10/30/2019 (Wed) 22:03:30
Id: 36ae08 (1)
No. 76506 [Hide User Posts] [X]
It's ridiculous how desperate these kikes have gotten, to reach a point where they need to utilize false-flag operations in order to shut down a few relatively obscure websites visited by few hundred actual right wingers at best. I'm surprised no one tried to expose the glowniggers yet. One could act mentally unstable and at the breaking point, make some search queries about guns, explosives, etc., the usual triggers, look up some mosque or synagogue on Google maps and wait. Once a friendly "fellow right winger" appears to tell you how they are a resistance movement and how you need to shoot up some place, and that they might be able to provide you with a weapon(s) to do it, play along until you get as much intel on them as possible (incl. pictures, fingerprints, persona information, movement, behavioral patterns etc.) and then report them to various agencies. They all work for ZOG, but due to compartmentalization, at least one will go somewhere with the investigation and you might be able to obtain some of their findings by regular, or less conventional channels ... Whatever one would manage to obtain, would be posted on chans. There are many fine details to this, but it could have multiple positive effects. First of all, if their tactics are fully exposed and violence discouraged chan-wide (not only on this one, in general), and someone goes on with it anyway, they will have much harder time framing free speech platforms for it because a) potential perpetrators were warned b) potential perpetrators were discouraged c) any idiot who is not an "asset" would think twice before doing something stupid (hopefully) Secondly, every ambitious glownigger would want to suck up to the "jew in command" and this could be used to get some of them at each other's neck. Get the media, other countries, various honeypot groups etc. involved for bonus points. The more mayhem, the better. It would, in turn, make false flag operations much harder and more costly. Not only financially. Thirdly, they need a right wing hysteria. It's part of a project to keep the general population in line. Also, glowniggers are slowly becoming obsolete. Talmudic endgame has not much room for them (unless they are Jewish or a computer script). By exposing these actions, even the thicker of them will begin realizing that most of it was a stage, on an international level. When most "racially motivated murders" perpetuated by whites or "whites" turn out to be an elaborate Jewish plot (with a margin of error reserved for mentally unstable idiots that are unfortunately not lacking in these circles), they will begin adding two and two.