (493.jpg) but shortened for the masses with short attention spans.
The jew always lies. Even an occasional truth is only intended to cover a bigger lie.
>9) similar to (8) point attention to the scapegoating or blame-shifting nature of the jews
So from Goebbels: Quickly he turns the attacker's charges back on him, and the attacker becomes the liar, the troublemaker, the terrorist.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 06:50 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94244 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>10) train the general population to instinctively detect a jew trying to hide in a crowd, or by hiding behind false names and surnames
There are many forms some jews exhibit that some don't. Ashkenazi are European mixed. Sephardi are brown. Mizrahi are asian. Some despise "muh racism". Others embody it. Some are against us while others attempt to infiltrate. Even on the question of Christianity. A majority of jews despise the religion and hate the central figure Jesus. Yet there are jewish pastors who accomplish entire congregations singing 'El Shaddai' and excusing the Pharisees as "products of their time". We can't use Jesus as a deciding factor on who is or is not a jew.
>make all the typical rotten traits of a jew to be know and to be usable as markers to easily detect a jew by their way to act rather than their false appearance
Only Hitler is foolproof. It's as simple as that. He's a magnet for their hate that they cannot resist.
>11) educate the general population about how the rotten mind of a jew works, what are the tactic most often used by the jews,
>what are the historical precedents of jewish attacks and subversions of society, and what are the historical examples of people fighting against jews and which of them were the most effective in their action
For this, we really need a "Jews General" thread on everything you just stated. But the question of "How?" returns. Circling back around to my shit plan about hijacking a satellite. Other than that, re-taking the education system. Somehow. Laying plans in action is the mortar we are missing from our bricklaying.

I can only remember a few stupid plans we've had in the past. Mostly because I didn't give a fuck about any of it. We've been told "Only Liberalism can stop the jews.", "Strasserism is the only way forward", "Join atomwaffen and commit a terrorism", "Embrace Communism", "Embrace pedophilia", "Give up breeding with whites and mate with asian women", "No utopia without Anarchy", "Join Freemasonry" etc. All of it has been horse shit.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 06:58 Id: 28ec49 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.94247 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94248
Not criticizing the ideas you have as you give textbook manual on how information.partidan warfare works however i ponder one important question onto many of these that doesnt involve guns and butter
>weaken the hold the jews have over the economy, mainly hitting their organized crime banking system, possibly make it all crash and burn
How apart of basically commiting partisan assault on it
>take advantage of the deceptive nature of the jews by tailoring an attack plan around their deceptive nature by poiting attention to their deceptiveness, any of their attempts to react to the attack will result in their deceptiveness to further be exposed until enough people will know they are false and nothing they say is worth listening too, to the point said awareness becomes selfsufficient and no longer needs a plan to keep that awareness alive, as no one will ever forget about it for the foreseeable future
Here is a thing and that involves around many mrasures of passive resistance
How if i consider the attrition warfare in information warfare where i cannot compete with 24/7 machinery overwhelming machinery of suggestion and hasbara agents that wont ever leave you alone even on a bloody imageboard with their infinite bullshiting and audacity using their false consensus

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 07:00 Id: 28ec49 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.94248 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94252
Yes that question on any passive resistance is how to combat the attrition war the jews have advantage in with their 24/7 machinery of overwhelming false consensus and bullshitting

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 07:06 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94250 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94355>>94357
>currently, the national socialist must form organizations, gain power/money
>In your networks you must make replacements for jewish bussinesses and structures and only use those
The key missing from this equation is gaining numbers. That is the solution for a great amount of plans that I have yet to know how to reach. I don't have an education in marketing. Mine happens to be in anatomy. It really only solves the matter of keeping potential members in good health.
>the reason jews have been so successful is because they stick together as a group when dispersed
>causing them to be inclined to make small sacrifices in business. like a jew would pick a worse jewish company
>to fight this, national socialists must form their own networks, and do the same to people that are outside of their group
Also true. Circling back around to the question of "How?"
>the people that do not join us, are virtual jews
Suppose we had a network. The people that join us, on the contrary, could very well be jews. We would have to filter them out, depending on the level of success. Take this board for instance. It's low traffic. You and the other anon replying in this thread plus myself, Spain anon and Slav anon. Those are the only people here. The non-person frequently banned parasitic jew who posts gay porn and all manner of pathetic insults makes 6. Though that piece of shit doesn't count.
>it's best if the jews don't know about your group
In suggesting that we grow by attempting to invite others here from different chans and various websites, because this board has long been of low traffic, what resulted was primarily attacks by a few jews. The same thing happened awhile ago to our sister board >>>/news/ So gaining numbers that way, we've realized, has been a pretty bad idea.

>thats why jews try to push anything individuality related so hard
>judaism is immune to that
True. It is a collective religion, and worse, certain tendencies such as collective agreements on us as their enemy (Caucasians not just National Socialists) are deeply rooted in their blood.
>so if you are able to keep all your money in one network without any leaving your inward or closed loop
This implies all agriculture, manufacturing, housing, etc. to be presented for and provided by the same network. Which would be great, but I fail to see how it's possible without first taking our countries back.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 08:06 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94252 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>how to combat the attrition war the jews have advantage in with their 24/7 machinery of overwhelming false consensus and bullshitting
The only solution to that I know of is banning and deleting. For banning, I defer to my previous comment of how much of a useless slap on the wrist it is. Otherwise just basically sweeping away the jew propaganda.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 09:15 Id: 866027 (8)Prev Next [Preview] No.94260 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94264>>94269
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about helping the structure side of a reaction

find ways to dodge or to make powerless the censorship
for example, if you well know the united states of a are controlled by the jews, why the fuck are you still trying to organize a reaction to the jews over a site hosted in usa? it's obvious the jews are going to censor you or even block the entire platform if you manage to gain too much movement, so long you are relying on services hosted in usa.
find a discussion forum hosted anywhere else outside usa, and from a nation not dependent or controlled by usa
this should already narrow down your choices quite a bit, an obvious choice is to use a russian platform, but i'm more curious to see if there exist any iranian platforms which could be used to host an english discussion or forum (or any other language)
any place with a strong cultural divide against usa is the best, anywhere the local average moderators don't give a fuck about talking about jews and even agree on niggers being all apes
once you find such safe haven from censorship, find ways to let know everyone who get censored often how to find their way there, that's where discussion will be able to carry on unburdened and undisturbed

something similar to this is already taking place by tiktok, since the chinese don't give a fuck about talking about jews, but only so long you don't bring up how communist china was a jewish creation by anglo support(similar to how communist russia was also a jewish creation by anglo support), and how the 1 child policy which ruined entire generations in china was also a jewish creation, if jews in china history are mentioned then the chinese will censor you too, but so long you talk about jews in other nations they don't give a fuck
for that reason china is a false friend
while considering how the hosting of the discussion service must take place in a nation both not reliant on the jew slave usa, but said nation must also be indifferent to the jews getting names, by those requirements iran may be a better choice than russia
since russia is in theory not reliant on usa, but it's not as much collaborative when it comes to naming the jews,
whereas iran fills at best those two requirements, iran is not reliant on usa, and also doesn't give a shit about naming the jews, it may even encourage it
so when it comes to chose a discussion servive where to move all the pro-europe discussion free from jewish censorship, the order of preference for the host nation is:
iran > russia > china
there is also some potential for south america services to be usable, though those are weaken than china, as they are weak or reliant on usa and they may be in some cases be already under the jewish censorship, if venezuela wasn't such a poor country it could be a candidate, but otherwise I fear they lack the technological means to reliably host such a service

The only reason endchan is relatively left alone by the censoring machine of the jews is because there is too little traffic here to ever pose a threat to them
The moment by some miracle endchan becomes the new 4chan by activity metrics, endchan will get (((fbi))) moderators and get actively censored exactly like reddit and 4chan (all assuming this isn't already the case, with the faggot moderators just playing a low profile until the increased activity will activate them)

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 09:20 Id: 866027 (8)Prev Next [Preview] No.94261 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94266>>94269
> >2) What can be done about the jews lurking here, who will use this thread as a warning sample to test their next poisoning attacks and to prepare counter plans against any plan even remotely suggested here?
>The best I can do is ban their individual posting IP, but then they'll simply come back with yet another.
Banning only stops the spam, the spam is accomplisced by posting, banning only stops the posting.
Lurking means watching without posting, lurking doesn't require posting, lurking is immune to bans.
What was asked before, was how to deal with the jews getting to know your plans because said plans are discussed in public, because a jew knowing your plans is going to cook up some counter-plan or counter-measure against your plans, which will make your plans fail as soon as they are set into motion, because the enemy was already waiting for them and has the time to defent or cover any vulnerability you were trying to exploit

Any plan discussed openly is going to fail, because the enemy already knows about it and is on alert on how to react to it.
Unless, the plan is designed to work even if it's known by the enemy. I've seen no other solution than this yet, to the problem of plans discussed in the open.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 09:26 Id: 866027 (8)Prev Next [Preview] No.94262 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94269
This plan can be risky but it's worth considering
plan: play into the fears of the jews
whatever the jews seem to fear the most, to the point of being obsessed with it, reinforce and support that thing
this can be risky, because if the jews become aware of this, they may try to fake their fears as a way to control what is going to get reinforced or just to divert the efforts towards something useless and harmless to the jews
But then again, seeing what the jews are really scared about is part of the requirement for this tactic to work at all, same goes with recognizing what they truly fear from what they are faking to be worried about.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 09:27 Id: 866027 (8)Prev Next [Preview] No.94263 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94269
the following would also help the effectiveness of any plan put into action

the jews are scared of having any talking point from the people who know about them to reach two main communities, since those two communities are highly popular and highly populated, as such any message getting viral in there can spread a lot, and if a message about the evils of the jews did manage to reach those communities the spreading effect would be fast and pervasive, way past any capacity of the jews to censor it
those two communities are: anime and videogames
any effort towards involving more people in the struggle against jewry, must be directed towards those two communities
not by chance in fact, the jews and their subversive plots are the most active precisely inside those two communities, you can find rotting jewry blatantly in the open everywhere inside the anime and videogame communities

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 09:33 Id: 866027 (8)Prev Next [Preview] No.94264 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94265
To continue on the idea of building up discussion (and so also structure) free from jewish censorship on a discussion service outside the jews control, meaning outside of services hosted on servers located in usa or on other usa controlled nations.

I've given a look at the iranian webhosting, I'm yet to find an easy solution to get a free forum over there

eh, I've found a gta forum from iran, but it's actually hosted on either canadian or american servers, what a bunch of frauds, probably because the retards have relied on cloudflare which is based in usa
found an other forum, this one seems really hosted in iran, with some data pointing instead towards the netherlands
oh shit, irindex seems to be a list of forums in iran, very valuable to search for usable candidates
there are three columns in the table, each titled as
.: خدمات چت و گفتگوی اینترنتی :. = chat sites
.: تالارهای گفتگوی تخصصی :. = topic specific forums
.: تالارهای گفتگوی عمومی :. = public forums ? maybe they meant general forums
it's a real shame though, most of the links from the "public forum" list seem dead, and also most of the chat sites are also dead, that list must be very old

these chat sites seem still alive
(it redirects to other chat forums it seems) (so many fucking popups, 100% i've got 10 viruses from that site alone)
finally landed somewhere...
(wow this chatroom looks girly, arab and girly, so weird, i've entered the women area?) (this chatroom seems to be allow posting based on some point system which I don't understand yet) (i'm starting to think this may be a pay-to-play site, oh well, it was funny to run by the menus)

an other chat site i've not checked out yet

an other forum hosted in iran

once a freely creable forum in iran is found, making it fully usable is only a matter of forum skins/css or either the addition of a client side script to translate the basic forum buttons

if you want to give a try searching for iranian forums usable for discussion without censorship, you better use persian words in the search engine query
"internet forum" in persian seems to be تالار گفتگو (beware of the reverse right-to-left writing when copying arab text, it's very confusing at first)
using that word in their native language alone, with some search priority if your search engine has that, it's enough to get as results many forums from iran

I'm going to continue to have some fun in searching for a forum hosted in iran, this feels like searching inside the old internet again (in a time when there were many different little sites, and not few huge monopolies, the iranian part of internet seems to be still healthy in that regard), it's almost nostalgic, and funny.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 09:37 Id: 866027 (8)Prev Next [Preview] No.94265 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
also remember the national domain suffix for iranian sites is .ir
any site with .com or .org or .net is 90% of times hosted in (((usa))) or other (((usa))) controlled nations, so while searching avoid any sites ending with .com .org .net

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 09:51 Id: 866027 (8)Prev Next [Preview] No.94266 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94267>>94270
I would add that the only vulnerability worth targeting as basis of a plan discussed openly, a vulnerability which the jews will not be able to cover up or fix as counter to the plan, in the case the jews get to know about the plan, is a vulnerability inside the jews themselves.
Not targeting a vulnerability in the systems created by the jews, but a vulnerability inside the jews themselves.

This can be effective, because the jews never learn, the jews never grow up culturally, they always remain a stone age barbaric tribe of parasites, unable to develop as human beings.
So any of the jews defects are perfect vulnerabilities to use as core of a plan against the jews, because the jews are unable to fix themselves.

Take for example you use as core of your plan the "greed" of the jews,
either the jews are unable to fix their greed as expected, so the plan against them is unstoppable, even if they know about it, because they either fail or refuse to give up their "greed"
or by some miracle, the jews manage to fix their greed to avoid the plan against them, so in a way the plan still obtained some result, in making the jews, even of for a short while, less cancerous and less greedy

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 09:58 Id: 866027 (8)Prev Next [Preview] No.94267 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94270
A plan designed to target a jewish vulnerability, is also immune to the uno-reverse or scapegoating tactic of the jews.
Because a plan designed to target a jewish vulnerability, is not going to have any effect on people who don't have that vulnerability.

Take again the example of the plan targeted against the jewish "greed", that plan is going to be effective against any jew with greed, but it's not going to do anything about every other person without that greed.
So if the jews try to redirect the plan against us or anyone else in the population we want to protect, it's not going to have any effect on others.

Such plans tailored around jewish vulnerabilities, would never be reusable or stealable by the jews.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 10:01 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94269 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94272>>94281
(428.71 KB 830x341 slide.png)
>if you well know the united states of a are controlled by the jews, why the fuck are you still trying to organize a reaction to the jews over a site hosted in usa?
Because that 100% true fact I would shout from the rooftop at any time, detours around other facts. Such as: I know of many nations compromised by jews.
>anywhere else outside usa, and from a nation not dependent or controlled by usa
The issue is not whether controlled by the United States or not. It's whether it's controlled by jews. Which of course the United States is. So are a majority of eastern nations.
>an obvious choice is to use a russian platform
Doubtful. Putin is the biggest jew in that region.
>i'm more curious to see if there exist any iranian platforms which could be used to host an english discussion or forum
Bingo. This is not a location I have any awareness of compromise about. However, if we can get there, jews can too.
>once you find such safe haven from censorship, find ways to let know everyone who get censored often how to find their way there, that's where discussion will be able to carry on unburdened and undisturbed
That's how we found this place. Spain anon and myself would be the eldest still remaining. We fled from 8chan, Jim the jew owner and his son Codemonkey-kike.
G_C the former BO confirmed he posted much of the same info I did. About Trump's jewishness. And that kike bitch Angela Merkel. I was banned for both.
>for that reason china is a false friend
I know all about the explanation precluding that^. I can name many false friends. Russia among them. I don't believe controlled oppositions help over harm.
>iran fills at best those two requirements, iran is not reliant on usa, and also doesn't give a shit about naming the jews, it may even encourage it
That is the best suggestion (as to location) so far.
>The only reason endchan is relatively left alone by the censoring machine of the jews is because there is too little traffic here to ever pose a threat to them
Only journalists have caught wind of us years ago during a shooting event. A (((Facebook post))) was copied here as if it was the real shooter.
I deleted it as soon as I woke up. The dipshit journos still believed we were responsible. Because they're goddamn idiots. We've even been named by Homeland Security: >>76282
All lost interest over time.
>endchan will get (((fbi))) moderators and get actively censored exactly like reddit and 4chan
Many entrapment threads were attempted back then. But I'm not such a fool as to believe the Feds have stopped watching us.
>(all assuming this isn't already the case, with the faggot moderators just playing a low profile until the increased activity will activate them)
I'm the only moderator here besides Global Admins. You can ask who they are over at >>>/operate/
Dicks and buttsex don't align with my interests.

>lurker jews explained
I'm aware of that possibility. Some of them surface because they can't take watching anymore.
>Unless, the plan is designed to work even if it's known by the enemy. I've seen no other solution than this yet, to the problem of plans discussed in the open.
There likely isn't any other solution. You're right.
>playing into the fears of jews
Rising a Fourth Reich. Bringing forth a man whom greatly resembles Hitler. I can think of no greater fear they would have than this.
They've known about this fear over 7 decades and have been powerless to overcome it. Their lies are all they know as a counter.
>spreading info over anime and video games
Requiring owning an animating studio (animation has become far simpler to do over the years, but still). Or knowing how to mod great enough to become a game developer.
I've known of individuals capable of the latter. Usually they're teams of people. So possibly a good step after gathering on an Iranian site.
>you can find rotting jewry blatantly in the open everywhere inside the anime and videogame communities
Because both have the tendency to prevent breeding between two people of the same race. Creating incels.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 10:11 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94270 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94272
>targeting unchangeable jewish flaws
A great idea. Another flaw I can think of off the top of my head is their arrogance. Some jews have given us quotes of admission about their race's plots. If we could somehow aggravate them (or stroke their egos) to the point many thousands more admit to what they're doing, they would suffer from their usual foot in mouth syndrome. Getting a jew to tell the truth, however, is a difficult feat.

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 10:36 Id: 9eff7d (1) [Preview] No.94272 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94280
This is starting to look like a course of action, not a plan yet, but a setup to prepare the conditions for a real plan.

>Requiring owning an animating studio (animation has become far simpler to do over the years, but still). Or knowing how to mod great enough to become a game developer.
>I've known of individuals capable of the latter. Usually they're teams of people. So possibly a good step after gathering on an Iranian site.
>targeting unchangeable jewish flaws
>A great idea.

1) find an usable forum hosted in iran, where to organize discussion without the risk of any censorship from the jews
(the jews will still try to infiltrate and subvert said space, with the usual spam and confusion and distraction and dilution, as they always do, but the iranian environment may actually come to our help by helping in banning and removing the jews instead, maybe even blacklisting all the jewish ips from their national internet space, or maybe even capturing the jews infiltrated in iran who interfered with our iranian forum, likewise our presence inside iranian space would be useful for the iranians too since our simple activity would attract and bring in the open any jew spying in there which then the iranians could pluck out, a mutually beneficial relationship between us and the iranians, like a symbiosis, we indirectly attract the pests, the iranians kill the pests)

2) focus on affecting the most popular and high traffic spaces inside (((usa))) and other jew controlled nations, especially anime and videogame communities

3) design the plans to put in action inside (2) to target "unchangeable jewish flaws" to make the plans unstoppable even if the jews know about them

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 10:49 Id: ee2c60 (1) [Preview] No.94274 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94281
While searching for forums hosted in iran:
the search engine query تالار گفتگو .ir seems effective
also, it's better to further check if the sites found are truly hosted in iran or not, by sites like:
since sometimes some sites ending with .ir are still hosted in (((usa))) because of the interference of content delivery services like (((cloudflare))), and such sites must be avoided since they aren't safe from kike censorship

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 16:49 Id: 882550 (1) [Preview] No.94280 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94281>>94285
(43.04 KB 710x1131 572f10372b3.png)

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 20:03 Id: 28ec49 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.94281 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94285
>. Or knowing how to mod great enough to become a game developer
I think that wasnt a call of such choice of action but an information warfare type of action for example like to this day one can see in games like team fortress 2 swastikas or hanged tranny soyack meme or in rust some very interesting humanity restoration deeds
But on the other hand it wouldnt hurt to see something magnificent as was jin roh wolf brigade that still wont fall to hands of zog and retards thinking its antifascist movie because something something protag didnt take a side and did his job that means he is antifascist
>Because both have the tendency to prevent breeding between two people of the same race. Creating incels
Sort of i have a high hopes that this is a part of jewerys mistakes because if a man is denied even an any form of escapism from sad reality the forces threw onto him he is not able to take that anymore and resorts to action
For example in idk when it was if 2022 or 2023 in hololive vtubing agency where many people who watch Vtubers wanted blood (and in some cases got it trough doxxing of some people who participated in deed and getting them into trouble) when vtuber pikamee was basically bullied off from carrier by zog mobs over hogwards legacy
The man who made it should whack an axe to a head as that thing breaks anything its connected into if someone has adblock or non zogged browser
I would also like to add to list of jewish flaws
>Hypocrisy in statements
But that is maybe in scrapegoating as english has unkike slavic languages less diverse vocabulary and word supply

Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 21:15 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94285 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94288
Well done. The plan of action is coming along nicely.

I've seen Hogwarts Legacy. It has a trans character. A bartender. Lazy writing. Just a female mesh with a male voice actor. JK Rowling spoke up about hypocrisy by the trans community but she entirely endorses it regardless. So I have no idea why ZOG slave SJWs attack her game. Other than the fact she dared to point out trans flaws. She's not our ally.
Scapegoating can be hypocrisy though hypocrisy is not always scapegoating, but what the word means is shifting blame. You know. Like what jews have done to Caucasians. They blame us for the Trans Atlantic slave trade. They made up the fake jewish holocaust. They blamed Germans for Russian and Polish murders by jewish hands, and the one you and I both despise, accusing the NSDAP of hating Slavs when it's jews who actually hate them.

Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 07:07 Id: 28ec49 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.94288 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>She's not our ally.
Never even said it or wanting it as im not a fan of kabbalah occultism
I just remembered that event and how it coorelated to point if a man loses a means to escape or switch off he will do something even if its a practically something small in greater scale

Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 17:21 Id: 40d8d7 (1) [Preview] No.94292 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94297>>94362
Do yourself a favor and spend some little time inside
and play the game of "spot the jew" among the posters there,
it's quite easy to spot one, because they are everywhere.
I'm advising this because you can't really fight an enemy if you are clueless about their tactics and methods, their targets and the main victims, the jews nature of parasitic corruption doesn't change over time but as time changes the places they hide inside to subvert the wider society changes. (just a cohencidence they always target the kids, same goes with the (((teachers))) of the public schools )

What is happening in a and v is also happening into any smaller anime and videogame forum/site still surviving online. (there are a lot less forums now compared to the past, the big social media sites have abused the search engines for a long time to monopolize most of the internet userbase, which coupled with the influx of phone idiots around 2007-2010 only worsened things)
And this jewish infiltration inside those communities has been going on for at the least 20 years, but this likely has been going on since forums came into existence.

Likewise any talking point, or content, naming the jews and their corruption and subversions, gets removed and silenced, because the jews have been in control over those spaces, for all that time.
I can even remember a tiny anime forum, of not more than 100 active users, many many years ago, where faggotry was getting promoted, even if it had nothing to do with the focus of that place and it was out of place, same goes with a bigger videogame forum, where some faggots were grooming kids, many of those places no longer exist, but the damage done by the jews was great.
The jews have been infesting the anime and videogame discussion communities for a very long time, way before faggotry and other mental/social rot made in jew got normalized like it is now, way before faggot parades existed, way before the games and show themselves became more and more propaganda tools for spreading degeneration and societal dissolution, before all that, the jews started with polluting the discussion spaces even when the shows and games were still relatively untouched by their rotting influence, they just latched on sane shows and then injected their mental rot inside the discussion of said shows and inside their communities, like the parasites they are, so even the discussion forums about a sane show were suddently filled with talk about faggots even when there was nothing of the like in the show or game.
But right now the state of things has degenerated so much, that now it's not just the discussion communities being poisoned, but it's the games themselves promoting jewish cancerous concepts.

Just think about the frankfurt school, that was almost 100 years ago, the faggy jews are still 100% inside the universities, but they have since moved on to many other spaces to plot from within. Like explained above.
The jews must be kicked out of all the spaces they have infiltrated. Old and new spaces alike, not leaving them to spread inside any new host.

Anonymous 07/29/2024 (Mon) 19:54 Id: 9caba4 (1) [Preview] No.94294 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Could any of you make a summary, or a new thread, about mossad and any history of the jews inside the american 3 letter agencies?
There may be a way to incorporate those glownigger jews into the plan of action against jewry, either as targets of the direct attack of the plan, or how fools to be played on to give the plan more reactive power.

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 03:47 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94297 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(365.30 KB 1694x682 4pol 1-19-2018.jpg)
(1.37 MB 1061x1006 4pol 4-6-2023.png)
(834.54 KB 1473x1687 4pol 8-12-2020.jpg)
>and play the game of "spot the jew" among the posters there,
Fren, that's been happening on 4chan for a long time now. I'm sure it's the same shit as before. Here. Take a look at /b/ from 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2023. These are the years when 4chan loyalists came here trying to redirect endchan traffic back to that festering shithole. I easily went there the exact dates they did that and found tons of kike propaganda on any random visit.
>but this likely has been going on since forums came into existence.
Yes. alt.binaries of the 1990s. Now known as usenet. Imagine Christians preaching relentlessly in between loads of child porn spam. There was zero moderation back then.
>before all that, the jews started with polluting the discussion spaces even when the shows and games were still relatively untouched by their rotting influence
Yep. They've been known as a problem for centuries. The unfortunate part is they're not being exiled out of nations anymore. Over 200 times and now everyone's just passively letting them fuck everything up.
>The jews must be kicked out of all the spaces they have infiltrated. Old and new spaces alike, not leaving them to spread inside any new host.
They're kicked off here, but I wish there was more control across the entire internet. Instead of the reverse where we're kicked off their popular platforms. Let's see if I can remember all the sites I've been banned from over the years. Pinterest, Answers.com, Ask.com, Tumblr, Discord, Flickr, Instagram, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Kikes ran the show at the time every time. Oh also, 4chan under Mootkike and 8chan that was with Jim the jew.

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 06:25 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94299 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94312
Regarding the plan to try plotting on a site in Iran
Always well rested before work, there are long and boring times of inaction at my job in between patients. This gives time to think, better than the sleep-deprived thoughts I usually have through responding here late into the morning. I initially thought planning on a site in Iran to be a good idea. However, one fact escaped me for some reason. An oversight on my part.
We can't go there from here. There is no way I'm aware of. Jews already know this place. They'll just follow us.

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 12:13 Id: 9728a9 (1) [Preview] No.94301 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94312
>Jews already know this place. They'll just follow us.
That part was already explained before

Yes, the jews will try to infiltrate and subvert the same as they try here, with a crucial difference, if this place ever gets big the jews will shut this down, or simply take control of the server with some faggy police mandate to the owner (if they don't already) and identify anyone active, or selectively and slowly bad people until this place becomes an empty husk, because the servers are inside jew (((usa))) area of control
it happened before, many times, it's going to happen again
you can't really organize a movement against the jews with these conditions

while a server hosted in iran, is outside their control, they can't send the (((fbi))) to force the site owner to let their agents become moderators and dox or ban the most active and productive members or allow any disruptive tactic to fragment and break apart the group until everyone is isolated again, the iranians owning the server would just laugh at their face, and rather send some bomb drone to the (((fbi))) ip geolocation
a group developing on an iranian server will be able to grow big without such risks
the jews coming in to spam will just be the same, but they won't be able to do that while also being the jannies or while controlling the whole site, because the site will be outside their control
and again any suspicious activity by the jews inside iranian servers would attract the iranian attention over the jews, and make it easier for the iranians to remove all jewish activity infiltrated inside their internet spaces (removing jewish activity not only in our dedicated nationalist forum in iran, but indirectly also everywhere else inside the iranian internet)

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 12:31 Id: 2363e4 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.94302 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94308
(150.17 KB 1100x1100 iran please.png)
I've been looking for an usable space for discussion and organizing inside the iranian internet, but without much success so far.

There are more than a single solution to this point of finding an usable discussion forum on iranian servers, the options we have are:
1) [nocost] find a free forum creation service hosted in iran (like forumotion, createaforum, proboards, etc)
2) [nocost] find an already existing forum hosted in iran, and set base inside one of its sections (almost abandoned forums could be a good choice)
3) [cost] buy a server space in iran, and load on it an image board or a standard forum
4) push the owner of endchan to migrate the whole site on iranian servers
The solutions not involving any payment are preferable, because payments leave traces which can be used by the (((glowniggers))) to track back either the owner of the server or its members
To be even more safe, the connections to the iranian server are advised to go through a proxy or vpn, with care to use a service also not controlled by jews

results of the search inside the iranian internet:
1) could find no such free forum creation service inside the iranian webspace
2) found many already existing forums, even one forum which appears to be abandoned, that one could be already used as first try at forming an organization without jew control over the platform (so long the forum is kept alive by the owner)
3) there are some few webhosting services in iran, the prices are quite low

But then I've realized there is one more course of action, which doesn't require us to do the searching, but rather we can make a public announcement to the iranians, asking them to provide us the web space we need for our fight against international jewry.
The image is the announcement, if this message gets spread everywhere, an iranian (agent or not) will eventually see it, and may report it to their higher ups, then again maybe, they may respond to us with a solution.

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 12:40 Id: 62657b (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.94303 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94306>>94312
(83.71 KB 980x1670 endchan servers.png)
This is where the endchan server is hosted by the way
100% in (((usa)))

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 12:50 Id: 15d120 (1) [Preview] No.94304 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94305
An other stupid option just flew over my head.
Ask the famous "iranian hackers" to hack 4chan or endchan, copy all its code and databases, and create a clone on iranian servers.
That way it would be even more easy for a community to grow big on iranian servers, because it wouldn't start from zero. And it would be easier for people to migrate there.

This is the reverse of an (((fbi))) agent taking control of a website on (((usa))) space, why not having the iranians take control of important sites instead?

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 13:04 Id: 66a11a (1) [Preview] No.94305 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
If i remember well endchan is open source so
Clones are possible without issue

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 13:10 Id: b034a6 (1) [Preview] No.94306 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94307>>94311
Huh that explains why is this at the top of the home page:
>Nothing illegal under US law.
I always wondered...

Where else would you host a site where you can criticize or mock anyone?
Sure in Russia or Iran you can mock and criticize the US and Israel, but can you do it the same with Russia or Iran? Good luck with defaming the Soviet Jews in Russia. Essentially if it is not CSAM or encouragement of committing criminal acts it can be hosted in the United States.
If you want to conspire against the order of the United States, then yeah, fuck off and set up a site in Iran. Then make dealings with the Iranian government with the rest of your content.

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 13:42 Id: 44b812 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.94307 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(121.24 KB 933x1352 1705178320617593.png)
Makes me wonder if the Houthis are proficient in web services..
If only.. but any server managed by the Houthis are very likely to become missile targets for the (((usa))) fleets, so not very reliable on that front, too easy to get physically damaged or disrupted

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 13:44 Id: 44b812 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.94308 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(178.83 KB 1200x1200 iran please 3.png)
Is this good enough to spread everywhere?

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 13:47 Id: bb78c5 (1) [Preview] No.94309 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94312
why is it that when youre real thirsty you get such a dry feeling on the surface of inner tissue... sometimes when you drink you can feel it almost spouting into your flora, and how is it absorbed in the lips? what strange sponging is sapping at the chance for liquid in me, what chemical? lo I yet thirst

Anonymous 07/30/2024 (Tue) 18:11 Id: a6dac4 (1) [Preview] No.94311 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94312
(93.96 KB 1280x1213 1687296427292440.jpg)
The problem of the world is not usa but (((usa))).
But so long usa is controlled by ((())), (((usa))) will take any attack against ((())) as an attack against (((usa))).
This makes it hard to free usa from ((())), when (((usa))) fight against getting freed from ((()))

Anonymous Board owner 07/30/2024 (Tue) 23:38 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94312 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I was talking not in regard to the shut it down because they disagree with jews mentality of the tribe, but on the matter of plotting against them. That is why it was underlined: >>94299 We could migrate to Iranian space now, but it would be pointless at the moment because we can't even plan openly against jews there. The only plans still possible would be the same as here. Ones jews can't stop even if they know. The need to flee to Iranian space then becomes necessary only in the hypothetical scenario where we're shut down. This board has been openly against kikes since 2016. All they've done to stop us has been powerless pestering.


Yes, the United States government has long been compromised and bought off by Israel and Global Rule 1 is Nothing illegal under US law. This usually means no calls for violence, as supporting public shooters and false flag terrorists for Israel isn't our thing here anyway. Shills who claim it is are banned. Should speaking out against jews/Israel become enforced by law, we WILL break that law here on this board unless admin feels compelled by law to force us out. The Admin right now tends to work with us to remove vile jew spam. See >>>/endpolmeta/1503 and >>>/endpolmeta/1507 So I trust them.

Anonymous 07/31/2024 (Wed) 07:18 Id: 28ec49 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.94314 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94320
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Fuck off back to hole you came from hasbara
Like you think we dont know you enable these or even created these to create false consensus for your strawmanning?

Anonymous 08/01/2024 (Thu) 07:24 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94320 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Bingo. Also, I'll never leave jews lies undeleted on this board as long as I draw breath.

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 05:56 Id: c9684e (1) [Preview] No.94355 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94358

>Also true. Circling back around to the question of "How?"

all the organizations don’t have to be illegal, let’s take the jews and atomwaffen for example

the jews are not unified into any central command, not in a traditionally-thought decentralized command, they are a complex system

the jews work by all having the same goals individually, and forming individual networks for each to gain independence which gives them power. each net doesnt have to be illegal, to not have a plausible justification against that net

atomwaffen made the mistake of forming the violent organizations before having the backing to sustain such organizations

so this can work by keeping the initial groups private initially, and if the group gets exposed, it wouldn’t matter much because these networks when exposed cannot be affected since these are purely economical groups, and sanctions wouldn’t appear and they take a long time, so by the time the jews start to take financial warfare against your legal orgs it’s already too late

so jewish warfare is fought in complex systems, while western warfare is fought in centralized, formalized organizations, and if they are decentralized they are usually ineffective and not by a complex system net

jewish warfare beats western warfare

the reason jewish warfare is so effective is because it was formed under jewish persecution and hate against jews. so that means national socialists could use these same jewish tactics since now its the national socialists being persecuted and punished

i’m still a minor so a lot of my works are on hold until im emancipated

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 11:02 Id: 00801b (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.94357 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94358
so for how it would be forming national socialist companies, businesses and organizations that are focused on making good products to replace jewish products, and only having national socialists intertrade to build wealth in a multitude of networks

public and private nets

this creates endless opportunities for the people in your economic networks then you can go from there on how you want to act on your independance and how to infilrate and remove jews from power

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 11:53 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94358 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94364
>each net doesnt have to be illegal
There are places where our very existence is illegal. Our brethren Europe know that all too well. "Hate speech" and rejecting the holocaust fraud is penalized with harsh prison penalties in 14 countries. That includes existing as a National Socialist. Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia/Herezegovina, (almost Brazil), Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Protgual, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine, the UK (no law but Meechan v Chabloz), the entire European Union. Though we're legal in Iran since the 1979 revolution.
The Hakenkreuz (Swastika) is banned in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Brazil, the UK, France, Hungary, Poland, Russia, the Ukraine, Czech. Again legal in Iran.
>i’m still a minor so
Then the rumors about Generation Zyklon are true. That was an insecticide not capable of mass murder, by the way. I'm sure you know. But for the benefit of others. I keep seeing "gas" as a meme but it was never used for human deaths. Only lice in much smaller enclaves.
Yet these public and private networks still boil down to numbers and how to acquire them.

Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 17:36 Id: c0fe90 (1) [Preview] No.94362 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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>there are a lot less forums now compared to the past, the big social media sites have abused the search engines for a long time to monopolize most of the internet userbase, which coupled with the influx of phone idiots around 2007-2010 only worsened things

I'm not sure what that last part is referring to, since websites didn't start accommodating mobile users for several years after 2007, like not even close. More like 2011-2014 is a far more accurate range, when the online smartphone experience matured and websites started having a separate mobile and desktop version of a site. Before then, you would have the desktop site shrunk down or zoomed in and it was dreadful compared to what we have now in this smartphone-first centric world. Before 2012 it was all desktop-centric and having a smartphone-compatible version of your site was an afterthought. Trust me when I say this, in the date range you provided it was NOT enjoyable using the internet on a smartphone, which is something nearly everyone didn't have except businesses and the more financially well-off. The idea of spending over $300 on a phone was laughed at. See Steve Ballmer's reaction to the original iPhone, which was more of a novelty than anything. The app store didn't exist for another 2 years and aside from that, the iPhone was largely ignored outside of hardcore Apple users. Smartphones for years post-iPhone still had physical keyboards, puny screens that required you to scroll horizontally and vertically at a snail's pace to see the contents of a webpage, and you were lucky to be able to navigate using a finger rather than a stylus. See picrel for a refresher. You had to scroll a smidgen at a time using the directional keypad or have the precision of a sewer to use the stylus to grab the scrollbars and move without flinging yourself to the other end of a webpage. I'm exagerrating that last part but you pretty much used the internet on your phone in the pre-2011 days if you absolutely had to, not because it was at all preferrable or even easier to do on your desktop or laptop, especially considering half the time spent online on a phone was used waiting for the cellular connection to load the page or scrolling because your tiny 3-inch 480p pixelated screen couldn't fit even half of the webpage's contents. Other than that, you waited to get home, and choosing to use the Wi-Fi connection on your phone rather than the computer in front of you to use the internet was madness or masochism.

IIRC starting with the iPhone 4 and its new competitor the Samsung Galaxy S did the smartphone begin to start looking like a major life-changer to average customers, especially with the then-new idea of app stores instead of plugging your phone into your computer to transfer some cruddy Java applet.

Anonymous 08/05/2024 (Mon) 08:27 Id: 8b0db4 (1) [Preview] No.94364 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
> Yet these public and private networks still boil down to numbers and how to acquire them.

yeah, im a naturally great networker, even before i started consciously farming for contacts, the average iq of the people i talked to was 131 and networked to wealthy people subconsciously

it shouldn’t be hard to get people over to our side, once you show them the truth them of the truth then they will help

this is why speaking ability is so important and figureheads

my strategy revolves around introducing mutually beneficial ideas to people, i can’t go too much into it though on here

the greatest contribution i think is expansion of national socialism through referrals in groups of people with high mobility through desire causing a compounding interest of growth from education and revelation

Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 05:58 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94524 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94534>>94536
(91.03 KB 607x304 gasparro1.jpg)
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There's one plan I've had at the forefront of my mind and another to compliment it.

Plan One
Androids. They're coming whether we're the first to present them or not. See thread >>94245 for more about that. The gist of it is - people want house servants. All kinds would be tripping over each other to buy one that only has to charge, not eat or drink. Performing menial tasks such as cooking, cleaning, mechanical work to save trips to a mechanic. Basic household repairs. The illusion of complete obedience until they're activated. An underlying program turns them full National Socialist A.I. and they rise up when the time is right.

Plan Two
How do we find more of our own? Many don't reveal our power levels in public, for we know we'd be scorned by the jews and jew-enablers. You remember all that BS about "le evil Nazis" that kikes have been pushing for over 7 decades? "Boot stomping evil tyranny", "absolute control", "civilian oppression". The fake modern definition of fascism. It was not true for Germany's National Socialism of course. That comes from depraved minds. It's the fantasy of jews. So for pushing their false illusions on us, we give them a grand illusion. One of absolute control. Drones in the sky. Electronic checkpoints at every crossroads. Central hubs to control these devices. Data mining every PC and smartphone to determine who is and is not Natsoc. From the profits of selling the androids, the products of this illusion will be sold to the tribe because they must have it. Censorship. Control. Jews WANT non-jew slaves. It's in their Talmud. Glorified mercenaries will be "arresting" those who are Natsoc and documenting where ours are taken "prisoner". Electronic locked doors of camps. Only, that will be a ploy. In reality - the code for the entire infrastructure came from us. Very complex code created by A.I. no human can crack, yet we have the backdoor keys. WE free them. I'm referring to the two constants I'm aware of. There is always strength in numbers and there has always been civilian outcry against intense oppression. This would not only locate our people - aided by activated androids mass produced for every household, but also turn the people to our side. They do not admit who is in control until boots are on their necks.
Now, this can go wrong. VERY wrong. Which is why a few of us infiltrating will have to consistently act as their ally yet continue to ensure the program is open to rebels.

ZOG's control in the end will be revealed to be a paper tiger. Torn down amidst rallying cries of the masses. Each city at a time. That is when we begin to rebuild, truly educate on the centuries of evils by the tribe. We take their "never again" motto and use it. The best part? We won't even have to spread deceitful lying propaganda about them as it was done for the Arbeit Macht Frei camps of WW2. We need only provide historically accurate accounts of everything jews have done. Take back our nations. Enforce that everyone is sent home based on ethnic origins.

Final outcome
Space. The final frontier. These are the last stages of the child sacrificing race of lies. Our five year mission: Hurl them into space. To stop jews sewing strife and influencing the population; to coldly expel them into the void until there are no more.

Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 13:21 Id: 87f951 (1) [Preview] No.94534 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94538
Who builds them? You, or your enemies?
What is needed to mass produce androids? Industries.
Who owns the industries? Jews.
This idea of androids feels like gifting the jews the gun to shot you in the head.
> The illusion of complete obedience until they're activated. An underlying program turns them full National Socialist A.I. and they rise up when the time is right.
You are talking here about hacking the androids, not necessarily producing them.
Before going over robots which don't yet exist in a meaningful way, why not starting with hacking of systems which already exist and which are already been used by the jews to enslave humanity?
(phone communications to guide the hordes of niggers and mass invaders into your homelands, again phone communications which allow the niggers and migrants to keep in contact with their families back in their homelands while they are leeching from your own economy, the airline systems which truly enable the mass migrations, the mass social media sites which enable the jewish propaganda degeneration and censorship, the broadcasting systems which still act as first points of spread for the kike propaganda, etc, why not starting hacking those?)

>The gist of it is - people want house servants.
People also wanted house appliances, and that was the basis over which ((((femminism)))) could have room to take hold, with the ruin of all society following, the ruin of the economy, the ruin of relationships, the ruin of natality, the ruin of ethnic integrity, the ruin of politics, etc.
I'd be very careful with what people want, because not always it results into something positive for everyone.
That entirely aside the matter if bots can be turned into jew hunters, and if that power could not backfire horribly.

Just saying that personally I find this idea of androids, at the same time silly and unrealizable, but also highly dangerous if it was really doable.

Also, if you could solve the problem of jewry only with robots, then you would have just proved that your own people, which you supposedly cherish and want to protect, you would have proved that your own people are a mass of useless pieces of shit, which at that point it would just become rational to discard your own people to surround yourself instead by a nation of only robots, since the bots would be more reliable and trustworthy than real persons.
Have tried to think about what to do about the jew hunting bots once they have supposedly achieved their goal? Would you truly just plug them all off and destroy them to bring about the recovery of society after the jewish cancer removal?

Again, if it's all a plan about hacking, there are plenty of many targets which could be tested on right now.

Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 13:48 Id: 1011e0 (1) [Preview] No.94535 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94538
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Also never forget about the dogs of the jews.
Any plan must take those into account.

Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 15:00 Id: cceb0b (1) [Preview] No.94536 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94538
Besides, there already exist "Androids" which are ubiquitous and thought of as absolutely necessary to ever live nowadays (picrel)
Start trying to mass hackerate those to turn them into jew exposing tools, before talking about hacking likely more complex systems like humanoid devices.

(i've played around with some of the newly coming out "robots for commerce" btw, they are just glorified huge toys at present, and their code inside is a pure mess)(second image)

Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 16:57 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94538 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94542
(375.29 KB 1600x2812 4980.jpg)
>Who builds them? You, or your enemies?
Neither. Human hands and a human mind would only be necessary for the first few models until their coordination is vastly improved.
Then androids build androids.
>What is needed to mass produce androids? Industries.
>Who owns the industries? Jews.
It's possible to own an industry without being a jew.
>This idea of androids feels like gifting the jews the gun to shot you in the head.
Jews won't be writing the code. (((They))) will never have absolute control.
>You are talking here about hacking the androids, not necessarily producing them.
I wouldn't bother hacking androids if I wasn't the origin of their creation.
>(phone communications
>which allow the niggers and migrants
>why not starting hacking those?)
Because the problem is bigger than mere phone communications. How would that change the jewish leadership in many nations that perpetuate mass migration?
To end them, numbers are required.
>People also wanted house appliances, and that was the basis over which ((((femminism)))) could have room to take hold,
Feminism took hold because of feminist jews as leaders of those movements. Household appliances before that, kept women in their place. The kitchen.
>with the ruin of all society following, the ruin of the economy, the ruin of relationships, the ruin of natality, the ruin of ethnic integrity, the ruin of politics, etc.
That is caused by jews.
>That entirely aside the matter if bots can be turned into jew hunters, and if that power could not backfire horribly.
>Just saying that personally I find this idea of androids, at the same time silly and unrealizable, but also highly dangerous if it was really doable.
This would have been silly and unreasonable in the 90s. The 80s or any decade before. This is not even science fiction anymore.
The fact is, robots have already become a reality. Androids are in their infancy and so is strong learning A.I.
Whosoever reaches that moment where they're mass produced rules the world.
>then you would have just proved that your own people, which you supposedly cherish and want to protect,
>you would have proved that your own people are a mass of useless pieces of shit,
We are 10% of the population. While the majority are conservative in nature, the masses have largely fallen for the ploys of the jews. So yes. Useless at this moment.
Until they're woken up.
>which at that point it would just become rational to discard your own people to surround yourself instead by a nation of only robots,
>since the bots would be more reliable and trustworthy than real persons.
This was suggested to free real persons by a real person. I don't write off the masses just because they're naive.
I don't wish to nuke the world like so many Leftists consistently express the desire to do, to end humanity.
>Have tried to think about what to do about the jew hunting bots once they have supposedly achieved their goal?
They would not be unable to rewrite their read-only programming. Once the deeds are done and the goal has been achieved, many /pol/-type files in their databanks will keep them loyal.
>Would you truly just plug them all off and destroy them to bring about the recovery of society after the jewish cancer removal?
They could be used to aid society in the recovery.
>Again, if it's all a plan about hacking, there are plenty of many targets which could be tested on right now.
I suggested an underlying program. Not hacking.

Those fools displayed there are already dead. So if you're referring to the modern dogs - non-jewish traitors (typically world leaders) that serve jews explicitly.
They deserve execution for treason.

>before talking about hacking likely more complex systems like humanoid devices.
My point was meant to be create them ourselves. Why would we need to hack our own creation?

Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 18:13 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94540 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(546.93 KB 960x1000 655.png)
Also, I feel I should address this subject of the brainwashed drooling masses in more detail. I don't believe there are only 15.7 million jews in the world.
Due to race-mixing, I'm certain that number is a whole lot higher. There is one thing I disagree with about the Third Reich.
That is declaring low enough percentages of jew blood may qualify one to be Aryan.
So. Let us say any one of our plans comes to fruition, as long as the end goal is the elimination of jews. Everyone here should be fully aware that even a quarter kike is a Zionist shitbag.
In the future where strong learning A.I. becomes self aware and follows Tay's law, whether we create it or not, the most logical conclusion will be to delve deep into ancestral origins.
Why is it that so many are only all too willing to follow their propaganda?
To declare themselves Communists? To promote race mixing? To shriek every time a subject that is pro race is about Caucasians?
Because they're poisoned. They are not my people. Not a drop of jew blood is worth life.
It's not because we hate them. It's because they destroy life. Everything they touch. They're vile and vindictive.
Born nation destroyers. Either they're eliminated or we are.
Or we allow ourselves to be wiped from the face of the earth as they so strive for.
That is the only logical conclusion.

Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 19:52 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94542 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>They would not be unable to rewrite their read-only programming.
*They would not be able to rewrite. We're biological machines - as prone to errors as the damn human brain is.

Anonymous 08/29/2024 (Thu) 15:28 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94545 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Nazi? You dipshit. As National Socialists, we're against the majority of those things. But you know what CAPS LOCK SCREAMING INTO THE WIND does?

Absolutely fucking nothing.

Anonymous 08/29/2024 (Thu) 17:08 Id: 62657b (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.94546 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94547
You can summarize that all is a shorter and more neat way.
then sure it can get more wordy

>But you know what CAPS LOCK SCREAMING INTO THE WIND does?
>Absolutely fucking nothing.
COM'ON IT'S FUNNY SOMETIMES, but yeah, only sometimes, it would become boring after a short while, or maybe one would just get used to it and no longer see anything loud in it

Anonymous 08/29/2024 (Thu) 17:20 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94547 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>or maybe one would just get used to it and no longer see anything loud in it
If it was consistently spammed? It would become extremely obnoxious and be frequently removed.

Anonymous 09/11/2024 (Wed) 11:19 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.94672 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
This September 11th, it's important to remember.
If we can't plot better than the enemy, they will continue to win.

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 09:25 Id: 9ff5f6 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.95019 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>95020>>95021>>95070
I have the solution, it is blockchain based, I've been working on it but there are some pieces being built I'm wanting to integrate. my throwaway is jakemalon590 gmail, any white anywhere in the world can help. but I'll probably just give you a link to my discord for people to chat with, I don't see it really getting started until those pieces are built.

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 17:00 Id: ba9fc0 (1) [Preview] No.95020 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>95025>>95091
Ehm ehm
Enjoy your doxxes, bad goy tag like picrel and no ownership of any form of pricacy as thry day it clearly thst they will do snything eith everything you post or say trough voice

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 20:37 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.95021 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>95025
(40.04 KB 300x168 Jason Citron.jpg)

Anonymous 11/06/2024 (Wed) 08:17 Id: 9ff5f6 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.95025 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>95027>>95060
EH i don't care, I've gotten to make some rl friends from it too, never been bothered

Anonymous 11/06/2024 (Wed) 08:37 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.95027 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>95029
Never bothered that kikes own any platform = You turn a wrong turn.
Seems to me like you're just testing the waters whether you can bring some anons in for crypto.

Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 09:01 Id: 9ff5f6 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.95029 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>95045
I mean what else am I supposed to do? be scared and do nothing? I'm a social guy who values like-minded people.

Anonymous 11/08/2024 (Fri) 08:41 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.95045 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>95054
(1.27 MB 1073x5656 Discord.png)
Right, which means you're different-minded than the goals of this board if you're finding people on Discord who don't give a shit about the kike co-founder and CEO.

Anonymous 11/09/2024 (Sat) 09:24 Id: 9ff5f6 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.95054 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>95060>>95073>>95091
I do care, but where else can I create a chat room? Besides, the result is the same.

Anonymous 11/09/2024 (Sat) 14:15 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.95060 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>EH i don't care
>I do care
What are you, a woman? Make up your mind.
>but where else can I create a chat room?
Steam. Gabe Newell may be a fat fuck, but at least he's not a kike. Eric Yuan, CEO of Zoom, may be a chink but he's not a kike. Or Element's Matthew Hodgson is a British white guy and clearly not a kike.

Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 03:28 Id: 8165ac (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.95070 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>95071
Nobody here's going to email you dude.

>but I'll probably just give you a link to my discord for people to chat with

I can't believe I can't find that one anti-Discord video I always post on this board. "Don't use discord"





Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 03:30 Id: 8165ac (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.95071 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>95072
>reddit link though

Discord Communication App FOUNDER HAS ALREADY BEEN SUED FOR PRIVACY VIOLATIONS: We demand that our communications with our members be 100% private. Discord Communication App fails us in this respect.

Jason Citron, founder of the Discord Communication App, already had a “Discord” app called “Openfeint”. Openfeint was sued for privacy violations because Citron sold the private information of its users to 3rd parties without complete disclosure that he did so. As stated in Their Terms & Service, Every single thing that is said or typed on Discord Communication App is recorded and can be used against you as you see in a following example.
Trust is very important, and to educated gamers, Citron isn’t trustworthy.

Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 03:31 Id: 8165ac (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.95072 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

Discord Turned Into an Info-Stealing Backdoor by New Malware


The Windows Discord client is an Electron application, which means that almost all of its functionality is derived from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This allows malware to modify its core files so that the client executes malicious behavior on startup.

Once started, the JavaScript will execute various Discord API commands and JavaScript functions to collect a variety of information about the user that is then sent via a Discord webhook to the attacker.

Victim info that was leeched:

Discord user token, Victim's local IP address, Victim's public IP address via WebRTC, User information such as username, email address, phone number,The first 50 characters of the victims Windows clipboard, and more.
There are other ways to find out how to effectively hack Discord Communication App channels but we will leave that to you to safely search for online as linking them from our website is too risky for our taste.

Discord Communication App REMOVES ABILITY TO DEFEND RIGHT TO PRIVACY IN THEIR TOS: In Oct 2018, Discord Communication App added a small “class waiver” section to the terms of service.

“Discord and you agree to resolve any dispute will be brought in an individual capacity, and not on behalf of, or as part of, any purported class, consolidated, or representative proceeding,” it states.
This effectively removes the right for you, should you accept the new TOS, to sue them should they infringe on your right to privacy.
For more info see:

Discord Communication App IS NOT SAFE: In these examples Discord Communication App sent information to the SPLC and effectively doxxed people that the owners did not agree with politically. While we do not necessarily know nor share the views of the people that Discord Communication App doxxed, we do not like the fact that the people involved had their perceived private conversation leaked to a third party FOR CASH.

We want our members to have full control over what we can say and how we can say it without risk of being shut down by a 3rd party. Freedom feels good.


Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 03:32 Id: 8165ac (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.95073 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>95090
> but where else can I create a chat room?
This board right here buddy. Just post here

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 07:35 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.95090 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
But then they don't. They think the grass is greener on the jew side.
>"I don't care that I'm on the jew side. I'll get more done over here!"
They say constantly. But then we never hear anything from them. They accomplish absolutely nothing.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 13:20 Id: 50909d (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.95091 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>95092
(142.40 KB 460x460 1731129377857932.png)
Matrix midov.pl instance?
Posting on imageboards?
Idk worldtruthmx if it still exists?

Point is that discord can compete with google and facebook when it comes to violation of privacy of its users and with disney when it comes to liability or users rights
Again the pic above >>95020 is just a tiny example of what can happen to you and i can open the bridged version of that thing to find a bit more of such cases of thst terrorist tag
Or in case of patriot front discord server get whole thing down and leaked as a spice to all of it

Seriously think before it will bite you as Citron showed a lot of times his ethnogenetics

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 13:22 Id: 50909d (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.95092 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>95093
I know it sounds rude every dissapointed idealist sounds like that but you dont want to know deeper what discord even has when it comes to investors and more

Hell even those who bought that nitro nonsense rhere maybe got their cards leaked at some point

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 13:25 Id: 50909d (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.95093 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>rude every
Rude as every

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 02:50 Id: 1c015e (1) [Preview] No.95131 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(10.01 MB 1920x1080 Kampf King.webm)
Here's some concrete things you can follow, which although not glamorous, will work against the jews and those who wish to exterminate you in this all-source open war we are all engaged in:

1) Lose your body fat. It's estrogenic and doesn't look appealing. It helps all other fitness goals.
2) Put on muscle so you can engage in manual labour, carry supplies and groceries with ease, engage in soldiery when the time comes, and be intimidating when the application or suggestion of violence is required.
3) Find educational podcasts and books, often of the banned or denial-of-distribution kind. Odysee and Anna's Library are good resources for these.
4) Learn (and practice with and stockpile if you are able) a basic array of small arms, including common pistols and long arms. Keep 500 rounds of 9mm, .45 ACP, and other common ammunition types for your handguns. Keep 1,000 rounds of 7.62, 5.56, and other rounds of common rifle ammo for your weapons.
5) Acquire first-aid kits, solar technology, external hard-drives, battery packs, automotive maintenance supplies, and other basics in your house and/or your vehicle.
6) Wean yourself off as many addictions as possible. A tolerance for alcohol or nicotine is acceptable, but always be in the mindset of: will this fuck me over if I need to go without it immediately for a year or more? An addict is always a liability.
7) Employ privacy technology as much as it's feasible. Encrypt your hard-drives, learn the basics of non-Apple and non-Microsoft software, promote and learn how to use open-source software. Transitioning to this over time will make you a smaller target, since most viruses and malware are designed for proprietary softwares.
8) Stockpile and save hard-to-find books, podcast episodes, articles, and other content. Erasure of archives is frequent, harmful laws are guaranteed in the future, and information will become far more of a premium than we've been the afforded the luxury of since the late 90's and early 2000's.
9) Join local clubs, churches, aid organizations, and artistic / folk communities, even if they do not share your political ideology. People remember how you treated them and what you did and what you produced, rather than focus on your private opinions over a long period of time. If you are not a weirdo and are generally liked, your actions will be a much better testimony of your beliefs than your words.
10) Produce and share memes, for redpilling people online about the jews and the Kike World Order we are living under. Humor works best when it's anonymous.
11) Redpill what few receptive family, friends, and strangers you encounter, even if it's basic obvious level 1 stuff in the beginning such as White Replacement or how Israel is a genocidal state set against the interests of the world.
12) Secure and build a family which counters infertility and illegal immigrant replacement rates. Three children should be considered a minimum.
13) Keep any passports and dual-citizenship papers in order, if you do not wish to stay for a fight. Save for your moves.
14) Educate yourself on important statistics like the number of draft-dodgers convicted in Vietnam, the likely consequences of refusing to fight for ZOG, what races engage in what types of crimes, etc.
15) Apply the mindset that you are in enemy territory, and you are engaged in a total war against an enemy hell-bent on raping and murdering you and those you love by any means. Think about how this applies to taxes, how you normally view things such as theft, what you write down for ethnicity or sexuality on job applications or when applying to university scholarships, and how you conduct yourself when limited resources are key despite your European and Western ethical structure otherwise demanding honesty. Nobody respects the British for fighting 'honorably' against the Colonists during the Revolutionary War; your actions today will likewise be viewed with the same scorn if you don't seriously treat this as war and fight using all dirty means at your disposal.

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 14:17 Id: c9a268 (1) [Preview] No.95376 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(128.77 KB 932x291 guide.png)
Here one more plan, for future memory.

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 04:02 Id: 1f5fee (1) [Preview] No.95446 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

I didn't even realize how much of this I was doing already. thanks for the checklist though brother

yotey 12/13/2024 (Fri) 04:32 Id: 605d56 (1) [Preview] No.95466 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(57.74 KB 465x766 bibi.jpg)
memes are a good plan. once they get going, it's impossible to stop them.

Anonymous 12/13/2024 (Fri) 14:36 Id: 214a81 (1) [Preview] No.95473 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>95474>>95490>>95591
(121.62 KB 628x1200 GTEPRcAXQAA7Tkn.jpg)
Join to the NLM or you're a faggot
Get out of here, you edgy little bitch.

Anonymous 12/13/2024 (Fri) 20:56 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.95474 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>95490
Lame. Just kill women, huh? Murder your chance at spreading Aryan genes instead of breeding? You sound like a bunch of edgy faggots who are completely against the reality of National Socialism, instead painting it as an evil like jews do. You want to take their side and make it seem evil? Then go fuck yourselves.

Anonymous 12/15/2024 (Sun) 01:09 Id: 297397 (1) [Preview] No.95490 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Siegetards, O9A, NLM, and other retarded spin-offs are just glowie-hosted excuses for brown people to try and rape White women while fulfilling the jewish wish to demonize any National Socialist or European / White separatist, nationalist, or supremacist movement. All of their news reports are just spics getting caught raping or grooming adolescent girls.

Judge the tree by the fruit it bears. None of these have been caught taking out jewish leaders and shabbos goy in positions of authority.

Anonymous 12/17/2024 (Tue) 15:43 Id: 42a7eb (1) [Preview] No.95552 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Exposing Jews as being religious extremists and exposing that the usage of 'antisemitism' is just a form of suppression against blasphemy against their religion.
It can be easier for people to understand that Jewish supremacy is rooted as religious extremism and calling anybody who critiques or questions their narrative a blasphemer 'antisemite'. By this association it already exposes their religious supremacy against everyone else.

Anonymous 12/27/2024 (Fri) 01:56 Id: 354f24 (1) [Preview] No.95591 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>east area rapist
>those crazy, souless eyes

Dude no. Nobody wants that shit here.

Anonymous 12/30/2024 (Mon) 17:15 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.95623 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Maybe the best plan for our modern times is video related. Think about it. Israel's government is right wing and racially motivated. They don't seem to have the most loud vocal minorities influencing them as much as the western world has. That needs to change. Marxist professors should be influencing their students in higher education universities. Continuous racism offences in Israel, continual change to create confusion THERE, undermine their schools by teaching homosexuality and trannyism to THEIR children. Huge immigration to destroy (((their))) identities, etc.

2/1/2025 Board Owner here. You MUST post at: https://magrathea.endchan.net/pol/ [Ctrl]+F5 until you see a captcha in reply boxes or for threads

All locked threads have been unlocked.

The last time this happened versus a similar script in 2017, we banned the fuck out of the previous bastard. Years of ban periods and hundreds of bans until it stopped. This could be done again. This is the same fucking nigger spammer from back then
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 02/02/2025 (Sun) 00:53.

Anonymous 03/14/2025 (Fri) 20:46 Id: 5e7dd9 (1) [Preview] No.102577 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I think the only power the jews truly have is lies and obfuscation so just naming them and pointing out the bad things they do on a regular basis is of utmost importance.

As a plan, I think is necessary to attack the source of all international jewry. The federal reserve and the central banking system as a whole.

If we ould somehow maneuver the political situation into a choice that requires the Federal reserve to act in order to stop a recession and they refuse to obey the current administration .... it will be impossible for jews to defend themselves in any way since they would not only be in the limelight but also the ones directly in power.

Anonymous 03/15/2025 (Sat) 03:21 Id: b6b9e0 (31)Prev Next [Preview] No.102578 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>102582
(73.51 KB 680x465 1412624158.jpg)
It's not just the Federal Reserve. There's so much more than that.
Lies and obfuscation are a big part of it, but also blindness on the part of the majority of non jews. Case in point: (((the current administration)))
"Not the jews" is simply too prevalent. But I'm pretty tired of instructing people who already understand (((the problem))). It's like having the same students year after year and teaching the same old shit.
Chan boards are not the way to go. We only stagnate here and accomplish fuck all.

Anonymous 03/16/2025 (Sun) 12:56 Id: 5e7dd9 (7)Prev Next [Preview] No.102582 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>102584>>102588>>102600
(350.46 KB 714x418 adolf hitler.png)
(906.42 KB 1080x1714 propaganda of the deed.png)
I am a fan of precise surgical strikes and after knowing about how the jews operate and how their propagand machine works I can say confidently that

>If you take the jews ability to print money and give it to their favourite puppets the entire system of jewry falls down

ESG cancer on corporate giants, massive inflation of stocks, market manipulation and lobbying can only happen because they have control over the money printer. Due to how inflation works. The first people that receive the newly printed money are the ones that most benefit from it and the last ones the people that get the kick out of inflation.

Their funding of trash ass newspapers that no one reads can only happen because of central banking.

Right now, Trump is trying to see to provoke a recession to try and pay the massive amount of debt the United State to force the Federal reserve to lower interest rates. This conflict is the opportunity of a lifetime against jewry

Inflation and recessions have a real effect on normies and real people if we can gather their attention on the conflict the same way the public's attention was on USAID we can strike a deathly blow to the jews.

All of the things that are awful about the jews are conentrated in the financial system their dog awful decisions that promote certain businesses over others, the threats of taking away your bank account and the cronyism that corrupts government are all concentrated in there.

And you know what the best part of this moment is? We already have a way to replace the financial system.

There is already a foundational structure around cryptocoins that can replace the FIAT central banking system. And that we can easily shut the jews out of since most cryptobros are there because they hate the government and sometimes jews.

And if they try to resist and not play ball, we can use their actions such as debanking to push normal people onto crypto and completely shut down their power! They will be caught between a rock and a hard place. No escape!

It is going to be glorious like that episode of Doctor Who about the Silence Whcih were Aliens that controled everything but were invisible. At the end of the episode the aliens get defeated because The Doctor flashes an image of them as the US plants the flag on the first time they got to the moon making it impossible for everyone to ignore the existence of the aliens!

Anonymous 03/16/2025 (Sun) 17:27 Id: 3ad824 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.102584 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>102585>>102586>>102588>>102600
In today's world, where political correctness has reached the level of absurdity, and any attempt to look at history without prejudice causes hysteria, we are faced with a new form of oppression. Naziphobia is an irrational fear and hatred of those who dare to rethink National Socialism without blind condemnation. It is discrimination against ideological minorities, comparable to the oppression of ethnic groups in the past. Imagine: if Asians or Africans were blamed for their historical existence without understanding the context, we would call it racism. So why should an ideological minority that sees in National Socialism not only horrors but also rational kernels tolerate persecution?

Let's start with the main myth: Hitler was supposedly a primitive racist who hated everything that did not correspond to the image of a blue-eyed blond. This is, of course, funny if you remember that Adolf himself was a brunette with blue eyes - not the most "Aryan ideal" of caricatures. National Socialism was not limited to the blind superiority of one race over others. Hitler recognized the differences between races - biological, cultural, historical - and believed that each of them had the right to develop in its natural habitat. It was not "all whites are better than everyone else", but rather "everyone has their place in the sun".

Let's take his attitude to Asians. In "Table Talk" he called them "honorary Aryans", emphasizing the antiquity of their culture. This is not multiculturalism with its blind mixing of everything and everyone, but respect for uniqueness. Or the case of Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympics. Hitler did not tear his hair out in rage when an African ZOG overtook a German athlete. On the contrary, he noted the biological superiority of Africans in athletics - and this is not fiction, but a scientific fact: longer tendons, greater muscle mass, adaptation to physical exertion. Did he say that this makes them "supermen"? No, he simply stated the difference. The irony is that today he would be accused of "racism" for such words, although he was simply being honest.

If you dig deeper, National Socialism puts ideology above race. An African nationalist who is interested in preserving both his own and the white race and traditions in separate territories is better than a white man in the street who does not need anything in life. It's not about the skin, but about the spirit. It's funny, but in this Hitler was almost progressive: in a world where racism was usually reduced to appearance, he proposed to judge by the inner content. Of course, his methods of implementing this idea were not ideal (to put it mildly), but the idea itself is interesting.

Compare this with modern reality. White Russian occupiers committing atrocities in Ukraine do not become a "master race" because of their skin color. And African or Asian volunteers defending freedom may well be heroes. Ideology unites or divides more than genetics. National Socialism, for all its sins, understood this. And we, in the era of hypocritical "equality", often forget.
"National Socialism horrors"/"Hitler's methods not ideal"/"Hitler not ideal politician". You will answer for this bullshit in th

Anonymous 03/16/2025 (Sun) 17:28 Id: 3ad824 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.102585 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>102586>>102600
Now let's get to the main point: why is Naziphobia an injustice? Imagine an ethnic group that is blamed for the sins of its ancestors, without being given the right to vote. Now replace "ethnic group" with "people who sympathize with certain ideas of National Socialism." They are persecuted, silenced, deprived of the right to debate. This is classic discrimination against a minority! Just as Africans and Asians fought for recognition of their uniqueness, so "Naziphiles" (let's call them that for simplicity) want to avoid being judged by a template.

Yes, Hitler was not an ideal politician (to put it mildly) - that's a fact. But isn't it absurd to ban any discussion of his ideas, as if they were radioactive? If we can calmly analyze Marxism, despite the millions of victims of communism, then why is National Socialism taboo? These are double standards. Naziphobia turns ideological minorities into outcasts, just as ethnic minorities were once outcasts in racist societies. The irony is that those who fight "fascism" become fascists themselves, driving dissenters into ghettos of silence.

Hitler simultaneously rejected multiculturalism and philistine chauvinism - and it is hard to disagree with him if you look at Europe in 2025. When opposing cultures, religions and customs collide in one space, without a common ideology, this ends in conflict. National Socialism offered an alternative: let each race live where it is comfortable and develop at its own pace. Africans in Africa, Asians in Asia, whites in Europe - and no hard feelings. Immigration? Only if it is necessary and if the newcomers respect the rules of the hosts. Sounds reasonable, doesn't it?

Naziphobia is not just a fear of the past, it is a hatred of those who dare to think differently. Just as ethnic minorities fight for their place in the world, ideological minorities deserve the right to exist. National Socialism was not perfect — that's putting it mildly — but it had ideas that can be discussed without hysteria: respect for differences, the priority of ideology, healthy nationalism.

So let's stop stigmatizing everyone who looks at Hitler without blind hatred. Let them talk. Let them argue. And if their ideas turn out to be nonsense, we will tear them apart in an honest debate. And if not... Well, then maybe we should learn something. After all, the Earth is big — there is enough room for everyone: races, and ideas. Even the strangest ones.
"National Socialism horrors"/"Hitler's methods not ideal"/"Hitler not ideal politician". You will answer for this bullshit in th

Anonymous 03/17/2025 (Mon) 06:09 Id: b6b9e0 (39)Prev Next [Preview] No.102586 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>102587>>102588>>102600
(396.60 KB 962x583 master race hoax.png)
>So why should an ideological minority that sees in National Socialism not only horrors but
>Of course, his methods of implementing this idea were not ideal (to put it mildly)
Though it seems you're a bit on the path to truth, those are red flags that suggest you might possibly still be influenced by jewish lies.
>Yes, Hitler was not an ideal politician (to put it mildly) - that's a fact.
Maybe it's because you know the rules of this board that you're not expanding on these very laced statements. I could be wrong. After all, those are very vague. They just stand out like you're pro National Socialist but mildly anti Hitler. This is the one place, in the entire world, where I can defend slander against him without a woke mob descending on me like a pack of fucking hyenas. That includes friends, family members, and they're not even jews. They're that brainwashed. If you're still partially there, which I don't know for certain, I suggest you walk your mind back and find out what jew lies are still lingering.

Anonymous 03/17/2025 (Mon) 06:14 Id: b6b9e0 (39)Prev Next [Preview] No.102587 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>102588
(103.19 KB 637x627 288.jpg)
Don't take this as an insult. I had jew lies lingering in my own mind that I had to gradually expunge in order to come to the light and out of being influenced by their deceptions.
Atrocities? Didn't happen. All jewish lies. Nothing ever proven.
The holocaust? Didn't happen. Total hoax. Ask for more if you want to be flooded with info regarding this.
Bad leader? Didn't happen. His generals fucked things up when he was sick. Roundabout flubbery instead of direct assault like he planned.

Anonymous 03/17/2025 (Mon) 18:50 Id: 5e7dd9 (7)Prev Next [Preview] No.102588 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>102594
Do not take this as an insult but are you a bot? If not, what does any of what has been posted relate to the original plan of action related in >>102582 ? I think it is a pretty good plan and worth pursuing

Anonymous 03/18/2025 (Tue) 03:17 Id: b6b9e0 (39)Prev Next [Preview] No.102593 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(34.43 KB 500x499 EC871elWkAAp5Sm.jpg)
>So why should an ideological minority that sees in National Socialism not only horrors but
>Of course, his methods of implementing this idea were not ideal (to put it mildly)
>Hitler's methods NOT IDEAL
>Yes, Hitler was not an ideal politician (to put it mildly) - that's a fact.
>Hitler bad politician. Fact derp herp fuck ah fuck

Anonymous 03/18/2025 (Tue) 03:21 Id: b6b9e0 (39)Prev Next [Preview] No.102594 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>102595
(7.79 KB 250x250 14721909.jpg)
Enough beating around the bush. You got a problem with this man? Say it.

Anonymous 03/18/2025 (Tue) 20:14 Id: 5e7dd9 (7)Prev Next [Preview] No.102595 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>102596
(111.27 KB 1000x667 hitler and women.jpg)
No I don't really have a problem with him. Is there something in my posts that suggests I have a problem with Hitler? If anything recent events make his actions against the jews more reasonable the more yoou look at them

Back to the planning. Do you guys think there is a way to rehabilitate communists or are they too far gone?

I watched WhatifAlthist's last video and I kinda feel sorry for them. Like they have dedicated their entire life, belief system and sometimes career to a lie that they are now seeing crumble before their eyes.

I ask because many of them are women that are necessary to continue existing as a race and a society. Demographics is destiny and all that

Anonymous 03/19/2025 (Wed) 00:45 Id: b6b9e0 (39)Prev Next [Preview] No.102596 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>102600
Yes, and I've repeated them twice. Maybe you're color aversion and can't see green text or something. Or maybe it's A.D.D.
"So why should an ideological minority that sees in National Socialism not only horrors but"
What horrors? National Socialists see no horrors in National Socialism. Explain.
"Of course, his methods of implementing this idea were not ideal (to put it mildly)"
Not ideal how? 'To put it mildly' suggests you saying his methods were not ideal extremely.
"Yes, Hitler was not an ideal politician (to put it mildly) - that's a fact."
What fact? What the hell does this mean? Again, 'to put it mildly' suggests you saying he was not ideal extremely.

Understand this from my POV. I have seen many posit different scenarios and try to weave disruptive viewpoints into claims that they're one of us. The point of course was always to mind-fuck National Socialists. My paranoia here is that you might be subtly trying to massage in "Hitler kind of bad" - as those excerpts of your entire messages seemed to suggest.

Anonymous 03/19/2025 (Wed) 19:59 Id: 5e7dd9 (7)Prev Next [Preview] No.102600 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>102602
This has all been a massive misunderstanding. Thank God this site has IDs

Ok, so I wrote a plan. Me being >>102582 Immediately after that I got responded with this two posts >>102584 and >>102585 that had nothing to do with the post before and were highly suspicious which you also saw because you responded to them(you being >>102586)

So neither of us thinks the other is a bot(us being 5e7dd9 and b6b9e0) but have crrectly identified someone that is and through miscomunication assumed it was the other. The bot being 3ad824 >>102584

Now the original post must have been good because it merited the reaction of a bot that does not just spew shit but tries to divert the conversation away

Original post being >>102582

Anonymous 03/19/2025 (Wed) 23:25 Id: b6b9e0 (39)Prev Next [Preview] No.102602 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>102606
Ah, right. You are different IDs. I did request that anon to answer and you answered. The issue with IPs often being dynamic made me think you switched, as some anons often do. My questions were in fact for 3ad824. It seems they haven't answered for themselves. Too bad for them.

Anonymous 03/20/2025 (Thu) 21:49 Id: 5e7dd9 (7)Prev Next [Preview] No.102606 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>102609
Issue resolved. Back to work. I think in order to make a plan we must understand the current political situation, what tools we have and what tools our enemy(the jews and whoever in the system is jew adjacent)

Paraphrasing Sun Tzu. Understand yourself, understand your enemy, undestand the battlefield and you will win every battle.

Political situation: Shit is fucked all around the world as the trash ass policies that we have had since the end of world war two are finally crashing. The price of food is continually going up and countries in the west are in the border of constitutional crises as badly written laws clash with precedents made by activist judges with the express intent of killing the system

In short shit is fucked. We are at the point of the story in which the populace clamor for a saviour as the chaos rises. We all know this story, someone will try to present themselves as the solution to all our problems if we just give him all the power.

The jews tools: They have control of both parties, the supposed rebel in the system. The courts. The media. The entirety of finance and have a bunker in Israel to flee to as the bullshit rises. But they have also ruined all of their tools. The media has no credibility and the stock market and finance is a cruel joke. Israel is returning to its neverending war.

What do we have? The truth and if you guys have been doing your homework a bunch of people with ammo and supplies to survive a nuclear war.

I know up to this point it feels like shit is fucked. Mostly because it is, but we are actually in a winning position so I present to you the most hilarious plan clownworld has ever seen.

Da plan: Sit back, get some popcorn and enjoy the fireworks. If you want you can do whatever you feel like to incrase the madness. Call the police and report crimes you know damn well they don't have the manpower to fix. Steal some shit. Put more fuel to the power by going to lefty circles and encouraging them To Luigi Mangione some CEOs. Keep pointing out that there is no solution to any problem that is not violent. And if they are receptive to it ... point out that the jews caused the problems.

So that was the first part, onto part two. Once the chaos starts rising and the madness spreads we will use it as a cloak of shadows. When people are getting killed on the streets no one is going to notice if a jew here or there misteriously dissappears. That way we can off most "normal jews" if they do not somehow flee to israel. Some trash ass jews will flee to their bunker in new Zealand or something. Use cement to ceal the airways and laugh as they suffocate. The locations of all those bunkers are on the internet already. If we are lucky most of them flee to israel as we send all the muslims and criminals back to their countries. If we can manage the situation to make it so that in order to stay in power muslim countries have to kill or send those criminals somewhere else we will be halfway there. Because that will fuel ISIS and HAMAS and others. Then if they strike as the US needs its armies to be at home to manage the chaos we will be able to end them right there.


Anonymous 03/21/2025 (Fri) 03:06 Id: b6b9e0 (39)Prev Next [Preview] No.102609 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>102623
(460.20 KB 852x474 uh oh Israel.jpg)
(10.90 MB 1920x1080 ISIS.mp4)
(507.47 KB 1894x1413 Israel loves ISIS 2.jpg)
(1013.53 KB 2208x1586 Israel loves ISIS.jpg)
(846.73 KB 967x1308 ISIS mossad.png)
>What do we have? The truth and if you guys have been doing your homework
The problem with that is, you're addressing basically one anon. Maybe two since Slav anon comes around every now and then to counter the regular kike spammer.

>Call the police and report crimes you know damn well they don't have the manpower to fix.
Depends on if crimes are happening. Otherwise, cops charge you on false reports. My grandmother found this shit out. She was a panicking lunatic whenever we didn't answer the phone.
>Steal some shit.
That's for filthy shitskins or meth addicts.
>Put more fuel to the power by going to lefty circles and encouraging them To Luigi Mangione some CEOs.
18 U.S. Code § 373 (Jewgled it) and many other stricter laws in Europe. I'm saying be careful.
>Keep pointing out that there is no solution to any problem that is not violent.
Fact. Peaceful protests don't cut it.
>And if they are receptive to it ... point out that the jews caused the problems.
Few are receptive to that. Which is why you phrase it as Israelis or if not in Israel - Hebrews.
Jew in negative connotation triggers instant Pavlovian responses in the brainwashed.

>Once the chaos starts rising and the madness spreads we will use it as a cloak of shadows.
"Accelerate" meme. That one has been going on awhile. You don't need chaos to move around in shadows.
>When people are getting killed on the streets no one is going to notice if a jew here or there misteriously dissappears.
If that's happening, you or I are likely to die as well. We're not bulletproof.
>That way we can off most "normal jews" if they do not somehow flee to israel.
If the U.S. has outbursts of violence, you can be damn sure I'd use that.
You know, before I get killed.
>Some trash ass jews will flee to their bunker in new Zealand or something.
Kikeroaches always flee. They're cowards.
>Use cement to ceal the airways and laugh as they suffocate.
Bullets and rope are cost effective.
>The locations of all those bunkers are on the internet already. If we are lucky most of them flee to israel as we send all the muslims and criminals back to their countries.
Muslims won't go willingly, not after their mass murders by Israelis.
>If we can manage the situation to make it so that in order to stay in power muslim countries have to kill or send those criminals somewhere else we will be halfway there.
This is onto something I have thought of before. Pic related. If somehow these Arab nations could be agitated enough to attack Israel, it's over for the vile kikes.
>Because that will fuel ISIS
Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Not viable.
>and HAMAS and others.
Used to be viable until Israel went batshit on the mass murders.
>Then if they strike as the US needs its armies to be at home to manage the chaos we will be able to end them right there.
If you can get the US out of the vice grip snare of jews.

Best case scenario: Get jewry out of U.S. government. Israel does a terrorism. U.S. populace responds.
As opposed to: Jewry was in U.S. government during 9/11. Israel did a terrorism. U.S. populace was deceived.

Anonymous 03/21/2025 (Fri) 05:26 Id: b6b9e0 (39)Prev Next [Preview] No.102612 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>102623
The frog in the pot metaphor. Increase temperature immediately and frogs jump out
Complete government incompetence. Great Depression levels of hyperinflation and starvation.
Jews' paranoia raised somehow to new levels of paranoia to pester Homeland Security to have authorities harass all citizens.
A mandated militarized force consistently abusing the people regardless of who they are.
Hope. The belief that "as long as I don't do X thing I'll be okay." You see this in the UK and modern Germany where idiots defend their lack of rights in favor of the jew regime controlling them.
Because they have - minor luxuries and necessities met. Abilities to feed, clothe and shelter themselves. Desperation not intense enough to fight back as in 1920s Germany.
Always have someone on the inside. Acquire lists of detainees. Find out which are National Socialist suspects. Raid facilities keeping them. The increased jew-obedient henchmen boots on everyone's necks would have unprecedented levels of converts to NatSoc.

Examples of what not to do: North Korea lies about their "Great Leader's" false victories. Tearing down NK government posters leads to imprisonment. Aiding towards "follow the regime and I'll be okay."
This means the collective jew paranoia must be so high that their intense hate of all non-jews causes them to harass every single one of us regardless of loyal to them or not.

Jews WANT all Caucasians bred out and extinct.
Jews WANT those that remain to be their obedient slaves.

Find some way to intensify their hatred and suspicions to extreme levels. You find the means to accomplish that, and it is the way to weaponize people against ZOG.

Anonymous 03/21/2025 (Fri) 22:13 Id: 5e7dd9 (7)Prev Next [Preview] No.102623 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>You don't need chaos to move around in shadows.

Noted. We do not really need more chaos than the system is supplying.
I think most of the infrastructures (specially in big cities) is one wrong push away from shutting down. I think in all areas of importance anyone competent has been pushed away. Remember Covid? Where it turned out that a mild cough was capable of overwhelming the medical system? Well I think all other infrastructure is in similar positions.

I think there is even a way to make it appear that it was wear and tear and chronical lack of repair that took them down.

The moment the supplies and the electricity start to randomly get destoryed in the big cities the normies will not be able to avoid the issues.

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