Anonymous 03/20/2025 (Thu) 21:49 Id: 5e7dd9 No.102606 del
Issue resolved. Back to work. I think in order to make a plan we must understand the current political situation, what tools we have and what tools our enemy(the jews and whoever in the system is jew adjacent)

Paraphrasing Sun Tzu. Understand yourself, understand your enemy, undestand the battlefield and you will win every battle.

Political situation: Shit is fucked all around the world as the trash ass policies that we have had since the end of world war two are finally crashing. The price of food is continually going up and countries in the west are in the border of constitutional crises as badly written laws clash with precedents made by activist judges with the express intent of killing the system

In short shit is fucked. We are at the point of the story in which the populace clamor for a saviour as the chaos rises. We all know this story, someone will try to present themselves as the solution to all our problems if we just give him all the power.

The jews tools: They have control of both parties, the supposed rebel in the system. The courts. The media. The entirety of finance and have a bunker in Israel to flee to as the bullshit rises. But they have also ruined all of their tools. The media has no credibility and the stock market and finance is a cruel joke. Israel is returning to its neverending war.

What do we have? The truth and if you guys have been doing your homework a bunch of people with ammo and supplies to survive a nuclear war.

I know up to this point it feels like shit is fucked. Mostly because it is, but we are actually in a winning position so I present to you the most hilarious plan clownworld has ever seen.

Da plan: Sit back, get some popcorn and enjoy the fireworks. If you want you can do whatever you feel like to incrase the madness. Call the police and report crimes you know damn well they don't have the manpower to fix. Steal some shit. Put more fuel to the power by going to lefty circles and encouraging them To Luigi Mangione some CEOs. Keep pointing out that there is no solution to any problem that is not violent. And if they are receptive to it ... point out that the jews caused the problems.

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