Anonymous 03/17/2025 (Mon) 06:09 Id: b6b9e0 No.102586 del
(396.60 KB 962x583 master race hoax.png)
>So why should an ideological minority that sees in National Socialism not only horrors but
>Of course, his methods of implementing this idea were not ideal (to put it mildly)
Though it seems you're a bit on the path to truth, those are red flags that suggest you might possibly still be influenced by jewish lies.
>Yes, Hitler was not an ideal politician (to put it mildly) - that's a fact.
Maybe it's because you know the rules of this board that you're not expanding on these very laced statements. I could be wrong. After all, those are very vague. They just stand out like you're pro National Socialist but mildly anti Hitler. This is the one place, in the entire world, where I can defend slander against him without a woke mob descending on me like a pack of fucking hyenas. That includes friends, family members, and they're not even jews. They're that brainwashed. If you're still partially there, which I don't know for certain, I suggest you walk your mind back and find out what jew lies are still lingering.