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Insulting National Socialism or Hitler or promoting jews will be banned immediately.

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Endchan named in US Government declaration against white nationalist extremism Anonymous 10/22/2019 (Tue) 18:28 Id: bb154c (1) [Preview] No. 76282 [Hide User] [X] >>76318>>76338>>77001>>78897>>79502>>89266>>91899>>91948>>92304>>92564
>White supremacist violent extremists often scapegoat the Jewish people, voicing anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
>White supremacist violent extremists have adopted an increasingly transnational outlook in recent years, largely driven by the technological forces described earlier in this Strategic Framework. Similar to how ISIS inspired and connected with potential radical Islamist terrorists, white supremacist violent extremists connect with like-minded individuals online. In addition to mainstream social media platforms, white supremacist violent extremists use lesser-known sites like Gab, 8chan, and Endchan, as well as encrypted channels. Celebration of violence and conspiracy theories about the “ethnic replacement” of whites as the majority ethnicity in various Western countries are prominent in their online circles.
>White supremacist violent extremism, one type of racially- and ethnically-motivated violent extremism, is one of the most potent forces driving domestic terrorism. Lone attackers, as opposed to cells or organizations, generally perpetrate these kinds of attacks. But they are also part of a broader movement. White supremacist violent extremists’ outlook can generally be characterized by hatred for immigrants and ethnic minorities, often combining these prejudices with virulent anti-Semitism or anti-Muslim views.
Department of Homeland Security Strategic Framework for Countering Terrorism and Targeted Violence

Anonymous 10/22/2019 (Tue) 19:56:59 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.76292 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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Indeed they did. Interesting. Expect more Fed posting. As usual, expect to be banned and have posts deleted for calling for violence.

Anonymous 10/22/2019 (Tue) 22:02:23 [Preview] No.76296 [X] del >>78010>>78123>>78186>>79277>>79849
Quality post.

We have evidence the chans have the attention of the feds. I propose that we maximize this opportunity by redpilling them on Jewish and Israeli malfeasance.

Expose the media blackout of the genocide of the Palestinians, loxism, Israel's support for ISIS, and other memory holed events like the USS liberty.

Lets redpill patriotic domestic law enforcement who perceive themselves as doing the right thing for the country. Lets pull them out of the psyop the Jewish media keeps afloat.

Anonymous 10/23/2019 (Wed) 03:48:55 [Preview] No.76305 [X] del >>76310
Once again, we get more of everything those idiots declare war on... Poverty... Crime... Drugs... Terror...

I'll worry when they try to subsidize us.

Anonymous 10/23/2019 (Wed) 05:17:26 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.76310 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76356
>more poverty, crime, drugs and terror
Fuck off. Your post couldn't be more jewish agenda if you tried.

Anonymous 10/23/2019 (Wed) 08:41:55 Id: 8826bd (1) [Preview] No.76312 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76321>>76345>>76816>>77950>>79057
Interesting. One must also consider how 4chan is *not* included in that list. A place most fond of violent rhetoric while here is kept fairly clean of such a thing. I mean i've seen more "guns now, lets do dis shit" on Voat and Neinchan than here, it seems they intend to direct both their intelligence assets and the more damaged 8ch refugees here with this. A clever game but one that ultimately is transparent. I do fear the storm that overtook the other holdouts will soon be upon Endchan though, it would be prudent to prepare in whatever way we can.

I mean there is a literal "Saint Tarrant" thread on Nein, an unending adulation of his actions by both sycophants and clear federal agents. This place must offer a larger threat than I think many of us realised, be it through the vigilant tracking of the parasites actions or the fact it is not yet under complete control.

Anonymous 10/23/2019 (Wed) 09:54:45 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.76314 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
This is an update for all end/pol/ visitors and regulars: Fed agent tricks are already being posted here. I've been deleting them, and every single time I see those bait posts they will get stratched off this board.

What you need to look out for and avoid is failing for the Fed bait, because I can't always be here to remove it. The last single OP posts have been about contacting them through email either to acquire drugs, bombs or "politics secrets". Do not fall for it. They're trying to lure you in. The dipshits keep saying shit like they "have connections with the DoD".

I'm reminded of an anon who said how disappointed he was that he could do a better job than Federal agent shitheads by purely typing with his fucking face. Very true. They're only trying to pick up the gullible idiots who will give out their personal information unwittingly. Ignore all "email me" for random services posts" Report them. Move on. I'm going back to bed

Anonymous 10/23/2019 (Wed) 10:00:06 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.76315 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76349
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Forgot pic. This is so you know what to look for. Don't fall for it. Stay safe.

Anonymous 10/23/2019 (Wed) 13:13:24 Id: 595347 (1) [Preview] No.76318 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76345>>76896
they really want to get more whites for terrorism charges. its just because whites are grossly underrepresented when it comes to those kinds of crimes so they have to group us in with jews that shoot at whites, and muslims doing mass shootings.
and you know theyre in this very thread.

the fbi hired alot of non-whites to do this kind of shit, but can you imagine white FBI agents on this board right now shilling against their own race? absolutely disgusting.
imagine accepting money in exchange for targeting other whites with the objective of making sure your children become single parents taking care of kids that look like neither your kid, or you.
and if the agent is not-white its not much better. they accept money in exchange for being a jewish puppet.

Anonymous 10/23/2019 (Wed) 16:00:10 Id: 628c90 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.76321 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76355>>79057
>One must also consider how 4chan is *not* included in that list
Compromised since forever

>I mean there is a literal "Saint Tarrant" thread on Nein, an unending adulation of his actions by both sycophants and clear federal agents
There was similar thread on Sportschan too actually.

> I do fear the storm that overtook the other holdouts will soon be upon Endchan though, it would be prudent to prepare in whatever way we can.
We'll be here. Stronk and vigilant.
And peaceful obviously.

8ch was compromised since the very beginning and gab since early this year
Do americans tend to prop things up just to tear them down? Do jim's buddies just repeat things ad nauseum and expect us to just believe it? I wonder

The term "white" was used only for Anglos and Germans during the beginning of America to categorize themselves. Most people that migrated to North America wouldn't fit into "white" category anyway. Other countries don't use this and see ethnicity only: Ethiopian, Austrian, Japanese, Basque, Flemish, Sami, Danish, Nigerian, Bavarian, etc

Anonymous 10/23/2019 (Wed) 23:44:37 [Preview] No.76338 [X] del >>76348
End Chan will be banned after banning 8ch.net

Anonymous 10/24/2019 (Thu) 02:58:06 [Preview] No.76345 [X] del
>One must also consider how 4chan is *not* included in that list.

4chan does not allow TOR users to post. 4chan + cloudflare allows the feds to identify the entire userbase with ease. That is the distinction. The TOR boards are what they are after.

>they really want to get more whites for terrorism charges

Never underestimate the ability for Jews to criminalize and ostracize anyone who doesn't like them. Anyone who perceives Jews to be the enemy is immediately labeled racist or terrorist.

Anonymous 10/24/2019 (Thu) 05:49:04 Id: 628c90 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.76348 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76357
Nah we're good.
And 8ch is already down 5evar anyway.

Anonymous 10/24/2019 (Thu) 05:57:05 [Preview] No.76349 [X] del
The best part is that its clearly labeled "INERT". How damned DUMB are these morons?

Anonymous 10/24/2019 (Thu) 20:00:35 Id: 20763b (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.76355 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>gab since early this year
>implying gabbai was ever not compromised

Anonymous 10/24/2019 (Thu) 20:04:04 Id: 20763b (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.76356 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76363
Regardless of what you think of Siege, that image is shit.

>1984 nightmare that is North Korea
I can imagine those words coming out of some rat-faced neocohen kike's mouth.

Anonymous 10/24/2019 (Thu) 21:17:47 Id: 14e3d0 (1) [Preview] No.76357 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>nah we're good

Anonymous 10/25/2019 (Fri) 02:34:56 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.76363 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76364>>76815>>83248>>83301
I've posted this video of North Korean propaganda on this board before and edited in debunks of all their ridiculous bullshit. They're extremely anti-white. They suggested Hitler was responsible for the fraudulent jewish holocaust and "Nazis were racist because white". The entire series this was cut from is a larger propaganda model about how the rest of the world is "bad because white people". You're only judging those chinks at surface value.

Anonymous 10/25/2019 (Fri) 03:04:58 Id: 49f0ec (1) [Preview] No.76364 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76366
They're Israel's enemy, allied with Iran who hosted the biggest Holocaust 'denial' conference ever, and they invited revisionist comedian Dieudonné, who worked with Prof. Faurisson, to a peace event.

North Korea might not be perfect, but it's one of the few places the kikes don't have their noses firmly planted.

Anonymous 10/25/2019 (Fri) 09:18:48 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.76366 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76371
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They also hosted this kike. Inviting a revisionist comedian doesn't mean they believe revisionism, as the video above your post was their propaganda. They're anti-white, anti-National Socialist and anti-Hitler. They are not on the Aryan side no matter how you try to spin it.

Anonymous 10/25/2019 (Fri) 15:36:50 Id: 588190 (1) [Preview] No.76368 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76371>>76814
north korea is an awful communist dictatorship shithole . It's one of the most inhumane countries on earth. Literal hell on earth.

I actually knew people from South Korea who's grandparents did everything they could to stop that shit from spreading to their own country

Are you guys really expecting us to support it here after spamming a few cringy news headlines? Don't answer that. You've been doing this shit for years

And siege sucks dick btw

Anonymous 10/25/2019 (Fri) 17:34:44 Id: 107cff (1) [Preview] No.76371 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76376>>76391>>76393
In opposing ZOG, they're less anti-White than any of the jew-controlled White nations.

>They also hosted this kike.
As a tourist, who went there so he could kvetch about how bad it was. That's much different than revisionists invited by the government.

>"It's not the same person that I know, it's not me. You can see in my eyes, I never felt so scared in my life," he said.

>"They don't have any freedom," he said. "We have to be happy with what we have. We have family, we have freedom. We can do whatever we want."

Funny, you're making the same case as that chabad rabbi about how bad NK is. Maybe he's one of those good lubavitchers like Jared and Yael Kushner, and Sholom Rubashkin?

Thank "G-d" for South Korean patriots who have protected their right to indulge jewish culture and sodomy.

North Korea is so oppressive that they can't even watch the pedophile-directed biopic of a singing sodomite who died from GRIDS. A true Hell on earth.

Anonymous 10/25/2019 (Fri) 19:22:14 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.76376 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Funny, you're making the same case as that chabad rabbi about how bad NK is.
No I haven't. I've never made that jew's talking points. My problem with NK is completely different. Watch the fucking video this time. Don't skip over it like you did before. North Koreans are not our enemies. The jews are. All of them. North Koreans are not our allies either. They're just as brainwashed about National Socialists as the rest of the mindless drones.

Anonymous 10/26/2019 (Sat) 02:06:11 Id: 56c1f0 (1) [Preview] No.76391 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76394>>76822
>Thank God for South Korean patriots who have protected their right to

You're right they should have done like first pic and gotten killed for not bowing down to your despot commie. Most people don't want to be killed and chose to live instead

Not like the Korean Peninsula had a choice in the matter. Shows how little you know of the matter. But keep thinking that guy is anyway decent or would give you a chance to live if he ever took over your country.

Anonymous 10/26/2019 (Sat) 02:29:52 Id: 9dbb26 (1) [Preview] No.76393 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76394>>76412
They showed that movie in China too btw. Why you even segwayd into that topic is beyond me.

Anonymous 10/26/2019 (Sat) 04:58:33 Id: e74fca (1) [Preview] No.76394 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76419
Do you think Kim is worse than the jewish power structure that controls the US?

South Korea was the top non-US market for the film. Like the fact that the Talmud is a bestseller there, it's single fact that encapsulates the semitic decadence of Worst Korea.

Anonymous 10/26/2019 (Sat) 20:21:01 Id: c01b34 (1) [Preview] No.76412 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Wasn't the S. Korean Prime Minister involved in an actual female cult that had blood rites and so forth?

sage sage 10/27/2019 (Sun) 02:37:15 Id: 0d290e (1) [Preview] No.76419 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76822
nork korea is controlled opposition. They won't do anything unless their ordered to. Don't expect any of us to support it here

This thread is about endchan anyway

Anonymous 10/30/2019 (Wed) 08:21:59 Id: d40b0f (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.76484 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76486>>76771
REMEMBER; stay on Tor/I2P, frens.

Thing are going to get much, much worse. The darknet will be the final bunker before the boog.

Anonymous 10/30/2019 (Wed) 09:17:48 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.76486 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76494>>76729
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No thanks.

Anonymous 10/30/2019 (Wed) 13:43:58 Id: c83883 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.76490 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
This is just a formality.
Obviously chans have been monitored since years.

Thing is, userbase is so random and posting style/interests that it's hard to actually spot "the threat one".

So they take the entire sites down to prevent the "threat one".

Leftwingers cheer for now, but if they ban everything on normal web, leftwingers are next, they are full of Leninists and Anti-Government Anarchists.

Anonymous 10/30/2019 (Wed) 13:49:31 Id: c83883 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.76493 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Sorry for triple post, some mod please clean this thing got buggy.

Anonymous 10/30/2019 (Wed) 17:09:33 Id: d40b0f (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.76494 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

I2P does not suffer from any of these problems that Tor suffers from.


Anonymous 10/30/2019 (Wed) 22:03:30 Id: 36ae08 (1) [Preview] No.76506 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76510
It's ridiculous how desperate these kikes have gotten, to reach a point where they need to utilize false-flag operations in order to shut down a few relatively obscure websites visited by few hundred actual right wingers at best. I'm surprised no one tried to expose the glowniggers yet. One could act mentally unstable and at the breaking point, make some search queries about guns, explosives, etc., the usual triggers, look up some mosque or synagogue on Google maps and wait. Once a friendly "fellow right winger" appears to tell you how they are a resistance movement and how you need to shoot up some place, and that they might be able to provide you with a weapon(s) to do it, play along until you get as much intel on them as possible (incl. pictures, fingerprints, persona information, movement, behavioral patterns etc.) and then report them to various agencies. They all work for ZOG, but due to compartmentalization, at least one will go somewhere with the investigation and you might be able to obtain some of their findings by regular, or less conventional channels ...

Whatever one would manage to obtain, would be posted on chans. There are many fine details to this, but it could have multiple positive effects. First of all, if their tactics are fully exposed and violence discouraged chan-wide (not only on this one, in general), and someone goes on with it anyway, they will have much harder time framing free speech platforms for it because a) potential perpetrators were warned b) potential perpetrators were discouraged c) any idiot who is not an "asset" would think twice before doing something stupid (hopefully)

Secondly, every ambitious glownigger would want to suck up to the "jew in command" and this could be used to get some of them at each other's neck. Get the media, other countries, various honeypot groups etc. involved for bonus points. The more mayhem, the better. It would, in turn, make false flag operations much harder and more costly. Not only financially.

Thirdly, they need a right wing hysteria. It's part of a project to keep the general population in line. Also, glowniggers are slowly becoming obsolete. Talmudic endgame has not much room for them (unless they are Jewish or a computer script). By exposing these actions, even the thicker of them will begin realizing that most of it was a stage, on an international level. When most "racially motivated murders" perpetuated by whites or "whites" turn out to be an elaborate Jewish plot (with a margin of error reserved for mentally unstable idiots that are unfortunately not lacking in these circles), they will begin adding two and two.

Anonymous 10/31/2019 (Thu) 02:03:35 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.76510 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76628>>92305
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You're making the assumption that in the attempt to get on the Fed's radar, you won't be scapegoated as the shooter and pigeonholed as a 'white nationalist terrorist'. They said that about Nikolas Cruz who's descended of jews. Don't expect them not to lie. Stephen Paddock wasn't the shooter found dead on the floor after the Vegas massacre, but that didn't stop the mainstream media from running with lies as well as drooling masses repeating them. It's the same shit as the normies who think they can talk to me about "Iran is evil because TV told me so". Same as when they claim "Hitler was evil".

"In this they [the Jews] proceeded on the sound principle that the magnitude of a lie always contains a certain factor of credibility, since the great masses of the people in the very bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than consciously and purposely evil, and that, therefore, in view of the primitive simplicity of their minds, they more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never enter their heads, and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others" - Mein Kampf

Yet kikes of the ADL and many others constantly and falsely attribute the above to Hitler or Goebbels "supporting the big lie".

Anonymous 11/01/2019 (Fri) 17:06:16 [Preview] No.76542 [X] del
>conspiracy theories about the “ethnic replacement” of whites as the majority ethnicity in various Western countries are prominent in their online circles.
>Conspiracy theories
I mean what the fuck? Is it even possible to pass a day in this world without seeing the reality of White genocide?

Anonymous 11/04/2019 (Mon) 17:06:24 [Preview] No.76584 [X] del >>76601>>76629
There is some NGO called "May First/ People Link" (MFPL) that offers web hosting and services to extremists of the left all over the world. They are connected to another org, Association for Progressive Communications (APC), which appears to be cooperating with UN. They webhost militant antifa groups that openly call for violence and servers are located in USA, yet HS doesn't blink an eye? Who funds these groups?

Anonymous 11/05/2019 (Tue) 12:16:38 Id: e5815e (1) [Preview] No.76601 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Jews, obviously, but which ones and how is hard to know.

Anonymous 11/07/2019 (Thu) 17:02:09 Id: b47b60 (1) [Preview] No.76622 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76625
Eat the fucking hate bitches. Hate speeches, white supremacy! Eat my crap cocksuckers. Hey everyone, suck my Russian cock and lick balls
You're not fooling anyone, JIDF

Anonymous 11/07/2019 (Thu) 19:12:44 Id: 3a5c16 (1) [Preview] No.76625 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
stay mad kike, the goyim know hahahaha

Anonymous 11/08/2019 (Fri) 00:48:57 Id: e9befc (1) [Preview] No.76628 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Well, it wouldn't be encouraging random people to do it, but would be aimed at those who are already on a path to become the next target. Prevention, and making any such actions more difficult and expensive (Jews will love this) to pull off. Not make them impossible (unfortunately). Yes, their grip on the media, businesses and state apparatus is very strong (everywhere), but it's still possible to take certain precautionary measures in order to discourage them from trying, or, make it backfire on them. Sure, their golems might hate the hypothetical figure, but it will most likely stay alive and/or "free" (as in, not locked up). And most importantly, not be used against our cause. No matter how pacified the masses are, kikes are still terrified of the free speech, otherwise they would not attempt an almost complete blackout of a few somewhat open platforms. It was never the amorphous mass that mattered in history, but a handful of individuals with a clear vision. And they know that. They experimented a lot prior to making such move, trying out most of their tricks, various angles of corruption/deceit, even involving higher profile manipulators and possibly the institute that should not be named, but ultimately, could not prevail against seasoned anons. They did not play all of their cards, but neither did we. Yes, they have more direct options to cut websites from the internet, or make problematic people "disappear", but they had to utilize false flags, media, and economic/political pressure on companies in order to make it happen. Why? Because they need legitimacy. What does this tell us? They might not be as confident in their control as it may seem (there are a lot of unknown variables out there), plus, they need a "nazi" boogieman to keep the show running. At least until someone yells that the king is naked.

Jews are not a nation, they are a mafia. They can be quite vicious towards "their own" who dare to speak up or rise up against "the tribe" The whole thing is a racket on a global scale, and by buying any bullshit about the "Jewish identity and solidarity" they pledge themselves to it. Those higher up have no such delusions, everything is an act, a big lie made to protect the most criminal of interests and the genetic component that carries them over generations, which is the very glue that's been holding them together for countless centuries.

They also attribute "a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth" to Goebbels in a way that portrays him as some kind of evil manipulator, while he said it to describe the Jews and their behavior. It's called spinning, and they are quite apt at it.

Anonymous 11/08/2019 (Fri) 02:09:20 Id: 8a6b43 (1) [Preview] No.76629 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
If you read the document, they mention "antifa" (anti-authoritarian groups) as well, albeit not nearly as much as the right wing groups. I took a quick look, it was clearly written by someone who had a task to present his department as useful, and thus justify his own job and salary. Of course he is going to list every single attack and blow it out of proportion, and of course he is going to call all non-kosher ideas "conspiracy theories". Would you seriously expect a government bureaucrat to name the Jew in an official document?

I find it ironic how that department was created after 9/11 (with plenty of evidence who was truly behind it) and how it was "fighting" ISIS (a good portion of this document is devoted to that) which was a creation of the same culprits. Not to mention foreign threats such as those pesky "Russians" (Read: Mossad), steam-blowing operations like "anti-authoritarian groups" and who was shilling for "right wing violence" the most and provided the "logistical support" to mass shooters in order to shut down free speech websites! Could they possibly be responsible for all of that? It seems ridiculous, unbelievable, outrageous. Just as you have the "big lie" that the other anon mentioned, you also have the "big conspiracy" . People easily believe that their wife, colleagues, etc. are conspiring against them, but they cannot imagine a conspiracy so old, so criminal and so sophisticated to be big enough to elude them, even as a possibility. Game theory tells us otherwise. Kikes love their "big numbers", do they?

Anything short of most expressly denying any such allegations as "conspiracy theories" would cause earthquakes. Because if you leave it open as a possibility, you will have to investigate it (and have some explaining to do to your superiors, who are either Jewish, have Jewish wives and children, or are Freemasons and similar kosher certified goyim). If you investigate it, you will find the evidence (or patterns/connections). If you are intellectually (and morally) honest, you will either turn into another Gestapo (and actually go against the real terrorists like Hitler did) or close the offices and cease all operations. So let's say that you are an average Joe working there, would you rather keep ignoring it, lie to yourself how there is nothing wrong with the world (except whatever is the current boogieman that you are "fighting" of course), keep your salary and titles, live in your nice neighborhood and wait your pension, or, face the reality and risk everything, even your life, fighting against very difficult odds? I think we all know an answer to that.

But the odds don't have to be difficult. If every (white, or a rare decent non-white) person in such position would simultaneously fight, it would destroy the Jewish power structure over night. That's why an awakening is needed. What's the point of being able to provide for your family if they (their descendants) will all be turned into brown slaves in a couple of generations? I think the smarter of white glowniggers have already begun to realize that they will be discarded as soon as the next stage of the Talmudic plan comes into effect and when they are no longer useful as the gatekeepers. This is not only a matter of ideals or higher goals, but the most mundane of interests that the masses are most susceptible to. Yes, many of them have completely lost their minds due to various forms of chemical and psychological warfare, but many can be brought to their senses.

Anonymous 11/08/2019 (Fri) 18:44:17 [Preview] No.76663 [X] del
What is our foundation myth?

It fulfills three functions:
1) It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2) It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3) It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions:
1) We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.
2) "Ultimate evil" is Nazis. "Ultimate good" is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.
3) The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative:
-Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.
-Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the "personification of evil", holds the center point of the WWII story.
-Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned
wiki pedia.org/wiki/Origin_myth

Anonymous 11/08/2019 (Fri) 19:34:11 Id: abd896 (1) [Preview] No.76667 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(633.25 KB 830x1208 m16.jpg)
Homeland security was born from the womb of Osama, and even he did not want anything to do with the mothers.

Anonymous 11/10/2019 (Sun) 10:30:49 [Preview] No.76725 [X] del >>76747
aw feck we still got our onion urls.

Anonymous 11/10/2019 (Sun) 10:37:05 [Preview] No.76729 [X] del >>76746
yeah, no shit jews use tor, that way they can jew harder with anonymity and not get caught. tor allows them to wreak more havoc.guess who else uses tor other than us nazis?
>parinoid schizophrenics
>people who simply want more privacy
tor is not a honeypot, though i assure you duckduckgo is.

Anonymous 11/10/2019 (Sun) 12:23:07 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.76746 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
They don't just "use" it. They're the developers behind it. https://www.torproject.org/about/people/ Yet those who claim to be "Nazis" Bavarian slur made popular by kike Konrad Heiden use a jewish platform for "protection", which is well known for pedophilic exploitation of children, degenerate drug peddling, and to hide their typical kike human trafficking (all while the Tor Project jews themselves hypocritically condemn "racists"). Yet we're all aware of the fact that jews believe themselves to be "the master race".

"Here everyone works exactly according to the instincts of his race, because the race, or should we say, the nation and its character, as the Jew himself explains, lies in blood, and this blood is forcing everyone to act according to these principles, whether he is the leading mind in a party that calls itself democratic, or calls itself socialist, or a man of science, literature, or just an ordinary exploiter. He is a Jew; he works aglow with one thought: How do I get my people to become the Master Race." - Adolf Hitler, NSGWP Hofbrauhaus. Friday 15, August 1920.

Anonymous 11/10/2019 (Sun) 12:43:30 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.76747 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76751>>76810>>77019
>embrace V for Vendetta!

Anonymous 11/10/2019 (Sun) 15:22:12 Id: 987bc2 (1) [Preview] No.76751 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76753
That explains the Guy Fawkes "Anonymoose" meme from Chanology.
He was a Jesuit terrorist, and V for Vendetta is jewish propaganda. Perfect match.

Anonymous 11/10/2019 (Sun) 17:16:11 Id: 2ea47b (1) [Preview] No.76753 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Chanology was the left wing's "alt right" . Kikes used the same tactics to neutralize the growing dissent as anons began inadvertently targeting their assets and power structures. Guy Fawkes is the Zognald of the left.

Anonymous 11/10/2019 (Sun) 22:02:59 Id: 8d8096 (1) [Preview] No.76771 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
all digital data routes through cern and ends stored in utah data center.
anonymity is chimera.

Anonymous 11/12/2019 (Tue) 03:09:29 Id: ba9bb0 (1) [Preview] No.76810 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(183.39 KB 1920x1080 Guy Fawkz Factz.jpg)

Anonymous 11/12/2019 (Tue) 04:32:05 Id: 2ac16c (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.76813 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>or anti-Muslim views.
Ain't that funny coming from institutions bombing sandnigger babies on a weekly basis?

Anonymous 11/12/2019 (Tue) 04:35:12 Id: 2ac16c (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.76814 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76822>>78482>>92306
>I actually knew people from South Korea who's grandparents did everything they could to stop that shit from spreading to their own country
And it clearly failed.

Anonymous 11/12/2019 (Tue) 04:45:22 Id: 2ac16c (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.76815 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>83245
I am willing to take your claim under consideration but if they are so bad then how do you explain (((mainstream media)))'s fixated hate boner for them?

Anonymous 11/12/2019 (Tue) 04:49:48 Id: 2ac16c (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.76816 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(750.39 KB 2400x2400 moot the cuck.jpg)
For the same reason they weren't SHUT DOWN like endchan and 8chan were. Not only it is controlled opposition and a honeypot since at least 2010 but through its "vibrant diversity" of shitposting whitenoise and perpetual resource burning conversation it's also a perfect deradicalization platform.

sage sage 11/12/2019 (Tue) 05:27:39 Id: 565e69 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.76822 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76831
>And it clearly failed.
You're a real piece of work you know that? What part of no choice in the matter after the Korean war do you not understand. >>76391
Did you even read the responses people gave you?

>I am willing to take your claim under consideration

Same reason why trumpie is being parroted in every media outlet as a big bad and scary monster man. He's controlled opposition and the convenient boggeyman of our time. Get that through your head THERE ARE NO GOOD GUYS LEFT. EVERYBODY IS FUCKING COMPROMISED. WE ARE NOT GOING TO SUPPORT A LITERAL COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP BECAUSE OF SOME RETARDED NEWS HEADERS.

Read this >>76419 and go shill for that porker fatass somewhere else

Anonymous 11/12/2019 (Tue) 05:29:55 Id: 565e69 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.76823 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
This thread is about Endchan and is currently trying to be conveniently slid into something else. Not the first time it's happened

Anonymous 11/12/2019 (Tue) 12:02:52 Id: 914734 (1) [Preview] No.76831 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
They supposedly don't have a Rotkike central bank. While their quality of life might not be as "good" as in the so called democratic countries, at least they are highly loyal, ethnically homogeneous and non-degenerate (for the most part).

They did not sell their future and their children for quick dopamine fixes and delusions. A stark contrast to SK, which seems to be one of major pits of kikery and degeneracy in that region.

Certainly not a model society that should be admired, and their leadership being probably kiked as well (you don't get to study in Switzerland and come back intact if you are a true enemy of the ZOG). Black and white thinking should be avoided however.

Anonymous 11/13/2019 (Wed) 23:02:01 [Preview] No.76896 [X] del >>76950
(130.79 KB 800x420 fbi.jpg)
>can you imagine white FBI agents on this board right now shilling against their own race? if the agent is not-white its not much better. they accept money in exchange for being a jewish puppet.

The image of FBI, police general law enforcement in the West is still too good, people unaware what sick in the head people there congregate.

Just look at this mad grimacing guy, he is the head of the FBI.

He is a total nut job and a traitor to his nation, trying to undermine democracy, the result of an election, the constitutional order his job is to protect.
He is not removed hounded out, imprisoned and hanged - no he is protected by the deep state.

Anonymous 11/14/2019 (Thu) 17:55:43 Id: b12466 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.76920 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76922>>76950
You fucking Q faggots need to stop advertising the different Chans on Twitter just so more Q boomers can find their stupid Qresearch board. Fucking die. BO delete Qresearch or you're a cuck no better than Jim Watkins.

Anonymous 11/14/2019 (Thu) 17:57:24 Id: b12466 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.76921 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76922>>76950
"Insulting National Socialism or Hitler, or promoting jewish degeneracy, will result in an immediate ban"

Q research is a jew psy-op idiot and it needs to be banned. Q faggots are advertising this board all over jewtwitter.

Anonymous Board owner 11/14/2019 (Thu) 18:15:55 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.76922 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76925>>76927>>76950>>76999
I was the one in that thread constantly telling them Q is a psyop including the jews Bernard Baruch, Tracy Beanz and Codemonkey. The Q research thread is locked. No more pro Q shit will be tolerated here. They have their own board I have no control over, the board called Qanonresearch. But here's something else I bet you didn't know. You don't get to tell me what to do. I don't bend over like a little bitch because "oh someone insulted me, better do what they say."
You can't realize when the Q thread is locked and all the Q tards have retreated to their own board, that this board is not for Q?, and I'm the idiot?

Anonymous 11/14/2019 (Thu) 19:19:14 Id: 8eb2f9 (1) [Preview] No.76925 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
i remember when you guys started a thread about what to do with the qtards. i applaud you for supporting free speech but i am also VERY glad you guys finally came to your senses and locked that shit. now those faggot zionists can stay in their containment. THANK YOU!!!

Anonymous 11/14/2019 (Thu) 19:33:32 Id: b12466 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.76927 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76931>>76950
Should not have been allowed in the first place. They are advertising it (and Endchan) all over Twitter.

Anonymous 11/14/2019 (Thu) 20:24:43 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.76931 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>They are advertising it (and Endchan) all over Twitter.
I doubt they're advertising /pol/. That and /news/ are all this board has control of. /qanonresearch/ has another BO. I have no idea who it is. You can try yelling at them, but I doubt it's going to do much. I would suggest bringing it up at /operate/ too, but then admins of this site are reasonable towards all boards. /pol/ would've been fucked a long time ago if they struck boards down due to complaints. This board has many enemies.

Anonymous 11/14/2019 (Thu) 23:47:39 [Preview] No.76949 [X] del
>The last single OP posts have been about contacting them through email either to acquire drugs, bombs or "politics secrets". Do not fall for it. They're trying to lure you in. The dipshits keep saying shit like they "have connections with the DoD".
I've seen better phishing at my workplace. I just reply with furry scat porn and medical gore from my IT email. Probably not a good idea with the feds though.

Anonymous 11/15/2019 (Fri) 00:35:39 Id: 3d37d4 (1) [Preview] No.76950 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76960
Their shabbos are usually mentally unstable people who don't really give a fuck about their country, people, race, ideals or anything other than getting some bread crumbs of power. Those are easiest to manipulate and control due to their predictability.

>He doesn't know that modern democracy is just a Jewish meme

>Oy vey, don't get the boomers accidentally exposed to the truths of National-Socialism, everyone should stay in his containment board

Did you ever try doing that on the Q board? They might have created it as a red herring meant to lead people away from the Jewish question, but it is an information channel nonetheless.

Anonymous 11/15/2019 (Fri) 06:09:16 [Preview] No.76960 [X] del >>76988
>but it is an information channel nonetheless.
Don;t confuse 'data' with 'information'.

Anonymous 11/15/2019 (Fri) 23:54:22 Id: ab558e (1) [Preview] No.76988 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
It's up to you to turn data into information

Anonymous 11/16/2019 (Sat) 04:40:11 Id: b12466 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.76999 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>77012>>77957
My point is Qtards should not have their own board on end.

Anonymous 11/16/2019 (Sat) 06:11:26 Id: 3a3b8d (1) [Preview] No.77001 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Haha fug my bad

Anonymous Board owner 11/16/2019 (Sat) 12:08:47 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.77012 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>77014>>77951
And my point is, I'm BO of this board and /news/. I don't have any control over all of endchan.

Anonymous 11/16/2019 (Sat) 13:00:14 [Preview] No.77014 [X] del >>92307
I find your lack of ambition disturbing.

brainlet 11/16/2019 (Sat) 16:52:41 [Preview] No.77019 [X] del >>77022
well, i guess i didn't know that.

Anonymous 11/16/2019 (Sat) 17:43:48 [Preview] No.77022 [X] del >>77182
Stick around. Endchan /pol/ takes some getting used to if all you've ever known is /pol/ on other chans. It'll be time well spent.

Anonymous 11/22/2019 (Fri) 03:16:30 Id: 6317a1 (1) [Preview] No.77182 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>77897
I find the lack of anime disturbing

Anonymous 12/24/2019 (Tue) 00:48:09 [Preview] No.77897 [X] del >>92308

Anonymous 12/27/2019 (Fri) 04:00:57 Id: 623798 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.77950 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
As strange as this sounds i don't think there that worried about terrorism in the conventional sense, there worried someones going to leak sum god tier intel onto one of these sites and this TS (Top Secret) shit is going to get into the hands of a bunch of randos.

Anonymous 12/27/2019 (Fri) 04:09:43 Id: 623798 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.77951 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I'm fine with them being in a containment board, even if we did nuke it they would just spread else where.

Anonymous 12/28/2019 (Sat) 04:59:21 Id: 1390ca (1) [Preview] No.77957 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
why? what's wrong with letting them have a board?

sage for offtopic

Anonymous 12/28/2019 (Sat) 22:50:25 Id: 42b43e (1) [Preview] No.77969 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Gab, 8chan, and *Endchan*
We did it, reddit!

Anonymous 12/31/2019 (Tue) 20:46:36 [Preview] No.78010 [X] del >>78186
That's exactly what I got on boards years ago when I was browsing cuckchan pre-cuckening. I was in the military and mainly just reading because it was funny. There is no way to unlearn the truth or stop seeing cohencidences.

Anonymous 01/01/2020 (Wed) 17:09:45 [Preview] No.78028 [X] del

Anonymous 01/06/2020 (Mon) 06:01:25 [Preview] No.78123 [X] del >>78124>>78186>>78533
(20.74 KB 752x237 1578290275124.png)
remember this?

http:// rrbtefdpta analvxv3db6i24 ua4mikmmo2esec pvvhvxxwibx 3k4mgad DOT onion

Anonymous 01/06/2020 (Mon) 11:19:14 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.78124 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Interesting. Since the kike POTUS has made an executive order to punish critics of Israel in Universities >>77745, we might as well print out a ton of that information and wake college kids up in the USA. You know, until America gets our own "holocaust denial" laws (can't deny a lie).

Anonymous 01/09/2020 (Thu) 19:39:43 [Preview] No.78186 [X] del >>78187
Redpill as many military and cops as you can.
Hey DHS, please notice this, thanks.

Anonymous 01/09/2020 (Thu) 20:25:15 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.78187 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>78382>>82853
(168.03 KB 766x755 greater-israel-isis.jpg)
Here's more of that article you've got in the bottom right corner.

Anonymous 01/19/2020 (Sun) 17:31:27 [Preview] No.78348 [X] del >>78382
So, the jews have reduced National Security into shitposting.

Anonymous 01/19/2020 (Sun) 23:08:31 Id: 956c99 (1) [Preview] No.78356 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>82853
The Department of Homeland Security was created by the patriot act which was copied from the enabling act during Hitler's reign. Even the name is copied from that act though the translation would be the Department of Fatherland Security. The agency was created to be a check on the FBI which is highly catholic.

Anonymous 01/21/2020 (Tue) 01:39:01 [Preview] No.78382 [X] del
(2.44 MB 2442x2448 McCain.jpg)
(1.08 MB 3264x2448 mccain-syria.jpg)
(94.42 KB 656x960 Racism.jpg)
Hello, "Counter Terrorism" investigators AKA white American abuse and truth suppression counterintelligence officers. Please notice and investigate these images, check the EXIF data, and see who the real terrorists are. Thanks
Thank you
You can't engage in your first amendment right to free speech to criticize the behavior of Jews using any standard communication channel otherwise you will be labeled a "racist" or "terrorist" which are code words that moralize their brainless masses of propagandized and indoctrinated robots within the federal government to abuse you.

Anonymous 01/22/2020 (Wed) 11:25:35 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.78395 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(8.91 KB 560x93 fuck you.png)
I have a request, board flooder/spammer who posted this I just deleted and then randomly spammed "faggots". Eat shit and die.

Anonymous 01/22/2020 (Wed) 22:28:56 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.78400 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
There was an old ISIS mercenary company website screenshot I thought I saved but I haven't been able to find the fucking image since. It was like a United States corporation advertisement for military solutions. None of that modern Muslim RP shit they're doing right now. Does anyone have the image?

Anonymous 01/27/2020 (Mon) 03:23:23 [Preview] No.78475 [X] del >>78476>>78505
Attached are photos of John McCain meeting with the leader of ISIS and the senior leadership of ISIS. The meeting took place at 37.063000,37.373500 (Turkey) May 7th 2013 11:49:17 UTC. Photos from this meeting were put on NBC news and were posted to John McCain's twitter account, so the fake smart people who work in our "intelligence agencies" won't be able to call this a "debunked conspiracy theory." The CIA/NBC news propaganda piece claimed that McCain was in Syria, when he was in fact in Turkey.

The GPS coordinates where the meeting took place (37.063000,37.373500) were marked as "PIZZA SPECIAL" on google maps. Pizza, as we all know was a codeword found in numerous emails from Tony Podesta's gmail account. Per these attached articles, "PIZZA" is a codeword that means meeting with the CIA. PIZZAGATE was erroneously attributed to pedophilia, which was undoubtedly an intelligence disinformation campaign intended to make all of the /pol/ boards look foolish and control the narrative regarding the "PIZZA" codeword.

You will not see this information mentioned on the "news" or on "social media" because our news and social media with respect to foreign endeavors appears to be heavily influenced or totally controlled by the CIA, which is why no news network will say Eric Ciaramella's name to this day and his name was removed from google and social media sites.


Could a mod please remove these posts? I apologize for spamming the thread. Thank you.

Anonymous 01/27/2020 (Mon) 16:29:18 [Preview] No.78482 [X] del
These images are cringe. Gayming is a Judeo-Masonic disease, and "muh psychic woman scandal" is very clearly a jewish movie-tier act, which resulted in South Korea having (((democracy))).

Anonymous 01/29/2020 (Wed) 09:35:25 [Preview] No.78505 [X] del
(4.28 MB 768x576 Mossad-ISIS.mp4)

Anonymous Board owner 01/29/2020 (Wed) 11:46:08 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.78507 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
The calling for violence German language thread and DDOS service, both Fedposting Tor threads, have been deleted. Have to go by US law here, as that's rule #1 of the Global Rules.

Anonymous 01/31/2020 (Fri) 11:06:07 [Preview] No.78533 [X] del
There's some new content. What else to add?

Anonymous 03/03/2020 (Tue) 21:23:39 Id: 0fe546 (1) [Preview] No.78844 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>78845
(310.63 KB 389x563 Esther-Posner.jpg)
(135.49 KB 600x240 20201210_ester.jpg)
any miscreant mooks in the midwest with appropriate 'merch' wanna disrupt a talk for shits and giggles?
I found a flyer for this at my mum's house while visiting, seems she (an anti-hillary Bernout hippie type) fell under the sway of some local [[activist]] group and has been attending a bunch of brainwashing bollocks thru the last few months.

Anonymous 03/03/2020 (Tue) 22:50:31 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.78845 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(190.23 KB 601x851 345435.png)
(325.73 KB 502x579 436456.jpg)
(265.05 KB 608x411 6454654.png)
(262.70 KB 1200x280 auschwitz-the-facts.png)
>any miscreant mooks in the midwest with appropriate 'merch' wanna disrupt a talk for shits and giggles?
There's only one method you should choose for this. Vandalizing never works. That will only cause kikes to pull the "watcha doin Rabbi?" and start spraypainting swastikas everywhere then wailing like the babies they are. Violent action such as beat-downs or a lone shooting will cause kikes to convene yet another congressional hearing on "white supremacist violence" and push more jews as a special class bills which will definitely be passed into laws by the orange jew POTUS. It doesn't even matter if the attacker is black, mexican, puerto rican, or an actual trained fucking monkey. They're going to be called "white supremacist" by lying asshole kikes.

So. Print fliers. They'll popularize them with mass media. The jews always do this.

Anonymous 03/07/2020 (Sat) 07:43:05 Id: 886a46 (1) [Preview] No.78867 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
The blockchain is supposed to be permanent and uncesorable, I would like you to put this claim to the test by posting SFW 'redpills' or infographics.

Anonymous 03/09/2020 (Mon) 03:09:59 Id: c30b58 (1) [Preview] No.78897 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>78901
And why haven't they done shit about antifa and the traitors? Oh that's right... they are the traitors.

Anonymous 03/09/2020 (Mon) 16:07:51 Id: 08f730 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.78901 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
You're going to have to be more specific about who "they" are. There are several different groups referenced by OP that can be called they.

Anonymous 03/09/2020 (Mon) 22:39:32 Id: 08f730 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.78909 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>78959>>78971
I fear soon they'll crack down heavily on all the "white supremacy" and close down even more chans.

Anonymous 03/13/2020 (Fri) 18:10:33 Id: 62a53e (1) [Preview] No.78959 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

It would be a damn shame if all these CIA/USAPO flytrap chans were closed down.

Oorah, the civvies know, shut it down!

Anonymous 03/14/2020 (Sat) 20:52:42 Id: 2cc8d2 (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.78971 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>78972
Well, most of the chans that have shut down recently were honeypots. Still, hope nothing happens

"white supremacy" isn't a thing though

Anonymous 03/15/2020 (Sun) 02:39:47 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.78972 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>"white supremacy" isn't a thing though
Bingo. It's just a villain-term enemies of indigenous Europeans came up with. More Psychological Warfare tricks.

Anonymous 03/24/2020 (Tue) 03:12:07 [Preview] No.79057 [X] del
4chan was not named because it allows blacked/racemixing shills. Yes it is compromised >>76321

The greatest triumph of National Socialism is in shielding humans from degeneracy.

Anonymous 03/30/2020 (Mon) 07:30:47 Id: abafb2 (1) [Preview] No.79114 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79116>>79121
Jesus Christ.

The financial system is collapsing, the food supply is collapsing, hyperinflation is coming, guns and ammo are wiped out, and military martial law plans have been leaked.

Why didn't anyone warn people that wars, debt, and tyranny always end badly?
Stop spamming this board, Hmong chink

Anonymous 03/30/2020 (Mon) 10:48:34 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.79116 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(251.20 KB 552x513 ching chong nip nong.png)
You didn't say "Americans are this" but you sound a lot like the Chinese spammer. His other favorite words are "wars, debt and tyranny".

Anonymous 03/30/2020 (Mon) 10:56:48 Id: 1dcbc0 (1) [Preview] No.79117 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79118>>79121
No country in history has ever hated freedom as much as the USA does. You know that all hope is lost when you talk to 5 Americans in one day and one says that the Bill of Rights should be repealed, another says blacksmithing should be illegal, one swears wearing fur should be a crime, one says private charities should be outlawed, and another says bump stocks must be banned.

Stop spamming this board, Hmong chink

Anonymous 03/30/2020 (Mon) 11:45:26 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.79118 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(85.94 KB 600x628 605092619.jpg)
Blah blah Americans this and that. Shut the fuck up.

Anonymous 03/30/2020 (Mon) 15:10:37 Id: fa5eee (1) [Preview] No.79120 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79121
No one hates free speech more than
Americans do.
Eat a bag of dicks, Communist

Anonymous 03/30/2020 (Mon) 15:45:16 Id: 2cc8d2 (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.79121 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79122>>79151
Let's see if this manages to get him out of here for good

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Anonymous 03/30/2020 (Mon) 16:07:24 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.79122 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79135>>79151
(54.17 KB 690x460 25.jpg)
Right on. Lets see if this article was any help. https://www.businessinsider.com/censored-words-in-china-xi-jinping-term-limits-2018-2#go-against-the-tide-16
I oppose. Disagree. Personality cult. 1984. Animal farm. The emperor's dream. My emperor. Named emperor. Proclaim oneself emperor. First year of an emperor's reign. Slavery. Shameless. Emigrate. Incapable ruler. Disney. Winnie the Pooh. Ascend the throne. Urge a power figure to formally seize the throne. To board a plane. Change trains. Go against the tide. Big River, Big Sea. Rule the world. Throughout the ages. Change the law. Reign title. Universal celebration. Chinese emperor stock. Yellow gown. Roll up sleeves. Chairman, lifelong control. Xi Zedong. Recover one's authority. Brave New World. Crooked-neck tree. The wheel of history. I'm willing to be a vegetarian for the rest of my life. Empresses in the Palace. Oppose Qing, restore Ming. Dream of Returning to the Great Qing. Great men sent from heaven. Long live the emperor. Lifelong. For life system. Thousands of years. Immortality. A bad machine translation will follow.
我反對。反對。人格崇拜。1984. 動物農場。皇帝的夢想我的皇帝被命名為皇帝宣佈自己為皇帝。皇帝統治的第一年。奴隸制。無恥。移民。無能的尺規。迪士尼。小熊溫妮登上王位。敦促一個權力人物正式奪取王位。登機換乘火車。逆潮流而動。大河,大海統治世界。縱觀各個時代。修改法律。統治標題。普遍慶祝。中國皇帝股票。黃色長袍卷起袖子。董事長,終身控制。毛澤東。恢復一個人的權威。勇敢的新世界彎曲的頸樹。歷史的車輪。我願意在餘生中成為素食者。宮殿中的皇后。反對清,還原明。回到大清的夢想。偉大的男人從天堂派來。皇帝萬歲。終身。生命系統。幾千年了不朽。

Anonymous 03/31/2020 (Tue) 14:49:35 Id: 41a312 (1) [Preview] No.79132 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79133
The government is the biggest threat of all.

Americans want the government to protect them from scary illegal immigrants, terrorists, and viruses, but governments end up killing millions.

Businesses think spending money to pay for TV/radio ads, billboards, newspaper ads, and mailing lists is an investment that will result in more sales. Spending money to promote freedom won't make you rich, but Americans will lose everything if Americans don't fight back against tyranny.
Turn your automated chink robot off and LEAVE

Anonymous 03/31/2020 (Tue) 15:29:26 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.79133 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Jesus Christ. Tiananmen Square Protest 1989. Why isn't your CCP shutting you down? Get the fuck out of here.

Anonymous 03/31/2020 (Tue) 19:39:33 Id: 2cc8d2 (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.79135 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79140>>82852
(78.16 KB 750x500 ponder.jpeg)
I was giving it some thought about this guy and got to thinking: endpol is a VERY small board and almost no one knows of it. Even the refugees from 8pol don't visit us too often anymore. So who would even bother to try and rile this place up?

Look at the early archives. Historically, who's the spammer that has been hitting this place for years? Who always spammed this place randomly and then changed I.P to post again after he gets banned? Or would post through TOR if he got really frustrated his trash was getting removed or that he was getting banned too often? I don't think we're dealing with multiple people and we're just dealing with the same """faggot""" from years ago. And I think he's now resorting to acting like different people since his last tactic was too obvious. Notice how the recent shills we get have the same manner of posting. The "Chinese" bot, the nazbol "Slav" poster. The only posts they make are to try to derail thread or argue with people, never to talk to anybody here.

Anonymous 04/01/2020 (Wed) 00:34:01 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.79140 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79148
(48.99 KB 336x351 5.jpeg)
Are you talking about #known who put on that bad English act in 2016? With the type of spam I won't even mention to keep enemies from getting ideas. But one personality was bad at English and the other personality was capable of it. He was identified by the fact he used the same keyboard rape file naming as he did with the other personality. Now that I think on it, you could be right. What if that shithead is still around fucking with us? Well, IDs shilling and spreading jewish degeneracy get banned. Tor posts doing the same get deleted. IDs that ban evade get deleted. I don't know what to do about it other than what I'm doing.

Anonymous 04/02/2020 (Thu) 02:20:00 Id: 48f68e (1) [Preview] No.79145 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(791.76 KB 792x839 Xi Corona Jinping.png)
Don't mind me. I'm just testing something related to the Chinese spammer.

Anonymous 04/02/2020 (Thu) 03:27:18 Id: 2cc8d2 (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.79148 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79152
>Are you talking about #known who put on that bad English act in 2016?

Unsure if he went back that far but it might be him too. It's "that spammer" who spammed "that type" of disgusting content here constantly and on multiple occasions.

Yeah he's been stirring shit up here for literal years. Pretending to be multiple people to divide the board between users and nationalities. It was the guy who made a ban appeal that was just "huurr I can't spam using TOR stupid". You can find him on /b/ if he gets tired of hitting this board. He hits other boards too sometimes.

He's the one who's always pushing snuff and posting "I haet the Xtians" there, in a board with almost no users. He's just talking to himself at this point

Again: slow board, easy to notice users here

Anonymous 04/02/2020 (Thu) 03:33:33 Id: 2cc8d2 (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.79151 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79188
And if he were really Chinese, these posts >>79121 >>79122 would have disconnected him from the internet, as far as I know at least

Anonymous 04/02/2020 (Thu) 03:43:22 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.79152 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(368.48 KB 1875x687 Spammer.jpg)
(67.08 KB 948x221 this faggot (2).jpg)
(548.57 KB 1475x1332 jealous cry baby.jpg)
(67.68 KB 640x388 6.jpg)
(330.58 KB 1874x721 accusing.jpg)
Yep that was him. I remember back in (Edit)2017 pasting this glaring red text on screencaps of his pathetic ploy to get the attention of past moderation. He thought he was clever, lying the entire time. All of this is still in a folder besides the sick shit he kept on his hard drive. Now that I'm looking in there, I'm realizing he did try this anti Slav false flag shit back then too. So he's a full Nazbol now. That's fucking hilarious.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 04/02/2020 (Thu) 03:53:30.

Anonymous 04/02/2020 (Thu) 07:18:34 Id: 249a3d (1) [Preview] No.79155 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79161
There are negative interest rates now. Get your money out of banks today. The dollar is worthless and banks will go bankrupt. Buy gold, canned goods, foreign currencies, and guns.

The US is becoming Communist.

Don't be surprised if Trump nationalizes airlines, car companies, the media, and banks soon.

Anonymous 04/02/2020 (Thu) 14:18:45 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.79161 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(61.34 KB 563x501 covfefe19.jpg)
(106.30 KB 1000x780 2452.jpg)
We've already discussed this, you repetitious asshat. Trump will not Nationalize. That would be a solution and he's a kike against Nationalism unless it's for Israel.

Anonymous 04/05/2020 (Sun) 03:29:55 [Preview] No.79188 [X] del
The great firewall cannot inspect encrypted traffic, and it cannot stop all encrypted traffic from entering and leaving the country all of the time

Anonymous 04/06/2020 (Mon) 15:18:19 Id: 6e2822 (1) [Preview] No.79193 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79194>>79234
The US is collapsing, no one cares, and you're not allowed to talk about it.

Anonymous Board owner 04/06/2020 (Mon) 15:53:32 Id: a2cf48 (29)Prev Next [Preview] No.79194 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(600.76 KB 648x864 7913.png)
(6.66 MB 1920x1080 asshoe.webm)
No. /pol/ anons are allowed to talk shit about America because US government are all either cucked ZOG traitors or actual kikes. You are not allowed to repeat the same messages you have been repeating since you spammed these at /news/ over a year ago. Stop parroting and engage with this board or I will never stop banning you and deleting your stale old CCP propaganda.

Anonymous 04/07/2020 (Tue) 11:15:43 Id: 2569b2 (1) [Preview] No.79200 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79234
One of the few promises Trump has kept has been to expand the police state.

Anonymous 04/07/2020 (Tue) 14:11:17 Id: 0c9047 (1) [Preview] No.79203 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79208>>79234
If going outside is illegal, couldn't the government use license plate readers to prove that you were outdoors?

Anonymous 04/07/2020 (Tue) 22:52:21 Id: a2cf48 (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.79208 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79233
(22.04 KB 590x332 preview.jpg)
Going outside isn't illegal. We're encouraged to stay indoors and only go out for basic necessities. Essential workers remain employed. Some healthcare workers (though my local clinic is closed) of course but somehow fucking fast food is essential. However, "non essential" clothing stores have been closed. What, do we just wear what we've got until it wears out and then go naked? What I'm thinking about is the future repercussions of prolonged nationwide quarantine. Good that they're closing borders and shutting down international travel. Bad that it's years too late. What does the future hold besides massive economic failure? A society where everybody wears full on environment suits once this shit spreads completely? That would be smarter. Government morons are suggesting CLOTH masks for fuck's sakes.

Anonymous 04/08/2020 (Wed) 07:43:08 Id: 40c2f2 (1) [Preview] No.79218 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79234
Americans want to live in a prison because one person might be afraid of danger.
Speak to the board instead of "Americans this/that" "blahblah tyranny" or get the fuck out

Anonymous 04/08/2020 (Wed) 19:28:29 Id: 2cc8d2 (12)Prev Next [Preview] No.79233 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>but somehow fucking fast food is essential.
People need to eat and pig out?

>What I'm thinking about is the future repercussions of prolonged nationwide quarantine. Good that they're closing borders and shutting down international travel. Bad that it's years too late. What does the future hold besides massive economic failure?
Who knows at this point? It'll be a brave new world after this ends I believe. Things will change drastically

>A society where everybody wears full on environment suits once this shit spreads completely?
S.T.A.L.K.E.R tier living. We Chernobyl soon

sage sage 04/08/2020 (Wed) 19:31:48 Id: 2cc8d2 (12)Prev Next [Preview] No.79234 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79238>>82852
Why do you keep changing IPs, then changing to a TOR address and continue spamming this board when it's PLAINFULLY OBVIOUS to everyone here that you're the same person who spammed this board years ago? Do you get payed to be dumb or are you stupid for free?

Anonymous 04/08/2020 (Wed) 19:59:15 Id: a2cf48 (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.79238 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
That guy's fucking weird. If he's the same Tor tard, he's gay for boys, but hates jews but promotes jewish homosex, but wanted us to combat leftists about the holocaust fraud on imgur. He's MGTOW, but he spammed a Hmong fashion website awhile back and he's anti-American but he defends Trump. What a schizo. My head is full of fuck about that shill.

Anonymous 04/10/2020 (Fri) 04:49:27 Id: 6657f0 (1) [Preview] No.79277 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(1.04 MB 1162x9616 JewsExpelledHistory.png)
I'm sure many of them are catching on. You can only deny history for so long.

Anonymous 04/17/2020 (Fri) 07:38:49 Id: dbea40 (1) [Preview] No.79361 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79362>>79372
Most people support the police state until they become a victim of it.

Anonymous 04/17/2020 (Fri) 08:14:05 Id: a2cf48 (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.79362 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79372
(1.29 MB 195x229 (1).gif)
Look at that. It's the shithead bot who repeats everything but says nothing. Again.

Anonymous 04/18/2020 (Sat) 00:41:56 Id: 838791 (1) [Preview] No.79370 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79372
Life may be all fun and games now in the USA, but as offshoring increases, illegal immigration rises, hard-working Americans die off or dropout due to higher taxes and more regulations, the national debt climbs, there is more terrorism as the result of illegal American wars, the police become more brutal enforcing draconian decrees, the US Ponzi economy and stock markets collapse, cash is banned, Americans are implanted with microchips, and real crises and false flags are used to force Americans to go to the gulags and finally to the gas chambers and ovens, will Americans wish that they had spoken out earlier against the dangers of wars, debt, and tyranny?
"the gas chambers and ovens". Fuck you, Chinese spammer.

Anonymous 04/18/2020 (Sat) 03:13:42 Id: 2cc8d2 (12)Prev Next [Preview] No.79372 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(((chinese spammer)))
lol he probably can't even say one word in Mandarin

Well, all of the entrapment threads he made these last few weeks didn't pan out so he won't be getting any entrapment money out of us. So now he is slightly upset that we didn't fall for any of them and reverted back to acting retarded and changing IPs because he knows he'll get banned for spamming, like the coward that he is

Wonder what other persona he'll adopt next. Can't wait to expose him and watch him squirm again :^)

Anonymous 04/18/2020 (Sat) 03:51:59 Id: af052e (1) [Preview] No.79373 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79383>>79385
You know the US is doomed when Americans would rather attack those who defend freedom instead of criticizing the government that is enslaving them.
Spamming repeated messages

Anonymous 04/18/2020 (Sat) 16:04:17 Id: 2cc8d2 (12)Prev Next [Preview] No.79383 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79384
>Gets exposed
>Immediately spams some more to make it even more obvious

Dumbest spammer I've even seen here. And that's saying something

Anonymous 04/18/2020 (Sat) 16:09:25 Id: a2cf48 (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.79384 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
He's spamming unmoderated Fedposting Torchan too, where on their /pol/ they post supporting Trannies, feminism, Commie revolutions etc. I just deleted that shit link in multiple threads.

Anonymous 04/18/2020 (Sat) 16:17:54 Id: 2cc8d2 (12)Prev Next [Preview] No.79385 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I'm not surprised really. They're REALLY DESPERATE for all that entrapment money.

Still, I suggest we focus on quality /pol/ posting here and not give those vermin so much attention. Just report and hide

Anonymous 04/19/2020 (Sun) 10:35:32 Id: b7b74e (1) [Preview] No.79390 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79393
Why is going to the grocery store safe, but going to church is not?


Anonymous 04/19/2020 (Sun) 16:15:20 Id: 642f03 (1) [Preview] No.79393 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79396
There is a constant flux of movement at stores, where people clearly aren't sitting and reading their bibles like flocked sheep. One cough later, and you have the potential to infect dozens of others around. This is where I can see the term sheep being utilized "literally", since there is no active movement when sitting in a pew.

Anonymous 04/19/2020 (Sun) 18:18:18 Id: a2cf48 (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.79396 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79433
(449.98 KB 1920x934 America.jpg)
(61.34 KB 563x501 covfefe19.jpg)
The virus is transmitted through particles hanging in the air (from being projected via coughing and sneezing), introduced by touching faces, and is also present in stools. Movement in public is a higher chance of transmission. Adding to that, the assholes that don't wash their hands after taking a shit and touch shopping carts and the addition of having to return to the grocery stores more frequently as they've placed retarded limits on necessities, you're more likely to catch the virus at a grocery store than sitting at a church mandated to keep everyone sitting apart. Plus the fat orange jew POTUS intends to open non-essential businesses to protect his presidency from a failing economy at the cost of lives next week. America is already the most infected out of any other nation. Typical of that kike. But hey, at least when his massive failures have resulted in the widespread deaths of thousands more Americans, we'll get to vote in dementia suffering child molestor Biden backed by jews Bernie Sanders and Michael Bloomberg as the alternative. Fucking hell.

Anonymous 04/22/2020 (Wed) 00:32:04 Id: df0460 (1) [Preview] No.79432 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Kings live in large castles, eat well, have armies to protect them, and tax the serfs.

What benefits does the government give you?

If you lived in a free country, you can decide if going outside is worth the risk. In a police state, the government tells you what to do.

Anonymous 04/22/2020 (Wed) 02:58:37 Id: 486dfe (1) [Preview] No.79433 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79438
If you actually left the comfort of your mom's house and didn't subsist on a diet of tendies you would know that real people have to work to pay their bills, and that is way more important than saving a bunch of decrepit old fucks and disabled leeches. The virus is doing us all a favor by culling the herd of people that contribute nothing to society.

Anonymous 04/22/2020 (Wed) 04:09:57 Id: a2cf48 (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.79438 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(122.29 KB 960x960 43545.jpg)
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Mother fucker, I own my own house with the mortgage paid off and I've been at work since 1999. That's about twenty and a half years. What actually is the point of your dumbass assumptions, other than to cause division here?
And you're supporting the deadly decisions of your favorite jew president on a National Socialist board. Nobody can work when they catch this sickness, retard. It is debilitating to anyone who has it.

Anonymous 04/22/2020 (Wed) 05:25:19 Id: 85f042 (1) [Preview] No.79439 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79445>>90139>>92378
The cure for this virus seems to perfectly match with the goals of the globalists.

This virus expands the police state.

This virus cancels elections.

This virus ends gun sales.

This virus ends travel.

This virus prohibits people from gathering.

This virus prohibits Americans from attending church.

This virus prohibits people from working.

This virus forces people to accept welfare.

This virus results in cash bans.

This virus forces Americans to buy products online and communicate with the Internet or phones that are wiretapped by NSA.

This virus will lead to mandatory vaccines and microchip implants.

This virus led to trillion dollar bailouts for the 1%.

Anonymous 04/22/2020 (Wed) 16:02:12 Id: a2cf48 (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.79445 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
This format is retarded and you have been an obnoxious ban evading asshole on this board for months.

This virus closes borders and ends international travel, which is a good thing.

This virus is preventing shitskin gangs from their daily murder routine.

This virus is killing off old jews who made up the holocaust fraud because kikes think themselves above the law and gather for their jew culture anyway.

This virus is preventing society from forcing us to mingle with the fucking shitskins through mandatory corporate wage slavery.

This virus needs to finish killing off the economic wealth of nations because that's the RAID greedy shekel-hungry jews will screech and run away from. Without wealth, they'll have no propaganda power.

This virus has made the corporation owning CEOs lose their precious shekels because they couldn't stop causing mass panic through their own mass media propaganda.

This quarantine is fucking great, and after the dumbass fish-lips orange jew president opens everything up again and people die more rapidly, he'll have to order it closed for longer.

Anonymous 04/27/2020 (Mon) 02:16:09 Id: ff9640 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.79502 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79506>>79507
(82.15 KB 574x720 Nazi.jpg)
A reminder that we are the good guys

Anonymous 04/27/2020 (Mon) 04:01:46 Id: ff9640 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.79506 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
While Konrad Heiden didn't invent the term "Nazi" (the original from the Bavarian "Ignatz" slur as "hillbilly" is today), he was the anti-German kike who made it popular through his lies. He's also the one who made the "Germans believed themselves the master race" lie made popular through another propagandist who ran with that kike's lies, William Shirer. Like the moron who tried to tell us he "has been a Nazi for 15 years" and then proceeded to insult Hitler with every deceptive imaginary theory he could think of, anyone who comes to this board calling themselves "Nazi" will stick out like a sore thumb.

Anonymous 04/27/2020 (Mon) 04:03:00 Id: ff9640 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.79507 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79510
Also I have no idea why I have the same ID as you.

Anonymous 04/27/2020 (Mon) 15:12:34 Id: 2cc8d2 (12)Prev Next [Preview] No.79510 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Also I have no idea why I have the same ID as you.

Odili is doing some maintenance on the site, so things are buggy. Images might not show up either

Anonymous 04/29/2020 (Wed) 17:16:59 Id: a58f93 (1) [Preview] No.79533 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79534>>79535
>Germans believed themselves the master race
They don't? I swear whenever I go to /pol/ of any imageboard there always be a thread where the posters fantasize about conquering the whole world, enslaving some other races and genociding the rest.

Anonymous 04/29/2020 (Wed) 17:26:43 Id: 48f68e (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.79534 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(89.89 KB 479x360 Lies (2).jpg)
You're probably new here, and clearly still in the brainwashed phase obviously. Or you could be a divisive kike. We get a lot of those. Either way, I'll break down exactly what happened. At the National Socialist German Workers' Party meeting in the Great Hall of the Hofbrauhaus on Friday the 15th, August 1920, Hitler gave a speech. It was a very long speech. Part of that was to describe the jews.

"These proletarian-minded persons are some Jewish billionaires, and we know very well that behind 2 or 3 proletarians ultimately stands another organization which is outside of the state: the Alliance Israelite and their grandiose propaganda organization and the organization of Freemasonry. And in all these things we must understand that there are no good or evil Jews. Here everyone works exactly according to the instincts of his race, because the race, or should we say, the nation and its character, as the Jew himself explains, lies in blood, and this blood is forcing everyone to act according to these principles, whether he is the leading mind in a party that calls itself democratic, or calls itself socialist, or a man of science, literature, or just an ordinary exploiter. He is a Jew; he works aglow with one thought: How do I get my people to become the Master Race."

Back then there was Konrad Heiden, the jew who fled Germany in 1933 and wrote anti-Hitler propaganda. While doing this, he popularized that Germans desire to be the master race because he was upset Hitler labeled kikes as believing they're the master race. William Shirer, another anti-Hitler fraud historian spread the lie even further with his books. And in our modern era, dumbasses everywhere spread the falsehood that it was Germans who believed themselves the master race when in reality it was jews all along. If you have ever investigated Judaism, you'd figure that out. Kikes believe they are "chosen" and we are beasts and servants to them.

Anonymous 04/29/2020 (Wed) 17:38:45 Id: 48f68e (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.79535 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>80152
What happens from decades of "denazification" is masses believing jewish lies about German atrocities that did not happen. Out of this has emerged the extremist edgelords Atomwaffen who unironically believe in the holocaust fraud, call for violence to make kike positions stronger through their victim complex whining for sympathy, and post gassing kikes memes when gas is proven to be ineffective and not what happened.
You said /pol/ of any imageboard. You're full of shit. This board is not for extremists trying to strengthen the jewish occupation or for attracting the Feds. All calls for violence and/or accompanying manifestos are banned and deleted.

Anonymous 05/03/2020 (Sun) 13:56:00 Id: e84ad2 (1) [Preview] No.79581 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79582
Welcome to JEWLAND- amusement park for victims, morons, losers, and parasites and hell for the sane and productive!

Anonymous 05/03/2020 (Sun) 15:40:59 [Preview] No.79582 [X] del >>79591
Are you talking about hollywood?

Anonymous 05/04/2020 (Mon) 03:26:19 Id: 2cc8d2 (12)Prev Next [Preview] No.79591 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I think he's just having a brain aneurysm or just it's "that guy" again

Anonymous 05/04/2020 (Mon) 06:51:32 Id: a28b55 (1) [Preview] No.79596 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79597>>79722

The USA is rapidly unraveling.

How can Americans sleep at night now?

The very same Americans who scream Trump is a dictator then turn around and say tyranny is good.

The same Americans who insist that they hate the elites then say everyone should obey the globalists.

The Soviet Union failed, but Americans swear the US must become Communist.
You are not welcome here. Stop coming back. L E A V E

Anonymous 05/04/2020 (Mon) 07:25:37 Id: a2cf48 (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.79597 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(38.86 KB 976x549 032.jpg)
>this shit again
Not all Americans have insomnia. Nobody says tyranny is good. Nobody says "everybody should obey the globalists" and retards like you who say "globalists" instead of jews are gatekeeping shills. I still cannot understand why people like you exist who have the attention span of a potato. Those who can't even bother to look up names of douchebags at the top of everything and crosscheck ethnicities. It's not even work. It's sitting on your ass typing names. Yet you morons can't do it. Not all Americans are Commies either. Marxist jew professors brainwash many college students and that's how they become Communist. Because just like you, they're incapable of focus. Fucking hell, you're a dumb asshole.

Anonymous 05/07/2020 (Thu) 07:37:23 Id: 7c61c7 (1) [Preview] No.79661 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79664
Just wanted to thank you guys who have operated this board for years, ever since the schism that brought us here from cripplechan.

I know lurkers like myself appreciate your tireless efforts to keep the violent infiltrators out more than we can put into words.

As always, the best defense against the Jewish corruption is a strong, healthy family. Stay safe and do not despair, friends.

Anonymous 05/07/2020 (Thu) 14:31:41 Id: a2cf48 (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.79664 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79721
(36.36 KB 178x264 1400.jpg)
G_C deserves recognition for first proposing to stop the violence promoting Fedposting. Those who post "Hey kid wanna blow up a federal building [in minecraft]?", declaring intent to start a public shooting or posting a manifesto before public violence will continue to be banned and deleted. No Atomwaffen shit. No Strasserists. National Socialism is an ideal of peace and the best economic solution.

Anonymous 05/10/2020 (Sun) 05:39:27 Id: a5cc0a (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.79721 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79722>>79724>>79754>>80152
Reminder: Hitler failed.
Peace is not an idea but fake peace is.

Anonymous 05/10/2020 (Sun) 05:40:34 Id: a5cc0a (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.79722 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

Tyrants favor the foreign, Trump favors Jews.

Anonymous Board owner 05/10/2020 (Sun) 11:38:05 Id: a2cf48 (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.79724 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>80152
(56.04 KB 500x480 1 (4).jpg)
Anyone would lose when facing such odds. He wasn't "a peacenik". He was a German military vet, awarded the Iron Cross First Class, Iron Cross Second Class, Wound Badge Honor Cross, Bavarian Cross of Military Merit and Third Class Bavarian Medal of Military Service. Despite his attempts at peace offers as Chancellor, every nation already in control by international jewry rejected him and Russia amassed at his borders. The point is, He succeeded 1933 through 1945. Longer than any president, and serving the German people which US presidents do not serve their citizens. Keep it up. See where insulting Hitler gets you here.

" Russia demanded bases on the Dardanelles. If Molotov is now trying to deny this, that is not surprising. If tomorrow or the day after tomorrow he will be no longer in Moscow, he will deny that he is no longer in Moscow. He made this demand and I rejected it. I had to reject it. This made things clear to me and further talks were without result. My precautions were called for. After that I carefully watched Russia. Each division we could observe was carefully noted and counter-measures were taken. The position in May had so far advanced that I could no longer dismiss the thought of a life and death conflict. At that time I had always to remain silent, and that was doubly difficult for me, perhaps not so difficult with regard to the German people for they had to realize there are moments when one cannot talk if one does not wish to endanger the whole nation. More difficult was silence for me with regard to my soldiers, who, division by division, stood on the eastern frontier of the Reich and yet did not know what was actually going on. And it was just on account of them I could not speak. Had I dropped one single word I would not have changed Stalin's decision. But the possibility of surprise, which remained for me as a last weapon, would then not have existed. Any such indication, any such hint, would have cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of our comrades. I was therefore silent until the moment when I finally decided to take the first step myself. When I see the enemy levering his rifle at me I am not going to wait till he pulls the trigger. I would rather be the first to pull the trigger." - Adolf Hitler, speech at the Sportpalast on the opening of the Kriegswinterhilfswerk, Berlin. October 3, 1941
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 05/10/2020 (Sun) 11:53:32.

Anonymous 05/10/2020 (Sun) 20:40:21 Id: 4ac547 (1) [Preview] No.79754 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79797
>Has entire world against him
>Attacked on both sides
>"see he lost guys. We can't follow him anymore"

Are you posting here for the first time?

Anonymous 05/13/2020 (Wed) 02:20:18 Id: a5cc0a (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.79797 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79798
There just isn't a way to create a meaningful and worthwhile 1930's style movement/social cohesion anymore, even Hitler talked about the future of war and its accurate to today.

Anonymous 05/13/2020 (Wed) 02:27:54 Id: a2cf48 (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.79798 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79805
I have collections of his speeches. Tell us which one you're referring to.

Anonymous 05/13/2020 (Wed) 15:24:34 Id: 464cfe (1) [Preview] No.79805 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79811>>79887
He probably means pic related which isn't a quote of Hitler's.
Hermann Rauschning
“Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.”

"The Voice of Destruction "

Anonymous 05/13/2020 (Wed) 17:41:46 Id: a2cf48 (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.79811 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Rauschning whom fled to Poland, then Switzerland, then France, then the UK and joined the enemy leftist emigres. The latter were welcomed by already jewish Hollywood, increasing the number of kikes in control of North American cinema. Rauschning, who made up many lies about his conversations with Hitler after fleeing and his anti National Socialist propaganda was dropped as leaflets by the French. That traitor? Fuck him.

Anonymous 05/16/2020 (Sat) 00:35:34 [Preview] No.79849 [X] del >>79854
5 days after this post was made the "leader of ISIS" was "killed."


Anonymous 05/16/2020 (Sat) 04:29:41 Id: a2cf48 (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.79854 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79863
"Trump confirms". That means either Assad's soldiers did it or Abu is not even dead.

Anonymous 05/16/2020 (Sat) 18:24:14 [Preview] No.79863 [X] del
It means the Tavistock PSYOP is over.

Anonymous 05/17/2020 (Sun) 23:40:41 Id: a5cc0a (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.79887 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>79961
Should have correct myself sooner, but yeah I was thinking of someone else, my bad.

Anonymous 05/20/2020 (Wed) 10:38:05 Id: 3a3b8d (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.79961 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I realize now I didn't post the pic, but searching for the quote will yield plenty of "memes" with the quote falsely attributed to hitler.

Anonymous 05/25/2020 (Mon) 10:32:30 Id: 4fc3bb (1) [Preview] No.80113 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>80121
You're allowed to say Trump is controlled by Russia, but anyone who says Trump is controlled by Israel will be called a racist.

Anonymous 05/26/2020 (Tue) 03:31:49 Id: 66020e (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.80121 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>80133
Russia, since 1917, is the proverbial punching bag/scapegoat for all problems one can think off.

You can blame them for everything. It doesn't matter since they're hotly compromised. And the same people that run Russia run the U.S anyway. The Cold war was a farce used to extend military and surveillance control on regular and unsuspecting citizens

Anonymous 05/26/2020 (Tue) 08:26:34 Id: a2cf48 (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.80133 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>80154
You're replying to our repeated message spammer, I'm pretty sure ("You're allowed x but anyone who says y" is his format but I could be wrong). He's come up with a new message. I for one will leave that one alone because it's true. But if he falls back on the same "Americans are this. Americans are that" - "concentration camps" - "the gestapo are coming" - "you gonna get gassed" bullshit, his posts will be deleted again.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 05/26/2020 (Tue) 08:29:57.

Anonymous 05/27/2020 (Wed) 19:46:55 Id: ca7ad2 (1) [Preview] No.80152 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
of course he lost.
based. this is why I shitpost here and not 16chan. This is one of the last good chans.

Anonymous 05/27/2020 (Wed) 22:42:24 Id: 66020e (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.80154 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>80160
You'd think his handlers would have sent him to another website by now

ok. So, what exactly do you want?

Why did you even post your email and name there?

Anonymous Board owner 05/28/2020 (Thu) 02:58:51 Id: a2cf48 (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.80160 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>82827
I deleted Danilo the Brazilian's post. Nobody should be posting any personal info here because this board has had obvious Feds. Also, I'm aware some anons will pretend to be other people in order to doxx someone else.

Anonymous 05/30/2020 (Sat) 00:06:35 Id: a475a1 (1) [Preview] No.80197 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>80199

Anonymous 05/30/2020 (Sat) 04:36:58 Id: 0dd886 (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.80199 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

Anonymous 11/11/2020 (Wed) 07:55:39 Id: 52517f (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.82826 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>82833
The best way of stopping political opposition is through intimidation.
It is up to us not to be intimidated.

Anonymous 11/11/2020 (Wed) 08:00:18 Id: 52517f (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.82827 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>82832
good call.
Heads up that we've been seeing a lot of automated attacks that are trying to force a range ban over regular users.
Often it seems to be a specific geographic location that is being targeted, where a state-level actor is trying to deny their own citizens access- and this is realistically a possibility in a small country or sparsely populated region.

Anonymous Board owner 11/11/2020 (Wed) 13:20:46 Id: 0dd886 (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.82832 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>82834
Not to worry. I never range ban anyone, even though I have the option.

Anonymous 11/11/2020 (Wed) 13:42:53 Id: 3c38e7 (1) [Preview] No.82833 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>82834
What is this in reference to?

Anonymous 11/11/2020 (Wed) 14:15:29 Id: 0e3bfd (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.82834 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>82837>>82852
You're going to need it.
A single user with some technical competence can trash an entire board (see BANG, and that's just someone with autism not even a bad actor.
You may find that there are periods where few posters use the board, and that makes it very hard to remove illegal material in real time.
some ambient light african starts dumping pizza here at 2 in the morning with a small botnet and you're in the shit already
Naming of forums is designed to make people afraid to use them, it's not rocket science.
Anyone can make whatever claim they like, and appeal to the authority of a national security agency.
The CIA for instance publishes a "factbook", and then leaves it for shills to misrepresent the data and claim the authority of the CIA.
The ADL does exactly the same thing to great effect.

This threat that people who use these forums will be arrested is designed to scare people off using them without giving grounds for retaliation.
So again, they intimidate, we refuse to be intimidated

Anonymous 11/11/2020 (Wed) 17:37:41 Id: 0dd886 (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.82837 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>82841
They've tried all you mentioned and a lot worse. 2017 was a complete shitshow of bot attacks here, but it was cleaned easily. The former BO and myself as Vol woke several times to hours of pathetic board rape. The most it ever took was one hour to delete it all and that was from the worst attack they could come up with. It's not hard to deal with it.

Anonymous 11/12/2020 (Thu) 00:12:14 Id: 0e3bfd (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.82841 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>82852
I'm glad to hear it, I guess it comes and goes.
I've been seeing some very interesting bots doing the rounds right now, instead of spamming or posting from a list they are re-posting content from the site so threads become this bizarre loop

Anonymous 11/12/2020 (Thu) 05:01:51 Id: 66020e (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.82852 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>82863
(23.50 KB 399x399 all_smiles.jpg)
> (see BANG, and that's just someone with autism not even a bad actor.
What's that?

>I've been seeing some very interesting bots doing the rounds right now,

Nah, it's not a bot. I've said it a dozen times but it's just one butthurt HIV+ faggot who hits other imageboards with his paid shill group. You can see me exposing him here >>79234 and here >>79135

You're welcome

Anonymous 11/12/2020 (Thu) 05:07:53 Id: 66020e (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.82853 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>The Department of Homeland Security was created by the patriot act which was copied from the enabling act during Hitler's reign. Even the name is copied from that act though the translation would be the Department of Fatherland Security.
>The agency was created to be a check on the FBI which is highly catholic.

Source on this?

>Ron Paul has a plan to deal with

And on this?

Anonymous 11/12/2020 (Thu) 05:27:04 Id: 0e3bfd (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.82863 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>who is BANG
An ameture who's shitting up 4pol, nothing of value was lost.
I think he earned a fairly unprecedented IP range ban

There's really no point trying to keep spergs out, they come and go

Anonymous 12/08/2020 (Tue) 12:08:04 Id: e1ab93 (1) [Preview] No.83187 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Accusing the political opposition o being terrorists is an age old tactic.

They just produce a highlight wheel of real terrorists and seed in supporters or fake supporters of the opposition.

Anonymous 12/12/2020 (Sat) 05:42:32 Id: be982b (1) [Preview] No.83216 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
If Americans are ever released from house arrest, they should go out and immediately photograph their neighborhoods.

The US will be reduced to rubble and look like Detroit by 2030 with burned out and bullet-pockmarked buildings.

There is no stopping this shitshow now.
Repeated message spammer

Anonymous 12/18/2020 (Fri) 08:34:52 Id: 8edac7 (1) [Preview] No.83245 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>83248>>83300
because why the fuck would neoliberal MSM praise a tinpot communist dictator? Just because a leader is hated by ZOG doesn't make him automatically good, if this was the case we would be sucking Xi Jinping's cock right now

Anonymous 12/18/2020 (Fri) 16:42:02 Id: 0dd886 (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.83248 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Note the video the anon you replied to completely ignored: >>76363

Anonymous 12/25/2020 (Fri) 09:42:43 Id: 2dc84b (1) [Preview] No.83299 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(60.16 KB 526x960 1569045700280.jpg)
Looks like another agency is going to have to start providing employees with psychological brainwashing sessions when they start realizing the truth and feel conflicted with their job of suppression like Facebook and Twitter had to do with their mods. Kek

Anonymous 12/25/2020 (Fri) 14:31:53 Id: 896b81 (1) [Preview] No.83300 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>83301
It doesn't make him good but it makes him a good counterweight to total Jewish world supremacy.

Anonymous 12/25/2020 (Fri) 15:18:02 Id: 0dd886 (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.83301 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(143.29 KB 960x924 weight counterweight.jpg)
Here's how that works out. Once again, see: >>76363

Anonymous 01/18/2021 (Mon) 16:44:10 Id: 2021eb (1) [Preview] No.83577 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Fuck DHS and all other children of Osama Bin Laden.

Anonymous 01/19/2021 (Tue) 06:42:51 Id: 2121df (1) [Preview] No.83590 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>83591
Americans don't care if the government forces Americans to use masks, helmets, seatbelts, kneepads, and airbags for safety, but Americans would lose their minds if the government decreed that everyone must carry guns for protection.

sage sage 01/19/2021 (Tue) 17:30:11 Id: 65e303 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.83591 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Ah, repeated message spammer. You're back. I stopped banning you on /news/ unless you peddle something that would definitely be said by jews. The same applies here. Again: no "the Gestapo are coming for us" (because the Gestapo were good people); no "concentration camps are coming for Americans!" (we should be so lucky, as the German model was LUXURIOUS); no "Americans think bad something about jews but blah blah" bullshit. Get it? Otherwise I'm sick of banning and deleting you but I'm still willing if you pull jew propaganda.

Anonymous 01/20/2021 (Wed) 01:27:08 Id: d64c1f (1) [Preview] No.83604 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>83605
All those American soldiers died for nothing if you don't stand up and fight for freedom today.

Anonymous 01/20/2021 (Wed) 09:38:03 Id: 97760b (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.83605 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>83610
No they gain glory, in the eyes of the Valkyries regardless of the foe. Glory in battle is gained by the ground upon which you stand and in what termw you fight for it. Patton fought Germans but knew fdr was pulling some shit.
Open question: could general Patton fight the lodges and credit powers of the kike syndicate?

Anonymous 01/20/2021 (Wed) 12:10:16 Id: 65e303 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.83610 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>83618
(4.82 MB 4488x4144 Patton.jpg)

Anonymous 01/20/2021 (Wed) 17:11:08 Id: 97760b (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.83618 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Holy shit, it just goes to show how new insight rises on the past.
This shit needs to be seen by all.
This motherfucker Douglas Bazata, killed Patton with a rubber bullet to the neck, AND WAS ON TH 9/11 COMMISSION. OSS ALSO RUNS SOTEMAYER OBUMMSKI JOEB I DEN NKVD POISONED HIM, RIP GEORGE WE MISS YOU.

Anonymous 01/20/2021 (Wed) 17:15:27 Id: 97760b (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.83620 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
There is no way any American can read the words of General George Patton and not be hearing it in his own voice, whilest laughing your ass off. His comments show the true clown college of what American jews did, and I didnt look but George probably didnt even get to see the sham called the Nueremberger Trials. ALSO his comments about anglo saxon respect for a man in his home, we don't have men like him anymore. But the truth written here becomes only more powerful over time.

Anonymous 04/03/2021 (Sat) 00:22:47 Id: 1611f8 (1) [Preview] No.84375 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>84377
People wearing masks are proof that Americans are not awake.

sage sage 04/03/2021 (Sat) 01:18:47 Id: 65e303 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.84377 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(234.30 KB 481x258 AIDSkike.png)
So by this logic, people in the UK or China or Australia or any other nation besides the United States who wear masks are proof that Americans are not awake. Now, I'm not saying the majority of Americans aren't asleep. Because holy shit, so many are. I'm one of those Americans looking on in disappointment as the average bluepilled idiot repeats jewish propaganda Yes in the Wachowski sense. They're literally jewed. But goddamn are you retarded.

Anonymous 04/04/2021 (Sun) 12:47:15 Id: 8fa0af (1) [Preview] No.84397 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>84406
Vaccine passports will be needed to vote.

Anonymous 04/05/2021 (Mon) 14:32:47 Id: 72cbbb (1) [Preview] No.84406 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
You wont be able to leave the country in a few years under “problematic political ideas”

Anonymous 09/30/2022 (Fri) 08:04 Id: de94b7 (1) [Preview] No.88747 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Americans think living in a police state is a victory.

sage sage 10/01/2022 (Sat) 15:36 Id: 52f87e (1) [Preview] No.88761 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>88763
you're still spamming us? really?

Anonymous Board owner 10/01/2022 (Sat) 16:46 Id: f89a75 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.88763 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Every day. AIDSkike spams this board and /news/ with his repeated messages sometimes only relevant years ago: Every. Fucking. Day. That shill really needs to get a life.

Anonymous 10/02/2022 (Sun) 21:37 Id: 6d4b49 (1) [Preview] No.88785 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>88786>>89055

Anonymous 10/03/2022 (Mon) 01:33 Id: f89a75 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.88786 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(58.08 KB 635x367 (1).jpg)
Well what?

Anonymous 10/18/2022 (Tue) 05:20 Id: 037019 (1) [Preview] No.89055 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 20:41 Id: a1b991 (1) [Preview] No.89266 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89272>>89868
(50.18 KB 683x501 IMG_0414.JPG)
>Endchan named in US Government declaration against white nationalist extremism
Yeah, and?

Anonymous 11/13/2022 (Sun) 04:06 Id: f89a75 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.89272 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
It was only news in 2019. Feds haven't done shit against this site since then besides lame attempts at entrapment. Trying to get us to buy illegal drugs, weapons etc.

Anonymous 11/22/2022 (Tue) 05:20 Id: b56ab7 (1) [Preview] No.89317 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89318
Americans scream toothpicks will never be outlawed because the price of building more prisons is too expensive, but did the costs of jails stop lawmakers from banning straws?

Anonymous 11/22/2022 (Tue) 05:51 Id: eeedc8 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.89318 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(90.42 KB 750x608 52.jpg)
Straws are not illegal. They're only banned from restaurants in Jew York and Commiefornia. They're still sold at the grocery store and usually available by request elsewhere. Nobody ever screams "Toothpicks will never be outlawed". What kind of special home for the mentally disabled are you living in from Tel Aviv?

Anonymous 11/23/2022 (Wed) 03:35 Id: c03da1 (1) [Preview] No.89324 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89336
Is Rand Paul the only American who still cares about freedom?

Anonymous 11/23/2022 (Wed) 13:58 Id: eeedc8 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.89336 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Apparently not. He's in (((your))) camp. Every American politician is desperate for that AIPAC money.

Anonymous 12/01/2022 (Thu) 07:24 Id: 575c57 (1) [Preview] No.89359 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89365
Americans said that they hated freedom 100 years ago because the environment was dirty, there were murders, and medicine was dangerous, but the US is now a police state and the environment is still dirty, there are still murders, and medicine is still dangerous.

Anonymous 12/03/2022 (Sat) 15:19 Id: eeedc8 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.89365 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89375
(147.28 KB 575x790 what.jpg)
Americans said they hated freedom in December of the year 1922?

Anonymous 12/06/2022 (Tue) 21:57 Id: 1175d3 (1) [Preview] No.89375 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
That dude has like nothing going on his life huh?

Like it's not even "trolling" or "raiding" us at this point. This is just sad

Anonymous 12/10/2022 (Sat) 04:54 Id: e3d1c7 (1) [Preview] No.89385 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Americans are slaves today and the police officers are the slave patrol.

Anonymous 12/10/2022 (Sat) 22:05 Id: 3c0f3b (1) [Preview] No.89390 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89834
If we had a free market, insolvent banks would not be bailed out and corporations would not get politically-favored government subsidy. If we had a free market, Jews and their puppet governments would not have monopolistic control over the entire economy. If we had a free market, consumers would decide whether or not they would ever drive electric vehicles or what medicines or vaccines they decide to take, or not to take - nothing would be dictated by Jews or their puppet governments. If we had a free market you would not need "higher education" (read: brainwashing) to get a decent job. If we had a free market, it would be just that, a market free from intervention. Free to allow average consumers to decide what to support... and what not to support. If we had a free market, boycotting Israeli products would not be illegal either. Competition in a free market would be 100% consumer-choice driven and directed. We DO NOT - I REPEAT - WE DO NOT HAVE A "FREE MARKET" TODAY.

That said, if you do support a true free market, go shop at your local farmers markets and support fellow citizens who live around you, those who produce things of value. Pay in cash and avoid digital transactions. :)

Anonymous 12/11/2022 (Sun) 12:35 Id: 5f050d (1) [Preview] No.89392 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89394
The elites want to make everything illegal so they can fill their private prisons and kill off the 99%, but life would be much better if everything was legal and people could travel, make money, go to church, go to school, and start businesses.

Anonymous 02/17/2023 (Fri) 01:26 Id: c1f6dd (1) [Preview] No.89834 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89874
Can you imagine an actual large economy without intervention, you paint this seemingly awakening post, but then its like what, the only way this is realistically feasible is if you have like 200 or whatever small economies in a nation/region and they all somehow organize and form alternative economies, imo

Anonymous 02/23/2023 (Thu) 04:28 Id: db30d8 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.89868 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>white nationalist extremism
It's not a thing though

Anonymous 02/23/2023 (Thu) 04:58 Id: db30d8 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.89874 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Can you imagine an actual large economy without intervention

Happened lots of times in history. I read that Venezuela had that happened. Pretty wealthy with everyone using it's oil reserves, but upper class and freemasons fucked everything up with mismanagement and carelessness. A shame, because it's a really beautiful country kinda like Brazil. Ironic since they more or less have the same issues. Lots of natural scenery to watch.

Anonymous 03/04/2023 (Sat) 17:11 Id: fcf360 (1) [Preview] No.89926 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

Anonymous 03/29/2023 (Wed) 17:55 Id: b69b96 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.90138 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>White supremacist violent extremists often scapegoat the Jewish people, voicing anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
Wow is that backward. More like "Jewish people scapegoat white supremacy for their premeditated Jewish antics."

Anonymous 03/29/2023 (Wed) 18:46 Id: b69b96 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.90139 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90143
>The virus
More like
>Our obedience...

Anonymous 03/29/2023 (Wed) 19:15 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.90143 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
It was our obedience, and many obeyed. Now barely anybody wears a useless mask while death-vax commercials play repetitively. Some stupidity from obedient lemmings carried over. Now imbeciles come to work with full-on Covid-19 infections and think wearing a mask that doesn't hold back or protect from any virus is good enough. Our governments are goddamn idiots and as a result, people are fucking idiots. This seems to never change.

Anonymous 07/07/2023 (Fri) 09:10 [Preview] No.90709 [X] del >>90714
The Cia are immortal by simulating thier hearts so as long as project blue book exists I suppose they'd continue being immortal
Let's merge

Anonymous 07/07/2023 (Fri) 18:59 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.90714 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I know the following is hard for the ZOG indoctrinated to comprehend: National Socialists are the sanest people on Earth. We defy crazy by our very natures. We have bypassed everyone else's insanity and gullibility. So when you visitors keep coming here with your /x/ tier insane bullshit, we will always reject it.

Anonymous Board owner 07/12/2023 (Wed) 07:06 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.90740 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(1.43 MB 1218x5236 Atomwaffen are Feds.jpg)
(571.88 KB 1024x682 atomwaffen.jpg)
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(91.03 KB 607x304 gasparro1.jpg)
There will be no more attempts at distraction by trying to suggest "good jews" (those do not exist) nor trying to associate real National Socialists with Atomwaffen. Not this thread nor any other on this board. Both can fuck off and die.

Anonymous 08/12/2023 (Sat) 19:00 Id: 48c8a0 (1) [Preview] No.90913 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90914
If you said that the government was wiretapping your phone in 1999, everybody would have called you a nutjob.

Now if you say that the government is wiretapping your phone, no one cares.

How can Americans sleep at night now or look in a mirror without feeling disgusted and ashamed?

Anonymous 08/13/2023 (Sun) 06:25 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.90914 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(63.25 KB 429x410 1418951324730.jpg)
I don't know, AIDSkike. How can you repeat the same exact messages verbatim, year after year, without feeling disgusted and ashamed?

Anonymous 08/13/2023 (Sun) 06:33 Id: 607fd8 (1) [Preview] No.90915 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90919>>90920>>90932
(150.95 KB 540x675 ALWAYS WAN-WAN.jpg)
I think all you BOYS need to calm teh fuck down and WAN-WAN.

Anonymous 08/14/2023 (Mon) 01:44 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.90919 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90920>>90963
(152.99 KB 850x1181 Weeaboo.png)
(83.26 KB 591x558 download.jpg)
(41.85 KB 500x375 8a7.jpg)
(82.19 KB 581x390 download (1).jpg)
>calls us BOYS
>WAN WAN, an annoying and brainless song
>is a weeaboo
Opinion discarded.

Anonymous 08/14/2023 (Mon) 08:06 Id: eef84d (1) [Preview] No.90920 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90921>>90963
(304.41 KB 570x625 1689416292048465.png)
(29.03 KB 258x330 1670191220592863.jpg)
>Weeb spotted in the area
Isekai yourself before you start chocking the chicken onto children
>Those dakimakuras
Someone is a pedofile and a very twisted one as he has attaction to lolita or still under the law characters, where is the hard alcohol i need to remove this from memory that i saw this

Anonymous 08/14/2023 (Mon) 11:36 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.90921 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90923
They're all pedophiles. Weebs are into lolis, which as I'm sure you know, are cartoon children. This is the shitty world we live in. The type of degenerate shit you'll see in in North America. Coming soon to everyone else's country, if not already.

Anonymous 08/14/2023 (Mon) 23:17 Id: 09f168 (1) [Preview] No.90923 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>I'm sure you know, are cartoon children
As someone who saw a lot of horrors beyond human comprehension (from their chocking the chicken moments to fantasies of theirs) yes
No bloody matter which cope they let go out of their degenerated mouth its still an child of the age of 5 at minimum and 12 on average
No matter if a fictional etc it wont add it on their cope any validation
>Coming soon to everyone else's country, if not already.
Its already there if you count also nations where anime is not normalized and still a niche genre

Anonymous 08/18/2023 (Fri) 03:10 Id: d13e1d (1) [Preview] No.90932 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90963
Hmmmmm I don't know if you're just being playful or trying to troll. Hard to tell

Anonymous 08/20/2023 (Sun) 13:12 Id: 2794f8 (1) [Preview] No.90963 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(15.92 KB 282x329 heh heh heh.jpg)

Anonymous 09/03/2023 (Sun) 07:47 Id: 62a226 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.91022 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91023>>91030>>91045
(176.81 KB 1280x880 1681494490413607.jpg)
>Some random tik tok fag speaking spanish
get. The. Fuck. Out
You literally fail even in your own propaganda painting anyone being something whom he fought against

Anonymous 09/03/2023 (Sun) 07:48 Id: 62a226 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.91023 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
https://www.bitchute.com/video/LOSsmoVmYusp/ [Embed]

Anonymous 09/05/2023 (Tue) 19:03 Id: d9cb0b (1) [Preview] No.91030 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91055

The guy that he cited is a Kike queer Tankie who spreads communist propaganda for Brown Latinx Swarthoid commies with zigger RT talking points about how ukranian "nazi-banderites" kill kikes in the fake holohoax


Anonymous 09/07/2023 (Thu) 03:26 Id: 556a81 (1) [Preview] No.91045 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(1.18 MB 500x347 sop.gif)
>tik tok

AHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHA underage b& detected

Anonymous 09/09/2023 (Sat) 18:45 Id: 62a226 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.91055 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Tankie who spreads communist propaganda for Brown Latinx Swarthoid commies with zigger RT talking points about how ukranian "nazi-banderites" kill kikes in the fake holohoax

Sounds like an mestizo america version of luboš blaha and thats an category by itself of that sperg controlled op

Anonymous 10/05/2023 (Thu) 21:30 Id: d6e87a (1) [Preview] No.91184 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91187>>91188
(326.24 KB 1920x1080 tyDZ2YA.jpg)

Anonymous 10/06/2023 (Fri) 08:17 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91187 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>muh mocking parenthesis
If you have something to say, say it so you can get the ban over with.

Anonymous 10/06/2023 (Fri) 10:31 Id: e46145 (1) [Preview] No.91188 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91321
(177.74 KB 2048x1536 p35pogrom2REX.jpg)
Then enjoy your haiti or favellas in brazil jude when aryans will dissapear

Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 03:09 Id: 482d9a (15)Prev Next [Preview] No.91321 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91326
Just like banana republics, a creation by anglo-saxon kikes.

Anonymous Board owner 10/20/2023 (Fri) 05:02 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91326 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91349
The quote I now scrubbed from your post was made up by Albert Speer in 1970, whom also claimed he himself was born with the sound of thunder and nearby church bells from a church that wasn't built yet. Speer was a known liar. The quote is a lie. You keep up this calling Anglo-Saxons kikes, fake anti-German Hitler quotes (proving you clearly despise Germans), and I'll ban your hispanic bullshit plus keep deleting everything you post whether you ban evade or not. Cut the crap. You know where you are.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 10/20/2023 (Fri) 05:05.

Anonymous 10/21/2023 (Sat) 14:18 Id: 482d9a (15)Prev Next [Preview] No.91349 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91350
(61.94 KB 714x644 1644457472137.jpg)
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(189.52 KB 1024x1024 1644457751981m.jpg)
(206.10 KB 1024x1024 1644457804179m.jpg)
(175.38 KB 963x1024 1644457841197m.jpg)
I'm only posting the images I'm moving from my /pol/ folder.

Anonymous 10/21/2023 (Sat) 18:38 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91350 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91351>>91352
(88.99 KB 655x343 Ango Saxons.jpg)
It wasn't just the image. Anglos were early German tribes. Saxons were entirely different. Eventually, that became combined into Anglo-Saxon. You called them kikes. Coupled with the false quote of Hitler by Speer, it revealed a German hating narrative. Hitler was never disgusted by the German people.
To this day, jews who have a German-borrowed name (such as the usual 'berg' but many others) are still not German. They are only descendants of infiltrating parasites.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 10/21/2023 (Sat) 18:42.

Anonymous 10/21/2023 (Sat) 19:20 Id: 482d9a (15)Prev Next [Preview] No.91351 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91352>>91353
(180.41 KB 1024x871 1648747458332m.jpg)
>You called them kikes
I wrote the 6-letter word "e_l_i_t_e_s" (take out the spaces), it was changed to "kikes".

Also, asking for pic related full res.

Anonymous 10/21/2023 (Sat) 19:41 Id: 66e580 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.91352 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91353>>91360
Do you understand you have a picture of an very old propaganda trick used in wars to demoralize troops used by everyone since the times that idea was concieved?

>German-borrowed name (such as the usual 'berg' but many others) are still not German
Altrough its a minor nitpick wasnt that trend decreed by Habsburgs?

Anonymous 10/21/2023 (Sat) 20:02 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91353 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91361
Ah, I didn't realize. AIDSkike is a one message spammer here who ban evades and supports the jewish holocaust fraud as if it was real, fearmongers about "concentration camps are coming" and begs for the cure for AIDS. Hence the name. He said "eli­tes" so much in deflection from jews in power, it had to be word filtered to kikes. My mistake. Reverse searching for that image brought only the same resolution

>Altrough its a minor nitpick wasnt that trend decreed by Habsburgs?
What, jews taking on German names or just the berg part?
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 10/21/2023 (Sat) 20:03.

Anonymous 10/22/2023 (Sun) 15:34 Id: 482d9a (15)Prev Next [Preview] No.91360 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91361
(185.31 KB 1024x1024 1697987527021176.jpg)
>demoralization propaganda
You misunderstand, it's to demoralize myself when Civil War 2.0 starts.

I have a whole folder with propaganda against my morality.
>pic NOT related

Anonymous 10/22/2023 (Sun) 16:18 Id: 66e580 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.91361 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91364
(233.30 KB 852x600 1613697406817.jpg)
(84.04 KB 1280x719 1613698073482.jpg)
>What, jews taking on German names or just the berg part?
the first one since in 1787 decree of austrian emperor was a thing
You misunderstand, it's to demoralize myself when Civil War 2.0 starts
a wierd method to remind yourself the zog shenanigans
just to show few examples pictures above were made by japanese and germans during the war using that trick (from far that i know british and US zog powers were using the same thing)

Anonymous 10/22/2023 (Sun) 23:44 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91364 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91446
>the first one since in 1787 decree of austrian emperor was a thing
And before that the Edict of Toleration which also included jews. Interesting. Disappointing to know an Austrian emperor was such a traitor, but not surprising given most world leaders are typically as pathetic.

Anonymous 10/23/2023 (Mon) 16:08 Id: 3ea2c4 (1) [Preview] No.91371 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91413
Americans are completely retarded now.

Americans scream that there's nothing wrong with Trump paying taxes to China if Biden did, too.

Americans think being groped by the TSA is just fine if Muslims are, too.

Americans say tyranny is wonderful if North Korea is a police state, too.
Forgot a line. The one who's most retarded is you.

Anonymous 10/27/2023 (Fri) 03:18 Id: 482d9a (15)Prev Next [Preview] No.91413 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91415
I think is the worldview presented by the media and internalized by a substantial number of people (not necessarily the majority).

Last 2 nights I was on Discord and we touched on this issue. My thesis was pretty much what I posted above.

Anonymous 10/27/2023 (Fri) 09:39 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91415 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91433
(42.10 KB 960x288 (1).jpg)
(34.00 KB 314x318 (2).jpg)
>Last 2 nights I was on (((Discord)))
Not surprising you're brown since you hang out on (((Jason Citron's))) "we'll ban you for hate speech" kikefest. You claiming everyone here is LARPing as white is division tactics. Checking your ID, you're that hater of Anglos (meaning Germans) promoter of "the Hispanic Empire". The same who promotes working along with Mexican beaners. You're not pretending to be white very well, m8. I called the suspicion you're not in the /SIG/ thread.

Anonymous 10/27/2023 (Fri) 22:16 Id: 482d9a (15)Prev Next [Preview] No.91433 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91437
That chat had 8ch oldfags, and the discord server was most Literature from the Anglosphere.

I only made that account a few days ago.

Anonymous 10/28/2023 (Sat) 11:37 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91437 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91442
Ok. All so you can LARP as white here or delude yourselves into thinking none of us are white. Got it.

Anonymous 10/28/2023 (Sat) 20:23 Id: 482d9a (15)Prev Next [Preview] No.91442 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91444
You make it sound like I'm an Anglophobe, even though I made this post: >>91439

Also, if you read that book, it's clear that the person who wrote the book series cannot be an Anglophobe.

Anonymous 10/29/2023 (Sun) 03:44 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91444 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91445
You made that post after my comment (everything's timestamped); you've put Anglo Saxons in triple brackets before; also said they have satanic hegemony. The post you made you're referring to is implying you're white after:
>/pol is for brown people who LARP as white
>Guilty as charge, I invented the "Aryan American" phrase, usually along the phrase "pure blooded" :^3
>My thesis was pretty much what I posted above.
It's like you think /pol/ has dementia with zero long term memory. Here, it's slow paced. We're not at Jimkike's 8moe.

Anonymous 10/29/2023 (Sun) 05:53 Id: 66e580 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.91446 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Austrian emperor was such a traitor
Habsburgs were able to do anything to keep relevancy of their already irrelevant dynasty even if it meant the death of nation

Anonymous 10/29/2023 (Sun) 14:13 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91447 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91449>>92379
>"flavors intermix"
That poem is promoting interracial sex while obsessing over whiteness. I saw it before, found it when you shared that other video poem.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=oHZ6LEmvggA [Embed]
I know it's not about a low carb diet and craving chocolate. These messages might be subtle and imperceptible only to morons. Which is why our modern era is in the state it's in. The masses accept absolute degeneracy because they're morons.

The moron masses accepting racial mixing plus homosexuality and every other non breeding plot with open arms will result with the Aryan male and female completely bred out in the future. The old will die. The young will vanish. The race will be gone. Then the world will have nothing but the browns. They'll tell stories around the campfire outside of mud huts of the white angels that used to exist.

Then they will grow up and murder each other because they're batshit insane. Browns are always on board for the Great Replacement because they think they can do better. They can't. I've lived in those neighborhoods, heard those gun-shots, knew about the deaths. I have witnessed the degree of apathy when their own are murdered by their kind. They only give a shit if it's a white cop or jew mass murderer they're too stupid to identify as a jew. All pale skin looks the same to them.

In the future, it will be brown vs brown on the civilian level as much as it is now. Not even cooperating with each other for any viable society. Rambling incoherently. Shitting in the streets. Ahriman winning once again over Ahura Mazda. Actual India is a character model.

Anonymous 10/29/2023 (Sun) 18:41 Id: 482d9a (15)Prev Next [Preview] No.91449 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91452
>flavors intermix
It's about the sensibilities, NOT races XD

Anonymous 10/30/2023 (Mon) 00:16 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91452 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91455
Sure, bud. Just like your "duty as a white man" who confessed he's brown LARPing as white. I have no idea why you shared that bit from Discord here. I will say asians are the exception. Intelligent, but that is the reason they're notoriously discriminated against in jewish ran universities. When the Great Replacement is done, they will be the only smart race left. The jewish gaze will then likely hone in on replacing them.

Anonymous 10/30/2023 (Mon) 03:08 Id: 482d9a (15)Prev Next [Preview] No.91455 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91459
(44.15 KB 639x480 1620973056021.jpg)
You're the only one with that interpretation... Race makes no sense, while sensibilities does.

>sweet become umami
changing sensibilities
>flavors intermix
weaving sensibilities

I wasn't raised protestant, so racial and sexual complexes are unknown to me.

Anonymous 10/30/2023 (Mon) 10:48 Id: d59a67 (1) [Preview] No.91458 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Americans are so batshit insane now that Americans scream buses must be banned because outlawing buses would be a life-saving measure.
You said that already, AIDSkike. Take your book of Hasbara repeated messages elsewhere.

Anonymous 10/30/2023 (Mon) 11:20 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91459 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91461
I was raised Catholic. Races have been referred to as flavors. Intermixing has meant interracial. Ok you meant something else, but it's not a stretch in the least when provided with past context.

Anonymous 10/30/2023 (Mon) 22:20 Id: 482d9a (15)Prev Next [Preview] No.91461 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91463
You're imposing an interpretation which doesn't fit its context.

Let's suppose "flavors" are races:
>I desire to bite you with my lips
A desire for an action:
>tasting sweet become umami
Sweet is Race X, and an individual from said race can transform into Race Y (umami).
>flavors intermix
Racial transformations, in this particularly case, take place with racial mixing (you might agree) but it can also happen separately.

Now, suppose "flavors" are sensibilities:
>I desire to bite you with my lips
A desire to bite a woman with one's lips so that...
>tasting sweet become umami
A sweet sensibility can willingly transform into a savory one.
>flavors intermix
This sensible transformation, in this particular case, takes place together with two people intermingling their sensibilities. Sensible transformations can happen with or without sensible intermingling.

Anonymous 10/31/2023 (Tue) 12:10 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91463 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91464>>91465
I guess, since I'm the only one who sees something sinister in intermingling and intermixing.
Or at least the only Caucasian witnessing that poem outside of a Discord full of brown people LARPing as white.

Anonymous 10/31/2023 (Tue) 14:26 Id: 482d9a (15)Prev Next [Preview] No.91464 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
That poetry discord was mostly Anglos, some were former 8ch users almost a decade ago.

Anonymous 10/31/2023 (Tue) 20:58 Id: ec63ed (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.91465 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91471
(170.35 KB 892x595 1696871417272069.jpg)
>'m the only one who sees something sinister in intermingling and intermixing
Nope as thats what kills civilizations and your race is a uniform that you cannot take off and paints you who you are and gives meaning

What does raceless product of mixing has? Nothing as he is neither one or second no identity only individualist hedonism or compensating that lack with grace if even considering it

Anonymous 11/01/2023 (Wed) 01:26 Id: 482d9a (15)Prev Next [Preview] No.91471 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91472>>91477
A people who fought off the whole world for +300 years and uniquely brought happiness everywhere they went :^3

Like the Flemish upper class (Hispanics) who protected the Flemish people against the jew-funded Calvinists during the 1500s. Or the Samurai (Hispanics) who came to America and later Europe to get the Japanese nations to unite with the Hispanic Empire in the 1600s. Or the Nutka people in Alaska (Hispanics) who joined the Hispanic Empire to protect America from non-Hispanic nations. We can also talk about the Filipino Heroes of Cavite (Hispanics) who fought until the end of the Hispanic Empire in 1898.

Flemish Civil War in English subs (auto-translate):
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZgwTS0f-Gt8 [Embed]

Anonymous 11/01/2023 (Wed) 04:02 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91472 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91474
(1.39 MB 1588x959 63.png)
(100.92 KB 638x416 Mud.jpg)
(185.30 KB 939x719 Sludge.jpg)
That's the problem with "Hispanic". It's just such an all encompassing word. The point originally supposed to be pertaining to Spain, the Iberian Peninsula. Now it's just every brown fucker who speaks Spanish. You seem to be afflicted with not only the same delusion, but even more confusion. The Philippines, like Mexico, were Spain's bitch. The Flemish are native to Belgium. Samurai were from the military class during Japanese feudalism. The Nutka were/are indigenous to Canada.

So many people you refer to as Hispanic are not at all. Just because they immigrated. Modern meanings are trash. Such widely encompassing bullshit. A black or a jew even if living outside of their origin for hundreds of years are not German nor Spaniard nor French nor any nation besides from where they sprung. All people belong to their nations of ancestral origin.

You are clearly gradually going to politely troll the cause of brown skins and mutts, which again was easily revealed by your Discord admission. "Mostly Anglos"? Yeah, browns who LARP as white while pretending to be Anglo.

Anonymous 11/01/2023 (Wed) 06:11 Id: 482d9a (15)Prev Next [Preview] No.91474 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91476
> Hispanic
> It's just such an all encompassing word
NO! It's has a very SPECIFIC definition: A person who belongs to Hispanidad.

That's like saying Italians (Latinos) are only those born in Rome or in Latio.

Or Hellinization never happened.

You seem to want to project and impose a NEGRO-LEGENDARY version of the Hispanic Empire, when the Hispanic Empire has been called "the Roman Empire purified by Christianity". How is mistreating people Christian?

The Hispanic people, first in Aragon and Castile (sometimes Leon) then Natives in America, were called "The Firstborns of God" because of the millions that sacrificed themselves to champion Christianity around the world. How can a people that don't do that ever be called something this sublime?

The term "Hispanic" has ALWAYS meant a person who belongs to Hispanic Civilization (Hispanidad). This is seen the 1480s, when Queen Isabel of Castile liberates the people of Las Islas Canarias and makes them Spaniards (a process that took many years). It's NOT automatic, it's civilizational.

Anonymous 11/01/2023 (Wed) 08:12 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91476 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
The Italians were Greek. Italiotes. The vast Roman Empire which incorporated them collapsed. Yet the peninsula conquered by Romans in time reverted to Italy which incorporated Rome. Italians have existed as incorporated citizens of Rome ancestrally. Yet are they Roman besides in the state of Rome anymore? What happens when Spain collapses and if, hypothetically - Navarre becomes the dominant state? Is everyone now a Navarri? Nations that have claimed Hispanics which immigrated. So now I supposed they are no longer Hispanic? Should Spain fall, Hispanic becomes what meaning? Nothing? When does the ancestry of blood stop mattering?

Anonymous 11/01/2023 (Wed) 10:11 Id: ec63ed (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.91477 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91478
(1.36 MB 1928x2374 9ec9.jpg)
(6.99 MB 2984x3712 8cd.jpg)
>Flemish upper class (Hispanics)
Sure laddy sure the bloody belgian ethnic group were a bloody beaners riding camaros and commiting drug crimes while blasting weeewowehuewoo music during larping they are visgoths and not a mutt from aztec tribe and horny conquistadore...

No hispanic in modern term is nothing but a smoke and mirrors on cheddarman tier modern hoax propaganda
No the mutt who was an result of concquistadores urge to wet his willy finally is not SPANISH
Beaner from brazil because SOMEONE COUDLNT HOLD HIS WILLY ON FREGATE is not aryan portugese but a mutt

>Inb4 querozathl or how he is called
Archeologically can be deducted he was just an aryan (and yet another evidence of downfall of the atlantis civilization and its refugees) who was by these tribes worshipped as god and became their babysitter just like other refugees
Same thing was with conquistadores

Race is an uniform you cannot take off and that comes from man whos nation was for centuries under rule of austria hungary and especially that second nation filled with bleached mongols on identity crisis and the jews ruling these as money and feudalism surprisingly goes hand in hand

Anonymous 11/01/2023 (Wed) 21:39 Id: 482d9a (15)Prev Next [Preview] No.91478 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91480>>91481
You keep posting NEGROLEGENDARY falsehoods against the Hispanic Empire, which promulgated mestizaje, in fact the Last Will of Queen Isabel mandates Native Americans and Spaniards to marry each other. Two beautiful examples, among millions, are:
1) Carlos Alonso Tito Atauchi, an Inca prince who married princess Constanza de Castilla Cava, a direct descendant of the King of Leon.
2) Beatriz Clara Coya, an Inca princess who married Martín García Óñez de Loyola, an accomplished man who was the product of the highest houses of European nobility (like the Borjia and the Loyola)
>pic related

As historiographer Elvira Roca Barea said, everyone married each other; Native Americans of low status married Spaniards of low status, and Native Americans of high status married Spaniards of high status.

There is a reason why Hispanics created the idea of World Peace (Universitas Christiana), and almost succeeded.

Anonymous 11/02/2023 (Thu) 06:59 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91480 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>A woman in charge dictated that Native Americans and Spaniards should breed together so interracial sex must be ok
Yeah no. If your entire purpose here is to keep promoting race mixing, you're on the wrong board. Find the Meta thread. Read rule 3. Doesn't matter if Isabel also promoted race mixing when it's a common jewish propaganda.

Anonymous 11/02/2023 (Thu) 14:32 Id: ec63ed (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.91481 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(1.53 MB 2130x2800 1694373757779308.jpg)
>You keep posting NEGROLEGENDARY falsehoods against the Hispanic Empire, which promulgated mestizaje
>fact the Last Will of Queen Isabel mandates Native Americans and Spaniards to marry each other. Two beautiful examples, among millions, are:
I sense lack of transparency here

>everyone married each other; Native Americans of low status married Spaniards of low status, and Native Americans of high status married Spaniards of high status.

Still a race mixing bratu and we see what happened to anyone who did that crime and especially in hungarian kingdom (how they literally bleached by slavic and german genes into europeans)
From egypt, brahmins of india to yugoslavia hungarian kingdom and now US and brazil racemixing produces an errors without nothing except of if aware of grace to compensate the lack of identity

Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 10:26 Id: 45b9d2 (1) [Preview] No.91677 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91680>>91699

Americans think being banned from buying coffee is a win.

Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 12:22 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91680 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I just bought coffee last night at the grocery store after work, you obnoxious twat.

Anonymous 11/20/2023 (Mon) 20:24 Id: 1ea6db (1) [Preview] No.91699 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91700
Commerce under jews is always bad.
Kill all jews first, and every single problem can be solved after that, when (not if) it happens.

Anonymous 11/21/2023 (Tue) 04:35 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91700 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91725
(49.86 KB 354x312 61.jpg)
The (((Psychological Warfare Division))) gave a blueprint from the fake holocaust. That whole gas and crematory ovens disposing of all evidence lie they made up is actually an instruction manual. Rope is more cost effective though.

Anonymous 11/25/2023 (Sat) 12:39 Id: ec63ed (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.91725 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>That whole gas and crematory ovens disposing of all evidence lie they made up is actually an instruction manual
More like a liability shield and instruction manual to apply that and rest is something called in psychology behaviourism
Long story short imagine pavlovs dog to get a picture what that thing is or if you have few hours to spare aaron kasparov on odysee has archived doc on it

Anonymous 12/11/2023 (Mon) 09:20 Id: 3b3fef (1) [Preview] No.91899 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91912>>91931
(1.05 MB 900x4450 white1.jpg)
(1.28 MB 800x9750 stoch1.jpg)
put me inna screen cap

Anonymous 12/12/2023 (Tue) 06:55 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91912 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(314.67 KB 637x731 KKK is jewish.png)
No. Kikes and Feds.

Anonymous 12/14/2023 (Thu) 22:09 Id: fcc6b0 (1) [Preview] No.91931 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
No thanks, "genuine user"

Anonymous 12/15/2023 (Fri) 13:55 Id: 61883a (1) [Preview] No.91941 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
We'll all be living in caves after everything is outlawed, but then you can be sure that living in caves will soon be banned in order to protect endangered bats.

Anonymous 12/16/2023 (Sat) 22:47 Id: 1d3d96 (1) [Preview] No.91948 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91949
homeland security is a kike.

ok and? i apologize to the endchan moderator who banned me for spamming a while back. i should have listened.

Anonymous 12/17/2023 (Sun) 00:43 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.91949 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(66.74 KB 314x220 89m5pk.jpg)

Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 16:33 Id: 5a6256 (13)Prev Next [Preview] No.92304 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(30.94 KB 680x686 hyperkek)
>Department of Homeland Security Strategic Framework for Countering Terrorism and Targeted Violence
>Countering Terrorism and Targeted Violence
More like instigating. How far up Sat*n's ass are their colossus-sized noses?

Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 16:39 Id: 5a6256 (13)Prev Next [Preview] No.92305 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(71.27 KB 1024x640 To do - Kek.jpg)
Did... Did NPCNN just expose itself by admitting a shooter (as most are) are (((one of their own)))?
I wish I could use the hyper kek Pepe I used in my first post a second time

Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 16:46 Id: 5a6256 (13)Prev Next [Preview] No.92306 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>8 G*ddesses
More like 8 blasphemers lmao
God be with you, Korea anon. The (((Synagogue of Sat*n))) will be judged soon enough enough with the rest of the world.

Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 16:53 Id: 5a6256 (13)Prev Next [Preview] No.92307 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(298.59 KB 500x373 Squidward Kek.gif)
Hover the mouse entity over your flag, JIDF. You said it, not us.

Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 17:06 Id: 5a6256 (13)Prev Next [Preview] No.92308 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92334
(307.59 KB 1600x1531 GIGACHAD HAYAO MIYAZAKI.jpg)
It's true that modern (((tr*nime))) is degenerate cancer engineered by shit-stains like H*rry Tr*man. However, old anime is pretty based, take Hayao Miyazaki for instance.

He is quoted as saying,
>"Almost all Japanese animation is produced with hardly any basis taken from observing real people, you know.
>It’s produced by humans who can’t stand looking at other humans.
>And that’s why the industry is full of otaku!"

Pretty based quote if you ask me.

Anonymous 01/27/2024 (Sat) 02:05 Id: a85a95 (1) [Preview] No.92334 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92348
Did he really say that? There's so many fake quotes from this guy I don't know who to believe at this point

Anonymous 01/27/2024 (Sat) 23:04 Id: 5a6256 (13)Prev Next [Preview] No.92348 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(28.53 KB 566x564 Ultrawide Hat.jpg)
The "Anime was a mistake" was a fake quote, which was apparently based off of the quote I posted in my last post

Anonymous 01/28/2024 (Sun) 09:31 Id: e1a5be (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.92368 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(212.01 KB 2254x644 image0-26.jpg)
>Ku Klux Klan was a great volkish movement in the United States.
No faggot, altrough kkk isint what is portrayed in hollywood as a dumb dumb portrayal of evil and its beginning was sparked by literal concern over not getting Haitied by niggers who were often majority in post CSA south calling them a volkish movement is as i would call Klement Gottwalds czechoslovak socialist republic a nationalist ethnostate...
KKK was anything but volkish

Anonymous 01/28/2024 (Sun) 20:02 Id: e1a5be (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.92373 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92375

>You call me a faggot yet you have images of trannies on tanks
this man never ever saw a meme with mocking context or that maus was useless project that shouldnt exist
> You're the faggot jew keeping memes with fat trannies
i accept your defeat fag
>You've also never been in an irl org so shut the fuck up.
yea yea fag whatever larp you will pull out
KKK is anything but not volkish
also KKK hunted town aryan citizens like irish (especially if catholic) italians germans etc. so... so much for volkish movement
kokot jebly

Anonymous 01/29/2024 (Mon) 06:32 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.92375 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92377
Wow. What a "Volkisch" movement devoid of Germans and so accepting of jews. KKK fag is gone now. Should he come back again, he will be banned again. I hope the pest wasn't our new arrival Pepe poster. I was starting to like that guy. Calling everyone on the board a kike is a JIDF tactic. It's also a fucking stupid idea. Suppose slinging shit around hits the Board Owner. Well it did. Brilliant strategy for the KKK dipshit.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 01/29/2024 (Mon) 06:39.

Anonymous 01/29/2024 (Mon) 22:59 Id: 5a6256 (13)Prev Next [Preview] No.92377 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92392>>92400
(120.52 KB 609x597 He Cute is Listening.png)
No, I know (((KKK))) was started by (((them))), the Germans even made a cartoon exposing the KKK as just another part of the US "culture" at that time, I can't find the picture because Startpage is based on (((Jewgle)))'s code or some shit but I think, you know the one, where the US is depicted can-can-dancing.

Anonymous 01/29/2024 (Mon) 23:21 Id: 5a6256 (13)Prev Next [Preview] No.92378 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Get the snake-oi I MEAN jab, goy!

Anonymous 01/29/2024 (Mon) 23:27 Id: 5a6256 (13)Prev Next [Preview] No.92379 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92396
(216.96 KB 680x168 CEO OF KABUL.png)
>Browns are always on board for the Great Replacement
Not true, LOTS of browns feel safer around Aryan gigachads like Hitler, including the Arabs and Indians who sided with him (and to this day look up to him and his ideas)

I guess, you mean the masses of NPCs, so you're not entirely wrong? I guess... Feelsbadman

Anonymous 01/30/2024 (Tue) 06:34 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.92392 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92402>>92403
I see your ID hasn't changed since I banned the pest - so it's clear he wasn't you. You'll probably be known as Pepe anon. There isn't another one here. See >>>/endpolmeta/109 for how long pests have made the paranoia real. Knowing you as the Pepe poster should help not to lash out with a ban. Or at least - since shills will try to be clever after reading this - I'll be more careful.

Anonymous 01/30/2024 (Tue) 07:44 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.92396 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92401
(811.90 KB 888x2588 truth1.jpg)
(396.30 KB 1186x1664 truth2.png)
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(1.13 MB 1187x3363 truth5.png)
The browns I was referring to are modern. Not just the average brown skins who have rattled off cliches my whole life like "White people dun did the slaveries" (Jews ran the Trans Atlantic slave trade) but also those who were very JQ aware. One of these was Damon of the Goyim Defense League. Before (((they))) killed him, he refused to believe in The Great Replacement, mass immigration replacing Americans and Europeans. He had a loyalty to his own race and wasn't pandering to any other. As is natural. I won't deny you're entirely right about that subject. Pics related. (((They))) were destroying his solid belief in Christianity with the "Jesus jew" hoax before I got him to see reason and reject (((them))). Before he was killed.

As for the batshit insane part, I was surrounded by lunatic beaner cholos, low intelligence negroes and pain in the ass mulatto feminists in my work environment. They're not all like this. I know. Even I fall for the race baiting sometimes and need to cut the crap. Jews are the prime enemy. None can be aligned until their influence is removed.

Anonymous 01/30/2024 (Tue) 17:48 Id: e1a5be (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.92400 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92401
(1.67 MB 736x992 proxy-image (5).png)
>as just another part of the US "culture" at that time
The poster which you search is called kultur terror
No need to thank me as thats just a petty archive folder opening

Anonymous 01/31/2024 (Wed) 04:41 Id: 5a6256 (13)Prev Next [Preview] No.92401 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92410
(261.93 KB 920x1239 Roman Pepe.jpg)
I became fascinated with that part of the world (also the Finno-Ugric places, which if I'm not mistaken both Finland and Hungary in Europe proper were both allies of Germany) when I started learning about (different) language families.
Another interesting thing to note is that Germany was actually _kinder_ to Sub-Saharan Africans (like in the Olympics, for instance) than America.

There, THAT's the picture I wanted to show another anon to prove I knew that the (((KKK))) was of (((them))) and not a "volkish uprising" or whatever AIDSKike claimed it was (and that the Germans knew this, hence drawing that picture). Ty anon

Anonymous 01/31/2024 (Wed) 05:18 Id: 5a6256 (13)Prev Next [Preview] No.92402 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(132.93 KB 390x390 He Cozy.png)
(74.54 KB 800x443 Roman Forum.jpg)
(203.87 KB 680x446 EVROPA.png)
(150.28 KB 634x881 Rare Colour Picture.jpeg)
Thanks anon, and I'll try to post more than just Pepes, it's kind of hard to find the pics I really want sometimes

Anonymous 01/31/2024 (Wed) 05:36 Id: 5a6256 (13)Prev Next [Preview] No.92403 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(48.11 KB 474x410 Revelation 2 verse 9)
(41.08 KB 480x360 Dracula in the Flesh)
(349.96 KB 1800x1198 (((FEDERAL RESERVE))))
(291.23 KB 499x583 Happy Snake Oil Merchant)
Okay, I've checked out >>>/endpolmeta/109, based purge and conquest. If more mods were like you on other chans and there was less (((JIDF))) and traitors, the world would be a MUCH better place.

One time I got banned on /his/ (on 4cuck) for mentioning the frickin' (((Federal Reserve))), as if something from 1913 isn't historical, absolute wtf moment. Guess (((the mods))) on 4cuck didn't want people discussing the (((money handlers)))

Anonymous 02/01/2024 (Thu) 11:06 Id: e1a5be (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.92410 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92414>>92417
(1.53 MB 3000x1755 1705862336720872.png)
(106.29 KB 1024x613 1705862956275253.jpg)
>was actually _kinder_ to Sub-Saharan Africans (like in the Olympics, for instance) than America
Yes because unlike in US and others whatever directly or by proxy of central banks had its racial laws set on racial conciousness and protection a bit simmilar to madisons grant passing of the great race or present dog or horse breeders altrough the last wxample is used to screw the nature and not elevate
Altrough it was a thing and you as non aryan had option to work in germany you werent deemed as citizen and was under foregin legislature until you got honorary aryan (in case of aryan immigrant you had to revoke your native citizenship and if marrying outsider like czech citizen lost german one and had to get the other one, bring confirmation in form of family tree and was measured a bit according to the law) permission to have some citizens rights and priviledges like voting altrough you were still not granted to interbreed as act of racial disgrace (one of the 3 nurmberg laws)

You may ask what about foregin volunteers.
On that i say these werent also segregated but apparently own autonomy within formation with often officers of your nationality is considered segregation in this days

Anonymous 02/02/2024 (Fri) 06:46 Id: 5a6256 (13)Prev Next [Preview] No.92414 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92420
(86.60 KB 1000x1000 Israel Immigration.png)
Yeah no, I agree that the races should have their own countries (including Europeans, which Jews seem to see as their biggest rivals for whatever reason), just saying the "Allies" were hypocrites and liars framing National Socialist Germany as doing *the exact thing the US was doing*. But then, same with the whole "supremacy" thing. It's (((Jews))), _to this day_, NOT Germans (at any point in history), that believe their race is supreme.
And yeah, I know that Germans didn't look down on Slavs, and actually saw them as victims of (((Communism))) (which was correct).

>The second picture
>Correlation between conservatives and low I.Q. to prejudice
Uhm... Do Jews really want to play that stupid game? Guess it's different when they're the "prejudiced conservatives"

Anonymous 02/02/2024 (Fri) 09:28 Id: eeedc8 (33)Prev Next [Preview] No.92417 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I'm going to interject because of the second image there.
>The People's Front - Monty Python
A prediction of our (((modern world))). Funny back then. Only too familiar now.

Anonymous 02/02/2024 (Fri) 10:49 Id: e1a5be (5)Prev Next [Preview] No.92420 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92421
>just saying the "Allies" were hypocrites and liars framing National Socialist Germany as doing *the exact thing the US was doing*.

Yes and that was on margo of that infamous hypocritical projecting from zionists on NS germany because retards think nobody will ever look why jews were separated and later intercepted to camps and why NS germany enacted racial protection laws according to its sacred teaching of blood and soil
>Do Jews really want to play that stupid game
Yes because they will never change in their ways since its confirmed that israels IQ is worse (and i mean tolerating that generous cheat they put into their results where minority of inteligent foreginers boost their average stats) than for example in czechia slovakia etc.

Anonymous 02/02/2024 (Fri) 18:39 Id: 5a6256 (14)Prev Next [Preview] No.92421 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(51.23 KB 680x738 Smug Bees.jpg)
>Rabbinical Satanism "Conservatism" good, ANY OTHER CONSERVATISM BAD
Well in (((their))) own words "conservatives have le epic low IQ" so I hope they're okay when what they deal is dished out to them

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 15:39 Id: 14c55a (1) [Preview] No.92564 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92573>>95563
The American govedrnment is the enemy. The world is for White people only.

Kill all federal agents and their families.

Anonymous 02/11/2024 (Sun) 15:45 Id: eeedc8 (35)Prev Next [Preview] No.92573 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
That's just what Federal agents want you to try so they'll have a reason to kill you. You want to get Ruby Ridged? Fine. Focus on the Feds and not the kikes. (((They))) are only going to rub their hands together after you're shot to pieces. A news story about yet another labeled their favorite term. "White Supremacist". Then they get more power because they've realized how much grasp their eternal victim complex grants them from the sympathy of the masses of gullible fucking morons. Kikes bribes the rest and it's business as usual.

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 23:53 Id: 4ccfdd (1) [Preview] No.92742 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92745>>92746
(2.82 MB 2592x7058 1693095471698637_1.jpg)

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 08:40 Id: 7862b0 (1) [Preview] No.92745 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Just a friendly reminder if you are ever called incel they actually when screaming it mean you are angry native who refuses to accept his death caused by measures made to demographically undermine and eradicate subject races
Before this mess in which we are there werent what is refered as incel and only a tiny fraction of population were confirmed banchelors hell even historical figues or even your great grand parents who wouldnt pass the present looks standarts had wifes that looked better than them and had families

For those who still didnt figured it out and still play this game of "i must be vegan, have mercedes and 500k on account 180cm and 15cm dick" dont play and none of this chaos is your fault and you are only undermining yourself for the "society" that hates what and everything you are

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 08:42 Id: eeedc8 (35)Prev Next [Preview] No.92746 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
That is the type of thread this board needs. You should have pasted everything said there as a new thread. As an infographic copy of a pre-existing thread, only a few here are even going to read it. tl;dr is the issue we face in a world of fucking idiots being the majority.

Anonymous 12/21/2024 (Sat) 03:24 Id: 8e0b6e (1) [Preview] No.95563 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(134.59 KB 1024x576 1734048121474.jpg)

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